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Zeta Rules that Apply
Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Are you asking the Zetas to address the entire "White Hat efforts"?
Yes. I mean in general. The mention of Putin was just an example, extremely unfortunate on my part.
The New Madrid rip and the subsequent European tsunami are but moments away.
Good afternoon, everyone. I will rephrase this question. How many people who are now in the potentially dangerous zone of New Madrid know about the approaching disaster? Have they received the message that we have been trying to convey to the public for many years? After all, we have gathered here for this. And will the Council's decision depend on whether people have received a message about the approach of New Madrid or not?
"How many people who are now in the potentially dangerous zone of New Madrid know about the approaching disaster? Have they received the message that we have been trying to convey to the public for many years?"
The Zetas says that more than half the populace is now a contactee, over 4 billion people worldwide, and I think more now as that was a couple years ago. So YES those people have been informed. But bear in mind that per the Zetas 50% go into denial, and refuse to contemplate what is coming.
"And will the Council's decision depend on whether people have received a message about the approach of New Madrid or not?"
No, though many things have been done in the past to avoid heart attack and going insane, as the Zetas say. For instance in the past simulating the seasons was done after the Earth stopped in her orbit in 2003. Then the % of contactees rose rapidly from 12,000 to the current 4 billion or more. ( I gather that at this time the urgency is to get Nibiru acknowledged, if not in the media then by the common man who is strong enough to deal with reality. They would not be taking the steps they are taking if their thinking was otherwise.
Andrey Eroshin said:
How many people who are now in the potentially dangerous zone of New Madrid know about the approaching disaster?
I gather that at this time the urgency is to get Nibiru acknowledged. Is this recognition to be achieved before the New Madrid or after, if adjustment should happen very soon
So YES those people have been informed. Why then do we need a recognition of Nibiru if the contactees are informed of her presence?
This issue came up on the weekly Moderator Skype and the answer from the Zetas was that the New Madrid would take about 3 weeks to unzip, starting within 2021 this year and lobbing over into January 2022. The visibility would go HAND IN HAND with this, increasing over that time period. This fits all previous ZT so will not need to be a new ZT. The last posted ZT said "We have stated that the New Madrid unzipping is but a moment away, but if the goal of the Severe Wobble is to break the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru, some degree of wobble must occur that would counter the elite blaming the Sun or Global Warming. Nibiru itself must be visible, to the entire world, so that it is clear that the public has been denied the truth. "
In answer to your question why did we need visibility if they have been informed. We've had that for several years and how many self-sufficiency sites do you see? People lack courage of conviction and this is not going to change. The world, as you know from prior ZT percentages on STO vs STS vs undecided is very immature. Until there is public acknowledgement/awareness, those who want to start survivor camps are shy to act! I get the email all the time, if friends and family will not join, then stalemate.
Andrey Eroshin said:
I gather that at this time the urgency is to get Nibiru acknowledged. Is this recognition to be achieved before the New Madrid or after, if adjustment should happen very soon?
So YES those people have been informed. Why then do we need a recognition of Nibiru if the contactees are informed of her presence?
Accepted as a general question about how people with subconscious knowledge act and react when presented with situations that apply. This has never been outlined within ZetaTalk. This will encompass all my responses on this matter.
Andrey Eroshin said:
So YES those people have been informed. Why then do we need a recognition of Nibiru if the contactees are informed of her presence?
How many people who are now in the potentially dangerous zone of New Madrid know about the approaching disaster? I gather that at this time the urgency is to get Nibiru acknowledged. Is this recognition to be achieved before the New Madrid or after, if adjustment should happen very soon. And will the Council's decision depend on whether people have received a message about the approach of New Madrid or not?
[and from another]
Why is the Council of Worlds intent upon breaking the elite's cover-up over the nearby presence of Nibiru and its pending passage? Even with well over half
the world's population informed of these facts during contactee visits, there is scant evidence of preparation for safety by the public. Where are the self-sufficient survivor camps on high ground and well inland? Where are the city dwellers doing container gardening and learning how to collect seed? Why are these contactees, long ago informed, waiting?
Subconscious knowledge
will most often not result in action when this knowledge is in conflict with what the conscious perceives. Given that the elite have almost complete control over major media outlets, the cover-up over Nibiru is not only tight, it is comprehensive. Combined with death threats against any in the alternative media who dare mutter the Nibiru word, the man on the street hesitates to look the fool. Family and friends ridicule anyone claiming that Nibiru is real and even visible.
We publicly announced toward the end of November that the Council had approved and scheduled a Severe Wobble, and almost daily evidence of this has emerged. We have also predicted for some time that the New Madrid unzipping would occur before the end of 2021 or very early 2022. To encourage the public to have faith in the ZetaTalk prediction, the Council has also approved more specificity in our predictions. Rather than just a sequence of events along a vague timeline, we are being allowed to relay more details.
Thus we are now detailing that the New Madrid unzipping will occur over a 3 week period, starting toward the end of 2021 and overlapping into 2022. This will come up from the Gulf, travel up the Mississippi River and along the East Coast Fault Line, and finalize under the Seaway. As previously detailed, the Council has also approved interference with the Media coverage, so their false stories
will be suppressed. Visibility of the Nibiru Complex will be increased, in a manner we will not yet divulge. Many with subconscious knowledge are then likely to spring into action.
Prior ZT:
We have stated that the New Madrid unzipping is but a moment away, but if the goal of the Severe Wobble is to break the cover-up over the presence of Nibiru, some degree of wobble must occur that would counter the elite blaming the Sun or Global Warming. Nibiru itself must be visible, to the entire world, so that it is clear that the public has been denied the truth.
Prior 1/11/2003 ZT:
Many contactees, most of whom do not even know they are contactees, sense they have a role to play soon. We have referred to the subconscious knowledge of this, where the role might be in conflict with the contactees existing life, as timed-release information. One day, the contactee notes a news cast, or hears comments made by friends, or sees the weather turn suddenly unseasonably warm, and the trigger has been switched to on.
Prior 7/11/2015 ZT:
If there were 12,000 contactees in 1998 and close to a billion in 2012 and if fully half the Earth's population of 7 billion people were contactees by mid-2013, then what is the count today? Of course, the approximate count of a billion Star Children incarnated on the globe does not count, as they are our peers, not our contactees. If 3.5 humans were contactees by 2013, this count has risen to 4.2 billion, with the remaining 1.8 billion of low intelligence or in regions of the world not drastically affected by change so curiosity does not impel toward giving The Call.
After a long decade, the 7 out of 10 events have almost completed. The New Madrid adjustment and the European tsunami are but moments away.
The 7 out of 10 phase has been overlapping with 8 out of 10 phase for some time, but I don't think we have entered a "full" 8 out of 10 yet. The Zetas have long stated that the 8 out of 10 events include increased visibility, and societal changes. The Zetas have also said that the 8 out of 10 events will include "continuous plate movements", but they have never explained what that entails.
Now the Zetas, have been allowed to be more specific in their predictions. The pole shift will occur somewhere in 2026, and surely, we will have entered a full 8 out of 10 phase next year. The 8 out of 10 phase is going to be a long phase and will go on for years.
Are the Zetas now allowed to describe what geological changes will take place during the 8 out of 10 phase? Thank you.
Accepted from the standpoint of the unexplained ZetaTalk statement on "continuous plate movements". Blending of the seasons and lots of migration has been addressed within ZetaTalk and in the Newsletters. They have been allowed to be more specific on their predictions but only in the area of breaking the Nibiru coverup, not everything else in the Universe. Do they warn people that a tornado is about to touch down?
Kamil Rak said:
The Zetas have also said that the 8 out of 10 events will include "continuous plate movements", but they have never explained what that entails. Are the Zetas now allowed to describe what geological changes will take place during the 8 out of 10 phase?
Beyond the 7 of 10 Plate Movements we have implied that there would be restless plates up until the time of the Pole Shift. We have implied continuous movement for the Indo-Australia Plate
which is under continuous pressure to rise on the eastern end near Australia. This is because it is the brake restraining all other Plate Movements. We have implied that the West Coast of N America would be subject to a continuous moderate tsunami threat
because of a compressing Pacific. We have also stated that the Antarctica Plate
is free to move while it gradually pushes new land up between the tip of S America and Africa.
We also stated that beyond the 7 of 10 Plate Movements that some continents would shift so that they would have a different alignment
with each other. What continents might those be? Given a shortening Pacific and a widening Atlantic, there will be an increasing void in the South Atlantic. While S America is lobbing its bulbous top to the West, the tip of S America floats up into the South Atlantic, thus laying this continent on its side. Africa does a similar tilt to the East so that it likewise is laying on its side. This allows Antarctica room to push New Land to the surface.
Continuous Plate Movement is happening for Eurasia, which is being pulled toward the East by the compressing Pacific. The new inland bay we have predicted to rip open from Persia to the Ural Mountains will steadily change the landscape. This tension can also be seen in the seemingly endless shaking at Tiksi, Siberia just East of the Urals. The N America Plate and Eurasia Plate connect along Siberia and down to Japan, but when the New Madrid allows the Mainland portion of N America to slide down into the Pacific, this will distort the Siberian connection. This action, to essentially rip Eurasia into pieces, will allow the Far East to drift closer to Alaska, virtually eliminating the Bering Straits as a water barrier.
Prior ZT:
We have hinted that continuous plate movement will be a factor during the 8 of 10, but declined to give more details on location or extent of such movement. We have stated that the 8 of 10 will also involve sociological factors, without getting into specifics other than to point to the Arab Spring. We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.
Prior ZT:
We have described the 8 of 10 as being a phase where some parts of the globe are continually in motion, without rest. In that the Indo-Australian Plate is the brake, holding all other plate movement back, it is certainly one of those places.
Prior ZT:
We mentioned during the 8 of 10 discussions that there would be some shifting of plates during the 8 of 10 such that the alignment of continents to each other would change. The Antarctic Plate is one that is relatively free to move, not being locked on any side.
Prior 11/27/2010 ZT:
Where the 7 of 10 is not expected to generate severe tsunami for the Pacific Rim, the 8 of 10 has not been detailed as yet beyond the mention of continuous plate movement in some areas. Since the Pacific will be shortening, it goes without saying that there will be tsunami included in the 8 of 10, as we detailed for Puget Sound recently.
How will the New Madrid rip and the European tsunami impact the economies of countries in Europe and the US?
Is there a financial collapse coming? Is it time to head for the hinterlands?
Declined as the outcome is obvious and has been addressed in one way or another within the body of ZetaTalk.
"How will the New Madrid rip and the European tsunami impact the economies of countries in Europe and the US?" Major cities have been placed along coastlines or river bottoms for easy acess to fishing and easy transportation of goods. Thus they are within reach of a tsunami. Anticipate an increase in refugee camps but not much else as the elite in Europe think only of lockdown to keep the populace from chasing them in anger of their lies about Nibiru.
"Is there a financial collapse coming?" Yes, bank failure long predicted but soon the public will ignore foreclosure demands or repayment of debt. Police and courts will not chase them. Bankers will have to find anohter way to feed themselves besides staring at the meaningless spread sheets.
"Is it time to head for the hinterlands?" If you live along the coastlines, you should already be there.
Kamil Rak said:
How will the New Madrid rip and the European tsunami impact the economies of countries in Europe and the US?
Accepted from several email sources. Dynamite confirmation from FAA and ISS!
December 15,2021 Sarasota, FL 12:08 PM. Thanks for those who pointed this out! Looks like another crop circle comes to life!
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
This appeared yesterday like something new. What would this be?
[and from another]
[and from another]
I also happened to be watching the live Dragon docking at the ISS the other day, and this image only came on screen for a brief moment when they switched cameras. I think they realized they'd made an oopsie and so quickly switched to the correct camera, or one where everything behind the docking craft is blacked out, but if this isn't Nibiru then what else could it be?
[and from another]
[and from another]
With positive confirmation from 4 sources - ISS, FAA, Eclipse Crop Circle,
and Mario's photos we can see that the Nibiru Complex has taken the shape of a cross in a circle the Planet of the Crossing. This was one of the Annunaki symbols for Nibiru, along with the Winged Globe symbol. The Annunaki Gold mining operations used these shapes as a timing clue for when Nibiru would arrive and pass, as they are distinct and reliable. As can be noted from Mario's photos, Nibiru and its Dominant Moons that form the Double Helix have recently organized themselves into the cross in a circle arrangement.
What does this mean? Most distinct in the FAA and ISS images is Nibiru and its Dominant Moons forming the start of the Helix. The 3 bright orbs show up in both the FAA and ISS image, and are consistently visible in Mario's photos. They form an arc, but what is the material in the center of this arc? The N Pole of Nibiru is currently pointing downward, so the view from Earth shows the view down along the Double Helix. Both Dominant Moons have trash and minor moons trailing behind them, caught in a gravity and magnetic draw. Thus the Helix continues for some distance.
When Nibiru is pointing its N Pole directly at the Earth, as is increasingly the case, then the Helix is in a stable position, showing the circle. But what of the cross in the center? The trash in the center of the circle is normally organized such that it is following one of the Dominant Moons, having been captured by gravity or magnetic attraction.
In a static posture, looking down along the Helix, this might be a blur, but the constant retrograde swirl of the Helix causes crowding and a resultant reach across the circle to the opposite side. The regularity of this reach forms the cross-bars in the center in the circle.
Prior ZT:
Eclipse photos are not designed to reveal the Nibiru complex, as taking photos of the Sun requires that a heavy filter be used to protect the camera lens. Thus, the sky during an eclipse that takes place during the day seems to be black. Hardly the appearance of the sky during the day. Nevertheless, several photos clearly show Nibiru at approximately the 4 o'clock position to the Sun. The Crop Circle design laid the day before at Mud Lane pointed the public to look for the Planet of the Crossing just outside the area assumed by the Sun and Moon. Alberto's latest photo on June 12 shows many aspects of the Nibiru Complex, and they compare almost exactly to the Mud Lane Crop Circle laid on June 9 - the day before the Solar Eclipse on June 10. The Circle Makers showed the anticipated location of Nibiru - the Planet of the Crossing - with an X
Prior 2001 ZT:
Why do the moons trail, and spin in a slow whirlwind behind Planet X, rather than orbit the planet? Where there are a number of moons orbiting a planet, they position themselves like the planets around a sun, at a comfortable distance from each other to avoid collision, as the repulsion force is in operation between the moons, which are of relatively equal size, too. In essence, the positions are determined because one moon says "I am larger than you, and I wish this position of closeness to the planet, so you have to move." In moons that have found themselves trailing their planet, this bumping takes the form of increased circular motion. Thus, the moons of Planet X, having assumed a swirl that perpetuates itself, remain in a dance behind Planet X
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