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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 67091

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Posting this story about white hat Biden having to wear a boot (Like McCain, Hillary), just in case.

Hello Nancy and Zetas.

Further to the recent ZetaTalk on the silver Utah monolith, there are now reports that this monolith has disappeared.

Can the Zetas please provide an update on its whereabouts and why it was removed?

Does its absence mean that the 7 of 10 Plate movement progress is no longer being slowed in the Utah region?

Thank you for considering these questions.


Mysterious silver monolith disappears from Utah desert

A mysterious silver monolith that was placed in the Utah desert has disappeared less than 10 days after it was spotted by wildlife biologists performing a helicopter survey of bighorn sheep, federal officials and witnesses said.

“We have received credible reports that the illegally installed structure, referred to as the ‘monolith’ has been removed from Bureau of Land Management public lands by an unknown party,” on Nov. 27, BLM spokesperson Kimberly Finch said in a statement. The agency did not remove the structure, she said.

The Utah Department of Public Safety said biologists spotted the monolith on Nov. 18, a report that garnered international attention. It was about 11 feet (3.4 meters) tall with sides that appeared to be made of stainless steel.

While Utah officials did not say specifically where the monolith was located, people soon found it on satellite images dating back to 2016 and determined its GPS coordinates, prompting people to hike into the area.

Reporters with The Salt Lake Tribune hiked to the spot on Saturday and confirmed that it was gone.

Spencer Owen of Salt Lake City said he saw the monolith Friday afternoon and camped in the region overnight, but as he hiked to the area again on Saturday people passing him on the trail warned him it was gone, the Tribune reported. When he arrived at the spot, all that was left was a triangular piece of metal covering a triangular-shaped hole in the rocks.

“I was really bummed,” said Owen, who posted a video on his Instagram. “It was so pretty and shiny. I wanted to go see it again.”

Riccardo Marino and his girlfriend Sierra Van Meter were traveling from Colorado to California on Friday and decided to stop and see the object after finding the GPS coordinates online.

“This was just a once-in-a-lifetime experience that we couldn’t miss out,” Marino told KUTV.

On the way, they passed a long-bed truck with a large object in the back and he said he joked “oh look, there’s the Utah monolith right there,” he said.

When they arrived at the spot, it was gone.

Steve Adams said he left Helper, in central Utah, at 7 a.m. Saturday to drive to the area. When he arrived and asked someone for directions he was told the tower was gone. He and some friends made the hike anyway.

“It was pretty disappointing,” he told the Tribune. “We were really excited to go down and have an adventure to see it. It feels like it was everybody’s and then it was nobody’s. It’s gone.”

Spencer Owen Instagram

Utah’s desert obelisk has disappeared

Barely a week after it was found, Utah’s mystery obelisk has vanished.

The tower of stainless steel in a remote alcove in San Juan County attracted international attention after wildlife biologists caught a glimpse of it from the air earlier this month. The obelisk even has its own Wikipedia page.

Unfortunately for anyone who was hoping to make the pilgrimage to see it in person, it has disappeared.

The Salt Lake Tribune went to the former location of the obelisk Saturday to confirm its absence. All that was left of the tower was a triangular metal piece that used to be on top and a hole where the base of the tower stood. There are trails and tracks in the area around the obelisk from the many visitors who have come to see it over the past week.

The Bureau of Land Management says it did not remove the obelisk.

“We have received credible reports that the illegally installed structure, referred to as the ‘monolith’ has been removed from Bureau of Land Management (BLM) public lands by an unknown party,” said BLM spokesperson Kimberly Finch in a statement to The Salt Lake Tribune. “The BLM did not remove the structure which is considered private property. We do not investigate crimes involving private property which are handled by the local sheriff’s office. The structure has received international and national attention and we received reports that a person or group removed it on the evening of Nov. 27.”

Colorado resident Riccardo Marino told The Salt Lake Tribune that he drove eight hours through the night to get to the obelisk. He said he was 30 minutes from the trailhead at 10:40 p.m. when he saw a truck with a large, rectangular object in the back driving away from the site. He said he finished the trip to the site and found that the obelisk was gone.

“(It was a) very eerie feeling, arriving in the moonlight to nothing there,” he said.

Another disappointed visitor was Salt Lake City resident Spencer Owen.

Owen was able to see the obelisk Friday afternoon. He camped in the region overnight and decided to visit the structure again on Saturday. As he was hiking toward it, people he passed along the trail warned him it was gone. Sure enough, when Owen got back to the site of the obelisk around noon, all that was left of the tower was the one triangular piece of metal on the ground.

“I was really bummed,” Owen said. “It was so pretty and shiny. I wanted to go see it again.”

He said the obelisk excited a lot of people. He even saw person in an ape suit around the area in an apparent reference to the film “2001: A Space Odyssey,” which features a similar structure.

Steven Adams said he left Helper at 7 a.m. to drive to the obelisk on Saturday. He asked for directions when he got to the dirt road that leads to the obelisk and was warned that the tower was gone. Adams and some friends decided to hike in anyway.

“It was pretty disappointing,” he said. “We were really excited to go down and have an adventure to see it. It feels like it was everybody’s and then it was nobody’s. It’s gone.”

He said he had hoped that maybe the people who warned him that it was missing were mistaken. Adams said the other people he saw on the trail were equally disappointed.

Barbara Warnock, a friend of Adams, said she is putting whoever took the obelisk on “the naughty list.”

“I think it was kind of a rotten thing to do,” she said.

Courtlan Gordon, a 26-year-old filmmaker from Los Angeles, drove through the night Friday with three of his friends in an attempt to reach the obelisk.

“The fact that [the sculpture] became so viral was what drew me to it,” he said. “I think with the pandemic there wasn’t that much going on. Everyone’s been home for the whole year and then you get this weird random news that makes people want to get outside and see it.”

The group only heard about the sculpture’s disappearance after making the 17-hour drive.

“We didn’t believe the guy who told us when we were hiking up the canyon,” he added. “We were like, ‘There’s no way.’”

But even with the change in circumstances, Gordon said the trip was worth it. “It’s just such a cool anomaly,” he said.

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 30, 2020

Utah monolith

This Utah monolith was not intended to be discovered by man. Is it similar to the humming boxes placed by benign aliens along fault lines to slow the progress of the 7 of 10 plate movements? This is indeed its purpose, but why is it placed in the center of the N American continent? The Council of Worlds determined to delay the New Madrid adjustment until the 2020 Presidential election in the US was a settled issue. During the current 7 of 10 Plate Movements, the San Andreas has been very active, but this has not seemed to affect land to the East. This monolith and many similar monoliths are the reason for the delay.

Accepted. Same thing happened to the humming boxes. They disappeared. 

Matt B said:

Further to the recent ZetaTalk on the silver Utah monolith, there are now reports that this monolith has disappeared.

Further to the recent ZetaTalk on the silver Utah monolith, there are now reports that this monolith has disappeared. Can the Zetas please provide an update on its whereabouts and why it was removed? Does its absence mean that the 7 of 10 Plate movement progress is no longer being slowed in the Utah region?
[and from another]
Looks like the monolith is gone now! Made a lot of news here and internationally! I guess our friends figured the humans had seen enough for now.  
[and from another]
Could also be a lie to keep people out of there.   or maybe aliens just used a cloaking device.
[and from another]
Seems like Utah monolith is you know why and how ? What happened? 
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
Mysterious Silver Monolith Disappears from Utah Desert
November 30, 2020
A mysterious silver monolith that was placed in the Utah desert has disappeared less than 10 days after it was spotted by wildlife biologists performing a helicopter survey of bighorn sheep. The ‘monolith’ has been removed from Bureau of Land Management public lands by an unknown party. The agency did not remove the structure. While Utah officials did not say specifically where the monolith was located, people soon found it on satellite images dating back to 2016 and determined its GPS coordinates, prompting people to hike into the area.
[and from another]
Spencer Owen Instagram
[and from another]
Utah’s Desert Obelisk has Disappeared
November 28, 2020
All that was left of the tower was a triangular metal piece that used to be on top and a hole where the base of the tower stood. There are trails and tracks in the area around the obelisk from the many visitors who have come to see it over the past week.
[and from another]

As with the evidence of humming boxes found along fault lines in 2012, this evidence was only allowed to be discovered so the public would understand why our predicted pace of the 7 of 10 Plate Movements had been slowed. In 2010 we predicted that after the Sunda Plate in Indonesia lost elevation, that the S American Roll would proceed post haste, yet it is only in 2020 that it is completing its roll. We also predicted that the New Madrid would start unzipping by the end of 2020 but recently the Council of Worlds has ruled that this should be delayed so that the Trump administration could secure the 2020 election without disruption.

In both cases, we secured our devices by teleporting them into our ships. This is instantaneous, and leaves no trace. Many of our constant contactees - those who are in daily contact - are very familiar with teleporting. This method uses dimensional shift from 3D to 4D, and coordinates, so that even a steel vault would not be a barrier to our reach. For the Utah Monolith, we left a triangular piece of steel at the location, to abide by the Element of Doubt rule. This metal triangle is not composed of alien metal, but human steel, thus.

Prior ZT:
This Utah monolith was not intended to be discovered by man. Is it similar to the humming boxes placed by benign aliens along fault lines to slow the progress of the 7 of 10 plate movements? This is indeed its purpose, but why is it placed in the center of the N American continent? The Council of Worlds determined to delay the New Madrid adjustment until the 2020 Presidential election in the US was a settled issue. During the current 7 of 10 Plate Movements, the San Andreas has been very active, but this has not seemed to affect land to the East. This monolith and many similar monoliths are the reason for the delay.


J A said:

Posting this story about white hat Biden having to wear a boot (Like McCain, Hillary), just in case. 

[and from another]
Seems a little suspicious "Biden" suddenly reported with a broken foot and needing a walking boot for several weeks! Big week(s) coming up, not sure this could work if they're considering having "Biden" back out of this or if its too soon for Zeta's to comment. 
[and from another]
It was just announced in the MSM that Joe Biden has an ankle injury from walking his dog. He is now said to be wearing a walking boot. Flashback to John McCain and Hillary Clinton wearing boots when under house arrest by the tribunals & the Junta. It was said the military has seized the CIA election servers  in Frankfort Germany by Generals in the know. Also complicating this matter it is said there were deaths of American Soldiers involved in the raid. It stated that President Trump won by a landslide and these servers show the proof.  Is Joe Bidens double now under arrest?
[and from another]
Joe Biden 'Will Likely Require a Walking Boot for Several Weeks' After Spraining His Ankle
November 29, 2020
It is anticipated that he will likely require a walking boot for several weeks.
[and from another]
Haspel not in Attendance at latest Trump Intelligence Briefing
November 13, 2020
The meeting, organized by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe, excluded Haspel. A senior administration official told CNN that her exclusion was not a good sign for the CIA chief even if her presence is not normally mandatory.

Is the public being prepared for a stunning announcement? We stated when the Junta inserted a White Hat Biden Double to replace the Black Hat Biden Double that the whole Biden campaign had become “an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI”. We stated when the Junta chose to allow the 2020 election to proceed with the Biden Double on the ballots as the Democrat candidate that a “massive election fraud sting operation” was in process. Because the US is presently under Martial Law, those arrested are sent to Gitmo for Tribunal trials. But because the Junta does not want the American public to learn of its Martial Law status as yet, these proceedings are kept secret.

How does this work? There were many options for the 2020 election to proceed in a manner that would deliver President Trump – the only legitimate candidate – to a second term. One option was to have the Biden Double withdraw at the last minute, negating all ballots for Biden. Another option was to have recounts in the Democratic cities - Milwaukee, Detroit, Philly, Atlanta, and Las Vegas – show President Trump the winner. As the results show, they have chosen to continue to lie by including illegal ballots. Yet another option was to have the courts demand transparency, but they are repeatedly dismissing valid lawsuits so the evidence cannot be presented.

Even the Kraken evidence that could be presented in Georgia and Michigan will not be allowed, we predict, but instead these court cases will be dismissed. Such cases have the possibility of rising to SCOTUS, but time is short because the Electors are scheduled to meet by mid-December. Is there another avenue? Biden’s boot is to signal the public that he has been put under arrest. He is not the President Elect until the Electors meet, and per law, a felon cannot assume office. By presenting the American public with the Kraken evidence, along with a Haspel and Biden arrest, the 2020 election dilemma would be resolved.

Prior ZT:
The Biden campaign is now officially an under-cover sting operation, under the FBI, and thus is legal. The Biden campaign has been running a fraud on the American people, which is illegal. FBI investigators caught the Biden campaign setting up illegal mail-in ballot schemes in several states – bribing postal workers and securing signed voter rolls from poll workers. This was enough to arrest all involved for treason. The perps are now at Gitmo awaiting trial, including the real Biden.

Prior ZT:
A massive election fraud sting operation is in process. Will these crimes be brought to justice in the public eye? Unlikely, as this would diminish public confidence in the voting process. But the Tribunals will be busy, and the counts will be set right.


I am writing about the "sudden" collapse of the Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico over the last few months.  There has been enormous amounts of quake activity on the Caribbean plate lately as South America finishes its roll.  Is this to blame?  Attached is the USGS admitted quakes for the last 30 days over magnitude 2.5.



These islands in the Caribbean are earthquake central lately. Yes, they are to blame. Those big dishes are not well braced, not grounded well, and all it takes is ground movement and ... down they come. 

Shaun Kazuck said:


I am writing about the "sudden" collapse of the Arecibo Radio Observatory in Puerto Rico over the last few months.  There has been enormous amounts of quake activity on the Caribbean plate lately as South America finishes its roll.  Is this to blame?  Attached is the USGS admitted quakes for the last 30 days over magnitude 2.5.


Accepted via email: 

In my wanderings, I took a look at this site and went down a page to this. Interesting!
[and from another]
[and from another]
We Made it to the Last Month of a Historic Year
December 1, 2020
Talk of CIA Director Gina Haspel being redirected to another realm was on the lips of many people. We don’t have confirmation of the disposition of the Haspel traitor yet. All we know is that she was relieved of duty so there is a “regime change” in the rogue CIA and that’s a very good thing. Gina Haspel who apparently sang like a canary en route to GTMO and decided she wants to work for the White Hats. A common remark from those in the know is, “once CIA, always CIA”.
[and from another]
Troops Rally around Trump as Final Showdown Begins
November 30, 2020
We are also hearing from CIA and Pentagon sources that CIA Director Gina Haspel is on ice, literally after being caught in the recent firefight in Germany over the election servers with the special ops going up against agency hired guns. The entire agency is being vetted globally top to bottom.  A massive change is occurring.  There are many disappearances taking place.

We can confirm the rumor about Haspel’s arrest. The US Military intel Kraken team had been recording the illegal vote theft that occurred on November 3, and knew EXACTLY what servers at what locations were key to the theft. These had long been under observation, covertly, by the US Military. When the CIA realized they were about to be implicated, they prepared to swoop in and wipe the server, but found the way guarded by covert US Military ops. Haspel flew there to throw her weight around. She was also relying on hired contractors.

Haspel has a deep history with the CIA and in her experience the US Military would have stepped aside and allowed the CIA to seize their property, thence to wipe the server. The theft not only happened on her watch, it happened with her cooperation. She anticipated the CIA would be returned to its former glory under the Biden win, as the blackmail they have on all the Democrats is extensive. Though it is reported that Haspel will return to DC, a cooperative, this seems an unlikely outcome. Who would trust her?


It seems more and more monoliths are showing up all over the world.  Is this the establishment doing what they do with crop circles and sowing confusion or trying to say they are all man made?  Or is something else going on?


The Romanian Monolith at the city of Piatra Neamț

Caption said: -Translated from Romanian Language:


 The universe chose: These days our city is once again in the world's attention, and this time it's nothing scary, nothing scary. 
Or at least, there is no reason to panic for those who believe that there is still life in the universe. Piatra Neamț hosts a
mysterious object. My guess is that some naughty and terrifying alien teenagers have left home with their parents' UFOs
and started planting metal monoliths around the world."

From Direct Link:

The California Monolith at atop a mountain in Atascadero, California


"“The three-sided obelisk appeared to be made of stainless steel, 10-feet tall and 18 inches wide. The object was welded together at each corner, with rivets attaching the side panels to a likely steel frame inside,"

From Direct Link:


An article came out today about the increasing shipping times across the Panama canal.  This article seems well timed with the issues involving Puerto Rico's telescope.  They are claiming that weather is partly to blame.  As the Caribbean is instrumental in South America's roll and its part in the New Madrid adjustment, is this article hinting that shipping across the canal is unable to proceed or is close to that point?


Accepted from the Planet X Photos blog: 

Could these be the String of Pearls or Lomonosov explosions?
[and from another]
[and from another]

Both Alberto and Manuel have recently captured Petrol Bubble Masses
in their photos. Combined Petrol Mass clumps can appear to be as large as a planet when the Monster Persona effect
is present, making the clumps seem larger than they are in reality. As Nibiru turns to point its N Pole more directly at the Earth, the vast tail of Nibiru blowing out from the N Pole is coming closer to the Earth. Seen on the horizon after the Sun goes down, these illuminated Monsters can be alarming. Yes, they will burn, and when there is no oxygen with which to burn they will seep underground to form oil deposits.

Prior ZT:
Petrol Bubbles create their own light bending phenomenon for several reasons. Oil catches and distorts light, thus the rainbows that form on oil spills. Large Petrol Bubble clumps turn the light beams round and round, so they appear to be a large mass. This is not the Monster Persona phenomenon, which is simply light rays heading out into space pulled back to a gravity sink to form the illusion of a large ball. The Petrol Mass shows the actual boundaries of the Petrol Mass.

Prior ZT:
Monsters are in fact light rays that have been captured and bent back to the source, thus they seemingly display a large object.


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