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  • Twitter: @NancyLieder1
  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
  • Research the ZetaTalk WebSite and use the Search Engine dedicated to the site. Check the prior ning chats archives or the prior GLP chat archives. This Search Tips Primer will make you an expert after only a quick read.

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  • If Nancy indicates that your question is “accepted” then it will be answered.
  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
  • Answers will be posted monthly to the ZetaTalk websites. The discussion will be closed with a new discussion opened for the following month at that time.
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Ning Rules that Apply

  1. No debunking and disruption. Debunking and disruption will lead to suspension.
  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
  3. This ning does not focus on religion or politics, so these types of questions will be declined as a distraction from the issue at hand.
  4. ZetaTalk only. Posting of or discussion regarding material alleged to be channeled or otherwise relayed by entities other than the STO Zetas to anyone other than Nancy Lieder of is not allowed on this site

Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 31527

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

These riots have anti-immigrant sentiments as their main basis. 
[and from another]
What Happened in Sunderland?
Hundreds of people gathered in Sunderland for a planned protest in the wake of the Southport stabbings. Axel Rudakubana, 17, has been charged with murdering Alice Dasilva Aguiar, nine, Bebe King, six, and Elsie Dot Stancombe, seven, the attempted murder of 10 other people and possession of an offensive weapon. The killings prompted widespread anger across Britain - fuelled by misinformation about the suspect's identity. A false name and a suggestion that he was Muslim spread on social media - allegedly from a Russian news website - and generated momentum among far-right thugs who have used the killings as an excuse to target mosques and run riot.
[and from another]
UK Parliament Passes Rwanda Asylum Law as Sunak vows flights will Start in Weeks
April 23, 2024
Sunak said the government had booked commercial charter planes and trained staff to take migrants to Rwanda, a policy he hopes will boost his Conservative Party's flagging fortunes before an election later this year. Tens of thousands of migrants - many fleeing wars and poverty in Africa, the Middle East and Asia - have reached Britain in recent years by crossing the English Channel in small boats on risky journeys organised by people-smuggling gangs. Under the policy formulated two years ago, and agreed with Rwanda, any asylum seeker who arrives illegally in Britain will be sent to Rwanda under a scheme the government says will deter Channel crossings and smash the people smugglers' business model.
Sunak's team hope the pre-election pledge will help turn around his electoral fortunes, particularly among wavering Conservative voters who want to see less immigration. Polls suggest his Conservative Party will be badly beaten in this year's election by Labour, which has said it will scrap the scheme if it wins power. Labour says it will pursue a deal with the European Union to return some arrivals to mainland Europe.
[and from another]
What is “The Great Replacement” and Why is it Dangerous?
The Great Replacement conspiracy theory is a white supremacist, xenophobic, and anti-immigrant concept that posits white people are being replaced by immigrants, Muslims, and other people of color in their so-called “home” countries. The conspiracy often blames the “elite” and Jews for orchestrating these changing demographics. The Great Replacement was conceived of by a Frenchman, Renaud Camus, who popularized the idea in his 2011 book Le Grand Remplacement.  The concept spread like wildfire in Europe, particularly through the sprawling transnational white supremacist group Generation Identity and its social media accounts.
[and from another]
The ‘Great Replacement’ Theory, Explained
September, 2021
On Sept. 22, cable television host Tucker Carlson provided his own theory as to what was happening at the border. In a segment titled “Nothing About What’s Happening Is an Accident,” Carlson said that current U.S. border policy is designed to ‘change the racial mix of the country. ... In political terms this policy is called the ‘great replacement,’ the replacement of legacy Americans with more obedient people from faraway countries.” Carlson concluded that President Biden’s policies with regard to the Haitian migrants have put the U.S. on a “suicidal” path.
[and from another]
Noncitizen Voting, already Illegal in Federal Elections, becomes a Centerpiece of 2024 GOP Messaging
May 18, 2024
In recent months, the specter of immigrants voting illegally in the U.S. has erupted into a leading election-year talking point for Republicans. They argue that legislation is necessary to protect the sanctity of the vote as the country faces unprecedented levels of illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border.
[and from another]
Prisoners to be Released after Serving 40% of Sentence to Alleviate Overcrowding
July 12, 2024
Prisons have been at more than 99% capacity for most of the time since January 2023, with concerns the system is about to collapse. Prisoners who have served 40% of their sentence will be released to help alleviate overcrowding

When we described the stages that would occur as the globe approached the pending passage of Nibiru. We described Plate Movements for the 7 of 10 phase, sociological changes for the 8 of 10 phase, and the Last Weeks for the 9 or 10 phase. We are now fully into the sociological changes
we predicted for the 8 of 10, which includes weather changes to the extent that there would be a blending of the seasons with increasing drought and deluge, crop and resulting food shortages, and the press to migrate.

The elite are aware that Nibiru is the cause of the migration push, but rather than share this information with the common man they have become opportunists. Motives among the elite are to use migrants as a Militia to be used against rebellious citizens, as was proven by a German engineer’s death bed confession.
Or to bolster a voter base as the Biden Administration has been doing by passing out Social Security cards along with Ballots to illegals. A stealth takeover of a country could also occur due to migration changing the cultural norms.

The UK has had an endless influx of immigrants crossing the English Channel, with a commensurate increase in crimes to the extent that prisoners were released early recently as there was no more room in the prisons for them in the UK. Sunak’s plan to send unwanted immigrants to Rwanda was too little too late. The people in the UK exploded in protest on August 3. Will this start a new phase? Phased, or hidden Martial Law is intrinsic to the process, as full-blown Martial Law could incite its own protests. Political changes will occur as they assist the military takeover, with scapegoats and White Knights duly assigned.

Prior July 2010:
Those who have survived the 7 of 10 or 8 of 10 cataclysms will sort out into camps, as we have described, of those determined to survive and taking action, and those preferring denial. Deals or agreements made before the major Earth changes, what we have described as the 7 of 10 or 8 of 10 stages, will certainly be broken. All treaties are, eventually.

Prior March, 2011 ZT:
These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter.

Prior March 2011 ZT:
All this is overshadowed by the general trend, which we have predicted, for migrations to be resisted between and even within countries. The wealthy, landowners and corporations, will resist migrations within a country to their areas. Those countries that will be under water or in a polar zone will likewise find a deaf ear turned toward their pleas to allow their citizens to migrate to safer areas. Countries will be closing their borders, and be aggressive in defending them against a tide of desperate people. Those countries that are poor and have long and relatively indefensible borders may thus find themselves overrun. The tide of migrants will flow in any direction that does not resist. In all countries, the wealthy and politically powerful will have already arranged for their own safety. To the extent that arrangements have been made for a number of such moves, those with political connections will assume such a move for themselves also. All this is subject to change, as the sociological changes accompanying the 8 of 10 Earth changes play out. 

Prior October, 2011 ZT:
But we have been vague about the 8 of 10, and deliberately so. A strong goal of all working on the Earth's Transformation is to have the cover-up break, and having the cover-up artists taken by surprise, taken off guard, is a tool to be used. We have hinted that continuous plate movement will be a factor during the 8 of 10, but declined to give more details on location or extent or such movement. We have stated that the 8 of 10 will also involve sociological factors, without getting into specifics other than to point to the Arab Spring. We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.

Prior 9/14/2023 ZT:
Has the newly elected PM of Italy - Giorgia Meloni - been replaced by a Double? She took a hard line against immigrants prior to her election and seems to have softened her policy since. She also looks younger. As we stated in 2016 when a dying German engineer reported he worked on bunkers under Germany, equipped for Muslim immigrants instead of for the citizenry of Germany, the EU elite wants the young immigrants to be their militia in future. They are doing double speak re immigration thus. Yes, Meloni was replaced as her view was not in line with the EU elite.

Prior 10/1/2016 ZT:
Merkel has been an aggressive proponent of bringing in Syrian refugees, who seem to be disproportionately young men rather than complete families with women and young children and the aged. This begs the question, why did these young men desert their families? The suggestion made by this German engineer, in his deathbed confession, is that this refugee welcome is deliberate, to sculpt the population into a worker force rather than a citizen base demanding social services. The refugee influx into Europe has proved to be a disaster, with an aggressive counter push to keep refugees in their homeland, to be resettled there. Was this Merkel’s plan, and has it failed? Yes.

Hello again,

Nancy, Zetas and Moderators

it appears there is a concerted effort for attacks against the Dark Judge and ZT Followers accounts

are you able to authenticate the ZT Followers account and some insight behind the attacks?

Many thanks in advance 


Muzz said:

it appears there is a concerted effort for attacks against the Dark Judge and ZT Followers accounts. Are you able to authenticate the ZT Followers account and some insight behind the attacks?

It appears there is a concerted effort for attacks against the Dark Judge and ZT Followers accounts. Are you able to authenticate the ZT Followers account and some insight behind the attacks?
[and from another]
My Account on FB was deleted, now I'm seeing this on X. What's going on?
[and from another]
WE ARE UNDER ATTACK!  Our accounts on FB are being deleted. NO WARNING—Poof, Gone. Our electronic devices are now being hacked and disabled. We are receiving personal threats and intimidation tactics from people pretending to be family members , and, now we are seeing this on X.
What's going on? Is it something we said? We must be over the target!
[and from another]
[and from another]

As the revelation
that Nibiru is a real and present danger approaches, the Nibiru coverup is going into panic. Putin and his associates are prepared to announce this to the world with evidence from their astronomers along with images from their probes. The Prongs
are expected to confirm all this, as will numerous private sources who have been tracking and imaging the Nibiru Complex for years. This connects the dots for the public who have watched the Daily Earth Wobble create havoc on Earth.

At the helm of the Nibiru coverup is the WEF/Rothschild banking network and the wealthy elite who live on interest from the debt slavery they have demanded. BRICS offers an alternative with reasonable interest rates, and is thus a secondary threat to the Rothschild banks. Knowledge of Nibiru’s presence and pending passage will incite those living along coastlines to want to head inland to the hills, abandoning their mortgages. The wealthy elite fear losing their perch as bank failure and riots and a crashed economy will evaporate wealth.

In all of this, ZetaTalk has been the bearer of the unwanted message. Remove ZetaTalk and there is no Nibiru, essentially. Coming with proven accuracy and precise predictions, the public has been encouraged to go look, and there is the interloper. Takeover attempts fail due to the Mirror Sites and international fame that Nancy has garnered. ZetaTalk is free and widely available. Thus in anticipation of the Nibiru announcement, the Nibiru Coverup is focusing on preventing the legitimate spokespersons from access to the mic. They will be silenced.

The ZetaTalk team has been experiencing relentless attacks in the form of hacked personal computers, email takeover of family members who set about to scold the team member for their support of the ZetaTalk message, death threats to the team member or their families that include precise name and location of the victim, being banned on FaceBook or TikTok or X for unexplained or trivial reasons, and identity theft attempts. All this will ease when the Nibiru announcement is made, a battle no longer needed. Meanwhile, wear your attack as a badge of honor! Hang tight team.

Prior 2/10/2024 ZT:
As we stated on the morning the Interview was to occur, the big bomb being recorded is the truth about Nibiru – that is exists, has come into the inner Solar System, and is the factor causing the increase in quakes and volcanic eruptions as well as the wobble weather. Russia of course has proof, as does the Junta. Concerned that the common man is not being informed so they can prepare and take steps for their survival Putin has threatened to announce the presence of Nibiru from Russia unless the Junta promptly does this. The original of Tucker’s interview is being held in Moscow, for safe keeping.

Nancy & Zetas thank you (tears)
Are the Zetas able to pinpoint the hackers as the Judges believe it is a global pedo group that they have been gaining evidence on them with the assistance of Hancock CSNZQ.
I am aware of the rule of non interference, & wonder if the Zetas are able to narrow the net for the Judges?
I am also aware it may only be a matter of time before Special Forces pay this group a visit in the dead of night. Time is not on our side and a poll of those on X in the know would put the call for this to be so

Declined becauase we work behind the scenes with intel, 

Muzz said:

Are the Zetas able to pinpoint the hackers 

Why have the stock markets suddenly crashed around the world 
[and from another]
Great Reset
[and from another]
What Is the Great Reset?
Imagine a not-so-distant future where you own nothing and have no privacy. It’s a cashless society where everyone must use digital currency and possess a digital ID while living under the rule of a tyrannical global government. All supposedly in the name of diversity, equity, inclusion and fighting climate change. it may sound like something straight out of George Orwell’s chilling novel, 1984. Yet today, some very powerful global players, led by the World Economic Forum and with the enthusiastic backing of Western leaders, major corporations and the UN, are promoting this radical transformation of society. They call it “The Great Reset.” 
[and from another]
[and from another]
August Is a Really Hot Month
So Joe Biden economic advisor steps down. You have five trading platforms shutdown. Multiple brokerages are down. Now mind you the war with Israel and Iran hasn't even started yet. And almost $2 trillion has been wiped out from the US markets so far just 15 MINUTES since the opening bell. On top of this news the NASDAQ hits a record, down 1000 points on the day, something that has never been done before.
[and from another]
Stocks Sink with Bond Yield and Dollar on Recession Fears
August 5, 2024
Global equities suffered heavy losses on Monday as Wall Street joined a global stock rout that started in Japan while the dollar tumbled against the yen and U.S. Treasury yields dropped on concerns about a recession in the United States.
[and from another]
Plunge Protection Team (PPT): Definition and How It Works
November 24, 2020
The "Plunge Protection Team" (PPT) is a colloquial name given to the Working Group on Financial Markets. Created in 1988 to provide financial and economic recommendations to the U.S. President during turbulent market times, this group is headed by the Secretary of the Treasury. The Plunge Protection Team, composed of high-ranking government financial officials, reports directly and privately to the president of the United States.

While BRICS is ascending
the Israel banking network is rapidly going bankrupt. Without the regular debt payment the Federal Reserve
formerly paid, Israel lacks the funds and clout to bribe and intimidate, and they fear annihilation. Thus they have become more aggressive, opening simultaneous fronts with Hamas and Hezbollah and Iran. While refusing to acknowledge their bankruptcy, the Israeli banking network has been claiming prosperity under the Biden Administration. Thus, a huge bubble grew in the markets and as with all financial bubbles, it burst.

This crash on August 5 will roll into more disruption while the Quantum Financial System fully activates. This has the goal of putting the US banks on the Gold Standard and forgiving all debts already paid by interest. The World Economic Forum suggested a Great Reset program which allows the wealthy to buy the assets of the poor, thereby becoming true slaves. A complete and rapid crash of the Israeli banks will expedite the QFS and may be accompanied by Martial Law in the US along with reinstatement of President Trump as the true 2020 winner.

Prior 2/28/2023 ZT:
Borrowing money and paying the loan back with interest has been a part of mankind’s social practices as long as the Barter system. Where the Barter system is a frank exchange of items that are real and palpable, the issue of paying interest on a loan has proven to be fraught with opportunity for debt slavery and exorbitant interest. Many loans are paid off due to this exorbitant interest, yet are on the books and subject to legal action by the banks.  We have predicted widespread banking and insurance company failure, with a leap to the Barter system as a result. Meanwhile, various Debt Relief schemes have been proffered to retain control of assets by the banks.  

Debt Relief was proffered as a means of allowing the wealthy to buy homes and farms in exchange for mortgage relief. This is now called the Great Reset, and pushed by the WEF. Since the western banks are merely printing money from air, these Debt Relief or Great Reset schemes should be seen as the slavery traps they are. Major crimes in the past - such as stealing the Gold from Fort Knox - have been quietly countered and corrected by the Junta as a result of Gitmo prosecutions. Illegal assets were confiscated.

If the Federal Reserve is founded on an illegal contract with the Rothschilds, and their banks have been gouging for centuries with exorbitant interest rates, how to correct this? The Federal Reserve contract allows the bankers to print US dollars at will, then loan them back to the USA while charging interest. This is then imposed on the US citizens as a National Debt they are required to pay to the Fed. This debt instead should simply be dissolved, as should many public debts where interest has already repaid the principle.

Many western banks are already bankrupt and with the damage caused by the approach of Nibiru on the increase, a collapse of the banking system is rapidly approaching. This is inevitable in any case when the Pole Shift arrives in a few short years, with ownership of farms in the hands of those who have been working them and ownership of cars and homes likewise in the possession of those who currently possess them, with various Mad-Max scenarios playing out among survivor groups. Meanwhile various alternative banking schemes are floated out for discussion.

Accepted. This is basically the Nibiru Complex coming closer. 

 I have an observation I am making of the area around the Sun and how it now seems to have its own cover being made by Nibiru's debris tail and not the constant chemtrailing that is being done by the cover up crowd.  I am noticing a retrograde motion in the debris cloud and some helix forms along with other anomalies.   Would the Zetas care to enlighten us on this new phase of Nibiru's approach and perhaps what the objects are that are being seen be they helix charged dust perhaps or some apparition of a moon swirl tube?

As Nibiru comes closer to the Earth all the parts of the Nibiru Complex will likewise come closer. The Nibiru Complex is comprised of the two Dominant Moons on either side of Nibiru in a Double Helix as well as Minor Moons in swirls or forming various String of Pearls arrangements. Petrol Masses and Red Dust likewise are trapped within the Complex, held primarily by magnetic attraction though gravity plays a part. Since Nibiru is the magnetic giant, its Retrograde Rotation dominates.

When seen from a distance, the Nibiru Complex shows its parts but the Retrograde motion is not discernable until images can be supplemented with more detail, as James is providing. The Retrograde Swirl of the Nibiru tail will become obvious over time, enveloping the dance of the many visible parts in the Earth’s atmosphere. Since this is averse the Earth’s rotation, and the Sun’s rotation, this cannot be hidden. It will be yet another proof that Nibiru exists and is a near and present danger.

There have been protests in Bangladesh recently. What goals does the new government want to set?
[and from another]
Bangladesh PM Sheikh Hasina Resigns, Flees Country after Weeks of Deadly Protests
August 5, 2024
Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina resigned on Monday, ending 15 years in power as thousands of protesters defied a military curfew and stormed her official residence. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina's departure threatens to create even more instability in the nation on India's border already dealing with a series of crises, from high unemployment and corruption to climate change. Amid security concerns, the capital's main airport suspended operations. Demonstrators have demanded the end of quotas of government jobs to select members of society since July.  The country's military chief, Gen. Waker-uz-Zaman, sought to reassure a jittery nation that order would be restored. He said he met with opposition politicians and civil society leaders and would seek the president's guidance on forming an interim government.
[and from another]
Muhammad Yunus to Return to Bangladesh on Thursday: Office Statement
August 7, 2024
Bangladesh’s Nobel-winning microfinance pioneer Muhammad Yunus, who is set to lead an interim government after the premier was ousted, will return to Dhaka.
[and from another]
Pakistan says ‘Stands in Solidarity with People of Bangladesh’
Augus 7, 2024
Pakistan said Wednesday it “stands in solidarity with the people of Bangladesh” after the prime minister fled the country following weeks of protest and civil unrest. “We are confident that the resilient spirit and unity of the Bangladeshi people will lead them towards a harmonious future,” said a statement from the foreign ministry of Pakistan, from which Bangladesh won independence in 1971.
[and from another]
Violence Erupts as Nigerians Protest Hunger Across the Nation
August 1, 2024
Protests erupted in multiple cities across Nigeria as frustrated citizens took to the streets, voicing their anger over increasing hunger and “bad governance.” The demonstrations are part of a larger wave of unrest spreading across Africa in places such as Kenya, Uganda, Ghana and now Nigeria. The demonstrations spiraled out of control in parts of the country, including the northern Yobe and Kano states where authorities declared a 24-hour curfew as private and public properties were looted in chaotic scenes that also saw many vehicles burned. Demonstrators gathered under the ‘End Bad Governance in Nigeria’ coalition, using the slogan “10 Days of Rage,” and are demanding the reinstatement of a fuel subsidy whose abrupt removal last May caused a dramatic spike in the cost of food, transportation, and other commodities. These increases have hit a populace already struggling with widespread unemployment and soaring inflation of 34%. The government also announced last-minute measures to halt the demonstrations but they proved unsuccessful.
[and from another]
African Cities Sitting on ‘Keg of Gunpowder’ as Growing Youth Anger Fuels Unrest
July 30, 2024
In some of Africa’s major cities, young people are experiencing a summer of discontent as anger and frustration erupt over corruption, the soaring cost of living, and widespread unemployment. The protests began in Kenya last month, where young people – particularly Gen Z – engaged in six weeks of demonstrations over an unpopular bill that sought to raise taxes. At least 50 people died as a result.
President William Ruto retracted the bill and announced a shake-up of his cabinet following pressure from demonstrators who remained on the streets, saying they were unhappy about alleged corruption and police brutality in his government. 
[and from another]
Nigerian military rejects demand by protesters to overthrow government
August 6, 2024
Chief of Defence Staff Gen. Christopher Musa and Army Chief Lieut. Gen. Taoreed Lagbaja said at a National Security news conference in Abuja that the military will not yield to demands for an overthrow of the elected government. Mass protests against the high cost of electricity, petrol, transport and health care which started Aug. 1 degenerated into violence in parts of the country. Public property and government offices were vandalized and looted in most areas of northern states, promoting authorities to impose a curfew.
[and from another]
6,000 Police at the Ready to Quell UK Riots: Govt
August 6, 2024
The UK government said on Tuesday that 6,000 specialist police were ready to deal with far-right rioting after another night of destructive troubles in English cities. Justice minister Heidi Alexander told BBC Radio 4 that the government had freed up an extra 500 prison places and drafted in 6,000 specialist police officers to deal with the violence. Prime Minister Keir Starmer again sought to reassure the nation that action was being taken.

We recently commented that full blown Martial Law would be avoided as long as possible because this would incite protests. Thus Martial Law is likely to be hidden, installed in phases, on the sly. Is there evidence of this occurring in the UK and Bangladesh and in Nigeria? The clues are that social media is being suppressed in the UK while the Police force is being bolstered by “Specialist Police” who can only come from the UK Military. In the UK the riots were triggered by immigrant crime, the stabling murder of 3 young girls. Ultimately, the UK has a plan for a migrant exodus.

In Bangladesh the clues were that the Military was forced to close the airport and that the collapse of the government forced the Prime Minister to flee for her life as her home was invaded. The hand of the Military will remain hidden while the government tries to regroup under an “interim” government. The Bangladesh explosion was triggered by corruption where the Prime Minister reserved civil jobs for the elite.

Nigeria also has unrest and riots which also plague much of Africa. The clues that a hidden Martial Law might be in effect are the curfew called to control the riots, and the Military interacted directly with the protesters during discussions about the Military removing the government. The trigger in Nigeria was removal of a fuel subsidy which helped the common man who were dealing with high inflation. The days when the elite in a country can live in opulent quarters and tax the poor will soon be over, replaced by new rules.

Hi Nancy & Zeta's -

Would the Zeta's care to comment on this latest crop circle?  Thank you!

New crop circle at Etchilhampton, on the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal date! (8th August 2024). Watch 4K Video:

The farmer has requested that people do not go in this one ⛔️No photo description available.May be an image of grassNo photo description available.May be a black-and-white imageMay be an image of combine


Tracie Crespo said:

Would the Zeta's care to comment on this latest crop circle? 

[and from another]
New crop circle at Etchilhampton, on the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal date! (8th August 2024).
[and from another]
Watch 4K Video:

This Lion’s Gate design relates to the observation James recently made about the Nibiru Complex. He saw his images moving and swirling in a retrograde or clockwise motion – East to West. Note that Lion’s Gate shows the base rotation of Earth being driven from the Core of Earth to be counterclockwise, the normal rotation of the Sun and Earth – West to East. The upper atmosphere then curls to go into a retrograde swirl. This is a clash and will result in more lightning storms and violent weather.

Post augment:   Native American petroglyph showing what they saw in the sky...

Tracie Crespo said:

Hi Nancy & Zeta's -

Would the Zeta's care to comment on this latest crop circle?  Thank you!

New crop circle at Etchilhampton, on the 8/8 Lion's Gate Portal date! (8th August 2024). Watch 4K Video:

The farmer has requested that people do not go in this one ⛔️No photo description available.May be an image of grassNo photo description available.May be a black-and-white imageMay be an image of combine


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