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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Views: 31527

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Aug. 13th, 2024- Idaho    Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family. Today I have a question asking for confirmation on a recent picture of the Sun with it's magnetic field lines and I am wondering  if what I have captured around the 4 position is Nibiru showing it's magnetic field  with it's north polar region pointing  to the right but more directly at the Earth?

Declined as this is nothing new over the past few years, Periodically the US arrangements for the ISS fail and often Russia has to jump in and do the shuttle work for awhile. Going back years. As long as alternatives are available then no one, presumably, will die. 

Kamil Rak said:

Do the Zetas want to say something about the Starliner astronauts stuck on ISS?


James of Idaho said:

Aug. 13th, 2024- Idaho    Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family. Today I have a question asking for confirmation on a recent picture of the Sun with it's magnetic field lines and I am wondering  if what I have captured around the 4 position is Nibiru showing it's magnetic field  with it's north polar region pointing  to the right but more directly at the Earth?

Aug. 13th, 2024- Idaho    Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family. Today I have a question asking for confirmation on a recent picture of the Sun with it's magnetic field lines and I am wondering if what I have captured around the 4 position is Nibiru showing it's magnetic field with it's north polar region pointing to the right but more directly at the Earth?
[and from another]
As Nibiru continues past the Sun (X8), always rising from slightly below the Ecliptic to be above the Ecliptic, Nibiru is forced to roll in space to adjust its magnetic alignment with the Sun. The Sun has its magnetic N Pole pointed up, S Pole pointed down, regardless of whatever NASA might say about the Sun’s poles flipping every 11 years. Their own Ulysses probe disproved that. Thus Nibiru is rolling in space, resulting in its magnetic N Pole pointing at Earth. Earth attempts to pull away. This is where we are today.

By the spray of debris from the N Pole of Nibiru, James is showing that the slow 270 Roll that precedes the Pole Shift is in process, per our prediction.
Bearing in mind that images taken from Earth are in 2D, reflecting not only what the Sun presents but also what Nibiru presents, James photos are showing that Nibiru is now pointing its N Pole to the right thus deflecting the sunlight bounce off the debris field of Nibiru such that the debris field appears to have two hemispheres left and right. Light is a particle that is most easily bent, as anyone standing in water and looking down at their feet can attest. Examining the deflection of light in the debris field surrounding Nibiru can thus give clues to the progress of the first 270 Roll.

Prior 4/3/2006 ZT:
We have described the point where Nibiru pierces the Ecliptic as a time of 270° roll for Nibiru. Lately it has been noted that Nibiru appears slightly to the right of the Sun, when sighted or captured on film. We explained that during this 270° roll, the N Pole of Nibiru swings round according to the retrograde rotation of Nibiru, clockwise, and thus the hose of magnetic particles coming from the N Pole of Nibiru emerges on the right side. This causes Earth to scuttle even faster backward in her orbit, to the left, to escape this hose of magnetic particles.

Yellowstone "shifting" caused geyser to blow a while back. Arches collapsing south of Yellowstone. Mexico pyramid collapsed.
[and from another]
Iconic Natural ‘Double Arch’ Collapses at Famous US National Park
August 10, 2024
Also known as the Toilet Bowl, Crescent Pool, and the Hole in the Roof, the mesmerizing structure formed from 190-million-year-old Navajo sandstone and had the appearance of an enormous skylight in a grotto, allowing sunlight to illuminate a glittering patch of water in Rock Creek Bay. 
[and from another]
Geyser Eruption in Yellowstone National Park Sends Visitors Fleeing
July 24, 2024
A surprise hydrothermal explosion in Yellowstone national park has sent sightseers running for safety, after steam, rock and dirt shot high into the sky. No injuries were reported, but the Biscuit Basin area was closed for visitor safety after the falling rocks damaged a boardwalk that keeps people off Yellowstone’s fragile and often dangerous geothermal areas.
[and from another]
Ancient Pyramid Collapses After Storm in Mexico, Just Days After Archway Collapses in US
August 13, 2024
Purépecha people still live in parts of Michoacán state in western Mexico and have commented how their historical traditions may have seen the structure’s fall as a sign of impending doom. Tariakuiri Alvarez, who referred to the builders of the pyramid as ancestors in a Facebook post, described how this would have been considered a bad omen, indicating "that some event is approaching."
[and from another]
Meanwhile the Mainland Portion continues to drop. Day after day some spot on the Mainland turns solid black on the Heliplots, while around the world no others are turning black. Yet huge quakes do not happen to accompany these black Heliplots in the Mainland. See the evidence at the bottom of this Newsletter as presented on the JOLT Timeline Blog on the Pole Shift ning. How could it be that the Mainland has black Heliplots with no other signs of action besides train derailments, building collapses, sinkholes opening up, and breaking water mains? This is a silent stretch. 

The New Madrid Adjustment affects the whole of the N American Continent. Shifting the SE Portion to the East destabilizes the N American continent, allowing it to slide
into the compressing Pacific. This has long been predicted by ourselves and will result in many disasters along the San Andreas. That this is in process can be seen in the collapse of ancient structures that have withstood assaults for thousands of years. The Toilet Bowl arch in Utah and the Michoacán pyramid collapse in western Mexico happened almost simultaneously, along with Biscuit Basin eruptions in Yellowstone.

Prior 3/7/2007 ZT:
The New Madrid adjustment will affect so much area, in a domino manner, that it will not be a single large quake, but a series, separated by weeks and months. The primary adjustment will be within days, after shocks for weeks, but months later still, adjustments. Then, as we have explained, there will be a bow from San Diego out to Arizona, which will rupture the great dam on the Colorado. When this bow, which forces Mexico too far to the West for the comfort of the West Coast, adjusts, it will be a slip-slide adjustment of the San Andreas and related fault lines up the coast.

Prior 3/19/2023 ZT:
The Mainland Portion is dropping on the Cocos Plate. The Caribbean Plate is being pulled westward by its attachment to the S America Plate, so this is yet another push against the Cocos Plate. The Cocos is loath to fracture so pushes as a unit on the Nazca Plate which is held by a rock hook to the Panama Plate. This rock hook has now snapped to form a new platelet.

What does this look like to you?
[and from another]
[and from another]
This looks like ISS passing by the Moon. Nibiru is by the Sun; this object is too small to be the Dark Twin, and looks like it's in motion.

This is not the ISS, and not any of man's trash or objects in space. This is not Nibiru which is seen from the direction of the Sun. This is indeed a Mothership, very close to Earth thus not as large as assumed. Such photo captures are assisted to occur in clear skies to assist the ongoing disclosure.

Previous ZT about the black rings


Curious circles in the sky have been appearing the last few years, and have variously been explained by us as a place where a mothership had just vacated the clouds, or an incomplete tornado, or the remnants from a spiral of heat from a petrol reaction in the atmosphere. The tail of Planet X, aka Nibiru has petrol elements, which as we have explained form the basis of the oil deposits on Earth.  The recent dark smoke circles have such a basis, when seen at night the petrol whoosh appears as a tower of light and when seen during the day it is seen as a curling pillar of smoke. But when seen directly below the aftermath, only the smoke that has accumulated on the edges of the combustion remains – the smoke circle. 

Kamil Rak said:


Kamil Rak said:

Not this again! 

Mpox (formerly monkeypox) has officially been declared a public health emergency by the Africa Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Will the virus spread across international borders?
[and from another]
[and from another]
[and from another]
First Case of more Dangerous MPox Found Outside Africa
August 15, 2024
Sweden's public health agency has recorded what it says is the first case of a more dangerous type of MPox outside the African continent. The person became infected during a stay in an area of Africa where there is currently a major outbreak of mpox Clade 1, the agency said. Mpox, which was previously known as monkeypox, is transmitted through close contact, such as sex, skin-to-skin contact and talking or breathing close to another person. It causes flu-like symptoms, skin lesions and can be fatal, with four in 100 cases leading to death. It is most common in the tropical rainforests of West and Central Africa and there are thousands of infections every year. While Clade 2 did cause a public health emergency in 2022, it was relatively mild and some 300 cases have already been identified in Sweden.
[and from another]
What is MPox, and why is this Outbreak so Concerning?
August 15, 2024
Mpox is characterized by two genetic clades, I and II. A clade is a broad grouping of viruses that has evolved over decades that has distinct genetic and clinical differences. Clade II was responsible for a global outbreak that was also declared to be a global health emergency from July 2022 to May 2023. But the new outbreak is driven by clade I, which causes more severe disease. The subtype that’s responsible for most of the ongoing spread, clade Ib, is relatively new. Some outbreaks of clade I mpox have killed up to 10% of people who get sick, although more recent outbreaks have had lower death rates, according to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The fatality rate for clade II is less than 0.2%.
[and from another]
[and from another]
A comparison between Autoimmune Blistering Disease and Monkeypox. Autoimmune Blistering Disease is identified as an Adverse Event of Special Interest in Pfizer's COVID mRNA vaccines, as disclosed in the court-ordered Pfizer documents, which the company initially wanted to keep confidential for 72 years.
[and from another]
Monkeypox is a coverup for damage done to Immune System by COVID Vaccination resulting in Shingles, Autoimmune Blistering Disease & Herpes Infection
June 10, 2024
Do you not find it curious how in the space of 50 years, monkeypox has never really gotten off the ground outside of a couple of countries in Africa, but then within two years of the alleged emergence of Covid-19, monkeypox is suddenly in every Western nation and being hyped up by public health authorities, the mainstream media and the World Health Organization? If you don’t, you won’t want to read this because you may miss the latest episode of BBC News at 6 pm. But if you do, you may or may not be surprised to find that evidence suggests the alleged monkeypox outbreak could actually be a result of the Covid-19 vaccination programme.
[and from another]
Official product info. Page 31 is where it's listed 'autoimmune blistering disease'.

With the announcement that Nibiru is a real and present danger about to emerge at the hand of Putin, the establishment fearing a collapse of the western Rothschild banks and uncontrollable riots have arranged for another pandemic. Monkey Pox has two forms – Clade 2 is mild with a .2% death rate but Clade 1 is aggressive and has a 10% death rate. Clade 1 has now mutated to Clade 1b, but how effective the existing vaccine will be against this mutation remains to be seen. Meanwhile, quarantines and lockdowns can be assumed.

Given global air travel, especially during summer vacation time, Monkey Pox can be spread quickly. Where it requires close contact to spread, the beach and bars during Happy Hour offer many opportunities. Sexual exploits are another opportunity, as will the interaction of students returning to school in the Fall. Since Monkey Pox is quite visible, there will be no need to swab or use an elevated temp to determine infection. Thus, ideal for lockdowns and quarantines.

Was this mutation of Clade 1 to Clade 1b assisted and is the global spread being assisted by those wanting to control public panic when they become aware of Nibiru? Absolutely. By the usual guilty parties.

Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family.  Using a new filter combo I am obtaining some better images and have a question on this set.   Can we consider this to be Ezekiel's wheel or what might also be a 2D representation of the ecliptic?   As I look at Nibiru it appears to be piercing through this barrier or trying to which we know is the current progress of the first 270 degree roll.  Would the Zetas help clarify this for us please?

SOZT This is a brilliant capture of Nibiru showing Nibiru in greater clarity. The N Pole is pointing toward the right so that within the Nibiru Complex closely surrounding Nibiru the N Pole is brightest. As usual for these photos, Nibiru's presence is diverting light rays coming from the Sun. EOZT

James of Idaho said:

Good morning, Nancy and our Zeta family.  Using a new filter combo I am obtaining some better images and have a question on this set.   Can we consider this to be Ezekiel's wheel or what might also be a 2D representation of the ecliptic?   As I look at Nibiru it appears to be piercing through this barrier or trying to which we know is the current progress of the first 270 degree roll.  Would the Zetas help clarify this for us please?

Any comments?

Response: I posted this on the Nibiru Visible blog, Ryan. 

Ohio woman catches what appears to be a Second Sun to the Left of Sol [] and a lengthy discussion ensued on the GodlikeProduction message board. [] Attempts to dismiss by trolls rebutted. She also filmed the Moon nearby to show this was not the Moon. We recommend browing through the discussion, very educational, Per the Zetas: 

SOZT This second light to the left of the Sun is not Nibiru, which would be found more in the 4 o'clock position, but is sunlight reflecting off the vast tail of Nibiru which blows to the left and then up above the Sun. Nibiru has a retrograde rotation so is turning East to West thus pushing any tail off to the left. EOZT


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