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Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Would the Zetas be willing to speak to the images going around, of late, of Giant Tree Stumps and Leaves in Madagascar, and the 'finding' if you will [in 2017], of a large petrified root system found beneath Devil's Tower, leading some to conclude that Devil's Tower is in fact a tree stump. Could it be an ancient cousin to our present-day Giant Redwoods? Thank you
two videos by MrMBB333;_ylt=AwrJ7FhMJWRbNEAA...
Accepted via email:
Please ask zetas. Are these old pottery (Jomon pottery, fire pottery, about 5500 years ago - 4500 years ago) represent a tsunami of pole shift, or eruption?
[and from another]
[and from another]
Jomon vessel 3000–2000 BCE, Flame-style Pottery (Flamboyant Ceramic, Kaen-doki)
Where Jomon pottery covers a multitude of periods, and primarily represents the marking with string, those pieces that come from a Pole Shift era dramatically show not only waves coming from all four directions but show the magnetic sky swirls known to be drawn on cave walls by very early man. Are the waves tsunami or the Pole Shift sloshing to be expected? Of course tsunami occurred, but this comes from a single direction. Pole Shift sloshing will occur on all sides of the Japanese islands, due to the attempts of the Pacific Ocean to return to an even sea level wherever there is a void.
Declined as though usually Mr MBBB33 does superlative work, I find NO EVIDENCE that what he is pointing to are tree stumps or petrified tree leaves and branches. "Looks like" does not count. That's like seeing the face of Jesus in toast, or some such. What would have been convincing would be the COMPOSITION of the supposed petrified stuff, though the petrify process means replacing the biological stuff with minerals that become stone, so perhaps not possible. Then there is the issue of Devil's Tower have a root system under it. Apparently the image being used was taken from a corn development site, as Snopes says "The image is actually a diagram showing how the roots of sweet corn have developed after eight weeks:"
Willa Rawlings said:
Would the Zetas be willing to speak to the images going around, of late,
In the coming times, like after the EU tsunami, during a severe 8 of 10 and shortly before the shift and after there will be many who are severely wounded and dying. In todays society there are places where one could go when dying but that won't be possible and assisted suicide like with certain medicines will also be harder and dying should be painless. I know that the Zetas have addressed this before re thos who beg to die. But what if someone wants to live even when his leg has been cut of etc and he or she has a severe infection. Could the Zetas say something about this?
Second question . Could the Zetas say something on how to deal with those who died after the shift and severe earth changes. With no cemeteries, cooling systems etc. As corpses could attract flies etc etc. I know that after the tsunami in 2004, corpses got burned and there where mass graves. But with all the faiths on the globe for remaining spouses, family members, friends this is not always a option. And there should be time to say their goodbyes, have time to grief etc ( ?
Declined as there is an immense amount of material on the ZT website re these issues. What to do with the dead. How to deal with the injured who are in pain and dying. How to sort out care among survivors. PLEASE USE THE SEARCH ENGINE. Here's what I put together within 15 minutes of poking around in the ZT site.
Fish will assist in cleaning up organic materials such as dead bodies, which will quickly become bones. In fact, for survivors along the coastline needing to attend to massive burial of the dead, burial at sea is an excellent alternative. What does not sink, to become at most an under water hazard for ships, will float. Floating debris is primarily organic material, which breaks down under exposure to sunlight. In time, such floating islands of debris will disappear.
ZetaTalk: Beg to Die. written Dec, 2002
Contrary to what the religious elite conveys, death is not resisted by those in great and intractable pain, who know they will not recover. In fact, at this point, humans invariably beg to be allowed to die. In times past, or in primitive countries where the miracle of modern medicine whereby a body can be sustained in horrific pain long past the point where nature intended, death is not a mystery. Severe pain does not exist except after an injury, and where too great causes a mental blackout. Women suffer the pain of childbirth, which is as great a pain as can be sustained without passing out, and this is not considered a dire problem by the establishment. Severe pain from injury results in the body passing out, going into shock, and dying if not treated. This is nature's answer to the situation. An injury that is minor results in pain when the affected part is moved, nature's way of forcing the injured to rest until healed. Internal injuries or those resulting in infection likewise proceed, in nature, to loss of consciousness from internal bleeding or going septic, both resulting in death. Depression, in those who must live with being maimed or who cannot accept their situation, naturally results in death as the depressed person simply stops eating and drinking, a painless and quiet end of allowed to proceed.
ZetaTalk: Rotting Bodies, written Sep 2, 2003
Primarily, the large die-off will be in places which are pleasant living now, coastal cities, or river basin cities. These cities grew up where commerce was available, and the heavy die-off will be there. Since the waters rise, it will become fish food. In other areas, cities high in the hills, obviously, this will be a reeking mess. Nature takes care of this, in short order, within months, through bacteria and bugs. If you really want to know how to deal with it, get some chickens that eat the bugs and send them out there to fill up, and then you can eat the eggs. Just stay downwind of the stench. This is not exactly socially proper advice, because people want to bury their dead. Most of the dead will be under buildings or trapped under water somewhere. You have to do a mindset to think of the survivors. Think of the living who are feeling pain. Your obligation to the dead is only a ritual you can put aside.
ZetaTalk: Social Services, written Dec 15, 1995.
In Service-to-Other groups, those hopelessly maimed or chronically in pain will be allowed to choose suicide, and birth control will be used to limit the demands on scarce resources, if need be. All who wish to live will be fed and cared for, sharing equally among all. In crisis mode, when overwhelmed by large numbers of injured members in great pain, Service-to-Other groups usually end up prioritizing care in the following manner: Where the injury is clearly life threatening and the outcome inevitable, making the injured comfortable is the only treatment given. This should be explained firmly and kindly to the injured, as a choice between treating those who could benefit or wasting effort on one who could not benefit. If the injured is in pain, this means pain medication to the point of stupor or, if no medication exists and the pain is extreme, assisted suicide. Contrary to what humans may have been led to believe, individuals in severe, chronic, and hopelessly painful situations invariably request to be allowed to die. They beg for this, in fact. Where the injured still outnumber the capacity of the caregivers, quality of life next enters the equation.
Will a life be saved only to live in pain or in a diminished capacity, or will a life be saved and restored to full faculties? In this determination full faculties does not mean the blind or amputee should be neglected. Full faculties means reasonable mental faculties, the ability to eat and eliminate without humiliation, the ability to live without being perpetually hooked up to machines, in short, a life one could tolerate rather than a life one would dread. Here again the decision should be explained to the injured, who may exhort the caregivers to reconsider if they don't agree with the decision. Be firm, as vacillation only tortures the injured who should be allowed to come to terms with the situation. Remind the injured of the others who also cry for help. If the injured still overwhelm the caregiver's capacities, choices fall along lines familiar to humans. Treatment quickly given, such as a tourniquet to prevent the injured from bleeding to death, is chosen over treatments that would take more time, such as surgery to stop internal bleeding. Lavage of poisons eating at skin takes precedence over removing a splinter piercing an eye or a limb. Preventing shock takes precedence over setting a broken bone. The caregivers should be firm and committed during such a process, and not expend precious time arguing with those in pain and frantic with anxiety over their injuries.
Gerard Zwaan said:
In the coming times, like after the EU tsunami, during a severe 8 of 10 and shortly before the shift and after there will be many who are severely wounded and dying.
As regards the petrification--- We have the Petrified Forest National Park in Arizona. So--- I see the possibility regarding the stumps. Though--- I agree with the whole root system image. If you are going to put forth 'findings' than show the actual evidence of the root system, and not some image grabbed from the internet to show what it would look like. Thank you.;_ylt=A0geKeM0p2RbzYEA...;_ylt=AwrJ6SWGqWRb6JEA...
Nancy Lieder said:
Declined as though usually Mr MBBB33 does superlative work, I find NO EVIDENCE that what he is pointing to are tree stumps or petrified tree leaves and branches.
Accepted via email:
What is this? ET?
[and from another]
Some theorists also suggest that some of the dog?s can represent aliens in space suits. There is, however, no scientific evidence to support this.
[and from another]
If we take one of these sites as an example, the "astronautical" features of the dog? statuettes are described as 1) a helmet with a shaped visor to shield the passage of sunlight; 2) a breathing filter at the level of the mouth; 3) a collar connecting the helmet and the suit; 4) small manipulating tongs mounted on articulated heads, instead of hands; 5) connection valves for pipes arranged on the chest of the suit. Neolithic men would certainly not have been able to imagine and put together such a large amount of technological details of space suits, if they had not observed them directly and closely. The hypothesis that the dog? represented ancient astronauts was made famous by Russian authors like Alexander Kazantsev and Vjaceslav Zajtsev in the sixties. The oldest are very small and very simple; around 4000 B.C. They begin to have arms, legs and heads, and starting from 3000 BC. The faces are completely formed.
[and from another]
Dog? are made of clay and are small, typically 10 to 30 cm high. Most of the figurines appear to be modeled as female, and have big eyes, small waists, and wide hips. They are considered by many to be representative of goddesses. Many have large abdomens associated with pregnancy, suggesting that the Jomon considered them mother goddesses.
The Dogu statues in Japan emerged during the last passage of Nibiru, approximately 3,600 years ago. This was a period of great trauma in Japan, so there is no written record of these visitors. Only the Dogu statues remain as a record of what the populace saw. The Dogu were hominoid, and assisting the Japanese survivors at that time. They are often depicted as female, with breasts and even female genitalia, as the Dogu visitors often focused on pregnant women for special care. The Dogu appeared during a time before the rule on recording visitations only in the subconscious was imposed by the Council of Worlds, thus the detail found on the statues.
Accepted via email:
Sanxingdui Museum, Sichuan in China. What is this? Please ask Zetas!
[and from another]
There was a bronze civilization flourished in Sichuan Province, China over 3000 years ago. From the ruins called "Samsung ancestral ruins", a lot of other unparalleled things, such as a big figure looking up, an irregular mask that jumped out of the eyes, were excavated. The most symbolic relic of the Samsung ancestral site is a bronze mask called "Bronze Long-Eye Mask". It is too large for people to suffer with a height of 64.5 cm and a width of 138 cm. And what's more important is the eyes and big ears whose characteristics protrude. The eyes that protrude 14 cm or the grown elongated ears are not considered to be those of ordinary humans.
[and from another]
An unusual human figure made of bronze. Besides being large in size, these are big eyes, the ears are very big like the ears of a beast, and their mouths extend to the ears.
These super-sized masks among those that are human sized are significant in both size and appearance. They date to be just older than the last Pole Shift period 3,600 years ago, and as with the Dogu statues, they stand alone without written texts or oral stories to explain them. This once again indicates that the populace was in a state of shock from the Pole Shift that had just occurred, but wanted to document what they were experiencing in a medium that time would not erase.
Does the Bronze Long-Eye Mask represent a real creature, or are the elongated eyes and large ears symbolic? During a Pole Shift, as has been recorded in the written and oral history of many cultures, there are trumpet sounds from upper atmosphere lighting strikes, booms from clapping air masses, and sudden earthquake jolts that startle those experiencing them. The long eyes are a startled bug-eyed appearance that many would have had during those moments, and the large ears represent the large sounds.
Hi Nancy and Zetas,
Is the America go insane? Or logic is traced? Sanctions are introduced almost under any pretext. Trump does not seem to control the situation (examples underlined).
9 August, 2018. US to impose fresh Russia sanctions after determining Kremlin was behind Salisbury novichok attack
10 August, 2018. Russia likens US sanctions to economic war — and threatens response 'by other means'
10 August, 2018. US crude sanctions against Iran could make maintaining the world's oil supply 'very challenging,' IEA says
9 August, 2018. US Mulls More Sanctions Against Turkey as Talks on Pastor Brunson Fail
Thus, where banks default because those they have loaned money to are going into bankruptcies, and where at base this is due to collapsing economies struggling with the effect of the current Earth changes, natural disasters, there is also the element of warfare among the Puppet Masters and their Puppets. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are the political power in a country, that country may find itself fiscally undermined and corruption within that power structure exposed. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are corporate heads, those corporate heads will find themselves unable to get the loans they need to continue, and forced into bankruptcy court. To the extent that a Puppet Master, and there are many, senses that the enemy is another Puppet Master, the property holdings of that Master will be undermined, whether this includes a country, a corporation, or financial holdings such as bonds. Watch closely, during this war of the titans in the financial realm, and you will see the swords flash and parry.
There is a huge risk of hyperinflation in Turkey and Iran due to US sanctions. Someone wants a new Venezuela
29 July, 2018. Iran's Rial Is In A Death Spiral, Again
12 July, 2018. Turkey: Hyperinflation And Mass-Migration Crisis Inevitable
9 August, 2018. Is Turkey heading for an economic crisis?
The Fed contributed to this situation.
16 July, 2018. How The Fed Is Killing Emerging Markets
1 August, 2018. Fed's plan to raise rates appears intact despite Trump criticism
These actions can create a new economic crisis if not already.
Thank you very much
I would like to add. Someone wants to undermine the economy in order to seize control?
10 August, 2018. Turkey Meltdown: Lira Implodes As Panicked Sellers Spark Global Contagion
23 July, 2018. Plane Carrying IMF Director Makes Emergency Landing in Argentina
22 July, 2018. Argentina economy: Protest over unpopular IMF loan
Accepted. The Tariff Wars in general. What is the agenda, what is the goal?
Stanislav said:
Is the America go insane?
Or logic is traced? Sanctions are introduced almost under any pretext. Trump does not seem to control the situation. There is a huge risk of hyperinflation in Turkey and Iran due to US sanctions. Someone wants to undermine the economy in order to seize control? Someone wants a new Venezuela. The Fed contributed to this situation. These actions can create a new economic crisis if not already.
[and from another]
9 August, 2018. US to impose fresh Russia sanctions after determining Kremlin was behind Salisbury novichok attack
[and from another]
10 August, 2018. Russia likens US sanctions to economic war — and threatens response 'by other means'
Reuters reported Medvedev as saying: "If some ban on banks' operations or on their use of one or another currency follows, it would be possible to clearly call it a declaration of economic war." President Donald Trump's administration said it plans to punish Russia with sanctions for poisoning Sergei Skripal and his daughter Yulia Skripal with a chemical weapon earlier this year.
[and from another]
10 August, 2018. US crude sanctions against Iran could make maintaining the world's oil supply 'very challenging,' IEA says
[and from another]
9 August, 2018. US Mulls More Sanctions Against Turkey as Talks on Pastor Brunson Fail
[and from another]
29 July, 2018. Iran's Rial Is In A Death Spiral, Again
[and from another]
12 July, 2018. Turkey: Hyperinflation and Mass-Migration Crisis Inevitable
[and from another]
9 August, 2018. Is Turkey heading for an economic crisis?
[and from another]
16 July, 2018. How the Fed Is Killing Emerging Markets
[and from another]
1 August, 2018. Fed's plan to raise rates appears intact despite Trump criticism
[and from another]
10 August, 2018. Turkey Meltdown: Lira Implodes As Panicked Sellers Spark Global Contagion
[and from another]
23 July, 2018. Plane Carrying IMF Director Makes Emergency Landing in Argentina
[and from another]
22 July, 2018. Argentina economy: Protest over unpopular IMF loan
As the world heads rapidly toward the time when the general populace becomes aware of Nibiru looming nearby and its pending passage, political and economic battles are erupting. These are seldom what they seem on the surface, seldom how they are described in the media or by the players, and never posed in the context of a Nibiru passage. Thus, the spasms and decisions made by Heads of State, the imposition of sanctions, and the adjustments to tariff agreements seem illogical and confusing. But insert Nibiru into the equation and it makes more sense.
We have stated that Russia is demonized in the West not because it is a bad actor or even responsible but because it is viewed by the cover-up over Nibiru to be the source of an announcement
that Nibiru is real. We have also stated that the banks in the West, exemplified by the International Monetary Fund,
have sought to control and enslave many countries by their loans. This is at the heart of the New World Order
agenda. Bankruptcies are now resulting. Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Greece, and Turkey are recent casualties.
Key to understanding the current economic wars is the cover-up over Nibiru. Thus Russia is falsely accused and Trump must maintain a posture of being tough on Russia in order to stay in power, politically. Putin understands this. Then there is the faltering New World Order agenda,
which is failing due to the presence of the BRICS system as an alternative to the Jewish banking system and secret court indictments against the Bush/Clinton/Soros Cabal for their voter fraud and terrorism support. The popularity of the enigmatic Q
shows that the populace is having their eyes opened to all of this.
Meanwhile each country is being forced to stand on its own. Trump’s approach to level the economic field by tweaking tariffs has this aim - to make America great again. The US has once again become a manufacturing nation and is even oil independent. This was not a goal of the New World Order, who sought to drive the US to its knees economically and by Soros induced riots force the US to give up its guns so the citizenry could be controlled. Why is the issue of each country being independent important?
After the Pole Shift, there will be winners and losers, sinking and rising land masses, countries suddenly thrust into polar regions, or inundated by rising seas. We have stated that all treaties will be broken, eventually. Paper money and all paper promises
will default and be worthless, the barter system taking its place. What will endure will be the ability of the people to grow food and to maintain a manufacturing industry. China and Russia have that, and Trump is making sure the US has that. All other agendas be damned.
Prior 2004 ZT:
Thus, where banks default because those they have loaned money to are going into bankruptcies, and where at base this is due to collapsing economies struggling with the effect of the current Earth changes, natural disasters, there is also the element of warfare among the Puppet Masters and their Puppets. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are the political power in a country, that country may find itself fiscally undermined and corruption within that power structure exposed. To the extent that the rebellious Puppets are corporate heads, those corporate heads will find themselves unable to get the loans they need to continue, and forced into bankruptcy court. To the extent that a Puppet Master, and there are many, senses that the enemy is another Puppet Master, the property holdings of that Master will be undermined, whether this includes a country, a corporation, or financial holdings such as bonds. Watch closely, during this war of the titans in the financial realm, and you will see the swords flash and parry.
I will add this to your earlier Q.
Stanislav said:
I would like to add.
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