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  • If your questions are just a demand for a hand-held tour, and it is apparent you have not even attempted to research or read the existing material, your post will be deleted.
  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  2. The existence of Planet X and the truthfulness of ZetaTalk are not debatable.
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Zeta Rules that Apply

  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 54995

Replies are closed for this discussion.

Replies to This Discussion

Accepted via email: 

Why did China wait 6 days before informing the world when they knew they had a new virus in Wuhan?
[and from another]
Mike Pompeo Demands Truth from Beijing as US Investigates if COVID-19 Escaped from Wuhan Lab during Experiments and China Covered it up by Blaming ‘Wet’ Food Markets
April 15, 2020
The Wuhan lab is China's only bio-safety level four (BSL-4) facility, and has long been eyed with suspicion as scientists try to determine how the deadly virus crossed over into humans. In early 2018, the U.S. Embassy in Beijing sent two official warnings back to Washington about inadequate safety at the Wuhan lab, including that it was conducting risky studies on pathogens in the coronavirus family in bats.  Top Chinese officials waited six days to warn the public after becoming aware that a viral outbreak was causing a rash of deadly pneumonia cases in Wuhan. In the meantime, residents in Wuhan hosted a mass banquet for tens of thousands of people, and millions began traveling for Lunar New Year celebrations. 
[and from another]
Pompeo Calls on China to Come Clean on Coronavirus!
April 16, 2020
Patient zero' worked at the Wuhan lab, and spread the virus into the local population after leaving work. ‘Many of the initial patients were either stall owners, market employees, or regular visitors to this market. Environmental samples taken from this market in December 2019 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2, further suggesting that the market in Wuhan City was the source of this outbreak or played a role in the initial amplification of the outbreak,' the WHO says. 
[and from another]
Sources Believe Coronavirus Originated in Wuhan Lab as part of China's Efforts to Compete with US
April 15, 2020
Gen. Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said: "I would just say at this point, it's inconclusive, although the weight of evidence seems to indicate natural, but we don't know for certain." Americans were originally helping train the Chinese in a program called PREVENT well before the Chinese started working on this virus. The French government helped the Chinese set up the Wuhan lab.

When the Covid-19 pandemic first exploded in the news, we stated that the virus was a natural emergence
from the blood and guts of numerous animals
spilled on the floor of the wet market in Wuhan, mingling in an environment that was beyond what nature itself could have provided. We stated that Covid-19 was not engineered or weaponized. Analysis of the genetic sequencing shows components from bats, snakes, Pangolins, and an HIV infected human. Thus Covid-19 arrived in Wuhan having made numerous trips through numerous species, man included.

What part did the bio labs near Wuhan play in its development? They had the bat components, but in that the Chinese eat wild bats, a popular soup in Wuhan, this could have come from the public. SARS, after all, had wild bats as a source. We stated that the issue would never be proven, one way or the other. Most infected with Covid-19 show no symptoms or mild or delayed symptoms, so the pandemic was likely spreading long before anyone was aware. There is simply NO WAY to determine patient zero, thus.

Why did Chinese officials wait 6 days before notifying the world that they had an outbreak of a new virus - yet another fatal coronavirus, afflicting and threatening the world? It is now of record that officials knew, but allowed the massive Chinese New Year celebrations in Wuhan and allowed travel out of Wuhan to the rest of the world. As a communist country, China works on the consensus basis, where everyone must agree. Thus this was discussed, endlessly, and there were many agendas that shaped the outcome.

Some argued that those from overseas would have been trapped in Wuhan if all flights were grounded. Locking down Wuhan would also have been an admission of guilt, and some still hoped to evade this altogether. Some felt if the virus escaped to other parts of the globe, the origins in China might be lost in the fog, confused. The false story that the US Army had somehow delivered the virus to Wuhan was part of this attempt to divert guilt. The false story that the virus escaped the Wuhan bio labs is an attempt to load blame on the Chinese. Or did the lab have snake, Pangolin, and HIV virus strains as well as bat strains?

Prior ZT:
Has this newest coronavirus emerging from a central China market in Wuhan been weaponized? Hardly. As with the SARS epidemic these outbreaks of a mutant virus are exacerbated by mankind’s love affair with the airplane. To contain this new virus, all travel by air in Asia should be stopped, immediately.

Prior ZT:
We stated when the Wuhan coronavirus 2019-nCoV first emerged that this was not a weaponized or genetically engineered virus, but naturally emerging. There is no way to definitely prove or disprove either premise, because nature mutates and mixes virus material faster and more adroitly than man. Reports emerge that it seems the Wuhan virus took a trip through a snake, or shares 99% of the virus found on the mammalian pangolin but that 96% of its RNA is shared with China’s bat population.A trip to the wet markets of Wuhan, where the guts and blood of various species are spilled on the floor to flow into the drainage system and thence back into the wildlife pool, shows how a virus mix and mutation could occur. The normal barriers that nature provides are broken down. 

Accepted via email:

What is behind the new unreasonable laws some Governors are making you cannot buy plants you cannot go fishing you cannot buy Carpet you cannot buy paint you cannot travel between homes are they honestly just trying to save lives.  
[and from another]
I can tell you what is happening here and it paints a very clear picture, to me at least. The way I look at it is that the CV-19 has allowed perfect cover to prep for the New Madrid. Our Gov is expected to announce a further extension to the lockdown today. They want to keep us all nice and tidy for the rupture. They couldn't give two hoots about the medics exhaustion here, we barely have PPE. In addition, I have followed the obituaries and there has been no steep increase in my location and yet we are told in the local press that we have 100's deaths. I know first hand that the Dr's are being told to put any death down as CV, it is because CV deaths are insured by the Gov. and it also validates the lockdown. I also know from my own experience and that of colleagues that many of us are aghast at the purported cases/deaths. No testing and no confirmations. A sneeze is suffice to label you CV active. I'm not disputing that the virus is active, just not as bad as we are led to believe.
[and from another]
Scandal in the making? A HUGE 70% of UK care homes could be riddled with Covid-19, private healthcare chief warns
April 15, 2020
Coronavirus infection rates in UK care homes may be as high as 70 percent, the chief executive of a major care provider has claimed, casting doubts over the validity of the government's official Covid-19 figures. The number of Covid-19 infections in such facilities is being massively underreported by PM Boris Johnson’s administration.
[and from another]
'Probable' coronavirus deaths now included in CDC totals
April 16, 2020
Probable cases are defined by the agency as anecdotally matching the symptoms of COVID-19 but lacking an actual test confirming the disease in a patient, a phenomenon many Americans have experienced due to shortages of tests in the U.S.
[and from another]
Protesters gathered in several state capitals this week to voice their opposition to stay-at-home orders issued to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus. Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Minnesota, North Carolina and Utah -- states led by both Republican and Democratic governors -- have all seen protests in recent days as people grow more concerned about the economic fallout of the coronavirus pandemic.
[and from another]
The new stay-at-home mandate, which Whitmer signed last week, includes prohibiting state residents to travel to in-state vacation homes, closing store areas that sell goods like carpets, flooring, furniture, garden centers and paint, prohibiting the advertising of goods that “are not groceries, medical supplies, or items that are necessary to maintain the safety, sanitation, and basic operation of residences,” among other restrictions. 

The official death count in many countries is subject to political whim. China clearly under-reported their official death count as they wanted to evade blame for being the source of the pandemic. Iran was devastated with Covid-19 deaths, which is evident from the number of deaths in those surrounding Rouhani, but lies to this day about their numbers. They deem an honest admission to be a show of weakness. Many countries in the bankrupt European Union are allowing their elders in nursing homes to die in record numbers, failing even to provide PPE for the caregivers. This is considered a cost saving measure by the establishment, the elders no longer a financial drain.

But in some cases the number of deaths are over-reported. This allows locales to collect more of the funds made available. Cause of death cannot be determined, as testing is seldom done and bodies are cremated or put into mass graves, so the truth can be quickly buried. But beyond political posturing and financial fraud, there is the specter of the approaching Nibiru, as Heads of State and even local governance are aware. During the lockdowns, the populace is so quiet, so controlled, so obedient. They wish for this to continue.

As we stated at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic – any steps toward Martial Law will not be withdrawn,
as the public is expected to become aware of Nibiru’s approach by January, 2021. Why is the Governor of Michigan restricting home gardens or fishing in the Michigan lakes? She does not want her populace self-sufficient and able to feed themselves. She wants them dependent upon her, so she maintains more CONTROL. The coming lifting of the lockdown will reveal many such personal propensities among those in charge. President Trump wants to return to “normal” but petty dictators will resist.

Prior ZT:
We have stated that Heads of State, worldwide, have been told that the reality of Nibiru in the skies will be too obvious to deny by January 2021. Given this anticipation, any steps toward Martial Law taken in 2020 to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic can be assumed to be permanent. We have also stated that the Covid-19 pandemic will be “dramatically eased by mid-Summer 2020”, assuming aggressive quarantine practices and new anti-virals and vaccines. This should not be expected to ease any Martial Law edicts already in place. How does this differ from what the world will experience when the reality of Nibiru can no longer be denied?

Accepted via email: 

The Judge confirmed VP Pence was replaced by a double.
[and from another]
- Judge, can you please explain why Pence looks so different in his 2017 and 2019 photos.  Is he a clone now?
- Double.
[and from another]
- Thank you for replying. Double, as in another person or clone? He looks different but sounds the same. If he is a double, where is the original and is he still dangerous?
- Another person.

In January, 2020 when the issue of VP Pence being replaced as VP came up on the Dark Judge site, we confirmed that Pence was no longer the VP. The Dark Judge refused to discuss further until the Q team in charge of this matter gave the nod. We, the Zetas, stated that the man posturing as the current VP Pence in 2020 had “not been executed nor replaced by a double”. This is true, as the man posturing as the VP Pence throughout 2020 IS A DOUBLE. The Dark Judge is now explaining that the original VP Pence was guilty of participation in the coup attempt
in January, 2019. We can confirm that.

The process thus was that the original VP Pence was selected in 2016 and duly sworn in on January 2017. The Junta’s intel was aware that he was ambitious to replace President Trump, sharing details with his wife who then passed this information along to those plotting a coup. Thus his wife was served with a subpoena
during the Bush 41 funeral in December, 2018. The following January, 2019 a coup was tried with VP Pence to be a passive (though knowledgeable) participant. His plane was called back to Washington DC at that time, as was the escape plane carrying Pelosi and Schiff.

At this point, the original VP Pence was replaced by a Double. An execution has not yet occurred, but investigations and Tribunal trials are still ongoing. This Double cannot serve as VP during a future administration, nor posture as such on any 2020 ballot. The whole issue of whether, or how, the 2020 elections might occur in the US is under debate at present. We have stated that the 2020 elections might be deferred but not canceled. They could be deferred indefinitely. But if they proceed, a different VP can be assumed.

Prior ZT:
VP Pence has not been executed nor replaced by a double, but has had his official authority removed by the Tribunals. Pence was inevitably caught in the plans to assassinate President Trump and replace him with Pelosi, who was next in the line of succession. Pence’s wife received a subpoena at the Bush 41 funeral because, as we stated, she was highly desirous that her husband become President and was leaking classified information to the Deep State to facilitate this. To deal with this pressure from all sides, Pence made it known in private circles that he wanted out, and if faced with succeeding President Trump would resign.

Prior ZT:
VP Pence’s wife has been leaking pillow talk for some time, and will have to reveal her contacts and cohorts. She leaks dirt on Trump as she wants her hubby to succeed him, and soon.  

Accepted via email: 

If former Sec of State Kerry rushed to Antarctica to protect the Pointy Heads, has he been before the Tribunals?
[and from another]
John Kerry: 'I am absolutely not running for President'
February 2, 2020
Former Secretary of State John Kerry denied a report that he was considering a bid for the 2020 presidential election, saying it is "categorically false."

This former Secretary of State was complicit in trying to run a shadow government after President Trump was elected. Along with Obama, he ran around the globe assuring Heads of State that Trump would soon be gone, so that business as usual could return. Where Obama was executed for treason, Kerry’s crimes were more subtle, and thus it was not until he revealed his alliances by rushing to Antarctica that he was caught. Like Hillary, he would have been willing to be a 2020 nominee in order to continue his Moloch practices. His face shows what a lack of Adrenochrome can do to those addicted.

US oil prices crashed to $-37.63 a barrel

American oil crashes below $0 a barrel -- a record low

London (CNN Business)The spectacular collapse in oil markets is showing no signs of easing, as the coronavirus crisis saps demand and producers run out of places to store all their excess barrels of crude.

What's happening: US oil prices plunged, falling below $0 Monday to $-37.63 a barrel. That's the lowest level since NYMEX opened oil futures trading in 1983.
The selloff can be attributed in part to market mechanics. The May futures contract for West Texas Intermediate, the US benchmark, is about to expire. Most investors are already focusing on the June contract, thinning out trading volume and feeding volatility, UBS analyst Giovanni Staunovo said.

The June futures contract for WTI is trading around $22 per barrel, but that's still sharply lower on the day. Brent crude futures, the global benchmark, fell 8% Monday to $25.81 per barrel.
The extreme pressure on the WTI contract for May highlights ongoing concerns about the supply and demand dynamics plaguing the oil market.

"No one in America wants oil in the short term," Jeffrey Halley of Oanda told clients on Monday.

Saudi Arabia, Russia and other producers tried to prop up prices with a deal last week to slash production by 9.7 million barrels per day in May and June, the deepest cut ever negotiated. But that isn't expected to soak up the supply glut caused by evaporating demand for energy.

Oil storage facilities are still at risk of overflowing, raising the chance that some oil producers in the United States and Canada could start paying customers to take crude off their hands, according to Staunovo. CONTINUE...

Let me preface this by saying that--- by NO MEANS am I complaining! (~:  (~: But---

Could the Zetas speak to why and/or how there has been NO CHEMTRAILing for at least the last two weeks?  Since So.Ohio is in its Rainy Season (~: there have been very few clear days of late so I have no exact indication of when it started; BUT--- I noticed a few days before Good Friday, the sky was absolutely CLEAR, and BLUE.  Even what normal clouds float about in the sky--- it looks so different; what with no grid lines and haze to disrupt the view.  There have been NO CHEMTRAILS in the sky since.  The sky--when clear--is absolutely BLUE and CLEAR. And, somewhat surreal!  Could it be that we've seen the last of Chemtrails? ???

Thank you so much.

Accepted. Heard this from others too, but mixed report. 

Willa Rawlings said:

Let me preface this by saying that--- by NO MEANS am I complaining! 

Could the Zetas speak to why and/or how there has been NO CHEMTRAILing for at least the last two weeks?  Since So.Ohio is in its Rainy Season (~: there have been very few clear days of late so I have no exact indication of when it started; but- I noticed a few days before Good Friday, the sky was absolutely clear, and blue.  Even what normal clouds float about in the sky- it looks so different; what with no grid lines and haze to disrupt the view.  There have been no chemtrails in the sky since.  The sky-when clear-is absolutely blue and clear. And, somewhat surreal!  Could it be that we've seen the last of Chemtrails?
[and from another]
Really hitting it hard now in British Columbia. Sun appears to be a dim light. 
[and from another]
Up here in Alaska we get chem-trailed every day and all day.  About February they even began chem-trailing before sunrise.
[and from another]
Plenty in MO. … AR has been full, too. … NM Going Strong ... Literally every day in south Louisiana. They haven't stopped at all. … Cloudy today Manassas, Va. Previous 2 days and nights no chemtrails. First back to back purely sunny days w/o since early in Trump admin. … Plenty in Florida. … Not here in NorCal, was out shopping yesterday, they are still spraying here. … They have not slacked up at all in OK … Still no chemtrails whatsoever here in No VA. Is there any place in the country that is still having chemtrails? … Back in Phoenix today, first day in a few weeks. … Blue skies in OHIO. No chemtrails in two weeks. I've been monitoring on each sunny day clear blue and no chems. … Edmonton Alberta essential business as usual saw a few today.

The pandemic, with lockdowns, has disrupted the chemtrail spraying routine
to some degree, but it has not stopped. This is being funded and supported by the wealthy, who have much to fear if the public becomes aware of Nibiru’s presence. They feel the social order breaking down, with lawless roving gangs taking over their wealthy enclaves. They fear the value of the dollar becoming worthless, so they would have no bargaining chips. The lockdowns can expose their operations, which they want hidden, so some disruption has occurred.

Accepted via email: 

Mystery surrounded Kim Jong Un’s health after U.S. and South Korean officials gave differing accounts of the North Korean leader’s condition following his unusual absence from recent holiday celebrations. Kim was in critical condition after undergoing cardiovascular surgery last week and the Trump administration wasn’t sure of his current health, said U.S. officials, who asked not to be identified. According to the Judge, Pelosi was connected to North Korea. North Korea was being held hostage by the Deep State Cabal and Trump freed North Korea in 2018. Google had a secret server there. Can we expect a Kim Jong Un clone in the coming days?
[and from another]
It seems that Korea reunification could be at hand very soon as Chubby Kim is struggling with serious health issues. Do the Zetas can explain?
[and from another]
TRDJ: North Korea has the goods on Nancy Pelosi.
[and from another]
because before President Trump appeared in the political world North Korea was being held HOSTAGE by the deep state cabal.
[and from another]
TRDJ: North Korea has the goods! (Secret Google Server)
[and from another]
US source: North Korean leader in Grave Danger after Surgery
[and from another]
South Korea and China Play Down Kim Jong-un Ill-Health Claims
North Korean leader has not been seen in public for days and reports said he had undergone heart surgery
[and from another]
South Korea says 'No Unusual Signs' Detected about Kim Jong Un's Health
South Korea says it can't corroborate reports that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is gravely ill, with an official in the presidential office saying Seoul believes he is with officials traveling outside the capital, Pyongyang.
[and from another]
Kim Jong Un was in Critical Condition after Surgery, U.S. Official Says
The U.S. is seeking details about Kim Jong Un’s health after receiving information that the North Korean leader was in critical condition after undergoing cardiovascular surgery last week.
[and from another]
Kim, 36, was last seen at a government meeting on April 11, and was mysteriously absent from the celebration of his late grandfather Kim Il-Sung's birthday on April 15. It is unclear what would happen next if fears that Kim is 'incapacitated or worse' were to prove correct, but his sister Kim Yo-jong is among the senior politicians who could be in line to take control.  

Kim Jong-un is known to have heart disease, and has had surgery in the past to clear his arteries. But he is stubborn and refuses to take steps to guard his health – continuing to smoke and refusing to diet to shed obvious excess pounds. In September 2017
Kim was trying to intimidate the world
with his missile tests and developing a nuclear arsenal. Half a year later in March 2018
Kim had struck a deal with President Trump, because the Junta and the Council of Worlds had boxed Kim in. He was having repeated failures.

By April 2018 Kim’s soul wanted out, and departed the body, to be replaced by a Walk-In. But the rule on Walk-Ins is that if the original soul wants back in, the Walk-in arrangement
is canceled, and this is what recently occurred. Missile tests have been restarted, and attempts to restart a nuclear program have begun. The Junta in N Korea had become accustomed to a kinder more gentle Kim and does not welcome the former dictator’s return. Thus in mid-April, 2020 they are in the process of arranging Kim’s death, and are likely to succeed.

Prior ZT:
What is N Korea’s chubby dictator Kim trying to achieve by pushing forward with his nuclear program? He is seeking to become powerful enough that no other country, including the US and his immediate neighbors China and Russia, can control him.  Kim has the mindset of a typical bully, and their lust for power knows no bounds. When they get a grip on a country, they reign for decades and are virtually impervious to attempts to stop them. Kim envisions being able to dictate to the world, essentially master of his Universe. Drunk with success, he feels unstoppable. 

Prior ZT:
Walk-ins can be temporary if the original soul dithers and wants to come back, but in Kim’s case the Council of Worlds arranged for Kim’s soul to instantly start a new incarnation elsewhere, so he cannot return. The walk-in soul is very old and wise, carefully selected for such a momentous mission. The future bodes well.

Accepted from Alberto this remarkable capture:

Problema com virus e mais mais mais.
4/22/2020 10:13
[and from another]
Zoom 8 x.

Once again Alberto has captured a close-up image of Nibiru, exploded in the Monster Persona manner where light spreads outward and then returns to the gravity draw of Earth. Monster Personas thus display the characteristics of the object, but present a much increased size, a virtual camera zoom. In this image, as with the earlier capture in March 2018, there are ghost reflections in the camera, each reflecting the original image that was captured. Examine what is presented in both photos – March 20, 2018 and April 22, 2020.

The lumpy cream colored clouds surrounding Nibiru can be seen. The major land mass under the clouds, where the cloud density is less than when over water, can be seen in both years, and this land mass takes the identical shape and location! Because Nibiru rotates, this major land mass moves between photo shots, retaining its shape. A secondary land mass can also be discerned to the lower left of the major land mass. There can be no doubt, this is Nibiru, doubly confirmed.

Prior ZT:
This is indeed the face of Nibiru, enhanced by the known phenomena of a Monster Persona, which we have explained pulls the light rays spreading outward back in toward Earth, thus making the object seem larger. Where Nibiru is primarily a water planet, with much less land mass than the Earth, it is densely shrouded by cream colored clouds. Nancy was taken for a visit in one of our space ships, and was astonished to see that beneath these clouds, the Annunaki do not have blue skies, but cream colored skies.

Accepted via email: 

Can the Zetas comment on this mass shooting/ killing over three weekend across 100km of quiet Nova Scotia by a 51 year old previously socially well functioning denturist? Seems to be no apparent motivation, he was eventually killed by police. Another end times STS resume builder? 
[and from another]
22 victims confirmed dead in N.S. mass shooting
April 21, 2020
Twenty-two people are now confirmed dead. They also confirmed the locations across the province where they've found victims — Portapique, Wentworth, Debert, Shubenacadie and Enfield. As police investigators compile evidence from the 16 crime scenes scattered around those towns, the piles of flowers and mournful notes at memorials across Nova Scotia are growing. The rampage ended when police shot the gunman, Gabriel Wortman, 51, who later died. The gunman was driving a replica RCMP vehicle for part of his rampage. He was also wearing an RCMP uniform, which police said was authentic, although they have not revealed how he acquired the clothing. Nova Scotia RCMP Chief Supt. Chris Leather said the car and uniform are part of the reason the shooter was able to move so far and for so long without being captured. More than five structures and cars were burnt in the course of the shooting.
[and from another]
Gina Goulet, a 54-year-old who lived in Shubenacadie, N.S., battled cancer twice before her life was taken on Sunday. Goulet worked as a denturist for 27 years, but Butler couldn't say whether she knew the shooter, who worked in the same field. 

The Nova Scotia shooter seemed intent on killing as many as possible. He had arranged for a used RCMP vehicle and discarded uniform found at a salvage store, to be used as camouflage during his rampage. He had no personal revenge agenda, nor did he know his victims. They were chosen at random. He encountered some while they were out for a walk, or running errands. Any homes he stopped at opened their doors to him because of his uniform. What was his motive?

What is the setting for a walk-in or possession? A walk-in occurs because the body is empty, a human who has not yet sparked a soul, or where the incarnating soul wants out or is contemplating suicide or otherwise determined to leave the incarnation which they consider a prison. A walk-in, as we have explained, can only be done by a Service-to-Others entity, and is a total soul replacement. But when a possession
occurs the original soul who invited the possession
remains, and is being manipulated by the possessing entity!

Thus one must look to this Nova Scotia denturist, who obviously resented his lack of stature in the community. He took on the uniform of a powerful person. He resented social restrictions, so took on the persona that would allow him to instill fear in others, and force cooperation. Such possessions routinely ends in death for the possessed, but the Service-to-Self entity counseling the possessed gains a strong Service-to-Self convert, and that is the goal in this game.

Prior 2012 ZT:
How could a possession, which is an invasion of the human body formerly used by another, occur? A human body in the throes of a possession is, as astonishing as it seems, still only considered being psychologically influenced by the visiting spirits. The human body is responding to this influence, and if the possession is a crowded possession with the original soul still present, is responding to this influence. A possession is very much dependent, thus, on the attitudes the human body holds – resentment, a desire for status, or unfulfilled lust. Is it possible for a human body with an unsparked soul to be possessed? This is obviously against the rules or possessions would be rampant, in that there are more such humans at present than those with reincarnating souls. The setting, then, requires a reincarnating soul, allowing Service-to-Self spirits to influence its body to such a degree that they can suggest to the body how it should behave. The goal of possessions is to turn growing young souls to the Service-to-Self orientation. 

Yet another Nibiru closeup, different view of the land masses (perhaps on the other side) by Alberto. 

Accepted via email: 

Despite the efforts by the Nigerian government to change the minds of Nigerians of rumors that their president, Muhammadu Buhari had died and been replaced with a body double called "Jubril" from Sudan, some citizens still have misgivings about the authenticity of the president. The body doubling rumor was fueled by some high-profile personalities including Buhari’s predecessor, Goodluck Jonathan and the leader of IPOB, Nnamdi Kanu. Was Buhari replaced by a body double?
[and from another]
Corrupt "governments" controlled by the deep state cabal. Speaking of corrupt "governments", do the world honestly believe Buhari is in control of Nigeria? or do the world just think he is? TRDJ+
[and from another]
The Judges were recently in Nigeria! Funny. TRDJ+
[and from another]
Nigerian President Buhari denies death and body double rumours
Some people thought he had been "cloned", but "it's [the] real me, I assure you," Mr Buhari said. The Nigerian leader, who is right-handed, was using his left hand - "proving" that that meant he was a body double.
[and from another]
Nigeria election: Buhari battles body double rumours and economic woe
Returning to Nigeria after a long sick leave in London last year, President Muhammadu Buhari was greeted with a bizarre conspiracy theory. He had died and been replaced by “Jubril from Sudan”, a body double who had undergone extensive plastic surgery, said the Biafran secessionist leader Nnamdi Kanu.
[and from another]
Angry Nigerians chase Buhari with police to conduct compulsory DNA test on him
Despite efforts by the Nigerian government to disabuse the minds of Nigerians of rumours that their president, Muhammadu Buhari had died and been replaced with a body double called "Jubril" from Sudan, some citizens still have misgivings about the authenticity of the president.

To continue the corruption that had been running rampant in Nigeria prior to Buhari’s election, those who wished to see business as usual continue in Nigeria arranged for his death and replacement by a Double. This has been obvious to Buhari’s fans, who noted that the Double was right handed whereas Buhari had been left handed, and that the facial features did not match. The Dark Judge(s) have hinted recently that this reign of corruption will not last. They have also hinted that Q is in charge of the UK as well as the US. The reach of the Q team is broad, worldwide, and certainly reaches into Nigeria. More to come.


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