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  • Commentary chitchat will automatically be deleted if it does not add to the questions already posed. The weekly Q&A chat is not a stage for opinions or rants. 
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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
  • The Q&A discussions just past and ongoing are pinned for easy reference.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
  2. Correlation or resolution of ZetaTalk with the work of other channels or authors is not done unless they predict and have a prediction accuracy track record, as otherwise they are not a peer of ZetaTalk which does so. This rule has been in place since 2002. Just because another website or author makes a statement does not make that statement true, nor will the Zetas explain to you why their statements are not true, as then they are taking time out to address the issue.
  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 78 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 54995

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Replies to This Discussion

All questions declined.

The Zetas have already addressed the issue of China bribing Biden ( It is known that Diane Feinstein had a Chinese driver for decades. It is also known that Hillary gave China access to classified info via her bathroom server. Does that make China a bad guy and the US a victim? No. How much mischief has the CIA done for corporate America? ZetaTalk is NOT here to sort out all of human history.

Google is interested in Google, as a corporation. Many different Google tentacles were discussed with the Zetas two years ago in April of 2018. ( Google and China also got a comment from the Zetas in December of 2018 when a Google employee was found murdered in China. ( It’s long been known that China steals intellectual property from the US. Do we wish to wade back into this to sort out yet another tentacle? No.

Then you raise the issue of why Russia and China are demonized in the West. The Zetas have addressed the competition among banking networks – BRICS vs IMF.  ( Russia is demonized as the Deep State and Cabal find this convenient when attacking Trump. Does China bear guilt for the Covid-19 pandemic? Beyond the wet market practice, no. This took the world by surprise, not just China. No, it’s not a bioweapon as the Zetas said from the start. (

Stanislav said:

It seems that China is both boogeyman and a threat at the same time.

Hi Nancy & Zetas.  Would the Zetas care to comment on this UFO display? It's really active & obviously got a lot of peoples attention, even the cops.


Tracie Crespo said:

Would the Zetas care to comment on this UFO display? 

It's really active & obviously got a lot of peoples attention, even the cops.
[and from another]
Police Respond to Color Changing UFOs in Rotating Formation on April 7, 2020 in Mexico

As we have repeatedly explained, during the pending New Madrid adjustment, that portion of the US lying to the East of the Fault Line will move toward the NE while that portion of the US lying to the West of the Fault Line will remain in place. Mexico is at the tip of the bow formed by the N American Continent. When the tension in the bow is released, as the Fault Line rips, there will be an adjustment in Mexico too.

Those parts of Mexico to the East of the bow line, and along the Gulf, will ease and slide toward the North. This Mexico adjustment is clearly shown in the UFO display, as the UFO line is at first conjoined, then separated, then the right side (East) moves up (North) while the left side (West) moves down (South). Crevasses along the line of adjustment might appear, not an unusual occurrence in Mexico due to the bowing tension it endures.

Accepted via email: 

Does anyone know what is happening in Kansas and Missouri right now? The Carbon Monoxide Surface Concentration is off the charts. It started in Kansas. 38.98° N, 96.56° W
[and from another]
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A massive release of CO has occurred before in the N American Continent, because of the bow stress associated with the forthcoming New Madrid adjustment. In 2016 a CO release 180 times normal
occurred over the West Coast due to subduction of the Pacific Plate under the N American Plate. Due to the lack of oxygen underground, CO accompanies the methane gas released when rock layers slip apart and release gasses from rotting vegetation. Note that the CO release in western Kansas occurs along a line paralleling the New Madrid Fault Line. This release also is also to the West of the Ozarks,
along a line where the hard rock under the Ozarks ends. The New Madrid Fault Line will soon rupture.

Prior ZT 3/5/2016:
There are numerous emissions registering up and down the West Coast, starting on February 25, where the rock is fracturing under this tension. Carbon Monoxide levels, up to 180 times higher than normal, are being recorded and causing distress among the residents. That this is coming from the ground is not being denied. Is the new Madrid about to slip, or will this tension continue to build? Both will happen, but this situation will undulate. Sliding and rupturing is occurring between rock layers all the way to the East Coast, so the CO emissions may also register there at times. Just when the tension will result in a significant New Madrid adjustment we are not allowed to say, but this is clearly in the near future.

Accepted via email: 

While India has been in a lockdown, "diya jalao India" was encouraged by PM Modi. People witnessed UFO sightings in different parts of India at 9:00 pm when Indians switched off electricity and lit lamps. If they were UFO's what was the message to the people of India.
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It is possible for the Zeta's to explain what does the symbol Shri Yantra stand for.
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UFO Sightings in India? Multiple Cities See the Same Alien Craft (April 5, 2020)
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The Shri Yantra, Sri Yantra, or Shri Chakra is a form of mystical diagram (yantra) used in the Shri Vidya school of Hinduism. It consists of nine interlocking triangles that surround a central point known as a bindu. These triangles represent the cosmos and the human body. Because of its nine triangles, Shri Yantra is also known as the Navayoni Chakra. When the two-dimensional Shri Yantra is represented in three dimensions, it is called a Mahameru. Mount Meru derives its name from this shape. In addition to Mount Meru, all other yantras derive from the Shri Yantra.
[and from another]
Diya Jalao: Here is how India responded to PM Narendra Modi's 9 pm-9minutes appeal
April 6, 2020
After Prime Minister Narendra Modi urged people to light lamps to express unity in fight against the novel coronavirus, people across India used lamps, diyas and flashed moblie lights for nine minutes at 9pm on Sunday.


The Hindu religion is very spiritual, and teaches absolutely that reincarnation is real. Being heavily populated and as a nation struggling with poverty, India can be expected to be hammered by the current Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the world. India will also suffer greatly during the coming Pole Shift, where the Indian continent will be pushed down under the Himalayas. Benign aliens, attending to the spiritual needs of the people of India, were taking the opportunity to remind them that death is not the end, and life and love continue. 


Accepted via email: 

A triangular UFO display at Siberian city of Tomsk.
[and from another]
An intriguing video from Siberia shows a trio of white orbs seemingly hovering in a triangular formation in the sky. The curious footage was reportedly filmed in the parking lot of a shopping center in the city of Tomsk earlier this week and, shortly thereafter, popped up on Russian social media, where it quickly went viral. In the remarkably clear but criminally short video, three proverbial balls of light appear in the sky and remain largely stationary for the duration of the footage.
[and from another]

What message is being relayed by the UFO trio to the residents of Tomsk in central Russia? We have detailed the path of a new inland bay
that will rip open during the hour of the Pole Shift. This will rip into the Eurasian Plate
just to the east of Iran and run all the way to the Ural Mountains. Tomsk lies to the East of this rip, but will find their new position confusing. The compass of course changes after the Pole Shift, as does the direction of the rising Sun, so for Tomsk lands to their former East will seem to have drifted toward the West.

Prior 2007 ZT:
The new Eurasian Plate seaway is anticipated to run just to the east of the Iran border, going up through western Pakistan and Afghanistan and thence round along the eastern borders of Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan where the lowlands are skirting the foothills of the Himalayas. Moving in the direction of least resistance, the Eurasian Plate rips through the lowlands skirting along the highlands, a stretch zone adjustment that is silent and only deadly to those directly above the point of tear.

Accepted via email: 

Thanks for your April 12 newsletter which covered the Pointed Heads. I can only "assume" that they are from a different density (dimension) and thusly like the Tall Whites travel between dimensions avoiding the counsel of worlds quarantine restrictions of Earth via 3rd dimension ships like what the Annunaki transport themselves in?

The rule imposed during the time of Roswell about conscious contact
did not affect those humans who were working with the Pointy Heads or the Tall Whites,
as they already had what was in essence a contractual arrangement with these alien groups. These arrangements are rare, and must in all cases be approved by the Council of Worlds. We, the Zetas, were reluctant to discuss the Pointy Heads within ZetaTalk until they had resolved to leave the Earth, for this reason. A full blown engagement between alien groups
of differing spiritual orientations is exhausting and something neither group wants. 

Thus, the Pointy Heads had a child molestation with rape and consumption of Adrenochrome operation going on in Antarctica, with regular visits by certain elite Khazarians. They would fly down, go underground, be pumped up by Adrenochrome, and return to do Satan's bidding. They were of course promised all manner of success on Earth, which they, the Pointy Heads, could not deliver. The Service-to-Self lie. Why did Kerry and McCain rush down there? To get their orders, and try to protect their masters from discovery. None of this occurred, as the Pointy Heads were not talking to them anymore. They were packing up and leaving. 

The Tall Whites did not have an arrangement via Antarctica nor in the US via MJ12.
Like the Omnipotent Krill,
they met with MJ12 and tried to establish dominance. These two groups were not the only Service-to-Self groups trying such a maneuver. They too failed and left for greener pastures. 

Accepted via email: 

Is it possible to pose a question to the Zetas regarding the current plight of our PM Boris Johnson? Has he been executed? After a week of isolation due to CV he was admitted to hospital and the ICU due to worsening symptoms but no-one has been able to see him in person since then, including his own father apparently, and the very accurate Dark Judge has said that he has met the same fate as the Queen. Assuming this is true, getting a double for Boris Johnson would IMO be almost impossible - he's too much of an unique character.
[and from another]
UK sees almost 1,000 new virus deaths; Johnson improving
April 10, 2020
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson needs time to recover from the new coronavirus and is unlikely to be back at work soon. Johnson was diagnosed with COVID-19 two weeks ago, the first world leader confirmed to have the illness, and initially was said to have mild symptoms including fever and a cough. He was admitted to the hospital on Sunday and moved the next day to the ICU, where he received oxygen but was not put on a ventilator. Intensive care specialist Duncan Young said it is “almost impossible to know” how long it will take Johnson to get back to full health. “He has been very ill and it will take a while,” Young said. “Nobody knows in terms of shortness of breath and lethargy, in scientific literature, how long it takes to recover. It particularly depends on how ill you have been.” Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab is standing in for Johnson while he is ill.
[and from another]
Will Boris Johnson betray Nigel Farage?
November 12, 2019
The prime minister made two tough commitments that pleased his Leave rivals: he will not extend the transition period beyond the end of 2020, and he will pursue a Canada-style free trade deal with scant political alignment with the EU bloc. These pledges put the UK on course towards another Brexit cliffedge in 2020, as few believe that a comprehensive trade deal between the UK and the EU can be wrapped up within 12 months.

Boris Johnson, the current UK Prime Minister who stepped in after May resigned, has reportedly been in the hospital ICU recovering from a Covid-19 infection. He looks a tad different now for good reason – he has been replaced by a Double. As is usual when an individual is being replaced by a Double, they are out of the public eye for a period of time, so the public in essence forgets what they used to look like. A sudden change is noticed. A gap in time allows for memory fog. What was Johnson’s crime?

Boris has always been reluctant to back Brexit, which was repeatedly put before the UK public and approved. May endlessly dragged her feet, and though Boris got behind the issue, there are many steps that a UK Prime Minister must take to bring it to fruition. Failure to ram it through, past the reluctant European Union leaders, would result in a Brexit that is anything but a true exit of Britain from the European Union. This was what Boris was arranging, which is a type of treason against the UK people, and for this he was executed and replaced.

Accepted via email: 

You recently spoke again about the STS groups in attendance on Earth and it seems like you said that the Pointy Heads are mostly responsible for the Adrenochrome operation.  In the past you have also spoken about the Devil who came to make an appearance before the Bible was written. Is there an actual entity that is Moloch or was this the basis for the myth?
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The devotion of Israel to this worship of the calf was partly explained by a circumstance at passing through the Red Sea, when they beheld the most distinct creature about the Celestial Throne which is the resemblance of ox, then they thought it was an ox who had helped God in their journey from Egypt. A golden calf which he proclaimed to be the God of Moses and the God who had guided them out of Egypt.
[and from another]
In the Sumerian religion, Marduk is the "bull of Utu". In Hinduism, Shiva's steed is Nandi, the Bull. Their life force may have been thought to have magical qualities, for early carvings of the aurochs have also been found. Ka, in Egyptian, is both a religious concept of life-force/power and the word for bull
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We have described human memory of contact with highly Service-to-Other entities as balls of light
or as humans floating
in the sky during the days of Jesus or the image of Yoda
drawn on a manuscript page or recently the little aliens
briefly glimpsed around the world. None of this is terrifying, unlike the visage of highly Service-to-Self entities. The visage of the Devil
was recalled because those who were in his presence sensed his rage. The Fat Snakes
who operated throughout Eurasia were depicted on the Dropa Stones, though their lackeys – the trolls and Annunaki – were their public face.

Why do the highly Service-to-Self ambassadors wish to hide their visage? They reveal themselves by this, and prefer to lure mankind into an alliance with them by using cunning lies. Modern man speaks of “the vibes” given off, describing what the soul senses about another. These highly Service-to-Self ambassadors cannot hide their vibes, their true intent. The Pointy Heads did not institute the Moloch practices, but took advantage of them as the Adrenochrome harvested from terrified children could be touted as an advantage – a benefit.

Moloch worship is depicted as worship of the Golden Calf. The evolution of this worship is constantly debated, and for good reason. The real evolution has been stricken from human books and verbal history so that present day Moloch practice would not be tainted. But the Old Testament reports that God ordered a child sacrificed, as a test of loyalty to God. During the Exodus, when Moses led the Jews through the Red Sea, the passage of Nibiru appeared as horns due to the eclipse of the Sun by Nibiru which presented this appearance. Thus their escape was linked to Horus, a God in Egypt.

But child sacrifice has a long history, going back into Greco-Roman times and found in ancient graves in Peru. It is a promise long used by Service-to-Self entities when consulting with humans eager for worldly goods.
Though the Service-to-Self cannot deliver, they make claims. There is no more abhorrent crime than sacrificing a baby or toddler, and rape to the point of terror and excruciating pain likewise is not compatible with human emotions. But adding the consumption of blood and flesh resulted in the Adrenochrome high, it had a secondary benefit.

The Golden Calf or the Wall Street Bull are depictions of cattle for two reasons. As anyone who has faced an enraged and charging bull can attest, they are terrifying and do not back down. Yet mankind raises and eats cattle, counting the birth of each calf as a blessing. Did the entity encouraging Moloch practices look like a bull or calf? No, though they assumed this visage during consultations. A pawing, head tossing, snorting bull that demanded humans treat THEMSELVES as cattle, else they could not have the Golden Calf they desired.

Prior 1995 ZT:
The Devil of lore is a fairly accurate picture of an extraterrestrial who visited Earth millennia ago, briefly. This visit preceded the time when the Bible was to be written, and thus the memories of this entity were fresh and strong. This was a 4th Density entity, who came alone except for his entourage, in answer to The Call from a group of humans strongly oriented toward Service-to-Self. This call was given in mid Africa, but once called this entity roamed about a bit, answering The Call from others in the vicinity. He is indeed red, all over, and to humans in close contact he would seem to exude heat. Thus he was associated with the concept of fire, as one who could live comfortably within fire. His personality, to those in contact with him, seemed fiery also, given to flashes of temper and severe punishments - the Devil.

Prior ZT:
Moloch practices are being eliminated worldwide - and the networks prosecuted, the leaders executed - and thus any source of power for the Pointed Heads eliminated. This battle is still ongoing in human society, but has in essence been won. 

Prior 1995 ZT:
There has been much confusion about angels, who are regularly shown in the Christian religion as wearing flowing white gowns and having wings and haloes. There is no such creature, or at least no creature that looks like this, although there are entities that operate in the manner ascribed to angels. This myth sprang up during the early Christian era in response to humans in the traditional garb of that day seen floating. The robes, wafting in the wind, appeared as wings. The sunlight, reflecting off their oily hair, which in those days was never truly washed, appeared as haloes. Angels.

Prior 1995 ZT:
These entities have an extreme mental capacity, beyond what humans can endure. These entities have a force of love, also. Returning from a contact with these entities, the contactee feels as though he has risen from a warm bath into the cool air. He wishes to return to the warmth. He wishes this never to end.

Accepted via email: 

Would this be the truth? If possible, please, comment.
[and from another]
21 million Chinese died of coronavirus – US intelligence officials intercept data
April 6, 2020
The Intelligence report stated that at least 20.9 million of the deaths were linked to coronavirus. According to the US, the intercepted data that shows that China underreported its coronavirus infections and deaths was validated for a second time when it tallied with a data released by Beijing authorities. Beijing announced on March 19 that over 21 million cell phone accounts in China were canceled in the past three months while 840,000 landlines were closed. China had reported little over 81,000 infections with 3,300 deaths. But US officials say the report has been authenticated and has been confirmed that the closing of the phones numbers were as result of deaths caused by coronavirus. China introduced mandatory facial scans on Dec. 1, 2019 to confirm the identity of the person who registered the phone. As early as Sept. 1, 2010, China required all cell phone users to register the phone with their real identification (ID), by which the state can control people’s speech via its large-scale monitoring system.
[and from another]
Some outlets have reported that the city has seen a recent increase in urn shipments to eight funeral homes in the city, which could be evidence that there are far more deaths from COVID-19 than the city's official death toll of 2,535. Some city residents said on social media that Wuhan's funeral homes were "handing out 3,500 urns every day."
[and from another]
By subtracting the expected deaths of roughly 16,000 in Wuhan, based on China's annual death rate over two and a half months, they estimate that the urns show that the coronavirus outbreak could have resulted in approximately 26,000 deaths.

Is China lying about their Covid-19 death rate? They have been lying and can be expected to continue to lie. In the Fall of 2019 when Covid-19 first emerged in Wuhan, China hoped to keep its emergence entirely secret. It was yet another virus emerging from China. SARS and the annual flu are known to emerge from China’s bat population, and up until Covid-19 the wet markets and the consumption of wild bats had been allowed to flourish. But due to the Chinese New Year celebrations, Covid-19 escaped China.

During the total lockdown that ensued in Wuhan and nearby provinces, it was not possible to gather the truth, as journalism was hampered. But the truth has a way of slipping past barriers. Despite the finger pointing and claims, Covid-19 was not an escapee from the Wuhan labs, nor released by the US Military, nor genetically engineered for any purpose. Mother Nature did this, amid the blood and guts in the wet market drains of Wuhan. But during the cover-up, China lied about the deaths in Wuhan, which topped past 20,000.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

What has WHO done wrong? We also know that China lied about the number of deaths, did WHO really help?

Trump halts World Health Organization funding amid coronavirus pandemic

Qanon gave us some clue. We can understand that at the UN and WHO there are people who are involved in this occult nonsense. But China. It seemed to me that such a practice was absent in China. Are white hats dominating in China, or am I wrong?

Thank you very much


Stanislav said:

What has WHO done wrong?

We also know that China lied about the number of deaths, did WHO really help? Qanon gave us some clue. We can understand that at the UN and WHO there are people who are involved in this occult nonsense. But China. It seemed to me that such a practice was absent in China. Are white hats dominating in China, or am I wrong?
[and from another]
Trump halts World Health Organization funding amid coronavirus pandemic
April 14, 2020
The World Health Organization is a U.N. specialized agency - an independent international body that works with the United Nations.  Trump said the WHO failed to investigate credible reports from sources in China’s Wuhan province that conflicted with Beijing’s accounts about the coronavirus’ spread and “parroted and publicly endorsed” the idea that human to human transmission was not happening. Trump said Washington would discuss with global health partners what it will do with the millions of dollars that would normally go to the WHO and said the United States would continue to engage with the organization.
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Charter of the United Nations
The Purposes of the United Nations are: to maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace; to develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace; to achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character, and in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and for fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language, or religion; and; to be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations in the attainment of these common ends.

The United Nations charter states that it should be above politics, and deal with facts. It states “to achieve international co-operation in solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character”. Thus preventing or slowing a pandemic would be solidly in its charter, yet the current WHO director did the opposite. The current director of the World Health Organization is pandering to China, as he was nominated for the job by China. It would merely be a matter of political pandering were it not for the death and economic devastation that resulted.

China did not want a term like “pandemic” ascribed to yet another virus emerging from its country, and undoubtedly pressured the WHO director to delay such an announcement. But to resist calling Covid-19 a pandemic when it was a firestorm on all continents is beyond obvious. This is flagrant incompetence. Q foresaw where this level of incompetence and pandering would lead. Shiva is the Hindu god of Destruction and Renewal.
Q is obviously saying that leaving the world in the hands of the current WHO director would result in death and destruction for the world. He should have been fired in January, and it is long overdue.


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