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  • If not, assume it has been declined by the Zetas.
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  1. No personal counseling is done.This rule has been in place since 1996. Questions should be of broad interest to the general public.
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  3. The Zetas, as all visitors, are under rules on how they interact with humanity. They are not here to rescue you. They cannot divert Planet X just as today they do not prevent droughts or floods. The Earth is mankind’s schoolhouse whereby he learns to help his fellow man.
  4. The date of the pole shift cannot be given, but the sequence of events can be given. [ Link ] Check the ning pinned discussions and blogs for such information as the 7 of 10, the last weeks, etc.

Note the Zeta's words on wasting the opportunity to pose question to themselves, and get a response via Nancy. They do not suffer fools gladly, and this will increasingly be the case.

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 [73] years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek. To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 54777

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It seems that there are more problems with the dust of the tail in the air lately. Heard from several people who have issues with their lungs, coughing and so on, over here in NL, And also over here the flu epidemic is lasting for 16 weeks now for what i read. Could the Zetas give any advice on how to deal with the increase of the red dust from the tail. What could one do to protect themselves. I would expect that sooner or later people would have to wear protective masks and so ?

Declined as you already know the answer, no need to ask the Zetas. Polluted air is something many cities deal with constantly, with the increase in asthma statistically proven. LA, Beijing, one can hardly see the hand in front of the face. I read once that in LA, curtains rot quickly and have to be replaced, due to the smog. Likewise living where a volcano has burped. Masks keep the ash out of the lungs, else the ash turns to cement. 

Gerard Zwaan said:

It seems that there are more problems with the dust of the tail in the air lately. 

Accepted via email:

Voyager thrusters responds after 37 years
[and from another]
Voyager 1, NASA's farthest and fastest spacecraft, is the only human-made object in interstellar space, the environment between the stars. The spacecraft, which has been flying for 40 years, relies on small devices called thrusters to orient itself so it can communicate with Earth. These thrusters fire in tiny pulses, or "puffs," lasting mere milliseconds, to subtly rotate the spacecraft so that its antenna points at our planet. Since 2014, engineers have noticed that the thrusters Voyager 1 has been using to orient the spacecraft, called "attitude control thrusters," have been degrading. Now, the Voyager team is able to use a set of four backup thrusters, dormant since 1980.
[and from another]
It’s currently over 13 billion miles away from our planet and passed into interstellar space back in 2012. Data still flows from Voyager to Earth, though it takes around 19 hours to make the trip. That trickle of information will stop in 2025 when the radioisotope thermoelectric generators cease to provide enough power to run any instruments. But for the moment, we’re still in contact with humanity’s most distant envoy.
[and from another]
Voyager 1 is currently 13 billion miles away from Earth, travelling northward through space. Meanwhile, Voyager 2 is now 11 billion miles from Earth, travelling south towards the interstellar region.

Voyager 1 has been floating outbound to the northern edge of the Solar System since 1977, and in combination with Voyager 2 (which has been outbound to the southern edge of the Solar System), they have been able to triangulate the location of Nibiru as it prepared for another passage. But since 2014, Voyager 1’s main thrusters have been dying, and fearing they would lose their optimum view of Nibiru during its passage, NASA in desperation tried to access the backup thrusters, finding them operational.

Why is this in the news? Why is the public being informed? The establishment, in particular NASA, is looking for an explanation of why they delayed informing the public about Nibiru lo these many years. Nibiru is heavily shrouded by red dust. Where the Moon Swirls form into long tubes and can focus light down the tube like a flashlight, Nibiru itself is so shrouded it looks like a dim fuzz ball. The Second Sun happens only on occasion, and Moon Swirl orbs, though brilliant, likewise fade quickly. Thus NASA hopes to claim that they only NOW have been able to discern Nibiru, due to Voyager 1 regaining functionality.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

The situation in the world economy now resembles 2008, although it seems that it is even worse than the great depression. Some have already started talking about the fact that we are in a bear market and not in a correction, as the corporate media are shouting.

2 April, 2018. Stocks' Second-Quarter Start Is the Worst Since the Great Depression

6 April, 2018. Peter Schiff: We Are In A Bear Market, All News Is Bad News

4 April, 2018. "This Is The Breaking Point" - Manhattan Home Sales Plunge Most Since 2009

27 March, 2018. Global debt is fast approaching a quarter of quadrillion dollars

Another question is why now. There is an opinion that they (deep state, bankers and etc) want to accuse Trump of all economic failures. Trump started the trade war with China and therefore the stock market is collapsing. But we know the real culprits. (Fed, other Central Banks, IMF and etc)

6 April, 2018. "We May Take A Hit": Trump Warns Investors To Prepare For "Pain" In The Market

The Zetas also stated that the elite is blackmailing Trump to stop the persecution.

And if Trump insists on freeing the American people from the debt slavery the Black Hats had imposed, then the cabal will use their wealth hoards to embarrass him. The DOW crash was deliberate, and -666 was not an accident.

But they also stated that the stock market is overvalued

The current DOW boom, which underwent a sharp correction, is inflated. Stocks can go up and then down just as swiftly.

Or they just lost control as in 2008?

Thank you very much

Accepted. Very swingy lately and has nothing to do with the relative value of money, but what is coming soon to Earth - the Pole Shift etc. 

Stanislav said:

The situation in the world economy now resembles 2008, although it seems that it is even worse than the great depression.

The situation in the world economy now resembles 2008, although it seems that it is even worse than the great depression. Some have already started talking about the fact that we are in a bear market and not in a correction, as the corporate media are shouting. Another question is why now. There is an opinion that they (deep state, bankers and etc) want to accuse Trump of all economic failures. Trump started the trade war with China and therefore the stock market is collapsing. But we know the real culprits. (Fed, other Central Banks, IMF and etc). The Zetas also stated that the elite is blackmailing Trump to stop the persecution. But they also stated that the stock market is overvalued. Or they just lost control as in 2008?
[and from another]
2 April, 2018. Stocks' Second-Quarter Start Is the Worst Since the Great Depression
[and from another]
6 April, 2018. Peter Schiff: We Are In A Bear Market, All News Is Bad News
[and from another]
4 April, 2018. "This Is The Breaking Point" - Manhattan Home Sales Plunge Most Since 2009
[and from another]
27 March, 2018. Global debt is fast approaching a quarter of quadrillion dollars
[and from another]
6 April, 2018. "We May Take A Hit": Trump Warns Investors To Prepare For "Pain" In The Market
[and from another]
Todd Brassner, 67, who was in apartment 50C on the 50th floor of Trump Tower, in Manhattan, died in hospital after the unit was engulfed by the blaze. Brassner was an art dealer who had purchased his 50th-floor unit in 1996. He was friends with Andy Warhol, and is mentioned multiple times in Warhol's autobiography. The deceased tenant of the posh Trump Tower pad filed for bankruptcy in 2015. In the bankruptcy filing it says the apartment he lived is worth $2.5million. Four firefighters suffered 'non-life-threatening injuries' in the blaze - the cause of which is not yet known.
[and from another]
Seven U.S. service members have died in this week due to accidental aircraft crashes, according to news reports. Four Marines were killed earlier this week in a helicopter crash in California, and a day later an Air Force Thunderbird pilot died in a crash in Nevada.

We have described the Stock Markets as a gambling casino, where the public is encouraged to come and invest on the promise that they will leave as millionaires. Then they lose everything. The wealthy, who know when stocks are about to plunge, sell before the plunge and thus steal from the little man. It is a historical fact that before a crash, the markets swing wildly,
and the DOW is doing that at present. This is due to a milking action, where the wealthy pump up a stock to entice the little man to invest, and then arrange to sell off just ahead of the stock plunging.

Most of the secret war between Trump’s Junta and the Deep State is hidden from the public. CIA headquarters
were invaded by Dunford’s Marines. Tens of thousands of pedophiles and their brokers have sealed indictments being served and will likely be prosecuted in sealed military tribunals. Funds have been taken from the Clinton Foundation and the Queen, and countless others. The Cabal wanting to enslave mankind by denying them the truth about Nibiru and encouraging debt slavery via Jewish banks and the IMF is now fighting for their lives.

They controlled the US Federal Reserve
and lost that when Dunford took over the Fed. They wanted Hillary in the White House,
so they could control the US Military, and failed utterly. Their insurance policy was to impeach Trump for supposedly colluding with the Russians to throw the election his way but now a year later Mueller has nothing. Instead, Sessions has been quietly preparing to prosecute the Hillary crowd for FISA and Uranium One and mishandling of classified email. The chances for the Democrats to retake the House fades as illegal immigrants, their voter base, increasingly come under attack.

Frantic, the Cabal is acting like a cornered animal. They derailed a train full of Republicans going to Greenbrier,
attempted to nuke Hawaii,
and sent an Anthrax threat to the Trump household. We mentioned that Obama held back from a Nibiru announcement because of dirty nuke threats, but Trump’s Junta has engaged the Cabal in a full war and is cleaning out their underground bunkers in Denver
and the Channel Islands. Now they are pointedly bringing down US Military helicopters within the continental US, and to make their point crystal clear, have set Trump Towers ablaze.

What will become of the wealthy if Nibiru is announced? We have predicted that the common man will abandon their debt slavery, their Credit Card payments and mortgages, and leave their jobs for the safety of rural areas. This trend will force the wealthy elite to retreat to their bunkers early, fearing attack from angry mobs. Seeing an admission that Nibiru exists soon, the elite are thus trying to increase their wealth, as though this will be a bulwark against loss of control. As we have predicted, the wealthy elite will fail
in all their efforts, and the common man, the least of them, will succeed the best.

Prior ZT:
And if Trump insists on freeing the American people from the debt slavery the Black Hats had imposed, then the cabal will use their wealth hoards to embarrass him. The DOW crash was deliberate, and -666 was not an accident.

Prior ZT:
The current DOW boom, which underwent a sharp correction, is inflated. Stocks can go up and then down just as swiftly.

Prior 1996 ZT:
The worth of paper money is a fragile thing, based more on confidence than anything, paper money can plunge in value overnight, and often does in unstable countries where printing more paper money is seen as the solution to underfunding of government ambitions. We have predicted a collapsing economy, to the degree that it would drop to 1/4 of its strength as it stood at the end of 1999. It is not there yet, and will continue to fall, each country’s problems impacting the others, each failing company dragging others down. We anticipate a real impact where storms and quakes take out cities, insurance companies fail, and the government must step in or the homeless population increase.  Thus, families will be thrown on the good graces of their neighbors, the extended family, co-workers, or philanthropic individuals. This is a precursor to the situation that will exist after the shift, so get used to it.

Can the Zetas speak to whether this likely has more to do with positioning troops for protecting the border from the pending rush of refugees, than it does with illegal immigration? Thank you.

"Today, Texas is deploying the first wave of 250 National Guard troops to support Border Patrol agents."

Mattis OKs up to 4,000 National Guard troops for border

I want to add,

2 April, 2018. Donald Trump says caravans of people coming through Mexico to cross U.S. border

Willa Rawlings said:

Can the Zetas speak to whether this likely has more to do with positioning troops for protecting the border from the pending rush of refugees, than it does with illegal immigration? Thank you.

"Today, Texas is deploying the first wave of 250 National Guard troops to support Border Patrol agents."

Mattis OKs up to 4,000 National Guard troops for border

Good question but it is really a question on the pending (if any) announcement admitting Nibiru. The Zetas will not give us a clue about that, allowing Putin or anyone else trying to get the truth out to proceed unfettered by the enemy being armed by ZetaTalk giving their moves away. Arming the enemy with facts is not a good move.

What we know for a fact is that 1200 Hondurans were marching across Mexico, assisted by everyone, blocked by no one, and apparently this maneuver had been done many times in the past few years. They only STOPPED because Trump did more than blow hot air, and moved troops to the border. Then they turned around or accepted visas to stay in Mexico, near Mexico City. 

Willa Rawlings said:

Can the Zetas speak to whether this likely has more to do with positioning troops for protecting the border from the pending rush of refugees, than it does with illegal immigration?

Declined also. The Q discussions you quote seem to be citing all the reasons for having a tight border. As we have said before Q will not be instantly interpreted by ZetaTalk. I was suprised at the most recent ZT re your DJI question, as they did confirm many trends and speculation, but this is a Q drama not yet unfolded. As Q has requested, YOU do the digging and discussing. 

Stanislav said:

I want to add,

Accepted via email:

Zuckerberg and Facebook are under attack. The Zetas have stated that Zuckerberg is a well-connected and powerful member of the global elite, so I'm wondering if the severity of the attacks and accusations are another indication of a great reduction in power and influence of the STS establishment in general, or perhaps just for Zuckerberg. The fact that he has been hauled in front of Congress and remains a top news story seems significant. His power, influence and connections are apparently not strong enough to prevent such things. I also noticed that some other notable elites are coming down on him. Elon Musk and Steve Wozniak, to name two. I'm wondering if this is just typical rats-deserting-a-sinking-ship type of behaviour, or if there has been a more concerted effort to throw Zuckerberg under the bus for some reason. Perhaps they're just annoyed with Facebook for reasons given and all the other reasons why we all complain about Facebook.
[and from another]
Facebook's Zuckerberg apologizes to U.S. Congress, vows to do better. April 10, 2018.
Hearings follow news that data mining firm obtained info on 87 million users to influence U.S. election. Facebook revealed last month that political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica (CA), which had ties to Donald Trump's presidential campaign, may have harvested data of 87 million users without their knowledge. Facebook granted the researcher at the centre of the Cambridge Analytica scandal permission to sell data collected from Facebook users through a survey. Facebook has claimed it was deceived by the researcher, whose survey was used to collect data on up to 87 million users.
[and from another] 
Tech entrepreneur Steve Wozniak says he's quitting Facebook. Wozniak, who co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs, is abandoning the social media giant, joining the #DeleteFacebook movement in which Facebook users are shutting down their accounts over concerns about the use of their personal information. Elon Musk had the Tesla and SpaceX pages removed from Facebook.
[and from another]
CRUZ: Mr. Zuckerberg, I will say there are a great many Americans who I think are deeply concerned that that Facebook and other tech companies are engaged in a pervasive pattern of bias and political censorship.  Facebook has initially shut down the Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day page, has blocked a post of a Fox News reporter, has blocked over two dozen Catholic pages, and most recently blocked Trump supporters Diamond and Silk's page, with 1.2 million Facebook followers, after determining their content and brand were, quote, “unsafe to the community.”

Is there more to the FaceBook brouhaha than data security and data mining for political purposes? Certainly, in Washington DC, it is the season for campaign accusations, with Special Investigator Mueller investigating the Trump Campaign for Russian collusion and Hillary’s funding of the Russian Dossier not even needing an investigation to show her Russian collusion. Zuckerberg allowed Cambridge Analytica to examine FaceBook trends, reportedly to assist the Trump campaign. If private data could be harvested for such examinations, what other mischief might be going on?

Internet users share personal data via email, so email hosts are aware of these conversation, as are governments. Phone companies keep archives of phone conversations, logs of who talks to whom and at what date and time, and this is available to law enforcement too. Twitter is free but hardly private. And Google knows your search trends, and what you seek from the Internet, and likewise makes this available to law enforcement. Most free services are not a charity, as the hosts make money by advertisements.

For FaceBook, the advertisements are pointed, based on the information the user provides. If you talk about your trip to the zoo with toddlers, you are likely to see ads for toddler outfits and zoo animal toys. Even those who do not use FaceBook have noticed that after they shop on the Internet for an item, these ads pop up when they log in to check their email. Is there a central database of users and shopping preferences, and what else might that database contain? We have stated that Zuckerberg is a member of the elite who hope to enslave survivors after the Pole Shift, and seek information on the populace to that end.

FaceBook was spanked
in September, 2016 for trying to dominate Internet access in Africa for rural areas. His goal was to track survival camps by their Internet communications, but the Council of Worlds blew up his satellite. He likewise was caught in July, 2017 trying a similar gambit in S America,
tracking migrants via Disaster Maps showing their routes. How would FaceBook be any different? Given that this is Zuckerberg’s goal, can he be stopped by hearings in Congress?

To the extent that the elite make their plans among themselves, the Council of Worlds will not interfere, as the Rule of Non-Interference allows young souls to explore their options and learn by making choices and making mistakes. But the Council has made it clear, by taking down any satellites that seeks to track migration that it will not tolerate this. Beyond satellite outage, what can be done? The Transformation Team, which includes General Dunford, can limit the use of private data by Zuckerberg and others by engaging Congress and the White House, limiting these practices, by law.

Prior ZT:
FaceBook is immensely popular and international, and Zuckerberg had announced almost a year ago that he intended to promote his via satellites and drones, to provide service to parts of the world with scarce access to the internet. As the satellites fail, these will be replaced with the Zuckerberg drones already in operation. All communications in the vast region of Africa will be known to Zuckerberg and his elite allies, who obviously include Israel. This information would be used for enslavement and control, and it is this effort that the Council of Worlds will not allow.    

Prior ZT:
The Council of Worlds slapped Zuckerberg down in 2016 over his ambitions to control survivors in Africa with his drone based Internet. He is now trying to be covert. His cover is to masquerade as an assist to disaster recovery providers. Zukerberg is hardly a humanitarian. As a member of the elite he wishes to limit and control the starving masses after the Pole Shift, to enslave them, and to eliminate those who will not be useful to he and his ilk. He seeks information. True karma awaits.

Hi Nancy.  Any backstory behind the mainstream nonsense?

Strike on Damascus comes just as Syria got the chance for a peaceful future – Moscow

Damascus has come under attack by the US, France and the UK at a time when Syria is returning to peaceful life, after battling a terrorist aggression for years, Russia’s Foreign Ministry said, as it condemned the attack.

"First, the Syrian people was subjected to Arab Spring, then Islamic State [IS, formerly ISIS, ISIL], now to 'smart' American missiles. A strike was carried out on the capital of a sovereign state, which for many years has been trying to survive under the threat of terror,” Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said.

The US, the UK and France launched a coordinated attack on Syria on Friday against what they claim are research, military and storage facilities involved in the production of chemical weapons.

In its assessment of the attack, the White House said that the decision to use force in Syria was based “on descriptions of the attack in multiple media sources,” as well as videos and images, including those showing “two assessed barrel bombs from the attack.”

The White House argued that “a significant body of information” suggests that the Syrian government used chlorine in an alleged attack on Syria’s Douma, which was then a rebel-held town, on April 7. The additional information, it added, indicated that sarin might have been used as well.

Hours before the attack, the US State Department said that it had “a very high level of confidence” that Damascus was behind the incident.

Multiple places in Syria have come under attack by US, British and French military forces after President Donald Trump ordered a military strike against the country despite international warnings against further escalation of the situation.

“A short time ago, I ordered the United States Armed Forces to launch precision strikes on targets associated with the chemical weapons capabilities of” Syria, Trump said in a televised address from the White House on Friday evening.

He also warned Russia and Iran, which have been assisting Syria in its counter-terrorism campaign, to end their support for the Damascus government, but said, “hopefully, someday we’ll get along with Russia, and maybe even Iran, but maybe not.”

US officials said that Tomahawk cruise missiles and other types of bombs were used in the attack.

British Prime Minister Theresa May also said she authorized the British armed forces to conduct coordinated and targeted strikes, noting, “I have done so because I judge this action to be in Britain’s national interest.”

“This is not about intervening in a civil war. It is not about regime change. It is about a limited and targeted strike that does not further escalate tensions in the region and that does everything possible to prevent civilian casualties,” she claimed.

Britain’s Defense Ministry said that four RAF tornado jets took part in the attacks, striking a Syrian military facility near the Syrian province of Homs.

Hi Nancy and Zetas,

"<...> This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience. . . .Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications. . . . In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."

- January 17, 1961, President Dwight Eisenhower

"I have already spoken to three US Presidents. They come and go, but politics stay the same at all times. Do you know why? Because of the powerful bureaucracy. When a person is elected, they may have some ideas. Then people with briefcases arrive, well dressed, wearing dark suits, just like mine, except for the red tie, since they wear black or dark blue ones. These people start explaining how things are done. And instantly, everything changes. This is what happens with every administration."

- May 31, 2017, Vladimir Putin

What happened again? 'Deep state' in military? At what point in history did it happen that the intelligence agencies and the military became more powerful than the official authorities?

We have addressed the Chain of Command concept that many in the public hold, to show how the top guy never has complete cooperation in the troops or personnel below him or her. Everyone has an agenda. If the agenda is not in agreement with the top guy, then resentment or conflicting agendas go underground. Those resentful can be passive aggressive, or can form cliques and plot to sabotage the top guy’s orders. This is common in the military, very common in corporate politics, common among organizations, common on football teams, and common in extended families.

Many call the CIA useless. Combating terrorism? They created it themselves. Drug trafficking? No comments... Bureaucracy in its pure manifestation. 

Damascus skies erupt with anti-aircraft fire as the U.S. launches an attack on Syria targeting different parts of the Syrian capital Damascus. AP. Link

But this is not the most interesting part of the question. Here's what happens in Russia:

This incredibly cool article shows that not only the US has problems with this. It's worth saying that the list should be updated since it does not include recent deaths. Only three died a natural death! Possibly!

I also made a small graph. After the fire in Kemerovo, there were reports of fires in nine other shopping centers.

Thank you very much


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