Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."

In this particular Blog will be describes and take note of all the Earth Changes of the World that will lead to the Geological Movement of the South American Plate: about 250 miles/400.33 Km  to roll!.
" These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed."
The 7 of 10 Event: A multi-region event!
The Zeta sequence is as follows:
(2) with Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific Ocean
(4) S America to roll,
-this blog-

-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:

-Sinking part of  the Caribbean Plate:
-Lesser Antilles  sinks in the ocean and
-Central America get crunched  in the process:
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift
(6) Africa to roll

(7) and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan:
(9) followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
7 of 10 Pace:
8 of 10 Overlap:
A Must See:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 1:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 2:
Zetatalk/Troubled Times Survival Booklet PDF:
Cover, front and back
Table of Contents and Introduction
High Tech Note: continued in the next PDF document

And finally, the Zetatalk predictions for safe locations are 100% accurate.

PDF File:
All data is Cited, Quoted, Credited and Linked to Their respective Originators.
Note Also that no data Before:  July 21, 2010 at 6:07pm ET of this TimeWorld is Displayed! 

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Brazil: a "sort of" cloud in greater Sao Paulo, record fallen trees and power outages
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Colombia: Rains leave 469 dead in Colombia
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Over 100 flights canceled in Argentina and Chile due to volcano ashes
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Caribbean Plate Border:
Dominican Republic: El Llagal dam nearly collapsed
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Venezuela, Vargas State (Caribbean Coast), Macuto power failure, La Guaira blackout.


Macuto has 15 hours without electricity
Also in La Guaira was a long blackout. Corpoelec has not reported anything about it.
Friday June 10, 2011 03:56 PM
Macuto .- Residents of the parish in the Vargas state, Macuto, report that for more than 15 hours without electricity in their homes.
The failure also has affected schools and shops in the area.

"From 1 am we ran out of light. The heat made ​​it impossible for us to sleep during the day and has been disastrous. We were told that as at 3 pm would be solved the problem and has not been well, "said Brigitte Dominguez, a resident of the El Cojo.

At this time the service has not been restored and Corpoelec has made no statement explaining the failure.

The power failures affected service areas also José María Vargas Hospital of La Guaira, where staff reported problems in X-ray equipment, which is not turned on again to return the service.

Argentina in relation to the volcano in Chile. However, it looks not as an avalanche, but more like the road caved in, by the earth changes that manifest in volcanic eruption, due to movement west


Puyehue volcano eruption
Avalanche destroyed the road to El Paso Samore

The collapse of the route was caused by the accumulation of volcanic material and rain, so the border crossing was closed to traffic. It  is recommended Pino Hachado.
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The incessant rains coupled with the large amount of volcanic material accumulated on the asphalt caused the collapse of the road between Argentina-Chile through the Paso Samore. For this reason, the border crossing will be cut. It is recommended for those traveling through those places do by Pino Hachado, at the height of Zapala.

Neuquén Agency.

Complications follow Chilean volcano eruption
By the accumulation of material and rain collapsed part of the border crossing Samore, evaluate if you retake the classes in Bariloche, helps Jacobacci
Saturday June 11, 2011 | 16:29 (updated 16:28)
Despite the resumption of flights at airports Buenos Aires, the eruption of Puyehue volcano continues to cause problems in the south.
Part of the border crossing Samore collapsed due to the accumulation of volcanic material and rain, the newspaper Black River. The area was closed to traffic and transit recommended by Pino Hachado.
Meanwhile, in the city of Bariloche is evaluated whether classes resume next Monday. The decision will depend on weather conditions.
Jacobacci Solidarity. A campaign launched by the Solidarity Network aims to help the people of Jacobacci Rio Negro, which is suffering the consequences of volcanic ash.
From 10:30 am in Editorial PROFILE door on Calle Chacabuco 271, Buenos Aires, received grants. You can bring clothes, goggles, masks, saline, gloves, mittens, water and non perishable foods.

"agricultural emergency"plus cattle

Saturday, June 11, 2011 I Buenos Aires, Argentina
Patagonia airports remained closed and roads were passable with care.
Follow the warning in Patagonia after a week of falling ash
11.06.2011 | Governments of Black River and Neuquén coordinated with officials of Finance and Agriculture of actions to help livestock producers in the area, while the housing management decreed Neuquen "agricultural emergency" in two provincial departments.
Affected populations from a week ago by volcanic ash fall continued today under alert to the possibility that a wind change or new releases complicate the environment, while Patagonia airports remained closed and roads were passable with care.

While the volcanic ash cloud dissipated over Buenos Aires and began to function normally airports, flight delays and cancellations in recent days generated an intense day in the bustle of passengers trying to get air stations where ships equipped .

Meanwhile, the governments of Black River and Neuquén coordinated with officials of Finance and Agriculture of actions to help livestock producers in the area, while the housing management decreed Neuquen "agricultural emergency" in two provincial departments.

In Neuquén, where tomorrow despite the ashes will be elections by the deputy governor, Carlos Gonzalez, signed the emergency decree to address the need for agricultural producers departments Lakes and Collon Cura.

In these regions, are the towns of Villa La Angostura, and Piedra del Aguila Traful that showed the highest amount of ash received in the last week.

Gonzalez said that "we can not yet take stock of how much it will cost you the whole situation in the province because we do not know if it is over."

But he said that the President issued a National Treasury contribution of one million pesos to support the plan of assistance to the south of the province.

In Bariloche, meanwhile, recalled that Civil Defence continued on the "volcano alert" in the area since the arrival of ash depended on the behavior of the wind.

In the region, said Transportation routes were "passable with care" and reported that remains closed to traffic over Cardenal Samore, which communicates with Chile Neuquén. Education authorities in Black River ahead tomorrow at a meeting of the committee that assesses the status of the ashes will be defined if Monday is resumed teaching classes.

In this framework, the province hired a company to be in charge of cleaning, especially on the roofs of schools where accumulated large quantities of ash and water by rain yesterday.

Yesterday, the roof of a school collapsed and collapsed under the weight of the accumulated stock in recent days.

AP Photo. The crater, and not a crack as it was thought,  birth of the river Nilahue.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Eruption of Puyehue volcano
Geologists warn that eruption remains active  Cordon Caulle
This was reported REPRESENTATIVES of the National Service of Geology and Mining of Chile after conducting an overflight of the area. They reiterated the red alert.

After making a flyby by the volcanic Cordon Caulle , Chile, representatives of the National Service of Geology and Mining (Sernageomin) reported that the eruption is still in development. The expedition allowed to have a better view of the area, according to Hugo Moreno, a representative of Sernageomin, it is a crater, not a crack, as initially thought.

"This crater was created in Nilahue river, causing much volcanic material creep, " he said. Finally, Moreno reiterated the red alert in the area, and stressed that "although seismic activity has decreased, conditions can change at any moment. " He added that the eruption column is maintained, so that the eruption of Cordon Caulle still in development. In addition, experts were able to spot the formation of an island of considerable size pumice in Lake Puyehue.


Well, now that scientist understood that the river Nilahue is born at the mouth of a volcano, and that millions of salmon died when the temperature rose to 45 centigrade, they moved 5 million salmon that did not cook in the river, to another area.  Salmon prices probably will be up, and the food chain continues to increase in restriction.

Chile is the second largest global trader of farmed salmon.

Puyehue volcano eruption
Moved 5 million farmed salmon in Chile
The volcanic eruption caused the temperature rise of the rivers in the area at 45 ° C. The decision was taken by the National Marine Fisheries Service after the death of millions of salmon in a hatchery.

Five million farmed salmon were taken this weekend in Chile due to the eruption of Cordón Caulle, causing the temperature rise of the rivers in the area at 45 ° C, according to the National Marine Fisheries Service in Chile (Sernapesca .) The measure was taken after the death of millions of salmon in a hatchery located in the area of the river Nilahue, born in a branch of  Cordon Caulle volcano and its tributary flows into the valley of Lake Ranco, located north of area of eruption, reported Sernapesca.

The producers of the area were alarmed by the loss of fish because the salmon industry is the fourth largest export sector, which places Chile as the second merchant farmed salmon world, surpassed only by Norway, with exports in 2009 of 2.174 million dollars. One of the most affected was Nilahue SA, which reported the death by suffocation of all its salmon, after the Sernapesca investigated 17 farms around the area affected by volcanic activity.

Geologists who inspected the area explained that given that the temperature of the rivers have exceeded 40 ° C, conditions under which "is almost impossible to survive the marine fauna, "the transfer of fish expertos.El be held through a pumping process, as used for selection, and graduation count salmon activity.


Viedma city, Rio negro, Argentina

Entire city without water after water main broke


11/06/2011 - 17:44:48
Breakage of a pipe master
All Viedma without water until the 20
Río Negro Water crews are working on May 25 and Pueyrredón.

Río Negro SA Water reported that due to the rupture of a master pipe  at the intersection of 25th de Mayo and Pueyrredon in the city of Viedma the water service will be cut off  in its entirety from this morning, and is expected to be restored for about 20 hours.
From very early on is the company crews working on the place to fix this important break.

For these reasons, users are asked to reduce the use of this vital element for human consumption in order to minimize


Venezuela, "strong oscilation" generated an explosion that produced the blackout in Noth Los Andes (Trujilo, Mérida y Táchira) y Barinas” including Maracaibo



From Friday night Zulia state was hit by blackouts. The cause of the blackout that keep some parts of Zulia still in the dark was the burning of five transformers in the substation El Tablazo.



Sudden rise

There were five states that went dark. "They exploited by power surge, a sudden demand overloaded line," said the minister, who announced that there is a technical forensic investigating whether there was external actions and conditions of the switches and transformers.

Rodríguez technicians congratulated the National Electricity Corporation (Corpoelec) by the "rapid response". Despite the statement, said it will close today at 8.00 pm when the service is stable.

"We work hard. The repair, relocation and progressive increase of the generation will take us until tomorrow at 8.00 pm. Power flows will be normalized and will be gradually restoring service. "

Between eight and 10 billion is being invested. "For tomorrow-today-expect no less than 91 thousand mw installed because all we are committed to solving this problem."

The Minister informed that the "hard swing" that caused the explosion "caused the power outage in the Andes (Trujillo, Merida and Tachira) and Barinas.


More than 12 hours without electricity sparks wave of protests in the city

Maracaibo took to the streets and demanded the immediate return of electrical service. Much of the businesses did not open. This Saturday was a loss.

Yrmana Almarza - - Maracaibo - 6/12/2011 00:00 12

Not endured and came out to protest everything. Communities near the avenues in Maracaibo El Milagro and El Milagro Norte took to the streets, burned tires, blocked traffic free. In this way found a way to express his discomfort. It took more than 12 hours without electricity.

They slept on the patios, porches or fronts of their houses. Apartment residents had come down for the night was "very warm". We found outdated, overwhelmed and very annoying.

North West and woke collapsed. The still ongoing power failure caused crossbars on the main roads. Much of the traffic lights did not work. The fuel release was only possible in the few sectors where there was light. Much of the trade is not opened. This Saturday was a loss.

Electrical service recovery will be gradual Zulia

Electricity Minister Ali Rodriguez said that the protests are "useless and explained that to solve the crisis will proceed to the installation of 13 transformers, culminating in the 8.00 pm tomorrow - Maria Gabriela Villalobos - Maracaibo - 6/11/2011 16:40 11

At a press conference from the Rafael Urdaneta Air Base Electricity Minister Ali Rodriguez Araque, said the work of restoration of transformers could culminate tomorrow at 8.00 pm, and indicated that once the facility is given service recovery will be gradual.

He explained that the fire successive five transformers in the substation El Tablazo caused a distortion in the electrical system caused a "significant number of people" are left without service.

To remedy the situation Araque said will proceed to the installation of 13 transformers and bring others to remain in reserve in case of any other failure.

Indicated that overloading was the cause of the transformer exploded, so suggested is gained "consciousness of energy saving" and that the electricity consumption patterns change.

"We call on the conscience of the Venezuelan people in Zulia we can live without air conditioners to 14 or 16 degrees all day," he said.

With respect to protests about the lack of electricity Rodríguez Araque said these are "useless" and that more could "complicate the situation."

Ending the interview the minister said that power involvement in the Zulia was 90 percent but did not disclose the percentage by which the region could recover the service today.

Pérez requires the executive to explain electrical fault causes

The governor of Zulia, Pablo Perez,  called the minister Ali Rodriguez to explain what was the real cause of the failure remains without electricity across the state and how long it will last the problem. He recalled that there are sectors that are more than 12 hours without electricity - Yaileth Argüelles - Maracaibo - 6/12/2011 00:00 12
From the Southern General Hospital Zulia state governor demanded Electricity Minister Ali Rodriguez Araque, explain what caused the blackout in Zulia and how long it will last the problem. He recalled that there are sectors that are more than 12 hours without light.

"We demand response ministry to us telling us what is happening, what will be the solution and how much to take," Perez said.

The regional president said he took the trouble of citizenship by the lack of electricity but called for calm.

Perez made a tour of hospitals in the state to verify how the operation with the use of power plants, but stressed that they do not have much capacity to supply all areas so that give priority to intensive care units and emergencies.

"We hope that the minister's explanation to us zulianos of what is happening and we affirm the willingness of the Government to assist in this crisis so difficult," said the governor.


Cordon Gaulle-(Puyehue) worst case scenario warnings
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Central America @ Pacific Coast seeing some quake action...:

:(    picture wouldn´t copy...

Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

Central America @ Pacific Coast seeing some quake action...:

:(    picture wouldn´t copy...

Thanks Malou, this is the picture:


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