Nancy Wrote on Holgraphic Presentation Last night...
"Over to S America the Andes are shown doing mountain building, while some islands in the Caribbean are sinking, their plate
pushed under as S America rolls."

In this particular Blog will be describes and take note of all the Earth Changes of the World that will lead to the Geological Movement of the South American Plate: about 250 miles/400.33 Km  to roll!.
" These regions will not experience the sense that they have moved 250 miles further to the west, though this will be computed by man after the roll has been completed."
The 7 of 10 Event: A multi-region event!
The Zeta sequence is as follows:
(2) with Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific Ocean
(4) S America to roll,
-this blog-

-Caribbean Subducting under Northern South America:

-Sinking part of  the Caribbean Plate:
-Lesser Antilles  sinks in the ocean and
-Central America get crunched  in the process:
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift
(6) Africa to roll

(7) and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan:
(9) followed by the New Madrid adjustment,

(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
7 of 10 Pace:
8 of 10 Overlap:
A Must See:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 1:
Zeta Report Survival Tips 2:
Zetatalk/Troubled Times Survival Booklet PDF:
Cover, front and back
Table of Contents and Introduction
High Tech Note: continued in the next PDF document

And finally, the Zetatalk predictions for safe locations are 100% accurate.

PDF File:
All data is Cited, Quoted, Credited and Linked to Their respective Originators.
Note Also that no data Before:  July 21, 2010 at 6:07pm ET of this TimeWorld is Displayed! 

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Caribbean Plate Border:
Three children die in Haiti landslide
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More of 7 of 10 Event by Nancy and Zetatalk Newsletter:


" S America Grind

What plate boundary suffers the most during subduction? The part being pushed UNDER another, subducted, or the part being pushed OVER another. In the case of the S American roll, it is clear that at present it is the part being pushed over, although sinking of the Caribbean Plate has begun. In Venezuela, in locations that align remarkably with the Caribbean Plate border and the N Andes Plate border, there are catastrophes such as crumpled roads and sinking and flooding.  

Reported Flooding in Oilfields 
May 12, 2011
The City Fire Department  received at least seven emergency calls flooding in the Mine Field sector housing and oil fields of Lagunillas. 

Flood Waters Wash Out Main Road West Venezuela
May 21, 2011
A massive section of Cristo de La Laja hill, between the towns of Seboruco and Jáuregui, collapsed and washed out the road into Grita River, thus deviating the water course.

Collapsed Highway Traffic in Petare-Guarenas
May 16, 2011
There is no way to Caracas. This is the main road into Caracas from as far as Margarita Island and Sucre.

The community Flooded Dolores Sucre
May 20, 2011
The most affected sectors of the municipality of Sucre after the flooding of several homes, were the coastal towns of San Antonio, Boscan and the Port. 

In Colombia the flooding which has devastated the country is due primarily to heaving river beds, which dam the drainage. This is so severe it is estimated that 2.2 million have been left homeless, 1,101 municipalities affected with a total of 605,000 homes destroyed. The land is being crumpled. The parts of Colombia affected are on the N Andes Plate, which per the Zetas is pushed along during the S American roll as though it were part of the larger S American Plate. This is mountain building. 

Flooded Residents of three Municipalities of Córdoba
May 13, 2011
The canoes have become the indispensable means for the people of Puerto Cordoba. The town is located in the subregion of the San Jorge and is a necessary step on the route from the interior leads to the Caribbean Coast. 

Cars Swept Away by Floods in Barranquilla, Colombia
May 15, 2011
Flood waters swept away cars and buses in a busy street in the city of Barranquilla, Colombia.

Floods in the Island- Puerto de las Damas
May 15, 2011
The emergency began early Saturday, when families in the island in front of Puerto de las Damas, watched as the river began to get closer to their homes. 

Full Cantagallo Flooded 17 days
May 17, 2011
In Cantagallo 2,000 families are affected by the rainy season. The town of Cantagallo, which completed 17 days of being under the waters of the Scimitar. The involvement of nearly 95 percent of the village, by a broken dam Puerto Nuevo, caused by river. 

Bogota Cut off From Northeast Colombia
May 18, 2011
Colombia's capital Bogota has been cut off from a large part of the northeast of the country after a landslide destroyed a bridge connecting the capital with the city of Bucaramanga.

The Zetas have described the effects of the S American roll on Venezuela as a GRINDING action, and stated that mountain building has already begun in the N Andes.  

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010:
Those living along the border of S America and the hapless Caribbean Plate will experience a great moaning and grinding while the S American Plate glides over the Caribbean Plate, pushing it down with its weight as it does so. 

ZetaTalk Statement 2/26/2011:
The S American roll will not take place in an instant, from start to end, as is obvious from the preliminary movement already taking place. The region of the N Andes fault line is suffering mountain building."

end quoted


North Andes plate, Merida, Venezuela

200 000 residents  South of (Maracaibo) Lake without drinking water
Mérida: 56 pipelines out of service for heavy rain
The rains have caused havoc in rural networks, areas where access is blocked
Prensa Web RNV
May 27, 2011, 9:36 a.m.
Increased rainfall levels in Merida, out of time, caused the total loss of four aqueducts and 56 were out of  service, as reported by the Chairman of Aguas de Mérida, Manuel Padilla, to ensure that they are working hard to fully restore the supply networks of drinking water.

56 of inoperative water systems is in major municipalities in the state of Merida, this figure is appended rural networks, which because of the damage and landslides in the road, it was impossible to access areas for attention, he said.

Padilla said that at this time are deployed in the towns South of the lake, where about eight aqueducts are out of service, which affects a population of 200 000 inhabitants, who since yesterday night did not have the supply of this vital liquid.

To address this, the Bolivarian mayor of South Lake and the Governor of Merida are doing the distribution of water to the population through tankers.

By late afternoon on Friday estimated to have removed the debris and plant material that has fallen to all water facilities for recruitment, to continue the work of restoration of service, he said.

On an interim basis, to resolve this situation, pipelines have been installed craft and technical archetypes in critical areas.

The Chairman of Aguas de Mérida acknowledged the involvement of the Technical Boards of Water in the entity that are involved in the reactivation of the pipelines with the participation of the population.

Trinidad-Tobago news, indicate Trinidad lower part of Island seems to be undergoing water problems (broken pipes, lack of home water, or muddy/dirty water), landslides, while fast floading of coastal area roads is reported for center and North areas of Island. A video posted by a concerned citizen shows  people unable to drive into their homes by a sunken road, landslide road, that developed 2-3 months ago, and  becoming worse .  The sinking is almost 6 feet for this landslide, and there is a difference between the recent posting to the left, and the older posting to the right.

Sismos Recientes en Panama

últimos sismos registrados por la Red Sismológica del Instituto de Geociencias de la Universidad de Panamá.
Evento cerca de Las Tablas, localizacion preliminar: (Ver Mapa: Estático - Dinámico)
No: 467 - Fecha: 2011-05-27 - Hora(UTC): 16:56:00 - Hora Local (Panamá): 2011-05-27 11:56:00
Magnitud: 4.1 - Profundidad: 10.00 Km
Lugar cercano al epicentro: 14 km, Las Tablas, Panamá
Un sismo se registró hoy viernes 27 de mayo de 2011, a las 11:56 a.m. hora local. El evento tiene una magnitud de 4.1, y se ubica en las coordenadas: latitud 7.64 N, longitud 80.33 W, a una profundidad de 10 km. El lugar poblado más cercano al evento se ubica a 8km al norte de Valle Riquito, Provincia de Los Santos. Este sismo se origino en una falla local....


Translated from news

An earthquake measuring 4.1 Richter scale shakes central Panama


An earthquake of magnitude 4.1 on the Richter scale jolted central Panama, causing no casualties or damage, an official source.
The Institute of Geosciences, National University of Panama said on its website that the quake occurred at 11.56 local time (16.56 GMT) and had a depth of 10 kilometers.
He said the epicenter of the quake was detected at 14 kilometers from the city of Las Tablas, capital of central province of Los Santos, and placed in the latitude 7.64 north and longitude 80.33 west.
The quake, which did not cause any damage, only caused alarm among the population of the area where you registered, especially in Riquito Valley, town of Los Santos.

The people's perception of the 11:55PM Panamenian 4.1  quake, under a misleading headline that it was just a tremor:

Big waves, cracks on the ground and homes, and a large but quick tremor precursor at 11:50 AM, with an after movement lasting few seconds, culminating with the 11: 55 reported seism.  They reported also previous shakes 2 days before, but were told nothing was really happening. 


LOS SANTOS. Only caused alarm among the population of the area.
Earthquake of 4.1 magnitude on the Richter scale creates panic among tonosieños

Zenaida Vasquez

Alert. They are not prepared for any emergency.
Much fear dwellers lived yesterday Guanica, Bucaro and Tonosí center, after these places tonosieño district of the province of Los Santos, an earthquake of 4.1 magnitude on the Richter scale.
The residents indicated that the incident occurred at 11:55 pm, and there were minor cracks in some areas of Guanica, but no injuries or material losses.
Ramon Villarreal, spokesman for the Interior, said that residents of Tonosí made ​​calls to the institution, stating that two days ago they have felt two tremors in their community.
According to the system of Geosciences, University of Panama, the movement had a depth of 10 km and its epicenter was located 14 kilometers from the town of Las Tablas.
"We felt we were shaken, but I sat and some people  left. We were very afraid, "said Aracelis Saavedra, who works as a cashier at the Cooperativa de Servicios Integrales Gladys.
Saavedra said the first tremor occurred about 11:50 am The first was rapid, but then continued to shake for a few seconds, then with less intensity.
"I felt very scared and everyone started to call their families, " he said.
Indicates she heard  in Playa Bucaro there were big waves.
Meanwhile, in Tonosí Police, explained that they had not reported any particular situation.
However, the National Civil Protection System (Sinaproc) received calls from residents who reported minor cracks in the ground and cracks in some houses.
The calls were received by residents of the community of Guanica.

There was another one in Panama:

No: 468 - 2011-05-29 - Hora(UTC): 03:55:07 
Mag 4.3 - deep: 10.00 Km Puerto Armuelles

Long 8.470°N

Lat 82.877°W 









Caribbean Plate Border:
Costa Rica's Poas Volcano increases activity, from The Watcher's
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Honduras: Tegucigalpa homes evacuated
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Posted in News
Mudflows in the Tungurahua volcano

May 28, 2011

Since the Tungurahua volcano area through the winter season, from yesterday May 27, there have been constant rains that generated lahars and floods in the streams and rivers that descend from it.

Yesterday, we reported a significant sized lahar descended the Quebrada de pingullo, closing the road traffic Baños - Penipe, a situation that continues to date. It was also noted the decline of muddy water from streams Juive, Vascún, Pondoa, Bilbao, Mapayacu, Ulba and Achupashal.

Today has reported muddy water flows through the ravines of Bilbao, The Pyramid, Pondoa and Juive area. It was further reported swollen rivers Chambo and Puel. The river has a flow Ulba twice normal and transported large boulders.

From the information obtained from satellite images can be seen that the current weather conditions continue, and because the ongoing eruption of the volcano has deposited large amounts of ash and pyroclastic material on the sides of it, the possibility of generating flows mud and swollen rivers of similar magnitude or greater than those occurring is high. For this reason it is recommended to the authorities and the population to take precautions to confront these phenomena.

Geophysical Institute
National Polytechnic School
AA / PR / LT



Tungurahua attracted tourists in the holiday
Sierra Writing Center

10:15 AM | SUNDAY 29/05/11

Despite continuous rains that  the Sierra central endures since Thursday, thousands of tourists were mobilized by the provinces of the region. Ambato The bus terminal became a place for the election of the tourist routes. However, it was not very crowded.

Baños de Agua Santa, Puyo, Shell Mera, Ambato fifths, Pinllo, Quisapincha, Salasaca, Patate, Pelileo, Pillaro, Salcedo and inns were the sites preferred by people.

At Baños, Tungurahua largest spa, visitors arrived from Quito and Guayaquil in particular. The holiday was significant for the residents of that city.

Eight days ago a rumor spread that ensured that 21 of this month a large explosion would occur in the Tungurahua volcano, active since April 20. That never happened, but despite the denials of the authorities and volcanologists significantly decreased tourism.

Technicians of the Geophysical Institute warned that the mud flows and flooding of rivers could increase because of the rains that wash the ash and pyroclastic material accumulated on the flanks of the volcano. Recommend to the people and authorities to take precautions.

This situation changed during this holiday. Thousands of tourists arrived from Friday night. This is referred to the receptionist at the lodge Monte Forest, which is not authorized to reveal his name. "The 39 rooms and cabins are full. We get tourists in Quito, Guayaquil and other provinces."

However, the technicians of the Geophysical Institute warned that the mud flows and flooding of rivers could increase because of the rains that wash the ash and pyroclastic material accumulated on the flanks of the volcano. Recommend to the people and authorities to take precautions.

Bath has 128 hotels, inns and guest houses, 106 restaurants, 35 nightclubs and 61 bars and tour operators. These businesses are complemented with adrenaline sports such as canyoning, rafting, dumping that are also connected with the parishes Verde River, Black River, the route of the waterfalls and several cable car make visible to rural communes.

According to the mayor, Hugo Pineda, 90% of the 15 000 baneans lives of the tourist business. "That's why the City continues to invest in this activity. Between 2010 and this year will be disbursed over U.S. $ 7 million to renovate the complex and build a water park," said Pineda.

The activity of the Colossus is monitored from the Tungurahua Volcano Observatory (OVT) in Guadalupe, near Baños. According to the technicians, the rain caused lahars and floods in the streams and rivers. Baños-Penipe route remains closed, but that did not hinder the movement of travelers.

"There have been no traffic accidents or impact on tourists. We are waiting. Nor has fallen ash on the city and the volcano is calm," said firefighter bathe, Patricio Vargas.

This holiday also served to explore other routes such as Píllaro-Patate and inns, restaurants, fruit stands located near the paved road. Salcedo also promoted as recreational areas Surillal, Rome and elsewhere villa located 20 minutes from the city.

"Salcedo is not just ice cream and pinol. In the last five years tourism projects have been developed which explore the traditional cuisine with that country feel like blueberry pie, chicha, the roast lamb and dishes of the Sierra," said Miguel Tello, director of Radio San Miguel.

The fabric fair in the parish and jean Salasaca Pelileo also liked to travel. Along the road that connects Ambato, Totoras Pelileo Salasaca and settled dozens of ice cream businesses, restaurants, shops and fruit stands.


Omoa is at the most delicate place in the Caribbean Crunch, I think, based on Zetas explanation of plate movements here.

"Omoa beaches have disappeared in 75%"
The biologist Gustavo Cabrera explained that the CA-13 in Rio Coto also be lost
05/09/1910 - Updated: 05/09/1910 10:39 pm - Yolani Izaguirre:

The construction of 43 breakwater in the town of Omoa every day is causing beaches to disappear over the community, leaving millions in losses in the tourism industry and affects the environment.

A company built four breakwater and the rest belong to owners of beach houses in residential areas Mar Bella and Las Salinas.

The biologist Gustavo Cabrera noted the serious environmental problem Omoa, reported several years ago. "Almost 75% of the beaches are gone," he said.

It is a natural event that began in 1998 when Hurricane Mitch hit the country. The owners of some homes located oceanfront Caribbean Gas Company began building the breakwaters to protect their property from the strong waves, but the impact is being observed after twelve years.

Cabrera said that already had a dialogue with representatives of Caribbean Gas, but unfortunately no solution was reached.

"Before there were about 300 meters from the beach and now there are only 25% of that amount. This phenomenon is known as a domino effect, or a string that is formed for many years. Recovers beach on one side, but on the other is lost, "said the expert.

Without permission

Cabrera said that all the breakwaters were built illegally, without environmental permits, so that has violated the Environment Act and the legal processes required by the municipal authorities of the community to build such structures, especially to go against the environment.

The biologist says the disappearance of the beaches has left huge natural losses, economic, social and psychological, as the death of large numbers of coconut trees and the deterioration of the electric poles have fallen into the sea, buildings washed away by heavy waves that have forced the owners to close their businesses.

CA-13 highway in the Rio Coto sector may also disappear because the waves are five to six meters from the street.
Tourism is down in a high percentage, because tourists prefer other places by the lure of the beaches, natural beauty that Omoa now lacks, he said.

Rye Laguna

Another consequence of the breakwater is the disappearance in 2003 of Rye Lake, which was about 1.600 meters long. His loss has affected marine life and plants.

The species living in freshwater, but died since the beginning of filtering salt water that seized mixalinas waters that had the lagoon. Also led to the disappearance of red mangrove, black and white, said Cabrera.


The biologist said a possible solution would be to make a more comprehensive study of oceanography, geology, economic and environmental assessment. "So far failed to perform because he is a millionaire project and the municipal authorities have no capacity or budget to run," he said.

You need another special study to analyze the possible risks if you remove the breakwater, he said.

Cabrera said that unfortunately can no longer do anything to avoid eating sea beaches follow if the seawalls are built.


The president of the Association of Omoa Lancheros, Julio César Rodríguez, recalls with nostalgia how beaches were fifteen years ago.

"It seems that the people of the community we are having a nightmare. We never imagined we'd get to see how we're running out of beach. We do miracles with what little we have in tourist attractions to draw the attention of tourists, "he said.

Luis Cruz, a resident of Rio Coto, expressed concern about the CA-13, threatened by the sea due to breakwaters.
"There is little distance from the street to the sea. If bad weather comes, the water will eat the street until we get cut off and that would be a tragedy. "

Unfortunately, the responsibility lies with local authorities, while a prosecutor of the Environment to know the amount of breakwater arbitrarily.

A few months ago the Attorney toured noting the damage to mangroves and beaches.

Severe Flood in The North of Brazil
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