Assisting where the data stops...

This spot is for those Earth Sensitives, and the like, to log symptoms/information related to the roiling core, harmonic tremors, surging magma, undulations & heaving on the sea floor, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes, compression blasts on the magnetosphere, etc. The logged info can be easily validated with data from liss, batsrus, eq reports, etc. I should hope that this comparison will build confidence in ones ability to detect these changes and therefore help (Star Children Missions) in providing information as the powers that be silence the equipment, drop quakes, display old data, or provide those lovely static pictures with their continuing trend.

The month of May provided solid confirmation & deciphering of the symptoms I have been tracking the past year plus. I try to write down or text myself the time, symptoms &/or empathic information, then rush to the Ning to verify if correlating information matches. It started actually 2-3 days before the Boston Marathon incident. I picked up on extreme fear confusion stress and it built up unfortunately until the bombing occurred. After this occurrence, an internal switch flipped & it became apparent, my gift (so its called) must be shared in hopes of helping others trust their intuitions and prepare themselves for the impending pole shift. Following the bombing, there was still a significant up-tick in the sensations & symptoms I experience. My intuition and symptoms were eerily aligned with numerous postings by Howard's regarding the magnetosphere compressions & BATSRUS modeling parameters being messed with to cover Planet X's presence, eq data being dropped, harmonic tremors and surging magma, along with sever undulations underground.

I'm relieved to say the end of May was rather welcomed because the huge up-tick during the month has backed down largely. And just when I thought things cooled down, I was up all night with teeth annoyances.
Symptoms Experienced :
Very dizzy like equilibrium is broken & sensation of being wobbly drunk. This is not like standing up too fast dizzy. It is a continuous feeling like u've spent many hours on a spinning ride at the amusement park and someone asks you to then walk straight.... This seems to be the pre-stage signaling that some activity is nearing Dropped Quakes.
Extreme anxiety and unable to enjoy being still ie needing to be on the move (like animals do) .... EQ pressure building .
Teeth and gums annoyed - feels like my teeth are moving or irritated (I'm almost 40 & have 1 cavity so it's not a tooth issue) ... Strong EQ building up, 6.5 magnitude or greater Earthquakes Worldwide.
Feeling (like) the ground has shifted under foot by many meters .... Magma surging & core roiling Sloshing Magma Worldwide.
A sever pull to a particular direction. Ex. If ur on a boat and rocking is happening north to south, it stabilizes one to rock against the motion. This might not be a great example .... Magnetosphere taking a blast & compression beginning Please Place your soho,.


A round of applause to all those who are Earth Sensitive able to voice their skill.


Please keep this discussion on topic. Limit your contributions to actual Earth stress reactions. Personal chit chat will be removed by the moderators."

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 My symptoms began around 2000 almost immediately after giving birth to my second child & continue to this very day!

1. Dizziness (affects ability to walk in a straight line)     2. Nausea (believe it's caused from the dizziness)   3. Very deep, low grumbling/humming sounds   4. Unexplainable (still to this day) visions and color paterns in my eyes while awake    5. High pitched tones (unlike ringing) in ears    6. Bottoms of feet feel like they're burning    7. Headaches    8.Anxiety (was hospitalized)    9. Heart palputations (literally feels like your heart is gonna jump out of your chest)    10. Numbness in the limbs    11. The feeling of being detached from your body    12. Strange dreams (I would love to tell about my dreams but this is not the right blog for that)   13. Sounds of classical type music with lots of horns playing & sometimes sounds like a radio talk show when there's nothing on around me that could possibly be making such sounds    14. Severe pain in my lower back traveling up the spine is the only way I can describe it     15. I don't really know how to describe my eyes but they seem to fog over but not really fog over so hard to describe what's happening but anyway when that happens I see very different colors that I can't really describe because I don't know how to make someone understand or even come close to understanding what I see and the colors come in squares, circles, diamons etc, various shapes in sparkly type fashion but when I say sparkly think of the shiniest thing possible x's infinity but you can look right at it and it doesn't hurt the eyes....the first time it happened I thought it was a fluke plus my headaches I thought may have been a cause but now I can see it most of the time even right now, I can look through it and see my computer, very different indeed.....   16. Tension in the shoulders    17. Empathy pains from family & friends, strangers & even some animals. The animals are a little different though I just feel strictly their pain, no emotion behind it...not really sure why but that's what happens.     18. Feeling very light on my feet from time to time as though my feet are barely touching the ground when walking...short story: I was walking into a Super America (gas station) and my boyfriend at the time told me that I looked like I was floating while walking & at the time I felt very light on my feet...and he literally used that word "floating".     19. My intuition has increased & (to what my fiance tells people 90% correct, however I think he's bragging but) I have been right on a lot of instances of personal matters.     20. Heaviness & pressure on the ear drums, no pain though.   21.  Bright lights (unlike the sparkly/shining colors that I can look straight at & through) are really bothersome     22. Loud noise can be bothersome at times. I've been raising children for 25 years now and have a 4 year old right now so I can tolerate and even block out loud noises, but now I seem to be losing that ability (no it's not old age (: ) 


I'm sure that I'm missing some symptoms & when they come to mind I will be sure to share!

When all this began I thought something medically was really wrong with me... I've seen countless doctors & specialist with the results always coming back the same.....There's NOTHING physically wrong with me. I've had countless labs done with blood and urinalisys...nothing, Several MRI's... nothing, Several CAT Scans...nothing, I've even had an angiogram done where they go in through the groin in the leg up through the heart through the back of the neck and into the brain then they shoot ink in there to see if there's any "leaks" that could possibly be causing all this nerve pain throughout the entire body, nothing is ever found to be "wrong".

I've been poked and prodded for over a decade now and the only thing that they could come up with is that I have "fobromyalgia" and that was a recent diagnosis 2 years ago. They put me on meds that didn't work so I exersize & meditate whenever I get a chance, sometimes once a day & then other days several times a day, depending on the pain level.

The more that I look into this fibromyalgia outbreak amongst millions of people throughout the globe makes me wonder what actually causes fibromyalgia and it's this unexplained, undetectable, come out of nowhere "disease" that makes me wonder is fibromyalgia a symptom in itself of the transformation?!

I believe wholeheartedly that what I'm going through physically has everything to do with the transformation of the planet, the soul and Planet X/Nibiru in the inner solar system.


p.s. I would like to thank poleshift.ning for allowing me to be a member...I don't share what I think is going on with me physically with anyone & it's feels like I can breathe now because I can share without judgement & I know that I'm not alone with knowing TRUTH!

Check these out.  Seems these will be the issues for everyone in the very near future without a doubt.

Over the past 48 hours I've had an uptick in dizziness(pre-warning), upper teeth/gums are really annoyed(strong intensity of friction=strong eq), & got a pretty good pull/wobble going from northwest to southeast (magnetosphere disturbance). It ramped up more about 11 am this morning and has yet to subside.

@Vadra-A year or 2 ago on one of the links Songstar has added, I made the comment fibromyalgia should be called Earth Shift Syndrome! I went thru the gammet with doctors as well. I agree, this is a comfortable place to express things not understood nor accepted by the general herd.

Anyone been able to make the connection of their symptoms to earth happenings?

It's uncanny how our symptoms mirror each other...

The feeling of my feet not touching the ground while I was out shopping last night, very light headed , My upper teeth as well, so much so that I made a dentist appt. and I just got a cleaning not to long ago and everything was fine and I'm a flosser, My fibromyalgia is flaring down my left side, down the leg (possible severe earth wobble), Also have an electric feeling in the bottoms of my feet.

Also, I've been zoning out a lot today and I've been seeing the colors then I seen faces actually moreso eyes and surrounding the eyes, more specifically what looked like bumble bee eyes and you could see the fuzzy fur around his huge black eyes (didn't frighten me at all, actually I was trying to figure out what he was telling me but everything happened in literally a split second) so I kinda wound up thinking about that a lot today, and what he may have been trying to tell me if anything and also wondering if I really saw it or was it my imagination beause I was awake and that's never happened while awake before.

I will pay close attention to the following events to see just what exactly my body and mind is telling me about the events to come. I've for a long time have felt that my symptoms had everything to do with the Earth's wobble.. Believe or not but I found out that I was sensitive to the Earth changes from a psycic back in the 90's but nothing occured until 2000. Now I know that there's a whole lot more to it than just an earth wobble it's Planet X/ Nibiru and I know this wholeheartedly!!

p.s. It feels so nice to know that I'm not the only one out there feeling like this. It's so hard to get people to fiance tries but I don't think he really understands the gist of it all... What a relief for me that at least you do & there are others out there as well...I don't feel so alone with this anymore, Thank you :)
Lalee said:

Over the past 48 hours I've had an uptick in dizziness(pre-warning), upper teeth/gums are really annoyed(strong intensity of friction=strong eq), & got a pretty good pull/wobble going from northwest to southeast (magnetosphere disturbance). It ramped up more about 11 am this morning and has yet to subside.

@Vadra-A year or 2 ago on one of the links Songstar has added, I made the comment fibromyalgia should be called Earth Shift Syndrome! I went thru the gammet with doctors as well. I agree, this is a comfortable place to express things not understood nor accepted by the general herd.

Anyone been able to make the connection of their symptoms to earth happenings?

I have a couple new symptoms that started yesterday....Now not only do the bottoms of my feet feel like they burn sometimes but now I have an electrical sensation through the feet, also, my jaw (so hard to describe) feels like I can't open and close it, however I can but it almost feels like I'm having an onset of lockjaw occuring but the jaw never does lock...and the visions of the colors are becoming more frequent.

I will continue to observe what's going on with me & what's going on with the earth shift...haven't pin-pionted anything just yet.

@ Vadra: few years ago I really scared some folks off expressing and talking about what I experience. So I've learned to be careful who I share the info with because in person I guess it comes across rather wacky to say the least lol. & I'm thankful as well that I was urged to post this bc there is no way I'm the only one. I have 2 people that I can openly express what is going on but they don't experience it & really can't comprehend it. Even still with posting these things, I don't want to post everything I'm picking up on (bc its a lot & like the Zetas & Nancy said 'dont ask if its the big one for every little or major eq)but am trying to just post when symptoms are very strong. This is what I feel will tune in my receptors for when the really big ones start.

I had very bad equilibrium starting around 5pm est on 15/06/2013 Individual teeth/gums had some sensations but nothing continuous or the whole gums/teeth. This is the first I've experienced single tooth sensations. I would guess this may be coorelated to multiple eq's of 6.0 or greater magnitude and located closer to my area vs on the other side of the planet. for some reason, my symptoms are more intense for areas further away. I understand what u, Vadra, mean with the lock jaw-I try to eat crunchy items & stretch my mouth open along w closing jaw quickly to make a noise which sometimes helps relieve the pressure but it doesn't do much if a strong eq is building pressure.

Wednesday onward I got the sensation that things were beginning to progress like May but then symptoms dropped down. Today I've still got equilibrium, dizzy...
There has been a huge uptick in symptoms so much so I'm wishing I was asleep. After my post this morning, symptoms dropped back for 2-3 hours and have since rapidly increased w intense severity.
Stronge EQ 6.7 or greater - Upper teeth/gums have major pressure, movement sensations, very irritated. Lower slighty irritated. Equilibrium -shot- & -useless- to the point of nausea. Extremely dizzy. Face is knumb.

Hi Lalee,  I took sons screenshot's of earthquakes over the past few days,  this may be why we're not doing so hot at the moment!!!  Just wanted to share with everyone ;)


Hi Lalee,  check out the screenshot's!  

Lalee said:

There has been a huge uptick in symptoms so much so I'm wishing I was asleep. After my post this morning, symptoms dropped back for 2-3 hours and have since rapidly increased w intense severity.
Stronge EQ 6.7 or greater - Upper teeth/gums have major pressure, movement sensations, very irritated. Lower slighty irritated. Equilibrium -shot- & -useless- to the point of nausea. Extremely dizzy. Face is knumb.

Many people i work with are being treat for this. They do not know why they are feeling this.

Sad thing is, is that there really isn't any "treatment" for my symptoms, however, they're treating me for fibromyalgia and that's it....all other symptoms they tell me stem from the fibro but I disagree wholeheartedly.

What works (sort of) is meditation & prayer (the call)...that has helped me through some pretty painful moments and even when I'm not having all sorts of symptoms I still meditate & call.

Oh, and I take a daily vitamin, vitamin D, vitamin C, Fish oil (omega 3)

Please feel free to share this with those that you work with, friends, family etc..
Mario V-R said:

Many people i work with are being treat for this. They do not know why they are feeling this.

@Vadra -- those screen shots are great! The 3D effect really gives a different perspective. It prompted me to take notice of my location & what is on the other side of the planet from where I am in terms of sensing things. One thing I did correlate is I have greater symptoms with Eq activity in the atlantic region & plate boarder of South America and Africa.

@Mario -- I completely agree w Vadra. Same diagnosis in '06', nothing actually targets my symptoms treatment wise at least from conventional dr's & again I state fibro is the cover up term for earth changes/pole shift syndrome. Aside from doing exactly the same as what Vadra is I do yoga, take magnesium, & try to swim (in the gulf) at least 3 or more days a week. I find that being buoyant helps desensitize some of the equilibrium/dizziness along w being very soothing. The biggest difficulty is beginning to look at the earth changes & see the connection to how the human being is reacting & subconsciously aware 'change is a comin'.


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