I've condensed and edited zetatalk material that pertains to aftertime survival into a) a survival plan and b) aftertime nutrition. Hopefully this will be helpful to new ZT fans, and old ones who may not have visited ZT for a while. While its a tad too long, it covers all grounds.

Immediate aftertime climate:
 Previous climate... will only be extreme where ice packs linger or the ground is deeply frozen. Elsewhere warming or cooling to temperatures appropriate to the new longitude occur within days. Placement on the day or night side of the Earth...effect dissipates within days...Dust filled clouds are low to the ground, and create a constant gloom. Rain occurs almost continuously. Where sunlight cannot penetrate and seldom manages to peek through this dense cloud cover. http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p58.htm

[Pre-poleshift climate's] influence is unlikely to last thus, for more than a week or two, with pockets of lingering heat or cold in the ground, not the air. Thus, the climate change should be assumed to be the target climate, not the climate being left behind. http://www.zetatalk.com/xtime/x29.htm

The earth will resume its august/september position. Given that much of the first months will have precipitation heavy with ash, after 4 months it is plausible that parts of the southern hemisphere not downwind from volcanoes may find weeds struggling through.

Survival Plan:
Humans of good heart concerned with survival through the cataclysms are advised to...Put your money into land and stable structures, documentation on the technologies and scientific knowledge of today, and apparatus with which to grow hydroponic vegetables and tanks for fish and crustaceans on the nutrients from recycled sewage. http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p16.htm

We advise thinking about Third World conditions and adaptations...This is where humans fail the most in planning for the shift, and life afterwards. They think of their life now, and come down from that. They should start with life with nothing, but bugs and sucking dirty water up from the ground with their hands. No clothes. No heat. Nothing. Then add what is needed most, and first. http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p135.htm

you should anticipate failure in restarting your gardens and herds and flocks. The best plan is a broad plan, so that a failure does not devastate. http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p168.htm

 The skies clear first where this dust is in the high altitudes, not in the wind-drift from fresh ash just raised. 5 years after the shift, even 2 years after the shift, some sporadic sunlight will warm the Earth... 10 years after the shift, many parts of the globe will consider themselves back to normal, although their memory will be failing them in this regard. ..

Edibility and availability of native weeds depends upon the location, entirely. In some parts of the world, life will virtually close down. This is near volcanoes, under the drifting ash, or where polar cold descends. In other parts of the world, there will within two years be abundant grasses or weeds.
 In areas not in the path of volcanic ash, but affected by the overall gloom, one might estimate a 50% reduction in sunlight and crop success. For instance, if a crop needed strong sunlight to flourish, it might barely get to producing seed before the season ends. In nature, this would reproduce the weed, but for crops, it would not be a return. Survivors will soon find what crops manage to give a return, and what not! Another factor is rot, the moisture level, which will be extreme. Mold will be everywhere, dampness, bugs, and those crops that tolerate damp conditions coming through, others failing utterly. Root crops, where they provide a survivor in the evolution chain due to the energy in these roots or tubers, do not do well enough after a pole shift due to the wet ground and mold about.

The comeback after a cataclysm is not, in the main, from domesticated plants and animals, although some dedicated farmers will bring their breeding pairs and seed stock through.The comeback is from wilderness areas, from sturdy roots that keep on trying and scattered seed that keeps on sprouting. In the meantime, humans starve.

Depending upon where one is, downwind from volcanoes, the ash will poison the water and soil. This tends to be the immediate effect after a violent burping, not a lingering effect. However, since violent burping will occur big time during the shift, all ash afterwards will carry poisons. Thus, until the rains wash this away, some months at best, drinking water should be distilled. Ground water may carry these poisons for a longer time, depending upon how close to the surface this is, the flow patters, etc. Water in lakes and oceans dilutes, where ground water stagnates. Fish likewise have an ability to exclude lead, though do absorb other heavy metals such as Mercury. http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p145.htm

We would suggest that those intent on surviving analyze their target climate, including likely rainfall and volcanic gloom, and plan accordingly. Store seeds and livestock or fish for the target climate! Take a hand in establishing new fauna and domesticated animals. This would include weeds, as they are often hardy, with domesticated crops being bred for high produce, not hardiness. Weeds may not be welcomed now, in fact excluded or prohibited, but in the Aftertime be the most likely produce. Thus, think of the target, and see how well your local food sources will do. If well, then you are fortunate, if not, then aggressively plan for the target. Take responsibility for your survival, your Aftertime living, and no apologies! http://www.zetatalk.com/xtime/x15.htm

Those in the suburbs... that fat so much desired to be shed will be used just to keep the body going for many months...Eventually, suburban families will need to learn to forage, turning over logs in the woods to look for grubs and worms, and attempting to fish...Survival in the suburbs, or growing food, will become a foraging practice by those able.

[In the countryside], chickens eat bugs, forage for themselves, and come home to lay their eggs if given a safe and private roost. Ducks likewise eat whatever grows in or around ponds, which will be numerous in the drizzle, and don't require a dry spot to roost. Goats, which eat anything, and pigs which root in the ground for whatever might be edible, can likewise be kept within limits if the surrounding country can sustain them. Some vegetation will struggle along, weeds which are hardy, and plants that grow in the gloom or dim light normally. If the group had not researched and anticipated this environment, but find themselves without seed or seedlings for dim light gardens, then they will be chewing on weeds for an alternative to grubs and whatever they can catch to roast over a small evening fire.If a particular weed grows well, proves to be edible, the farmer will husband this, grow it, protect it from wildlife, and sell it.

Coastal survivors will have access to harvest from the oceans...Inland, fish in the native ponds and riverways will likewise survive, but not in numbers greater than the environment can sustain. What do these fish eat? Algae, duck weed, bugs that live on slime in the waterways. All this is dependent somewhat on sunlight, as the base is vegetation in the waterways. Thus, native fish may actually be in reduced numbers if in gloomy areas, and be considered a prize when caught. For those farmers turning to aquaculture, where plants can be grown in human sewage, and then fed to the fish or livestock, this will prove to be a renewable resource that adds to the food banks. Here again, the key is light, as to turn sewage into food, one needs plants that require at least some light. http://www.zetatalk.com/xtime/x03.htm

Water distillation:

Water, from all sources, may be poisoned, with the old standby, rainwater, failing to provide potable water... Distillation processes or recycling water known to be pure are two approaches likely to provide a steady supply of water. This may seem tedious to those so used to taking fresh, pure water for granted, but those who prepare for the times ahead will not find themselves suddenly without one of life's necessities...

Our advise on distilling water to remove heavy metals such as lead presumes that volcanic ash will be falling, be included in the rain or fog, and accumulate on the ground. There are several factors to consider. First, the land may be at a site where little rain falls, outside of the volcanic drift, high so that most heavy ash has dropped before arriving, and have little problem with this. Second, heavy rainfall may outweigh the lead content, wash this way in good runoff, such that there is scarcely any accumulation or it is so diluted as to be negligible. Third, the land may be directly in volcanic ash path, from a volcano that lasts for centuries after the shift, and be unlivable for far longer than the 25 years we have given as a guide. Thus, there is simply no general statements about when ground or rain water will be OK. One must use their judgment about such matter.

 Rivers of course will sustain other pollution, as chemical tanks will burst and drain into nearby rivers. We have stated that drinking water should be distilled, and this continues to be our recommendation regardless of the source of the water

 Thus, clouds being low, is like continuous fog, and fog settles out in the form of rain, or drizzle, upon any slight temperature change. If the land is downwind from a large water source, like a lake or ocean, then certainly there will be fog, and drizzle, until the atmosphere rebuild. If the land is high, inland, away from air passing over water and then over land where there are temperature changes, then no drizzle, and perhaps even dry air. This water can be used for drinking, and harvesting the fog is a recommended way of gaining drinking water. Fog harvests are done by placing material that causes condensation, which then drips down the material, perhaps a sheet, into buckets. http://www.zetatalk.com/xtime/x15.htm

Note: Where fog harvestation has been recommended, it is assumed that the rain wont look like this--

Aftertime Nutrition:

 Those who have prepared by establishing intensive indoor gardening such as Hydroponics and the most protein efficient animal husbandry, Fish tanks and ponds, will find themselves ... subsisting well. Such arrangements require indoor lighting. Hydroponics can be grown around the clock and fish eat either this produce or water plants that feed off the community's Sewage Effluent, but the base of this food chain is the hydroponic vegetation. For plants, light is life, for without it plants die. Such indoor farming, in place prior to the cataclysms, should not rely on lighting from either the Sun or the utility companies. Both will in essence go out during the decades immediately following the cataclysms. Power for indoor lighting should rely on harnessing wind, or water flows, or other such mechanical generation that can be counted upon to be present after the cataclysms.
Food stuffs that can be grown without artificial light and will do quite nicely on the gloomy light supplied by the Sun are mushrooms, earthworms, and various insects that feed on dead tissue. After the cataclysms bugs will be in abundance, as dead tissue from both plants and animals is everywhere. This trend can be taken advantage of, as distasteful as that concept might be to humans who have never eaten a bug. Larva, grown in humus, can be turned into pureed and creamed soups, puddings, or omelets by skilled cooks. Those eating the fare would never guess that the base was not cream, milk, and eggs. For those humans who do not prepare, they will find themselves Eating Bugs in any case, as meals from what they can catch or find growing will be few and far between.  http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p28.htm

Those who survive learn to eat everything, including bugs. Bugs are numerous, growing in great numbers in the humidity, and living off the tissue from the dead, which seems to be everywhere.  http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p04.htm

Water based farming should be considered by survival groups at least to the extent that land based gardening is. To the degree that an inland lake is free from volcanic ash, is not dumped excessively so that the water becomes poisoned, and to the degree that the land is under intense sunlight, equatorial preferably, it will flourish http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p140.htm

Water retains warmth, and algae grows in abundance in places land based plants cannot tolerate. Thus, this resource should be explored, and explored thoroughly, prior to the shift, as a real survival technique. Relying on wildlife, hunting, will prove disappointing as wildlife will soon diminish to the point of no results...
 Those looking to crops will find this is not the way to go, in the immediate aftertime. As we repeatedly mention, fishing is a good source of protein, as are bugs, and plants should be the minimal part of your diet. Humans are used to just the opposite. So this is a mind set adjustment. A bit of salad, something with high Vitamin C, but use this almost as a garnish  http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p145.htm
 Life in large lakes, as well as oceans, will fare far better than land based life after the shift. http://www.zetatalk.com/poleshft/p18.htm

fish tanks fed from algae grown in human sewage will likewise be most abundant. http://zetatalk.com/poleshft/p19.htm

Notes: For those who find themselves prepared and unprepared the possibility of having to eat bugs and cultivate them must be considered. The last thing you would want, is to anticipate being well prepared with dependants and see your livestock not come through. What then?
Edible weeds may not show up for weeks after, as the weather will still be changing and the heavier ash in the air will be precipitating in some fashion like this ---

When we think of our food chain, we think of vegetation as the base. Perhaps foraging wild edibles and likewise. In my humble opinion this is not the efficient route to go in the immediate aftertime.  Use decaying matter as the base for  your diet and livestock (where possible). This theme has been repeated over and over throughout zetatalk.
Mushrooms, and worms. Worms can sustain chicken and fish. According to ZT, within 2 years, some places will have abundant grass--meaning most places should at the very least be getting some weeds to pop up during summer. This would be a good time to cultivate duckweed in nearby ponds.

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Thanks Casey for this rich info.

The Zetas have made it abundantly clear:  ALL drinking water must be distilled in the aftertimes.  The case is closed on the discussion of water filters versus distilling, IMO.

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