Since the Poleshift Ning, and its sister site Zetatalk, cover a vast range of topics, you may have a question but don't know where to post it.

This discussion is for those miscellaneous questions.

Bear in mind that you still have to keep your questions relevant, don't break any of the ning rules, and that you are expected to have done your own research on the Zetatalk website before posting to make sure your question hasn't been asked and answered before.

Neither ZetaTalk, nor the ECAPS Ning, are here to rescue you. There is an opportunity being presented for you to educate yourself, so that YOU can decide the best course of action to take. This is an opportunity you will find nowhere else. Please do not waste it by posting requests for personal guidance or for advice on where to go, what course of action to take etc. NO hand-holding requests!

Any such cries for help or extraneous questions will be deleted by Ning moderators, and if in breach of the Ning rules, may result in your suspension.

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I have read about the pole shift on Jupiter...Blog Post: Jupiter Tilting! The Zetas Explain (NEW ZetaTalk) But I was interested in Saturn. I've watched several vids stating and showing that Saturn's poles have shifted. Any information out there to verify this has happened would be appreciated.

Saturn is also included with Jupiter in the ZT explanation.  You can read more in this issue of Nancy's newsletter:

I frequently make a personal back up of the Zetatalk webpage to share with others; I was wondering if it is possible to to get archived copies of this ning as it contains more info in terms of daily happenings.  

there is no archive available of the ning as far as I'm aware

Shaun Kazuck said:

I frequently make a personal back up of the Zetatalk webpage to share with others; I was wondering if it is possible to to get archived copies of this ning as it contains more info in terms of daily happenings.  

Hi Gary,

Here is some Zetatalk on Ed Dames (a shill of the cover up crowd):

This report, which is a complete fabrication, seeks to discredit not only Snowden but also Ed Dames. The CIA has long used various websites and articles released under the name Sorcha Faal to spread disinformation. Sorcha Faal was, of course, not a real individual but a team of disinformation specialists. When the Sorcha Faal entity itself became discredited different sources were used, but the goal was the same – to spread disinformation. The goal of this killshot article is two-fold, with the first, to discredit Snowden in the eyes of the public so that any information released by him is considered doubtful. This article is likely only the first in this regard.

The second goal is to at long last discredit Ed Dames and his long-running ”killshot from the Sun” prediction. Dames has often been on the late night Coast-to-Coast  radio show, and his first predicted killshot was to occur in 1998. This date came and went, as did other dates, with no killshot occurring, but Ed Dames was continuously welcome on the cooperative Coast-to-Coast program as  he claimed association not only with the CIA’s remote viewing program but also the title of Major. The killshot campaign by Ed Dames was hand-in-hand with NASA’s campaign to blame the Sun for the Earth changes caused by the presence of Planet X.

The announcement admitting the presence of Planet X will have casualties. Clif High has hinted that his webbot project may close down, as he has consistently called ZetaTalk predictions on Planet X to be “goat farts”. The HAARP program, used by disinformation agents as the reason for an increase in earthquakes and fierce storms, has been closed down. Since it will be obvious to all that Ed Dames was just promoting an alternative to Planet X in his description of the need to prepare for calamities, he too will be discredited. Since Ed Dames has milked the public with sales of his remote viewing kits, he is likely to go into hiding, discredited, along with the hapless Snowden.    

Here is the Link to the Zetatalk about Solar Flares:

Thanks Corey! I appreciate your input! It seems I have much still to learn! Have a great night!! Gary B.


I do frequent backups of the ZetaTalk webpage via the page but have found it to be down the past week and no mention of a new site or what has happened to this one.  If Nancy or anyone else knows of what's going on, I'd love to know.  


I replaced the link with another. We have several sites listed on the Mirror Site page. It goes to the ZIP now from the PS ning. Thanks for the heads up!

Shaun Kazuck said:


I do frequent backups of the ZetaTalk webpage via the page but have found it to be down the past week and no mention of a new site or what has happened to this one.  If Nancy or anyone else knows of what's going on, I'd love to know.  


I do transfer of data to another hosting company as the previous hosting refused service. It will work soon! Please don't worry!

Shaun Kazuck said:


I do frequent backups of the ZetaTalk webpage via the page but have found it to be down the past week and no mention of a new site or what has happened to this one.  If Nancy or anyone else knows of what's going on, I'd love to know.  


Looks like the New Madrid is becoming active again

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