Since the Poleshift Ning, and its sister site Zetatalk, cover a vast range of topics, you may have a question but don't know where to post it.

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SOZT: Nancy is not a math person and thus does not translate concepts well in math, but we will say this. To compute the effect of a lack of centrifugal force on your current state of gravity pull, simply compute the centrifugal force and compare that to the pull of gravity, using your human math. This type of thing was done during the sci.astro debates but Nancy did not drive the math process, merely acted as a debate coordinator. Simplistically put, gravity pulls you down and centrifugal force pulls you outward. Removing the latter should increase the gravity pull slightly but there are other factors at place during this time.

Folklore reports that the waters heaped high during the pole shift, and we have explained that this is due to the gravity pull of Planet X nearby. After all, the tides on Earth are caused by the gravity of the Moon, overhead, and Planet X is a monster compared to the Moon. This would certainly offset the lack of centrifugal force on the side of the Earth facing Planet X, but what of the dark side of Earth? Here this effect is likewise felt, as the flow of gravity particles toward Planet X is not restrained by the bulk of planet Earth. Gravity particles flow through all physical substance, and the gravity draw toward Planet X pulls from the dark side of Earth, through the center, and on.

Beyond these assurances, what does folklore tell us? It tells us that man neither flattened to the ground, barely able to breath or crawl, nor did he find himself floating off the face of the Earth, suspended as though gravity were nil. In fact, other than heaping waters, folklore has nothing to report! Thus you should conclude that the overall effect on your gravity will be virtually undetectable by you. EOZT [Emphasis added]

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for January 14, 2012

eda cameron said:

I am curious to know of rather, will a stopped earth rotation have an affect with gravity.? Seeing as the mgntsphr is whacked as well, will this not effect gravity at all? 

ZetaTalk - Nov 4, 2006

"As surprising as it may seem, live of the surface of Earth will not experience any adverse reactions during rotation stoppage. What happens when a super-sonic jet slows down and land? Because this is gradual, the passengers do not slam against walls as they would if forced into a sudden stop. When gradual enough, the passengers do not even realize they are slowing down. Thus, rotation stoppage will not be noticed as a change in motion. For some odd reason, there is a theory floating about the Internet that without rotation objects on the surface of Earth will float off the surface, into space. In fact, the opposite occurs, as rotation tends to pull objects outward, via centrifugal force, so a stopped rotation increases the gravity pull every so slightly. Thus, rotation stoppage will not be experienced as a change in gravity pull. Where magnetic particle flows will be moving in other than normal directions, this likewise will not affect life on the surface. Do humans visiting the North or South Poles find themselves affected, when magnetic particles are flowing consistently outward of inward there? Electro-magnetic pulse may occur here or there and affect sensitive technology, but living things will not notice or be affected. What mankind will notice will be the air temp during the 5.9 days of rotation stoppage, the air on the long day side warming to the extremes known on Earth and likewise the air on the dark side cooling off. This will be mediated by wind currents, warm air rushing to the cool zones, so will not become extreme to the point of threatening life, however."

ZetaTalk: Stop Rotation

"As the giant comet approaches, the Earth becomes what might be described as confused. There are conflicting pulls, gravitational as well as magnetic. The Earth is normally magnetically aligned, along with the other planets in the Solar System, according to an axis that exists in your part of the galaxy. This axis reflects the sum of a number of solar systems and other matter not understood yet by your scientists, but is normal and natural for your part of the galaxy. Now comes the giant comet, from a distance, swinging through your Solar System, and picking up speed as it approaches. It outweighs the Earth by some 23 times, but by size is not 23 times as large as its weight is due to its makeup, having less silicon than the Earth, for instance. Should one line these planets up side by side, the Earth would look to the 12th Planet as the Moon does to the Earth. Where the gravitational pull on the surface of the 12th Planet is better than half again as much as on the surface of the Earth, accounting for the stocky appearance of the large hominoids who live there, in the tug of war regarding Magnetic Alignment the 12th Planet's mass gives it a 4-to-1 advantage. There is no contest.

At first, your planet Earth reacts by additional swirling about in matter deep within its core. In the final days, as the giant comet begins passing between the Earth and its Sun, total interference occurs. The Earth slows in its rotation, and actually stops. The Earth's rotation is due to the balanced gravitational pull of the neighborhood, and the 12th Planet is a very big bully. The part of the Earth facing this bully is loath to leave, essentially, and this causes the rotation to gradually stop. This is recorded in written history and spoken folklore, worldwide, as a long day or night. The period of time, due to the lack of mechanical clocks, was not measurable, but the humans who experienced this described this as anywhere from a few hours to several days. The latter is more correct. Rotation also stops because the magnetic influence of the giant comet, which is aligned according to the larger Universe where it spends most of its cycle, has essentially gripped the Earth. The Earth has not yet joined the alignment of the giant comet, but what was occurring before, the steady, slow roll, has by now stopped. To make the switch, and magnetically align with the giant comet, is much more of an adjustment than simply slowing and stopping rotation. Thus this slowing of rotation occurs with little trauma."

eda cameron said:

I am curious to know of rather, will a stopped earth rotation have an affect with gravity.? Seeing as the mgntsphr is whacked as well, will this not effect gravity at all? 

@eda cameron

I am thinking that I feel it in my brain and my head feels weird when people come on here asking Q's, the answers to which can easily be found in the body of ZetaTalk and this PoleShift Ning.

For instance, by merely typing the key word "sick" into the ZT search box, I found plenty re your query:

Similarly, a search using the keyword "dizzy" on the Poleshift Ning brings up a discussion re this:

Replys to this thread should only be posted after you have searched the ZT and Ning archives for your answers.

To find, one must seek.. Much of the thrill, is in the chase.

I was looking for those blogs "ask here first" and this in the only one see for now. . .so, my questions are:

1. I thought that I had read that STS weren't being born any more with the transition coming -- but I also read that sometimes highly STS are born to STO so that they may learn how to recognize them and deal with them.  Are either of these still true at this moment as humans are still having children?

2. I had a very spiritual experience about ten years ago, where I felt the love of the world and I was able to see light in people's eyes.  The light in people's eyes didn't last very long, maybe a couple of weeks, and I thought it was brought on by taking ephedra while I worked two jobs.  But I have since read in spiritual books that souls try to learn to recognize each other by the lights in their eyes. Is this a real phenomenon and can we achieve this with practice? Also, if we are able to see the light, can it help us know a STS STO, or unsparked soul?

Thanks to all of you who know the website so well to help the rest of us!

HI Zorro

This ZetaTalk was found using the ZetaTalk search engine doing a search for “STS born”

As the PS is so near, and the Transformation proceeding--with earth to become a home for the STO exclusively--I am wondering whether STS souls are "allowed" to incarnate into human bodies anymore? Are STS babies still being born, to live and die in the Aftertime? If not, can you say for how long this has been halted? I feel like I read somewhere that babies born lately are either STO, undecided, or unsparked only. Thank you for any insight.

The Transformation is now, and thus for the past few decades those whose incarnation comes to an end have been evaluated in that context. Some entities are close to making their final decision on whether to be firmly Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, and are allowed another incarnation. The alternative is to send the entity to where the undecideds are headed, the waterworld, and as they are close to a final determination this seems inappropriate. For this reason, those leaning heavily to the Service-to-Self, even some already strongly in the Service-to-Self, may be allowed a last incarnation on Earth. There is a cutoff on this, however, which has not yet been reached, where this practice will end so that when the Earth takes the leap to 4th density, at most there are some undecideds incarnated on Earth, not those in the Service-to-Self. The Service-to-Self are prone to place themselves in situations where they are at risk, as they fail to work as a team with others, and do not care for one another. Thus, they are not expected to have live long after the pole shift.


ZetaTalk about how the human eye cannot see souls or gauge the mass of another soul

ZetaTalk about how old souls recognize each other


There is extensive ZetaTalk about how to recognize the STO from the STS so research that part of your question here

Zorro said:

I was looking for those blogs "ask here first" and this in the only one see for now. . .so, my questions are:

1. I thought that I had read that STS weren't being born any more with the transition coming -- but I also read that sometimes highly STS are born to STO so that they may learn how to recognize them and deal with them.  Are either of these still true at this moment as humans are still having children?

2. I had a very spiritual experience about ten years ago, where I felt the love of the world and I was able to see light in people's eyes.  The light in people's eyes didn't last very long, maybe a couple of weeks, and I thought it was brought on by taking ephedra while I worked two jobs.  But I have since read in spiritual books that souls try to learn to recognize each other by the lights in their eyes. Is this a real phenomenon and can we achieve this with practice? Also, if we are able to see the light, can it help us know a STS STO, or unsparked soul?

Thanks to all of you who know the website so well to help the rest of us!

This isn't a question, but wasn't sure where to post this link. It is a "doomsday shelter" clip, only notable since it was aired on a mainstream media source.

Based on the video, they look like reinforced block houses, and above ground. For hundreds of thousands of dollars? Sorry, I'd rather buy a shovel and materials to cover a trench for less than $100 (probably).

there are reports of explosions on the border of Michigan and Indiana,  that began after a strange spike in radioactivity being detected by two sources.  Since then, denied.  A mistake.  But explosions continued being heard at night, and helicopters seen going to the area.  Is this fear porn?   Is this the Cabal striking some innocent target, for leverage?  Is it a fight between the Cabal and World Galactic Federation?  I'm going to risk asking here.  Sorry if you are mad at me for it.  Would it be OK for the Zetas to tell us???  

@Jean Sexton: My guess is more stretch zone "booms". Do you have any online references?

@Jean Sexton: I did a search of Mysterious Booms on the main page, and got several explanations.

I do not live in the USA, but there have been many predictions for the area, evidence of it happening, and specific Zetatalk already on it.  Be careful you do not play into the hands of the Fear machine yourself, and spread the disinfo, fear and speculation that they are.  Have a look for your self

Hi Sunlit

The ZetaTalk about the Venus Transit Veer does not say that this was punch 2 so I believe something else is going to happen.


The Zetas also said the punches would be totally unexpected and the abnormal Venus Transit was not totally unexpected.

“We promised that the Council of Worlds was going to war over the cover-up, and that there would be a series of shocks to the cover-up. This was the first. We stated that these shocks would be totally unexpected, not even something that Nancy or her teammates could expect, and this qualifies.  Now, what’s next?”


This is ZetaTalk about how the previous Venus transit was also used to show the public that something else is out there, so having something abnormal with the last Venus transit was not totally unexpected


sunlint said:

"The time is nigh for the second punch to occur, to show the public that the cover-ups claims that Global Warming and solar flares are responsible for the current Earth changes are a lie. Look for a more severe wobble, which could only be caused by the presence of another large gravitational and magnetic body between the Earth and Sun, to occur."

is Venus Transit Veer  "the second punch to occur"?or there is something going to happen, not this?

it's not been asked before as far as I know so feel free to post it on the ZT chat.

not just an STO president but more likely the cover-up being busted is bound to affect the ability of the elite to barricade themselves in their enclaves as previously planned but probably too much in the hands of man for the Zetas to say for sure what will transpire.

watchin the sky said:

Greetings.  Thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer the questions answered in this blog.  My intention is not to waste anyone's time...ever.  I have been following ZT for many years and find its guidance without reproach.  I have a question to ask, which may have been discussed, but I sure can't find it.  

I fully understand the reasoning for how the awakening has progressed.  So many variables with the PTB, social changes, Earth changes, and mostly Free choice.

I fully support our STO president and can only hope it is he, or someone who is highly STO, that will be at the helm when the SHTF.  But  knowing that NOW we have a STO pres, and hope that (in the remaining time) that future pres's will also be STO, how does this affect the Safe Locations clearly outlined by Nancy & the Zetas?  Places such as Kokomo, Indiana and Denver were places to be avoided, but so many political agendas have changed...will that change (or give the possibility of change) to places we were advised to stay clear of?  

Does a member have a ZT response that addresses my concern?  I cannot find reference to this.  I can put the question to Nancy to see if it would be accepted, but first, I wanted to ask it here.  

No one can accurately predict the future.  I"m not asking for that.  I'm just asking if this question has been posed before and if so, please direct me to the ZT link because it's a question that I can't find an answer to.

I appreciate any comments.  My Thanks to you.

Hi watchin the sky

This ZetaTalk may help with your question,  remember it’s basically all of congress that will be moving to Denver or Kokomo, Indiana and all the agencies they will be taking with them, and if you live in these areas they will be your neighbors or "rulers"

I'm a little confused. In the Zetas' answer on 7/23/11 regarding Executive Order 13575, they make it sound like govt is trying to make some preparations for survivor camps, complete with law enforcement, trying to help the survivors. However, the new seat of govt has been described as being in Denver CO, and the story there seems like the opposite in terms of govt's treatment of the survivors. Is it not the govt that will be enforcing martial law there and enslaving survivors in work camps, through the military? Is there to be some schizm in the govt where the military follows some figure other than the President? Could the Zetas clarify this at all?

Is there a disconnect between our description of life in the Denver area after Washington DC moves there and Obama's clear intention for the lives of many citizens after the US is assaulted by the New Madrid and West Coast adjustments? There are different rules in different locales and for different people. Certainly, life in an elite bunker would be radically different from life on a Service-to-Other survival camp. Certainly life in the center of a big city devastated by earthquake and with no source of clean water or ability to grow or gather food would be radically different from life in a remote rural area where every family knows how to garden. We have stated that government in the Aftertime will be more varied than at present, local laws prevailing and these laws often in force by agreement of the local folk. There will be no phones, only short wave radio in effect, no police force, no courts, and thus the local folk will set the rules and enforce them.

In Service-to-Other camps, the rules are likely to punish or exile greedy behavior or violence against innocents, the weak and young. In Service-to-Self gangs, the rules are what the leader sets, any whim that comes to mind. Thus in the Denver area, and to a lesser extent the Kokomo, Indiana area, laws will be set for the convenience of the powerful lawmakers and leaders that setup operations there. If they need food, go take it. If they need a volunteer workforce, create a law that allows for slave labor camps, conscription as it has been called in the past. This is scarcely different from how we would describe life in the Aftertime Service-to-Self gangs. Executive Order 13575 will establish thousands of survivor camps which will eventually govern themselves, and this is likely to evolve into thousands of different rules. Conscription and slave labor MAY evolve, but more likely, fair minded farming communities will evolve. It depends on the nature of the residents!


watchin the sky said:

Greetings.  Thank you to everyone who takes the time to answer the questions answered in this blog.  My intention is not to waste anyone's time...ever.  I have been following ZT for many years and find its guidance without reproach.  I have a question to ask, which may have been discussed, but I sure can't find it.  

I fully understand the reasoning for how the awakening has progressed.  So many variables with the PTB, social changes, Earth changes, and mostly Free choice.

I fully support our STO president and can only hope it is he, or someone who is highly STO, that will be at the helm when the SHTF.  But  knowing that NOW we have a STO pres, and hope that (in the remaining time) that future pres's will also be STO, how does this affect the Safe Locations clearly outlined by Nancy & the Zetas?  Places such as Kokomo, Indiana and Denver were places to be avoided, but so many political agendas have changed...will that change (or give the possibility of change) to places we were advised to stay clear of?  

Does a member have a ZT response that addresses my concern?  I cannot find reference to this.  I can put the question to Nancy to see if it would be accepted, but first, I wanted to ask it here.  

No one can accurately predict the future.  I"m not asking for that.  I'm just asking if this question has been posed before and if so, please direct me to the ZT link because it's a question that I can't find an answer to.

I appreciate any comments.  My Thanks to you.

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