GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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Hi Vicki

This is the advice I would give to someone planning a survival location near a river.

I always understood this to be 3 times the total volume of the highest level reached so if a river crested at 40 feet in the worst flood on record then I would times that by 3  to get a 120 foot crest. This way of calculating gives you a higher number and is safer, (always best to error on the side of caution). But of course this is just a guide line because the Zetas could not give numbers for every river and there are many variables like the topography and how large of an area the river drains. This formula probably would not work well in areas where there are extreme deserts because there may not be a memory of precipitation let alone flooding and it will even flood there during the shift. The best advice is to error on the side of caution and get higher than you need to be because you really only get one chance here.

  • ”Take the worst case in memory, of flooding. Raise that water level up again so it has risen not once, but three times. In other words, if the worst case is a 40 foot rise, then assume a 120 foot rise. So this rule of thumb applies to river flooding, but to cover the sloshing that may occur for inland lakes, a different baseline must be taken. “

Vicki H. said:

Am looking for some clarification on how to calculate the predicted flood levels on rivers. I know the Zetas said to find out what is the highest a river ever rose, then multiply by 3 to get what post PS levels will be. That sounded simple enough until I actually went to do some figuring. Here's the confusion.

The small river near me is normally considered to run at a 5 ft level. The emergency dept told me that 8 ft is the highest it ever rose to. Now, do I take that 8 ft level and multiply times three, for a river height of 24?

OR, do I take the difference of what's normal (5 ft) and subtract from flood level (8 ft), to get a rise of 3 ft. If one then multiplies the 3 ft by 3, you get a 9 ft additional height, which could then be added to the original 5 ft normal level. That would mean that the river will be at about a 14 ft height. This is a big difference - 14 ft or 24 ft. The other complication is where the surface of the river is at normal height (about 8 ft BELOW the road surface of the bridge because it runs in a rather deep channel). So I have a river that is considered normal at 5 ft, plus 8 ft up to road surface, then the house is 13 ft above road surface (and a quarter mile away), and a hill behind the house is another 10 ft up from the house. Anyone who is good with math and conceptualizing this able to help me wander through this to get to a realistic conclusion?

PS: I know that the house will probably blow away, but I still need to know whether the general area will stay above river level or not. Anyone who is clear on how to work this problem, I'll appreciate your input. Thanks!

Hey Derrick,

I was unable to respond back...until now.  I wanted to say Thank-You for responding to my questions.  We (Truth-Seeking members) are truly blessed to have such a diligent and knowledgeable (STO) guide such as yourself Derrick! appreciation goes out not only to you Derrick but to all the other (STO) team members who sinks their hearts and souls into teaching us the truth 24/7! 

So thank-you again for your response but I'm not finished with you just yet. <grin>  Yup...I still need your help as I remain confused as to the answers or lack-thereof pertaining specifically to my questions.  Perhaps only Nancy/Zetas will be able to answer my questions? Either way....I'm always grateful for any answers provided to me.  Anyway...I did read the informational/links before I had posted my questions but the way I see it...the links don't really pertain to my questions. 

I understand and believe that we (humans) were created by ET'S but am still confused.  Btw...My questions are totally independent from the A, B, 0 blood  types (aka blood type variants) as I only want to know about the RH-factors issues

My Questions:
1)  The Zetas say:"There were thus four races of man due to a different ape being used as the base, with a fifth ape in the mix from some interbreeding before Indonesia Man died out. <----Since the blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other  characteristic then What did the ET's use for a base species of an RH-Negative being?  (Rh = no ape/monkey)  Sounds like some of the humans species were created without using apes. Right?
2) How many ET'S were involved creating mankind?  Can we  be informed of what part of the galaxies they all came from?
3) Why did the ET's make it so the RH-negative bodies continue to violently reject the RH positive offspring? (Hemolytic disease= ape/monkey offspring is destroyed)
4) Did the ET's mix up batch of 'unique 'RH-Negative species and plant them in the Basque region?
5) Why would 4 types of Apes used to create all of mankind cause sooo many wars regarding blood lines?  If we all come from the same mix of Apes then what's the big deal regarding bloodlines?
6) Rh-Negative people are lacking a factor contained in all other earthly primates, including the naked ape, then are they a direct hybrid of the ET'S?   Could the "missing link" be that nobody will ever find because the RH-Negatives were the missing link?

7)  Why can't RH-Negative blood be cloned?

Derrick Johnson said:


Hi Kathy here is some ZetaTalk related to your question


Here is ZetaTalk about blood type and how it has nothing to do with contact

I've debated whether this is a worthwhile question to ask or not. And would quite understand with the growing pressure of the 7 of 10 cascading down on us that it would be declined. I've always wondered where the 4 blood types (A, B, AB and O) and the rhesus factors came into play in the human family. Some like the A and B blood types are quite rare compared to the O, yet they are resilient and survive. It is just a really interesting aside.

Mankind searches for the missing link, the link between ape and man that shows that evolution made a smooth transition. The missing link is missing, as we have explained, because mankind's genetic engineering was primarily done on small islands or on the Moon in what was essentially a laboratory setting. The races of man that mankind is aware of are missing a couple versions that failed and were unable to sustain themselves in their environment. There were thus four races of man due to a different ape being used as the base, with a fifth ape in the mix from some interbreeding before Indonesia Man died out.
Why do the blood types not line up cleanly with race, and why have human scientists discovered common genetics pointing back to a common ancestor in Africa? Where different apes were used during the genetic engineering of the different races, there were some common genetics used for all, and this includes the blood type variants. This is akin to man having hundreds of different cake recipes, but at base they all use egg and flour. Human scientists have discovered common genetics in all races, in every single human tested regardless of race or heritage. It is assumed that the common mother and father came from Africa, due to the age of various vestiges discovered to date. This is not true, as the common ancestor came from a LAB, as part of the base recipe.




Here is a question about RH factor problems after the shift

After the Pole Shift, once people start having babies again, how will we prevent pregnancy problems of blood compatibility? If blood types of mother and father don't match, couple can have one healthy child but later pregnancies can cause miscarriages and severely handicapped children. Problems with the Rh factor occur when the mother's Rh factor is negative and the baby's is positive. Or, an incompatibility may occur when the mother is blood type O and the baby is either A or B. Today, when a woman with the potential to develop Rh incompatibility is pregnant, doctors administer a series of two Rh immune-globulin shots during her first pregnancy. Blood compatibility rarely causes complications in a first pregnancy and does not affect the health of the mother. But Rh antibodies that develop during later pregnancies can be dangerous to mother and child. Rh disease can result in severe anemia, jaundice, brain damage, and heart failure in a newborn. In extreme cases, it can cause the death of the fetus because too many red blood cells have been depleted.

The pole shift will devastate the civilized world. Mankind will be thrown back to what life was 100 years ago or earlier, back to what most of the Third World deals with on a daily basis. Many infections that are treated by antibiotics will return to savage those with weak immune systems, the old dying of pneumonia, the young of illnesses today prevented by immunizations. Infant mortality in the past was horrific, and the times will return to that. Mankind is not to be spared the ravages of the pole shift, any more than they are today spared from the effects of a tornado or hurricane or sudden flood.

Those in the civilized world hear our words and are horrified that they must face such a catastrophe, but don't express concern for the starving "stick" children of sub-Sahara Africa. They deal with horrors today, and few care or take steps to help those children. The pole shift will be a great equalizer, placing all on the same level. Only those who have grown, spiritually, to be as concerned about others as they are about themselves will be privy to assistance from ourselves and other benign aliens. These are the rules, and these are not rules we set so we must obey. Our advice to those concerned about newborns is not to have them, but to get yourselves fixed today so it does not become an issue. Mankind in its present physical form will in any case die out, to be replaced by the Zeta/human hybrids. This is at least an action you can take, if you care.

Zeta Talk about how there are lots of genetic issues that cause problems

There are literally thousands of diseases that are extremely rare or where the cause is not understood. Genetics are complex, and where some diseases that are caused by errant genetics, such as Downs Syndrom, are well known and easily identified, others are not. Most genetic abnormalities affect the whole body, and are something that cannot be cured but only treated for symptomatic relief. Cannabis reduces nausea and increases the appetite by suppressing nervous irritabillity, dulling this, precisely the result sought by cannabis uses.


ZetaTalk about cloning



Kathy B. said:

I have some questions about the RH-Negative factors that's left me confused.  Btw...It's ok if my questions get deleted or rejected....I rather have my questions simply deleted then get berated for asking.  I know that we are to stick with questions about the PS & PX but I need help with understanding this issue and so I will take the risk. (Besides...the Zetas told me I could!) <grin>  I did look up the information on blood factors but didn't see my questions/answers. Perhaps I overlooked it...I sure hope not as I don't like to waste other members time.....let alone Nancy/Zetas time!

1) I have read that people with RH-Negative blood can't be cloned?  If this is true...then why can't RH-Negative people be cloned e.g.  Dolly the sheep?  Why would the ET's make this cloning aspect impossible? Or is this info yet another lie?

2) Why did the ET'S make it so that a negative blood mother thats carrying a positive blood fetus almost always abort it? Why does a positive blood mother thats carrying a negative blood fetus not reject her fetus? This phenomena only happens with humans....why?  What possible reasoning did the ET'S have to incorporate this type of 'safeguard' (for lack of a better word) when they created us?

3) Is it true that negative blood factor females are more likely to have had contact/pre-arrangment with the Zetas to donate their eggs or fetus for the hybrid program?


I feel that I may of  participated in a hybrid program and am just now waking up to this possibility.  I'm starting to connect the dots of my life and I've found that more and more of the picture is forming.  Here are a few of the pieces about me that got me thinking.

1) When I was young (8-13 years old) I would spend every Sunday afternoon (during the winter) inside the Muller planetarium. It was my favorite pastime to gaze up at the starts and galaxys.  I felt a kind of homesickness and yet it felt peaceful at the sametime.

2) I begged for a telescope for Christmas (which I never got) because my folks were not into that sort of stuff.  As as far as they were and are concerned...GOD made the heavens period!  Any non-God questions I had were squelched etc.

3) I had my first son and named him Orion.  My son is now 35 yrs old.  I've never heard of anyone else using that name for their child....let alone clear back then!  Btw...If I had a girl I would of named her Lyra as I felt close to that constalation as well. 

4) After the birth of my second son...I was pregnat again. I did the home test and went into see my OBGYN who did both lab work and a physical exam. Everything was fine and I was about 10 wks along.  On my next doctor appointment my doctor informed me that my baby was gone.  Just poof...gone! I had was was called a missed-abortion. This is a rare occurrance where a women has no bleeding, cramping or pain.  Women are surprised to find out they are no longer pregnant! The fetus is just....gone.  I even had bleeding with both of my prior pregnancies but no bleeding with a miscarrage?!?

5) My blood type is A-Negatiave

6) My sister is A-Negative as well and had an extra vertebra in her tailbone removed.

7) My sister has blonde hair and blue eyes and I have blonde hair and green eyes.

8) My job is STO (nursing)

9) My sister told me years ago that she had been contacted in the past by the Grays. (aka Zetas?)  I told her she was crazy at the time because aliens didn't exist! (boy was I wrong!)

10) I moved to a large city for many years where viewing the stars was impossible and it was AWFUL. I recently moved back to an area where I can see the stars at night. The first thing I did upon moving back was to bundle up and lay out in the back field to gaze at the stars.  It was pure relief to me!

11) I see UFOs all the time now. They are silent and zig zag in the sky sometimes. They become stationary for a while and then zip away FAST!  Sometimes I think they are watching me and sometimes I swear they put me to sleep while I'm watching them! I'm excited to see them and want to watch them but can't keep my eyes open!  That in itself is just Weird because they are beautiful to behold in the sky!  Everytime I see them...I am in awe!  Anyway... I'm just  happy they are close by and show themselves.  There are LOTS of ships in the sky btw!  Lots of activity taking place....

 Well....enough of my prattle. But I do feel like I'm waking up and may of even of donated my child.  I'm not upset by this in the least.  Maybe it happened and maybe it didn't. (shrug) Does anyone else feel like this?

Thanks for letting me share with the others here (or not as the case may be) I probably didn't even post this where I needed to post it...I'm sure you will move if need be.

Blessing to All ♥

PS: I'm 55 yrs old and finally got my telescope! (hah)  ; )

I am a little concerned about the Red Dust. I have instructed my people to unhook the downpipes from the water tanks and cover the man holes on the tanks once the Red Dust appears. My question is how does this Red Dust affect the plants and the soil?

Hi Dee

ZetaTalk about how there are petrol chemicals in the tail that have caused human illness

There have been odd atmospheric disturbances since the tail of Planet X came into the vicinity in 2003 - Moon and Sun halos, neon clouds, manna found on the ground in the SW United States, and of course occasional red dust on patio furniture or cars. The chemicals in the tail have also caused human illness - nausea, dizziness, and irregular menstrual cycles in women. The tail has petrochemicals in it, which are the basis for the oil deposits on Earth. These chemicals were gathered in the Asteroid Belt when it was pelted to pieces in the past, as the planets in that belt were water planets and bore life. Out in space, these biological elements cannot rot, as bacteria cannot live in the cold of space or without oxygen. This glop is another form of these chemicals dropping to the ground - not oil, but not water soluble either.


ZetaTalk about how the red dust won’t hurt you and how it will incite plant growth in the oceans ( google  iron and plants, you will see that plants need iron)

Will the poisoned air with red dust?

The charged red dust in the tail of Planet X is iron oxide. When accumulating in ponds and rivers, it kills the fish, and make the water bitter to drink. Beyond this aspect, it is not poisonous, as man and land animals will not drink sufficient quantities of the water to affect their health.

What would you respond to the statement that after the PS the vegetation will die almost everywhere and there will be no food for animals that future agriculture would based on? (Fishing is irrelevant at this point.) Another point to make it clear is the darkness that the Zetas forecast for a long period (a couple of decades). Will such conditions be acceptable for any terrestrial animal life at all? The food chains on the ground will be desperately broken... The Sun is known to be a sole life-giver here on the Earth. And what about pollution of soil and water by the red dust, heavy metals, and radioactive isotopes? Some people including me would like to get a clarification on the above

The first reaction of those hearing that the Earth will have her volcanoes burping and spewing ash is to assume what is termed a "nuclear winter" - the end of life on Earth due to lack of sunlight and cold. The food chain starts with vegetation and vegetation needs sunlight to grow. We have stated that all volcanoes active within the past 10,000 years should be assumed to react during the pole shift. How could it, then, not be a nuclear winter? This is the first reaction, but should not be the ultimate conclusion of anyone who thinks things through. Do you only think of one thing at a time, and not see the whole picture? Pole shifts have happened to the Earth regularly, for countless times, and each time the volcanoes react and life is gloomy afterwards. The last pole shift, during the Jewish Exodus, had Moses wandering in the "Valley of the Shadow of Death" for 40 years, because he was downwind of the large volcanic eruption at Thera. Yet Moses and his people survived!

Then look around you at the current rich vegetation that exists on Earth today! Did this all evolve just since the days of Moses? Did all life die out during the time of Moses? Yes, extinction happens for those species caught in a new climate and unable to adapt. Extinction happened to the Mammoth, who flourished in Siberia but found themselves thrust into the Arctic, suddenly. Vegetation may die out in one place, but in another, where the cloud cover is not thick but thin, it struggles on. Mankind knows they can get a sunburn under a cloudy sky. Have you considered that fact? The gloom also diminishes over time, gradually, so is not a steady state for the 25 years we have predicted. And some parts of the globe will even get direct sunlight on occasion, from the start. The vast oceans will do the best, simply because they cover so much of the globe, that someplace the sun is shining on the oceans. Mankind has discovered that the combination of CO2 (which will be in the air due to the volcanoes and fires) and iron (which will be dropped on the surface from the tail of Planet X) incite lush vegetation growth in the oceans. This is the basis of the food chain among fish. Thus, the abundant oceans will offer both vegetation and protein for man in the Aftertime. Pollutants disburse and life goes on.

Thank you so much for your response, excellent advice and answers a lot of questions. We are pretty well set up and really didn't want to loose the orchard. We will end up near the equator. You have made my day.  Good luck to all.

Hello Nancy, 

I wonder how I could help, getting this PS information out to the public? I talking about it as much as possible but no one want to listen or even hear about it, those who listen won´t take any predaredness steps only saying: We will see if this happen! Hoping I´m not right! 

Telling that this information comes from ZetaTalk doesn´t seem to make people more eager to listen: from Aliens! Yeah, right...

Is it important (for the Zetas) that people know that they are the ones giving us this information? Thinking that knowing about the poleshift and the aftertime is more important than knowing who is providing the warnings.

I really wan´t everybody to at least hear about it instead of wondering why no one ever told them anything. Time is short now and its impossible for me alone to gather all information needed and make all steps necessary.

How can we help?

Hi Kathy

There were originally 6 races of man and they were genetically engineered from apes

Except for the original American Indian who was a transplant to the earth

 ZetaTalk about the family of man

 Here is ZetaTalk about genetic engineering who came first and the genetic contributors

Here is a question to the Zetas about if RH negative blood was inherited from the Annunaki

If modern man descended from primitive apes and if 85% of humans have the rhesus positive blood factor, was the remaining 15% of the rhesus negative blood factor inherited from Annunaki/human crossbreeding?





Spiritual immaturity would be the reason for the wars, this is a 3rd density world where blood lines along with religion, nationality, power and control of assets all reasons for war.

I have done a little research and it seems people think that being rh negative somehow makes them special, and that they are descendents of aliens, well from the ZetaTalk above you can see we were ALL engineered from apes using genetic contributions from aliens no one is special in this regard.

You seem to be making a lot of assumptions about a simple genetic trait, it sound like you read somewhere that there is some significance regarding the RH factor, I personally don’t get the obsession about the RH factor, we were engineered that could be the reason one of the base apes or a contributor could have had this trait or the fact that we interbred with the original American Indian and they possibly had the trait. In the grand scheme of things it really doesn’t matter.

An RH factor reaction is an immune response to the incompatibility it is unfortunate but so are genetic or autoimmune diseases.

 The cloning thing is a bunch of BS, the Zetas would have no problem cloning anything, if this is even true it’s probably because humans aren’t the good at it

Kathy B. said:

Hey Derrick,

I was unable to respond back...until now.  I wanted to say Thank-You for responding to my questions.  We (Truth-Seeking members) are truly blessed to have such a diligent and knowledgeable (STO) guide such as yourself Derrick! appreciation goes out not only to you Derrick but to all the other (STO) team members who sinks their hearts and souls into teaching us the truth 24/7! 

So thank-you again for your response but I'm not finished with you just yet. <grin>  Yup...I still need your help as I remain confused as to the answers or lack-thereof pertaining specifically to my questions.  Perhaps only Nancy/Zetas will be able to answer my questions? Either way....I'm always grateful for any answers provided to me.  Anyway...I did read the informational/links before I had posted my questions but the way I see it...the links don't really pertain to my questions. 

I understand and believe that we (humans) were created by ET'S but am still confused.  Btw...My questions are totally independent from the A, B, 0 blood  types (aka blood type variants) as I only want to know about the RH-factors issues

My Questions:
1)  The Zetas say:"There were thus four races of man due to a different ape being used as the base, with a fifth ape in the mix from some interbreeding before Indonesia Man died out. <----Since the blood factors are transmitted with much more exactitude than any other  characteristic then What did the ET's use for a base species of an RH-Negative being?  (Rh = no ape/monkey)  Sounds like some of the humans species were created without using apes. Right?
2) How many ET'S were involved creating mankind?  Can we  be informed of what part of the galaxies they all came from?
3) Why did the ET's make it so the RH-negative bodies continue to violently reject the RH positive offspring? (Hemolytic disease= ape/monkey offspring is destroyed)
4) Did the ET's mix up batch of 'unique 'RH-Negative species and plant them in the Basque region?
5) Why would 4 types of Apes used to create all of mankind cause sooo many wars regarding blood lines?  If we all come from the same mix of Apes then what's the big deal regarding bloodlines?
6) Rh-Negative people are lacking a factor contained in all other earthly primates, including the naked ape, then are they a direct hybrid of the ET'S?   Could the "missing link" be that nobody will ever find because the RH-Negatives were the missing link?

7)  Why can't RH-Negative blood be cloned?

Forget trying to get the information out to the public as the cover-up has long been in force and broad in it's influence so that one person cannot hope to challenge it;  any person who threatens the cover-up is simply eliminated.  Eventually it will be the earth changes, signs in the sky, etc that will sound the death knell of the cover-up, especially when the governments continue to not inform the common man when it is obvious something is happening.

When it comes to friends and family, everyone experiences the same thing when they try to talk to people about it;  the Zeta's advice is not to press the issue as denial will harden and let them come to you when it starts sinking in that something is wrong.

Subtle Message:

GLP Archives:


If Nancy is trying to make a buck then perhaps she should be selling something like her services or something she does not already give away for free! The website includes more than the content of her book, which she does not make money on as sales are almost nill and the book is old, and includes more than the content of a lecture series which she has transcribed and provides for free to the public in any case. We are endlessly asked how to convince family and friends to move. Nancy gets email daily complaining that people do not want to even listen to the evidence, which is abundant, that cataclysms happen to the Earth regularly and on a periodic basis. These are people who wish to be in denial. They lack courage, and want the comfortable path. We have advised that if you point out the geological record, and the many prophecies in every culture than warns of something pending, and the folklore such as is documented in the Kolbrin on prior passages, then you have done your job. Pressing them will only harden denial. They will come to you when the time comes, for more information. Else they will remain in denial, but this is their choice. We have never stated that the upper Midwest is the safest or least affected areas of the US, as there are many locations both east and west that are equivalent.





Roger Sahlin said:

Hello Nancy, 

I wonder how I could help, getting this PS information out to the public? I talking about it as much as possible but no one want to listen or even hear about it, those who listen won´t take any predaredness steps only saying: We will see if this happen! Hoping I´m not right! 

Telling that this information comes from ZetaTalk doesn´t seem to make people more eager to listen: from Aliens! Yeah, right...

Is it important (for the Zetas) that people know that they are the ones giving us this information? Thinking that knowing about the poleshift and the aftertime is more important than knowing who is providing the warnings.

I really wan´t everybody to at least hear about it instead of wondering why no one ever told them anything. Time is short now and its impossible for me alone to gather all information needed and make all steps necessary.

How can we help?

Hi Nancy,

I have looked for information on Permaculture and found a comment you made in a blog about agriculture after the shift...

Comment by Nancy Lieder on January 27, 2010 at 2:17pm

"I know the Zetas suggested hydroponics at first. And we discovered in a Troubled Times lab that one could get their own nutrient water by watering earthworm compost beds and collecting the runoff. BUT all the lights and equipment, needing electricity, needing light bulbs or maybe having to turn to carbon arc lights when these all break, such a headache. The better solution for those without endless funds is to save seed and garden and learn how to fertilize naturally - PERMACULTURE"
I am wondering if the coming shift is going to wipe out soil bacteria?  Or, what impact is the shift going to have on soil bacteria, other than a direct hit of debri?  I know fire will create a potassium deficiency, but the weeds that grow back will fix this.
The reason I ask is if you know how to make the right soil with compost, you make healthy gardens, and all who eat from them become healthy.  Geoff LawntonBill Mollinson
My thoughts are prior to the shift we could super dose our garden beds with microbes, and then again after the shift.  I have just found a Canadian product TM21 which does this, with incredible results, and am currently investigating further.  I am also looking into Aquaponics, using a ram pump (no power required just gravity).  Trying to come up with simple solutions to teach others the basics.

Hi Evelyn

Here is some Zeta Talk about Restarting Gardens

Evelyn said:

Hi Nancy,

I have looked for information on Permaculture and found a comment you made in a blog about agriculture after the shift...

Comment by Nancy Lieder on January 27, 2010 at 2:17pm

"I know the Zetas suggested hydroponics at first. And we discovered in a Troubled Times lab that one could get their own nutrient water by watering earthworm compost beds and collecting the runoff. BUT all the lights and equipment, needing electricity, needing light bulbs or maybe having to turn to carbon arc lights when these all break, such a headache. The better solution for those without endless funds is to save seed and garden and learn how to fertilize naturally - PERMACULTURE"
I am wondering if the coming shift is going to wipe out soil bacteria?  Or, what impact is the shift going to have on soil bacteria, other than a direct hit of debri?  I know fire will create a potassium deficiency, but the weeds that grow back will fix this.
The reason I ask is if you know how to make the right soil with compost, you make healthy gardens, and all who eat from them become healthy.  Geoff LawntonBill Mollinson
My thoughts are prior to the shift we could super dose our garden beds with microbes, and then again after the shift.  I have just found a Canadian product TM21 which does this, with incredible results, and am currently investigating further.  I am also looking into Aquaponics, using a ram pump (no power required just gravity).  Trying to come up with simple solutions to teach others the basics.

Hi and thanks Derrick,

appreciate your help here, I should have stated that I have read your link and understand it as well.  I am getting into specifics here I know, I have purchased a DVD from Geoff Lawnton on how to correctly build a compost heap that:

-does not smell

-does not overheat

-can be ready in 18 days

-has the highest microbes for nutrient dense food

but... the Canadian product TM21 can do this also by just spraying it on the ground at 250 ml per hectare, so a litre for $60 will last for a group of people for many years.

I am just asking for confirmation that laying down exponential microbes before the PS will be worthwhile, or a waste of resources?

again thank you for your assistance.

Derrick Johnson said:

Hi Evelyn

Here is some Zeta Talk about Restarting Gardens

Evelyn said:

Hi Nancy,

I have looked for information on Permaculture and found a comment you made in a blog about agriculture after the shift...

Comment by Nancy Lieder on January 27, 2010 at 2:17pm

"I know the Zetas suggested hydroponics at first. And we discovered in a Troubled Times lab that one could get their own nutrient water by watering earthworm compost beds and collecting the runoff. BUT all the lights and equipment, needing electricity, needing light bulbs or maybe having to turn to carbon arc lights when these all break, such a headache. The better solution for those without endless funds is to save seed and garden and learn how to fertilize naturally - PERMACULTURE"
I am wondering if the coming shift is going to wipe out soil bacteria?  Or, what impact is the shift going to have on soil bacteria, other than a direct hit of debri?  I know fire will create a potassium deficiency, but the weeds that grow back will fix this.
The reason I ask is if you know how to make the right soil with compost, you make healthy gardens, and all who eat from them become healthy.  Geoff LawntonBill Mollinson
My thoughts are prior to the shift we could super dose our garden beds with microbes, and then again after the shift.  I have just found a Canadian product TM21 which does this, with incredible results, and am currently investigating further.  I am also looking into Aquaponics, using a ram pump (no power required just gravity).  Trying to come up with simple solutions to teach others the basics.

Hi Dierk,

There's a question posed to the Zs about the Piracy act in this weeks questions.  We have to wait to see if it will be answered........and........this ning has been attacked by Black Ops before and we survived although we lost many members since they were deleted and their valuable posts.  We're always on guard here.  Hope this answers your questions.

Dierk Wallrabenstein said:


check out this link:


Senate Bill 1867

A bill in the US Senate – Senate Bill 1867 - soon to move to the House for approval, has gone viral on the Internet. It virtually screams “Martial Law within the US”. Most astonishing is that it was approved by Democrats and well as Republicans – bipartisan – and goes against the Constitution on many fronts.  

The Entire United States is Now a War Zone
December 2, 2011
the horrendous bill that would turn all of America into a battlefield and subject American citizens to indefinite military detention without charge or trial has passed the Senate. 
S.1867, or the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for the fiscal year of 2012, passed with a resounding 93-7 vote. 

A careful look at the Senate bill shows there are no guarantees that this constitutes a Martial Law decree by Congress. All that would be required would be for the President to declare a group of citizens to qualify, and the US military could arrest and detain indefinitely, on US soil, without access to the court system. Where this differs from the current legal structure is that currently the President must declare a National Emergency to involve the US military in arrests of citizens on US soil. Removing the right to a speedy trial is not in accordance with the Constitution, nor is having the US military take action on US soil constitutional. 

Martial Law
The martial law concept in the U.S. is closely tied with the right of habeas corpus, which is in essence the right to a hearing on lawful imprisonment, or more broadly, the supervision of law enforcement by the judiciary. The ability to suspend habeas corpus is often equated with martial law. Article 1, Section 9 of the U.S. Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." In United States law, martial law is limited by several court decisions that were handed down between the American Civil War and World War II. In 1878, Congress passed the Posse Comitatus Act, which forbids military involvement in domestic law enforcement without congressional approval. 

Per the Zetas, the Senators are frantic for an alternate excuse to declare Martial Law. Since the cover-up over Planet X must remain in place, they can’t openly state this is the reason for their panic. Anything but an admission, it seems!

ZetaTalk Explanation 12/10/2011:
What comes across from the passage of Senate Bill 1867 is fear, palpable fear. What are they afraid of? Losing the US to home grown terrorists? And under what circumstance would this occur? Under what circumstance would the US be so overwhelmed by home grown terrorists that the US court system and federal agencies would not be able to deal with the issue? What has happened to cause the US Senate to be so gripped by fear that it, as a body, runs amuck of the Constitution? Clearly it is not an economic depression or the national debt, both of which have been long running and caused no more than argument in the Senate about jobs bills and lifting the debt ceiling. 

The New Madrid scenario has the Senate, almost to a one, in a panic. They don’t consider this hypothetical, they now consider this a pending reality. Europe, their ally, will be devastated but China, the sleeping giant, will not sustain a 7 of 10 disaster. Might China try to invade? Might the Mexican cartels attempt to overrun the southwest? Might US citizens refuse to pay taxes? Asked to explain themselves, the red faced Senators could not. What are they to say, that Planet X exists? That ZetaTalk is correct? That they are aware of the dangers and personally preparing but are denying the public information about the real threat? That they want the citizens to attend to their jobs, and if they attempt to prepare for a coming cataclysm instead, they will be arrested and detained indefinitely? What you are seeing here is a panic in the cover-up. This is just the tip of the iceberg, in what is coming. 

Are there other signs that the US government is aware of the Zeta prediction accuracy? Obama recently issued Executive Order 13575, outlined in Issues 252
of this newsletter, which shows an intention of establishing rural survivor camps. And suddenly FEMA is issuing contracts to establish work camps for emergency management teams. 

National Quick Response Team
November 16, 2011
The Continental US will be broken up into five regions as indicated in the map below Services will be required in each State within each region. The personnel on site to be covered by these services will depend on the size and scope of the recovery effort, but for estimating purposes the camp will range in size from 301 to 2,000 persons for up to 30 days in length.

ZetaTalk Comment 12/10/2011:
Suddenly, and without explanation or apology, the US is openly preparing for disaster. This did not occur after the Katrina disaster, so is clearly not a reaction to recent events. If a preparation for a New Madrid disaster, which is vaguely predicted by officials for sometime in the next century or beyond, then why the sudden sense of urgency? The public is not noticing these efforts, as they are kept out of the mainstream press. But for those tracking such revealing plans and actions, the meaning is clear. The US government, FEMA, expects the New Madrid disaster to occurs soon, and is saying nothing to its citizenry about it!


Chris said:

I'm wondering if anyone has proposed a question about the new Stop Online Piracy Act potentially being passed. One that would potentially result in this website being shut down upon being accused of piracy. Not for anything real, but because they want to under the guise of copyrighted material or whatever reason. I'm just wondering whether shutting down Zeta Talk and this Website can happen, what would result from such a move, or whats stopping them already, and whether there are real threats from this bill used as a means to shutdown poleshift related websites or information under guise of copyright. It seems to have a similar flavour to the NDAA of controlling information/controlling people. I'm just wondering if this has been addressed at all by Nancy ? (I've missed it)


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