GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

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only at the very beginning of them - but the first stage of Indonesia sinking does seem to be moving forward at little more than previously; when it will finally complete is still anyone's guess.

Carrie Stevenson said:

It seems everything is heating up and there are massive floods everywhere, and lots of large quakes.  Can anyone tell me exactly where we are in the 7 of 10 events please?

the Zetas have stated that the 8/10 events will not occur until after the 7/10 events have completed (with the EU tsunami) but they will begin to warm up in that time.

For example, socio-politcal unrest is predicted as one of the 8/10 events and we can certainly see that warming up in certain areas of the world, but the true unrest predicted will probably be caused by the devastation of the 7/10 events, in particular when the population finally realises that they have been lied to by their governments for so long and the suffering they end up experiencing as a result.  Also, increased visibility of the PX complex is supposed to be one of the 8/10 events - this would surely also cause anger in the population as more evidence that they have been lied to for so long by those who they assumed, as public servants, were operating in their best interests.

Suha Garabet said:

Hi every body,

Yes Carrie, this is was my question too, how far we are to get into 8 of 10,

Thanks for every body


Anyone ?

Before posting on ZTChat, I thought I´d try my luck, here !...

On my blog ( the following comment was posted last Tuesday :

"Sea has risen five meters in castelo de Neiva, Portugal, and threatens homes. Houses in the district of Castelo de Neiva, in Viana do Castelo are being threatend by the sudden rise in sea level over the last days. More than 5 meters of dunes have dissapeared and the sea is now three meters from the first houses. "


and in my Ning - mail I had this : 

" The Zetas are correct as usual. I am still in Ottawa and I hear that the water level in the Ottawa river is now very low....for someone from Africa this river is more like a sea.......very, very daughter tells me that the volume has really gone down. I read that here in the forum. I will try and take a ride to see it. "


I know that Zetas have written that WHEN the Atlantic Rift widens, water levels around Eastern Seaboard will FALL. Thus, this would seem to maybe pertain to The Ottawa running low as part of the St Lawrence - but I cannot find any mention anywhere that any other eastcoast state is seeing this phenomenon, right now - so am at a loss to address this at this point in time...  I´d love a comment on this, please.


And then the Portugal inundations which seems to be exactly the opposite problem ! Usually the Atlantic coastlines see many and heavy late fall-going into winter storms + some flooding, but here, all of 12 states in Portugal have been put on a yellow alert because of inundations, not just wind or high tides... 

And I´d definitely love a comment on this as well !!

Thanks !

Hi Malou

The sea level rise could be a result of the wobble

We have warned of a time when high tides would be experienced, unrelated to tsunami from earthquakes and unrelated to storms. We warned likewise that the wobble would produce such high tides. This time is now upon the Earth.”


Here is ZetaTalk about the Ottawa River, the Zetas said the split will not occur until the pole shift and will not rip during the New Madrid adjustment.

These are two possible reasons the river would be low, of course there always could be other reasons too.

The area has been dry according to this drought monitor map, which could be the reason it’s low. There is also a dam on the river in Ottawa so if they have released water it would also be low there.



Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:

Anyone ?

Before posting on ZTChat, I thought I´d try my luck, here !...

On my blog ( the following comment was posted last Tuesday :

"Sea has risen five meters in castelo de Neiva, Portugal, and threatens homes. Houses in the district of Castelo de Neiva, in Viana do Castelo are being threatend by the sudden rise in sea level over the last days. More than 5 meters of dunes have dissapeared and the sea is now three meters from the first houses. "


and in my Ning - mail I had this : 

" The Zetas are correct as usual. I am still in Ottawa and I hear that the water level in the Ottawa river is now very low....for someone from Africa this river is more like a sea.......very, very daughter tells me that the volume has really gone down. I read that here in the forum. I will try and take a ride to see it. "


I know that Zetas have written that WHEN the Atlantic Rift widens, water levels around Eastern Seaboard will FALL. Thus, this would seem to maybe pertain to The Ottawa running low as part of the St Lawrence - but I cannot find any mention anywhere that any other eastcoast state is seeing this phenomenon, right now - so am at a loss to address this at this point in time...  I´d love a comment on this, please.


And then the Portugal inundations which seems to be exactly the opposite problem ! Usually the Atlantic coastlines see many and heavy late fall-going into winter storms + some flooding, but here, all of 12 states in Portugal have been put on a yellow alert because of inundations, not just wind or high tides... 

And I´d definitely love a comment on this as well !!

Thanks !



Thanks, Derrick !

"...It was the east coast of Britain that experienced the high tide, this tide coming from the North Sea. What happens when the Earth wobble, the figure 8 so well documented on the ZetaTalk website, affects Britain? When the noon Sun is over India, the Earth has assumed a more normal stance vis-à-vis Planet X. But when the noon Sun is positioned over Europe and Britain, the N Pole of Earth is pushed up, suddenly, with a tilt in the direction of the Americas. This lurch forced Britain into the North Sea, increasing the press of water coming from the North Sea. Britain in essence was pushed into the oncoming tide!..." 

This (above) was in your link as well and hit the message home for me as far as Portugal´s concerned... - along with last week´s news of Dublin flooding.... we ARE at that point in time, and should just expect these things from now on...

Re Ottawa River, I googled that and came up with  - seems the drought´s been ongoing even well into last winter, so that´s the likely culprit !

Thanks a bunch, Derrick !  


can someone tell me what the law is or give me a reference to finding the exact law that says the united states cannot tell about impending doom?



@Mistress Sindra

It is not that the US cannot tell it's people of Planet X's presence Sunside, and the devastation he will be/is bringing. They will not. Years ago a decision was made by the government elite et al to cover up  the truth of this matter. I'm sure that in the smoke filled rooms where these self serving decisions were made, numerous laws were discussed and bent to apply to this.

Can someone show me the law where MJ12 and it's Coverup minions were allowed to murder their own president, JFK. And anyone else who broke their precious Coverup. They see themselves as outside the law, likely authoring their own. The Coverup is cracking, per the Z's, but ubiquitous. Still.

I recommend you type "coverup" as a keyword in the ZT search engine. That will clue you in.

Hi Vicki

Here is some additional Zeta Talk that may help

“Do you think the Council cannot control particle flows, the magnetism that is causing the Earth wobble, or cannot bend light to its liking? Think again!”

Why can I see Capricorn before dawn? If the Earth were halted, it would be impossible to see

The constellation view obviously changes during the seasons as the view from the darkened side of the Sun changes, but only to the extent that direct sunlight interferes. Major constellations seen in the dome are overhead in any case, during the night, regardless of location in the orbit. The constellations vis a vis each other in a stalled orbit will appear to be skewed too far to the East or West relative to each other, but the N/S position will be correct in the view. For instance, for a Spring view, at dead of night, a viewer looking dead South would see a particular constellation toward the right hand side, but one taking this view in the Fall out see this constellation toward the left hand side, but to what degree? The Earth would have moved but a hair around the Sun, in her tiny orbit, but the constellations are a vast distance away, so their relative relationship to each other remains the same, as viewed from Earth.

If the constellations chosen for discussion are on the horizon, only viewable without light pollution at dawn or dusk, they are to the extreme right or left in the view, and the view is switched from dawn to dusk or visa versa. To see this view in the Spring one looks to the East at dawn, but in the Fall one looks to the West just after dusk. This is in general not noticed or noted by any but the astute as star watchers in general like a fully darkened sky, going out close to midnight, and there the skewing is not as extreme and is excused as camera position, uneven ground, or whatever. The view just before dawn, or after dusk, is so light polluted as to be arguable. Light pollution starts a full hour before the first hint of dawn is seen, so it is only the hours surrounding midnight that this can be discounted. Thus, it is arguable what the poster is reporting. Can he take a photo of what he is seeing? Can his integrity be determined, his motives examined?

For best results in this argument, the nighttime sky should be recorded, the absolute Azimuth and Altitude recorded, and compared to planetarium programs. This is what Nancy and her many friends did in 2004 and into 2005, in the Orbits section on her website. The skewing of constellations in the night sky, to the East or West, was unmistakable. This is still the case, for those willing to do their own homework. Do not take the work of posters in this, as the enemies of truth are many, as anyone following the Bush party line from the White House can see. Do they lie? Do they employ disinformation? Does the messenger get attacked? Just ask Joe Wilson.


Vicki H. said:

Something just dawned on me, and I'm not having any luck figuring it out. Hopefully someone can help. It has to do with the fact that we have been stopped in our orbit since Dec 2003. I understand that they can tip the planet forward and back, to simulate the seasons and to keep parts of the Earth from frying or freezing. And I understand that they can manipulate the planet to make the constellations higher up in the sky be made to appear "normal". But how do they make the constellations in the night sky that are along the ecliptic (known as the Zodiac belt) appear normal? The Sun is stationary, and the stars are stationary (for all intents and purposes). Normally, as we progress in our orbit we work our way around this Zodiac ecliptic, which is not overhead like the north star. Though I'm not promoting astrology here, the language works to frame the question.

For example, when we say "The Sun is in Aries", this is actually an astronomical description. It means that, from the viewpoint of the Earth, the Sun has the Aries constellation as it's backdrop. The constellation of Aries cannot be seen at all during the sign of Aries time because the Sun is in between the Earth and the constellation of Aries, and the light of the Sun blocks all view of the Aries constellation out completely. What is seen instead, in the night sky and exactly halfway around the Zodiac, is the constellation Libra (Aries opposite). A half a year later, when we have (normally) gone 180 degrees around the Sun, now we say that "the Sun is in Libra" because from our earth-centric point of view the Sun now has the constellation of Libra as it's backdrop and it's opposite (Aries) is now prominently visible in the night sky during that time of year. If the Earth has essentially become stationary, then our relationship to the Sun hasn't changed much at all in 8 years (except for scooting backwards bit by bit - certainly not doing the whole circle every 12 months as before).

Then how is it we ever see the portion of the sky that's on the far side of the Sun? How do they make our night sky look right for the time of year if the Sun is permanently blocking out half of it? Thanks for anyone's clarification on this. I have a newcomer that I'm working with to bring them up to speed. This question has already come up and I didn't know how to answer it. Here are two links (below) that explain how the north star and the Big Dipper are manipulated, but no info on the Zodiac belt which rides 90 degrees down from the north star.   Simulating the Seasons   Constellation View

PS: I'm not that good at celestial mechanics. If my question has been answered in these links perhaps I am just not grasping it, so if someone can provide a more simplistic explanation that would be great. If this point has already been clarified by the Zetas somewhere else, I couldn't find it and would appreciate the link. Thanks!

Hi  Vicki

This may be a little different than what you are looking for but here is ZetaTalk about the Violet Ray machine

I have come into possession of a violet ray healing machine, it was popular in the late 1800's to early 1900's (it is a Tesla invention). I was wondering what the Zetas have to say about this machine and the claims made by the manufacturers. I personally have used it and it does work to aleviate pain.

Often anything that stimulates the circulation heals, as the fresh blood brings nutrients and germ-fighting cells in the immune system to the location. Violet is a variation of the red light spectrum, which includes heat, even if it is not felt as such.

Vicki H. said:

New topic...
I am looking for comments/links on electronic healing devices and their efficacy. On ZetaTalk I searched for  Royal R. Rife and found no comment on the man who developed the micro-frequency Rife machine in the 1930's, that is still in use today. Also searched for radionics (which I believe has been used by the CIA, so they must have thought that it has concrete value of some sort) and found nothing there either. Hulda Clarke's "zapper" (aka "the poor man's Rife machine") was listed in Troubled Times for use in ridding the body of parasites, which could be enormously valuable in the Aftertime.
Both of these machines use very little electricity and could easily be used with bicycle generators and rechargeable batteries. If either of them work and could be used in place of medicines that we will quickly run out of, perhaps it's worth the investment? Thanks for any info on this subject.

I am so frustrated with everything!  I try to tell people (friends, family) about what is coming...I don't even get into the 'deep' stuff, only what is actually on the news...they still stick their heads back in the sand.  I know that if they are STO they will 'wake up' and if they are STS they may not.  Any suggestions...I really want some of my family to make it through.

I am new. Allow me to ask this question. As we learn from the crop circle appeared in 2008 in Avebury, UK, which showed our solar system alignment and about swollen sun and the Planet X, haven't this reviewed the date of Planet X arrival timing?


I have shared with some close friends and some believe so. I started by showing UK's The Independent reporting. Then I showed recorded CNN 33 seconds reporting about "a huge object in our solar system". Then I showed them the presentation and Webcam recording of Neumeyer Station in South Pole (dated Oct 19, 2011) which shows a round planet appeared beside sun and its 9 unidentified objects (could be is moons) around this vague appearance this planet (described as ghost planet). This is a task that requires a pole of information and knowledge to present to the person we would like to show. It is also about the patience to keep on sharing. Some would ignore especially if we just share by emails. This is my experience.

Carolyn said:

I am so frustrated with everything!  I try to tell people (friends, family) about what is coming...I don't even get into the 'deep' stuff, only what is actually on the news...they still stick their heads back in the sand.  I know that if they are STO they will 'wake up' and if they are STS they may not.  Any suggestions...I really want some of my family to make it through.


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