For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.
This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.
So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here! All questions welcome.
Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!
(and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)
ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.
To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Kat, here is some Zetatalk to get you on your way.
Hi Kat
In addition to the links KM provided here is Zeta Talk about the moon during the passage
We have stated that the Moon will continue to hug the Earth, and not leave it during the passage. The Moon, as is known, faces only one side toward the Earth due to its composition. One side is more attracted to the Earth than the other. The Moon, obviously, will return to this stance after the pole shift, and continue to orbit the Earth in a similar manner as today. Whether it twists around during the hour of the pole shift is irrelevant.
Kat Emery said:
I have not seen any mention of effects on the moon. Will it be affected by the passing of the brown dwarf? It occurred to me that it could begin to rotate.
You are readily able to interpret the crop circles but seem not to take credit for their creation. Who else is at work with signs of warning?
Why is it exactly that you need to hybridize with humans? I apologize if I have duplicated a question but I have read a lot on this site.
Hi Sam
If you haven’t already you should carefully follow the 7 steps in this blog to determine how safe your location will be.
In the first step this is what you will find about Oklahoma
Land caught between the influx from the Gulf and outflow of swollen rivers is in a pinch. It is not so much the relative elevation of land, during the shift, as the amount of water to be drained from swollen rivers, and the back-wash that these rivers will experience from sloshing in seas or inlets. Melting snow, in the past few years, has put land in the Dakotas under a sheet of water that shocked the residents, as it was an abnormally rapid melt. The water simply had nowhere to go! It is thus that Missouri will be under water, from the overflowing Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, in backwash from the Gulf. If the water cannot drain, it will move about inland, as those who have lived through floods know. Add to this our statements that Missouri will be under water during the shift, with the exception of the Ozarks. Oklahoma lies between these two water masses, and all except the highest and rockiest hilltops will be awash. A spot on the map may be called mountains, but only be so by elevation above the neighboring land. We would advise those wanting to survive with certainly, to move into the mountains or foothills of the Rockies, as there one can climb higher if they see that they have misjudged, and not be caught. Alternatively, the Ozarks will offer safety, but will become an island in the Aftertime, trapped away from family and loved ones on the larger mainland.
Oklahoma will find those awash from Texas on their shores, as they will be a shore from the sloshing of the Gulf. Many in Texas will flee north, and the current trend in Texas is to turn the state into a prison camp. All areas that border on the exodus zone should not be considered prime territory, as they will be inundated with frightened and poorly prepared people. If you wish to be a source of strength, a seed bed for renewal, don't get in the heavy traffic lanes.
Sam Walton said:
I am wandering what we can expect in the eastern side of central Oklahoma? (Sallisaw area) We are very close to the Arkansas river and got ourselves on a bluff of 735 feet above sea level. We have been in preparation for sometime but as we all know you can't plan for everything.
Hello, John, and here´s hoping you and yours are well too !
I´m preparing for the near - worst case scenario, which would be a mid-winter PS and an igloo instead of a trench as a PS-hide-out.. and the worst-case which would be the late winter/very early spring PS, when we´re all exhausted from the cold, low in vitamins and stamina and general all-round confusion, which shall certainly revail by then...
You know : 6 months left to go isn´t very long !... If we´re "lucky" maybe even an entire year, but I´m pretty sure that that´s not going to be.. Once the underseas door over @ Japan slams open, there´s a green light-go ahead for the remaining scenarios to play out.. Maybe it´s merciful that they may not last very long, then, and we´ll soon have everything behind us... It´s getting painful to see the daily flood updates - which are only getting worse...
I´m lucky - I reacted on instinct the moment I heard about the tsunami - and found a "safe spot".. I´m not having any gut feelings about what remains of the 7-of-10 and thereafter, though, but SHIFT HAPPENS - that´s for sure.. Maybe, I´m not having those gut feelings, because I´m not honestly interested in knowing how little time is left ;-)
Since early this year, I´ve considered every day, every week and every month an incredible gift and opportunity.. something extraordinary that´s been given to us...
blessings -
John Sheldon said:
Malou, Derrick, Astrogal50, and all-
I hope you are well and healthy, and assume you continue to prepare spiritually and physically. Thank you for all the information you are sharing with the world here. You are doing the world a good service. I was wondering if you (personally) have any feeling about the timing of the 7 of 10 scenarios? I know the Zetas are not allowed to say. I have read a lot of ZT, and I'm not asking about ZT. I guess I am asking about your gut feel. We all know the 7 of 10 scenarios started late last year, and most of us probably thought we would have seen more of it play out by now. My feeling is we will likely see it play out later this year, toward October-November-December, but I don't know. I assume this is on everyone's minds, every day, at least somewhere in the back of your mind. We all continue to prepare hard, and have faith in what we have researched and read here on ZT and the Ning. I hate to ask a question that we can't answer, but it seems like a valid question to see what others are thinking in terms of timing. Love and thanks to all.
Love and light, john
Thanks, there is just so much information - even in between the lines. It's been less than a week since I found zetatalk and feel I can finally explain some things. Around 2004 I became aware of a feeling of dread from some unknown source. As an analytical type, I tried to identify the source - Pandemic? Military? Economic? I had no success but started shopping for land up in the mountains where I could be self sufficient. I now live there with a large garden and chickens but I was struck by the cessation of that dread a day or so after I broke ground on my house. I shared my experience freely without having any explanation and I'm sure people were rolling their eyes but how do you ignore such a crushing pressure? Other sites give a firm timeline as to the perigee of Nibiru and that is coming soon. This has all made me wonder why I hadn't found this before but also where I fit in the grand scheme. It is distracting since it's all so close, I feel like a race horse strainng at the gate for what, I don't know.
KM said:
Kat, here is some Zetatalk to get you on your way.
Thanks Derrick,
I read the safe locations previously but was looking for more specifics. Like if this were to happen very soon The Missouri river has been in a flood event for months but flooding isn't that wide spread. I suppose a ice melt and major rain will be needed to flood the plains. Perhaps a mini freeze due to volcanic eruption. The safe location is useful but lacks many details. This is what many people are looking for. Thanks
Derrick Johnson said:
Hi Sam
If you haven’t already you should carefully follow the 7 steps in this blog to determine how safe your location will be.
In the first step this is what you will find about Oklahoma
Land caught between the influx from the Gulf and outflow of swollen rivers is in a pinch. It is not so much the relative elevation of land, during the shift, as the amount of water to be drained from swollen rivers, and the back-wash that these rivers will experience from sloshing in seas or inlets. Melting snow, in the past few years, has put land in the Dakotas under a sheet of water that shocked the residents, as it was an abnormally rapid melt. The water simply had nowhere to go! It is thus that Missouri will be under water, from the overflowing Mississippi and Missouri Rivers, in backwash from the Gulf. If the water cannot drain, it will move about inland, as those who have lived through floods know. Add to this our statements that Missouri will be under water during the shift, with the exception of the Ozarks. Oklahoma lies between these two water masses, and all except the highest and rockiest hilltops will be awash. A spot on the map may be called mountains, but only be so by elevation above the neighboring land. We would advise those wanting to survive with certainly, to move into the mountains or foothills of the Rockies, as there one can climb higher if they see that they have misjudged, and not be caught. Alternatively, the Ozarks will offer safety, but will become an island in the Aftertime, trapped away from family and loved ones on the larger mainland.
Oklahoma will find those awash from Texas on their shores, as they will be a shore from the sloshing of the Gulf. Many in Texas will flee north, and the current trend in Texas is to turn the state into a prison camp. All areas that border on the exodus zone should not be considered prime territory, as they will be inundated with frightened and poorly prepared people. If you wish to be a source of strength, a seed bed for renewal, don't get in the heavy traffic lanes.
Sam Walton said:I am wandering what we can expect in the eastern side of central Oklahoma? (Sallisaw area) We are very close to the Arkansas river and got ourselves on a bluff of 735 feet above sea level. We have been in preparation for sometime but as we all know you can't plan for everything. answer to john.....same here malou...
a great many of us are beyond the gut, just hoping for more time before bracing ourselves for the inevitable and sharing malou's concerns about having to face the upcoming shift in an igloo instead of a trench and , as she does, take every single day as a gift and added opportunity to better prepare...
may you fare well...
Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:
Hello, John, and here´s hoping you and yours are well too !
I´m preparing for the near - worst case scenario, which would be a mid-winter PS and an igloo instead of a trench as a PS-hide-out.. and the worst-case which would be the late winter/very early spring PS, when we´re all exhausted from the cold, low in vitamins and stamina and general all-round confusion, which shall certainly revail by then...
You know : 6 months left to go isn´t very long !... If we´re "lucky" maybe even an entire year, but I´m pretty sure that that´s not going to be.. Once the underseas door over @ Japan slams open, there´s a green light-go ahead for the remaining scenarios to play out.. Maybe it´s merciful that they may not last very long, then, and we´ll soon have everything behind us... It´s getting painful to see the daily flood updates - which are only getting worse...
I´m lucky - I reacted on instinct the moment I heard about the tsunami - and found a "safe spot".. I´m not having any gut feelings about what remains of the 7-of-10 and thereafter, though, but SHIFT HAPPENS - that´s for sure.. Maybe, I´m not having those gut feelings, because I´m not honestly interested in knowing how little time is left ;-)
Since early this year, I´ve considered every day, every week and every month an incredible gift and opportunity.. something extraordinary that´s been given to us...
blessings -
John Sheldon said:Malou, Derrick, Astrogal50, and all-
I hope you are well and healthy, and assume you continue to prepare spiritually and physically. Thank you for all the information you are sharing with the world here. You are doing the world a good service. I was wondering if you (personally) have any feeling about the timing of the 7 of 10 scenarios? I know the Zetas are not allowed to say. I have read a lot of ZT, and I'm not asking about ZT. I guess I am asking about your gut feel. We all know the 7 of 10 scenarios started late last year, and most of us probably thought we would have seen more of it play out by now. My feeling is we will likely see it play out later this year, toward October-November-December, but I don't know. I assume this is on everyone's minds, every day, at least somewhere in the back of your mind. We all continue to prepare hard, and have faith in what we have researched and read here on ZT and the Ning. I hate to ask a question that we can't answer, but it seems like a valid question to see what others are thinking in terms of timing. Love and thanks to all.
Love and light, john
Hi John
To be honest I don’t try and figure out when the actual pole shift will happen I am more focused on just watching for the precursor events to unfold.
At some point when the severe wobble sets in we will know how long until the Shift, but I do think things will happen fast at some point when a threshold is reached and I think that time is coming soon.
John Sheldon said:
Malou, Derrick, Astrogal50, and all-
I hope you are well and healthy, and assume you continue to prepare spiritually and physically. Thank you for all the information you are sharing with the world here. You are doing the world a good service. I was wondering if you (personally) have any feeling about the timing of the 7 of 10 scenarios? I know the Zetas are not allowed to say. I have read a lot of ZT, and I'm not asking about ZT. I guess I am asking about your gut feel. We all know the 7 of 10 scenarios started late last year, and most of us probably thought we would have seen more of it play out by now. My feeling is we will likely see it play out later this year, toward October-November-December, but I don't know. I assume this is on everyone's minds, every day, at least somewhere in the back of your mind. We all continue to prepare hard, and have faith in what we have researched and read here on ZT and the Ning. I hate to ask a question that we can't answer, but it seems like a valid question to see what others are thinking in terms of timing. Love and thanks to all.
Love and light, john
Thank you very much, Mark. Got the Mexico map and will use it. Thanks again. RKS
Hi Sam
The Arkansas River empties into the Mississippi (which it won’t be able to do during the shift) and all these rivers will be flooded by the world wide torrential rains following the pole shift . And the Mississippi will also not be able to drain into the sloshing Gulf of Mexico that is why the Zetas said if you want to be sure to be above the flooding in Oklahoma go to the foot hills of the Rockies or the Ozarks
This Zeta Talk gives you an idea of what to expect from rivers during the shift, the flooding will be beyond anything in the memory of man, so the flooding that is being experienced today will not compare.
Also In Zeta Talk about Oklahoma it says that Oklahoma will lie between the flooded Missouri and the Mississippi and will be flooded by them here is Zeta Talk about those areas
The general guidance in step 5 tells you to be at least 200 feet in elevation above a major river bottom (which for you would be the Arkansas) and be on rock not soil that will melt when confronted with large amounts of water on the move.
Step 5
is to research the effect of swollen rivers which will likely be in a backwash during the pole shift. We have stated that ALL rivers will be over their banks, so the worst possible scenario should be assumed. What will happen if the river cannot drain? Despite having a good sea level elevation, any land that does not have an advantage of being at least 200 feet in elevation over a major river bottom in the vicinity is likely to be flooded. A backwash from the main river in your vicinity should be assumed, so that creeks will not drain, for instance. Water on the move ( tears and bites and scours, and will undercut the soil under buildings so they will tilt and tumble. Being on solid rock that will not melt in this scenario is advised. Tidal bore along cliffs facing the ocean can likewise have water climbing up, or funneled up by ravines which will direct water all the way to Guadalajara from the Pacific, for example. Think this through, for your location, and be on the safe side.
The Zeta Talk for Oklahoma is very specific, it says all except the highest and rockiest hilltops will flood and if you want to survive with certainty move into the foothills of the Rockies or go to the Ozarks.
“Oklahoma lies between these two water masses, and all except the highest and rockiest hilltops will be awash. A spot on the map may be called mountains, but only be so by elevation above the neighboring land. We would advise those wanting to survive with certainly, to move into the mountains or foothills of the Rockies, as there one can climb higher if they see that they have misjudged, and not be caught. Alternatively, the Ozarks will offer safety, but will become an island in the Aftertime, trapped away from family and loved ones on the larger mainland.”
Sam Walton said:
Thanks Derrick,
I read the safe locations previously but was looking for more specifics. Like if this were to happen very soon The Missouri river has been in a flood event for months but flooding isn't that wide spread. I suppose a ice melt and major rain will be needed to flood the plains. Perhaps a mini freeze due to volcanic eruption. The safe location is useful but lacks many details. This is what many people are looking for. ThanksSam
There is so much information here, I feel bad about asking to be pointed to specific parts. The search engine doesn't seem to 'get' my references. In many earlier posts, there was an expected event in 2003 looking much like what is expected by the passage of PX. Can you point me towards what was expected then and the difference of the upcoming PS?
Regarding 'The Call'
I am sure there are others like myself that have given what they feel is 'The Call' and have not received an answer. To relate my own experience sometimes while giving "The Call' there is a feeling of fear or anxiety not knowing if the call will result in a telepathic discussion/journey, perhaps a sighting in the heavens or even (the scariest) being a face to face visit and perhaps the conflict or mind/body/spirit is blocking the answer. Is the call not going through, going unanswered or am I just not remembering. To try and keep this question as relevant to all as possible what advice can be given to help those of us giving 'The Call' on how better to tune our minds and souls to receive and decrypt the answer to our calls?
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