For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.
This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.
So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here! All questions welcome.
Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!
(and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)
ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.
To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
many many thanks to you all. well, i have to figure out something else then :/
any idea, how much time i have to get reorganised? i mean, in august we get 'only'
comet honda which does not do any harm, am i right?
i' ve seen in a video, that around the 10th of september, planet x will be closest to the sun. is this the time, when i
should have all organised for my son jeremy and me to join the 'ride'?
oh dear... lots of work to do... thanks again to you all
many thanks malou. will read through your blog. what is ur daughter doin? is she movin 2 barcelona?
Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:
@ Carlos Erhardt Fernandez : you might wish to consider the mainland for the PS itself..... Since the European Tsunami isn´t expected to cause much other than turmoil in The Mediterranean, you will have a tiny bit of time to mull your situation over, after that has happened to the west coasts of Northern Europe... By then we´ll enter the 8-of-10 which will bring constant plate movement and higher tides and waves.. you may not think so now, but my guess is that sooner than later, you´ll realize that you´re caught in a trap, there...
The mountains of Northern Spain will be "safe" (as in : NOTHING is safe, ever) so if you can sneak off to Barcelona and north from there, inland ... I think you should consider that..
I´m writing this, because my eldest daughter is presently working in Alcudia with a contract expiring in September, and I wished to determine her situation... (ultimately creating this blog :
Vaya con Dios and teach your son through the whole thing....
I posted about the sink holes in flordia along with the video that have engolfed home and all . why do my post get deleted but someone else post about the same thing later will stay? can someone explain? is it the way i'm posting the bloggs? I often report exactly what is post on the main streem tv networks?
Kovarik K - If the information you're reporting has already been reported in a previous blog, your post will be deleted by the moderators of this ning. If your posts contain any mainstream disinformation, they will be deleted also. Please read through all the recent blogs before posting and review the Mainstream Establishment Lies blog.
.... we actually had this very same discussion happening on sinkholes within the last week on the main Ning blog...
Howard said:
Kovarik K - If the information you're reporting has already been reported in a previous blog, your post will be deleted by the moderators of this ning. If your posts contain any mainstream disinformation, they will be deleted also. Please read through all the recent blogs before posting and review the Mainstream Establishment Lies blog.
:-) Believe it or not.....she´s planning on moving to Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) with her Cuban husband... she hasn´t even been to Barcelona... :(
Did you see the map that Lothar made for you ? :
Hi Carlos a map for you:
Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:
many many thanks to you all. well, i have to figure out something else then :/
any idea, how much time i have to get reorganised? i mean, in august we get 'only'
comet honda which does not do any harm, am i right?
i' ve seen in a video, that around the 10th of september, planet x will be closest to the sun. is this the time, when i
should have all organised for my son jeremy and me to join the 'ride'?
oh dear... lots of work to do... thanks again to you all
hi there,
no i haven't seen the map until now. i have some difficulties in using this ning as i can not send private messages and need to lock in at least 5 times to be able to send messages/posts...
well, i have already figures out some alternative place on the mainland in the mountains as you @malou have suggested.... now i see the map of lothar and see, that the area i originaly planned to go is not marked in 'red'. hmmm. when i use the google tool it shows more areas marked in red than the map of lothar...
it is a very delicate situation as jerry, my nine year old son is a gift from heaven (seriously, just look at the profil pic). he is very sensitive and i can not tell him first to go there 'for the ride' and than there. at present i haven't said anything about going to the mainland as i need to get more info about the new location ('ride' and post poleshift).
can anyone tell me, if we would be save for the 'ride' on the island? again, the area planed to go is only 1.5 miles from the coast but
Hi Carlos
The mountains on the Balearic Islands are high enough that they will be above the sea level after the polar melt and probably would be above the waves during the pole shift, according to Google earth some of the peeks are over 3000 feet. You would have to choose you spot carefully, there will be no second chances so choose wisely and error on the side of caution.
And remember you are responsible for choosing a safe location for yourself no one can do it for you we can all offer advice but ultimately the decision is up to you it’s your life and in the end you will live or die with it. So choose the safest possible place that is available to you don’t risk staying somewhere that could have problems just because it’s a little more convenient.
If someone could not get off the island and go somewhere safer on the main land then of course the mountains on the island would be their only option, but if they could go somewhere higher, and further from the ocean on the main land, why not.
Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:
hi there,
no i haven't seen the map until now. i have some difficulties in using this ning as i can not send private messages and need to lock in at least 5 times to be able to send messages/posts...
well, i have already figures out some alternative place on the mainland in the mountains as you @malou have suggested.... now i see the map of lothar and see, that the area i originaly planned to go is not marked in 'red'. hmmm. when i use the google tool it shows more areas marked in red than the map of lothar...
it is a very delicate situation as jerry, my nine year old son is a gift from heaven (seriously, just look at the profil pic). he is very sensitive and i can not tell him first to go there 'for the ride' and than there. at present i haven't said anything about going to the mainland as i need to get more info about the new location ('ride' and post poleshift).
can anyone tell me, if we would be save for the 'ride' on the island? again, the area planed to go is only 1.5 miles from the coast but
@ Carlos E F : I think you need to read this excerpt on TIDAL BORE from : , then make up your mind... Cute looking little fella, your son !
Is the picture below (posted by Khan on Poleshift Ning), a kind of extreme water pressure we will expect to roar up and assault the coasts, ravines, and perhaps inland, during pole shift? [and from another] Driving past Botany Bay, Bob Barker noticed a series of powerful, unusually large waves crashing out on the distant heads. Convinced that something unusual was afoot, Barker arrived at a job in Bondi with only a few minutes to spare and focussed his 70-200ml lens toward Ben Buckler, the north point of Bondi, where the spray was arcing 100 feet into the sky. Barker watched as a huge set of waves rolled in just as the sun re-appeared from behind a cloud, crashing on the rocks and erupting skyward. Barker shot the moment and upon returning to process his photos, noticed that a bystander had jumped the fence and was silhouetted against the enormous wave, providing both scale and sense of drama for this frozen moment. (Bob Barker, The Daily Telegraph / Courtesy of the Nikon-Walkley Press Photo Awards)
There are spots on the globe known for enormous waves, often a surfers delight. A tidal bore is not a wave, although such spots that feature large waves have compressed the area available to the incoming waves somewhat in order for the waves to increase in size. Tidal bore occurs where the rate of compression is sudden, so that no distribution of the incoming tide to the side can occur. Normally, the term is used for a high tide rolling inland along a river, so that a wave perhaps 20 feet high is rolling up the river. But when we refer to a tidal bore during the hour of the pole shift or during large tsunami, where the tide will be from 100 to 600 feet high, the bore rises dramatically. This is normally up along a ravine, with steep sides to retain the water, no escape. A 600 foot tide, so compressed, can rise several thousand feet. The water is stacked upon itself. It cannot go backward, so must go forward. It cannot spread to the side, so must rise. Would the result be an exploding wave at the top as appears in this photo? Yes, because the water in a bore is on the move and under great pressure. It does not rise into a gentle lapping pool. It explodes
hi derrick,
many many thanks. u. well, after having decided for a safe location, i was wondering the time available to 'cancel' present life and get prepared...
is it true, that comets honda and levy are no risk? i copied somewhere from the zeta side a presentation of some talented member who explained the whole process of the 'ride'. any idea, where info is available about timeframe? god bless you
Derrick Johnson said:
Hi Carlos
The mountains on the Balearic Islands are high enough that they will be above the sea level after the polar melt and probably would be above the waves during the pole shift, according to Google earth some of the peeks are over 3000 feet. You would have to choose you spot carefully, there will be no second chances so choose wisely and error on the side of caution.
And remember you are responsible for choosing a safe location for yourself no one can do it for you we can all offer advice but ultimately the decision is up to you it’s your life and in the end you will live or die with it. So choose the safest possible place that is available to you don’t risk staying somewhere that could have problems just because it’s a little more convenient.
If someone could not get off the island and go somewhere safer on the main land then of course the mountains on the island would be their only option, but if they could go somewhere higher, and further from the ocean on the main land, why not.
Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:
hi there,
no i haven't seen the map until now. i have some difficulties in using this ning as i can not send private messages and need to lock in at least 5 times to be able to send messages/posts...
well, i have already figures out some alternative place on the mainland in the mountains as you @malou have suggested.... now i see the map of lothar and see, that the area i originaly planned to go is not marked in 'red'. hmmm. when i use the google tool it shows more areas marked in red than the map of lothar...
it is a very delicate situation as jerry, my nine year old son is a gift from heaven (seriously, just look at the profil pic). he is very sensitive and i can not tell him first to go there 'for the ride' and than there. at present i haven't said anything about going to the mainland as i need to get more info about the new location ('ride' and post poleshift).
can anyone tell me, if we would be save for the 'ride' on the island? again, the area planed to go is only 1.5 miles from the coast but
Dear Malou,
many thanks for the nice words about Jerry. Yes, he's someone special. I guess a Starchild... I understand your concerns about your daughter and would love to help. Maybe I can meet up with her while in Mallorca and try to convince her about the seriousness of what is to expect. hmmm....
Have decided to get organised and plan for the mainland. the problem is the mother of my son.... gosh, god is givin all of us a tough task to solve...
If someone of the zeta ning can hear me, i would like to take this oportunity in thanking them all and the zeta's themselves to be so kind in trying to help mankind.
thanks malou for the info about the bore. ...u have convinced me :)
lots of love
Malou (Marie Louise) Geleff said:
@ Carlos E F : I think you need to read this excerpt on TIDAL BORE from : , then make up your mind... Cute looking little fella, your son !
Is the picture below (posted by Khan on Poleshift Ning), a kind of extreme water pressure we will expect to roar up and assault the coasts, ravines, and perhaps inland, during pole shift? [and from another] Driving past Botany Bay, Bob Barker noticed a series of powerful, unusually large waves crashing out on the distant heads. Convinced that something unusual was afoot, Barker arrived at a job in Bondi with only a few minutes to spare and focussed his 70-200ml lens toward Ben Buckler, the north point of Bondi, where the spray was arcing 100 feet into the sky. Barker watched as a huge set of waves rolled in just as the sun re-appeared from behind a cloud, crashing on the rocks and erupting skyward. Barker shot the moment and upon returning to process his photos, noticed that a bystander had jumped the fence and was silhouetted against the enormous wave, providing both scale and sense of drama for this frozen moment. (Bob Barker, The Daily Telegraph / Courtesy of the Nikon-Walkley Press Photo Awards)
There are spots on the globe known for enormous waves, often a surfers delight. A tidal bore is not a wave, although such spots that feature large waves have compressed the area available to the incoming waves somewhat in order for the waves to increase in size. Tidal bore occurs where the rate of compression is sudden, so that no distribution of the incoming tide to the side can occur. Normally, the term is used for a high tide rolling inland along a river, so that a wave perhaps 20 feet high is rolling up the river. But when we refer to a tidal bore during the hour of the pole shift or during large tsunami, where the tide will be from 100 to 600 feet high, the bore rises dramatically. This is normally up along a ravine, with steep sides to retain the water, no escape. A 600 foot tide, so compressed, can rise several thousand feet. The water is stacked upon itself. It cannot go backward, so must go forward. It cannot spread to the side, so must rise. Would the result be an exploding wave at the top as appears in this photo? Yes, because the water in a bore is on the move and under great pressure. It does not rise into a gentle lapping pool. It explodes
Hi Carlos
There is no comet out there that you need to worry about the establishment would like you to pay attention to something other than Plant X, read this blog about that.
Regarding when you should do what, these are questions only you can answer for yourself. But here are some Zeta Talk links that may have some of the information you are looking for.
Here is the Zetas advice about moving to you safe location and travel during the severe earth changes from the 7 of 10 up until the last weeks
We have stated that those who move to safe locations and practice gardening or gather herds and flocks will not regret having done this early. Each person must determine their own life path, which we will not direct.
As we have stated, details on the 8 of 10 or 9 of 10 will not be given at present, for all the reasons we gave. Nor can we detail just when a disaster will hit, as we have repeatedly stated. And as we stated last week, when asked how close to the last weeks might be considered safe for travel, we will never give such advice. There will be an increasing press for hand holding as it becomes obvious to mankind that our predictions are coming true. Those who wish to cling to the comforts of their current life - job, home, salary, and coastal location - will in particular be seeking this advice. There are a thousand variables that can apply in this matter, and should we agree to hold the hand of anyone, more and more details would be demanded from each such individual. Should they repair the car or put those funds into supplies? Will gasoline be available on their chosen route? Will their salary be paid until they no longer desire it? The demands would be endless.
Tsunamis scour the landscape they assault, as history retells. This is water at high speeds! What is the difference between taking a shower and being subjected to a high-pressure hose? The one caresses your skin, the other tears it off. We have described the effect on Denmark, which will be washed over by 100 foot tsunami, but the description applies elsewhere too. What the tsunami breaks, it pulls back out to sea or leaves in pieces. The 2004 tsunami striking Banda Aceh, Sumatra is a case in point. Houses simply disappeared. A bridge and pier is missing altogether. A forested area scoured out and gone. This for a tsunami up to 100 feet high. Why should a tsunami striking Norway be any less devastating?
We would never advise someone on the likelihood of travel during any part of the severe Earth changes that will be emerging during the 7 of 10 through to the last weeks, the 9 of 10. Never. The number of factors that could affect travel run into the hundreds, and would vary by region. It is up to you to determine where your safe location should be, and when and if you should travel. Some of the factors to be considered, to name but a few, are:
you must determine this and other factors that will affect your ability to travel. We have advised being away from coastlines or at least at a height and distance that would afford survival during the tidal waves. We have advised travel early rather than late, due to the likelihood of travel restrictions and disruptions. We have advised being established with gardens and flocks and herds in a rural area rather than being new arrivals in a safe area. Certainly, leaving a coastal city to travel hundreds of miles at the last minute is risky, and not something we would advise.
Here is the Zeta Talk link and a link to Howard’s blog about the time line for the last weeks
Zeta Talk about the “scripted Drama” for the hour of the Pole Shift.
This PDF file has safe locations advice (which hasn’t been updated since 2001) but it also describes what to expect during the pole shift.
Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:
hi derrick,
many many thanks. u. well, after having decided for a safe location, i was wondering the time available to 'cancel' present life and get prepared...
is it true, that comets honda and levy are no risk? i copied somewhere from the zeta side a presentation of some talented member who explained the whole process of the 'ride'. any idea, where info is available about timeframe? god bless you
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