GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 65412

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Zetas: Is there more than meets the eye with the visit to the White House between the Dalai Lama and President Obama on 7/15/2011?

I have no questions...I was just looking for a way to say Thank You to Nancy.  For all the work you have done for human kind, the knowlage you have shared with the world. I wish nothing but the best for you and your health...You are truly an inspiration to me and I hope to many others. I am sorry if I shouldn't post this here, but I didn't know of any other way.   Thank You again Nancy!

Hi amy nicole, I wholeheartedly agree with your sentiments!! There is a thread dedicated to this worthy subject


I agree with this completely...As a child I was asked what I wanted to be when I grew up by my mother...My answer was very simple: "I want to help people".  I will also be fighting to stick around in the upcomming events to help as many in need as possible. I am blessed with 5 very sensitive children that are also learning to be helpers to others in need. The future is uncertin but we can all do our best to ease the suffering on others.
Searching said:

For most, Survival is an instinct. This life we have been blessed with is a school for spiritual learning. I want to fight to live through the coming cataclysms to continue my quest for enlightenment and to fulfill my destiny, whatever that may be. Per the Zs, only 10% of the Earth's population will live thru these coming times. My choice is to be prepared to live and help others tho the odds are STACKED against us. Just because you seem discontent with the idea of no infrastructure to sustain an easy existence, remember, not everyone relies on modern convieniences for happiness.

We all will leave our 3rd density bodies at some point in time anyway. Might as well go down fighting.

The Soul is what matters

-Love :)

mostly during the shift ( but the effect of the tail will be felt in the run up as well but the timing of this is not revealed (

csleftwich said:

Will there be massive amounts of debris before, during and after the passing of planet X?

csleftwich said:

Thanks.  Its very interesting  to see the layers of Iron oxide  in rocks.  I am just curios if I should be underground to protect myself or if it will be like a bad dust storm.

Mark said:

mostly during the shift ( but the effect of the tail will be felt in the run up as well but the timing of this is not revealed (

csleftwich said:

Will there be massive amounts of debris before, during and after the passing of planet X?

hi there, maybe i am a bit late but i do follow and started to study this ning but do sometimes still get confused:

as my son and i live on the island of mallorca on the mediterranean sea, i understand, that the mountains are save as long as they are 675 feet above sea level. do i understand rightly, that after the poleshift, due to the melting of the polar this occures? what about the tsunamis which will occur due to the new madrid plate? i would like to take this 'ride' with my son but need to be prepared where and when to go.

am i right, when the poleshift has passed, that only than the sealevel will rise as shown on the maps or does it happen during the pole shift?


sorry to be a pain :/

love and light to you all. you are all great people and an example of  'service to others'.



what confuses me is this video which is linked to this ning

it showes the island of mallorca dissapeared. just curious if all the energy put into survival matter is

anything worth... i mean if mallorca dissapears why do i need to dig a hole in the mountains...hmmm. please help :)

Hi Carlos

The sea level rise happens after the pole shift but during the pole shift there will be waves up to 600 feet at the coast and up to thousands of feet where there is tidal bore. Read the Zeta Talk below for a detailed explanation.

Zeta Talk about Islands in the Mediterranean

The European Tsunami is not headed for the Mediterranean

Here is Zeta Talk about the flood tide during the pole shift

What is the speed of the flood tide or the tidal waves immediately after the plates have stopped? See For example, how long does it take for the water from the North Sea coast to reach Berlin, Germany? Northern Germany is flat and Berlin is about 200 miles from the North Sea. Can the Zetas give a number?

The flood tides associated with the hour of the pole shift will be different from all other types of flood tides because the factors inciting them are different. The normal tide is influenced by the position of the Moon, which has a gravity draw on the oceans. Storm surges are associated with low and high pressure over the oceans, drawing the water up, as well as water being pushed by high winds. During the hour of the pole shift, however, it is land that is moving under the water that is the predominant factor. The land will move a quarter turn of the globe, while the oceans are inclined to remain in place. During this hour, the oceans are tending to seek their level, continuously, so are dropping back from any shore they are being pushed upon.

Thus the tide does not have so much a speed, a rush upon the land, as a level where it has not been able to receded into its lowest in the ocean bowl. The whole time, it is attempting to drop to its level, but being forced up by the movement of land underneath. In the case of Germany, which can expect its flood tide to rise from the North Sea basin and from the Baltic Sea basin, the water will be on the land almost instantly. For the initial pole shift slosh, it is not that the water slowly sloshing upon land, on all coastlines where the land is biting into the water, pushing it up onto a shore, the water will be at its maximum height almost instantly. On the opposite shores, where the land is pulling away from the water at a rapid pace, there is the opposite effect, that being that the water level drops, but this is only temporary as the slosh to this opposite side will be occurring shortly.

Where the initial pole shift slosh happens quickly, it takes hours to drain back, though the water will move with greater urgency than during normal tides. The second slosh, on the opposite side, will occur more slowly, within 12 hours, but will rise to almost the same level as the initial slosh. Where Moon driven tides slosh every 6 hours or so, the pole shift tides are dealing with a greater volume of water, which must first settle into its basis before gaining the height to affect the opposite shore. All subsequent sloshing diminishes in height until the remnants of the pole shift slosh have disappeared.

Our rule is 100 miles inland and 200 feet above sea level. We have also made the statement that tidal waves will be 500-600 feet high along the coastlines. There are river basins that will be overflowing with rainwater, and thus a backwash there will create higher tides upriver, [as in the Stratford upon Avon UFO warning]. There are places where tidal bore will happen in hills along the coastline, so extra height is required. We cannot address every spec of land. Go on the safe side, in any such advice you give to people.

 There are spots on the globe known for enormous waves, often a surfers delight. A tidal bore is not a wave, although such spots that feature large waves have compressed the area available to the incoming waves somewhat in order for the waves to increase in size. Tidal bore occurs where the rate of compression is sudden, so that no distribution of the incoming tide to the side can occur. Normally, the term is used for a high tide rolling inland along a river, so that a wave perhaps 20 feet high is rolling up the river. But when we refer to a tidal bore during the hour of the pole shift or during large tsunami, where the tide will be from 100 to 600 feet high, the bore rises dramatically. This is normally up along a ravine, with steep sides to retain the water, no escape. A 600 foot tide, so compressed, can rise several thousand feet. The water is stacked upon itself. It cannot go backward, so must go forward. It cannot spread to the side, so must rise. Would the result be an exploding wave at the top as appears in this photo? Yes, because the water in a bore is on the move and under great pressure. It does not rise into a gentle lapping pool. It e


After the pole shift the sea level will rise 675 feet with in 2 years due to the melting poles and the heating of the oceans. This Zeta Talk explains the process and how fast it will happen

There are two phenomena to measure. One is the melting of the obvious ice patches, the poles and Greenland, which will in the main be along the new Equator. This will occur relatively quickly, but be disbursed into the oceans as the area of melt is surrounded in most cases by open sea, and likely to take only months or at least a year. Then there is the heating of the deep oceans, caused by heat in the ocean floor. Just as it takes a few minutes to heat a pot of water on the stove, this does not happen instantaneously. Warmer water rises, cold drops and is warmed, and overall until a stasis is reached there is a steady rise in the volume of water heated. The sea level rise from warmer oceans will be steady. Thus the overall rise will be faster during the first year, due to overlap, and slower during the second. One could compute this by assuming the first year to include a 200 foot rise from melting poles and Greenland melt. Both the first and second year would distribute the remaining 475 feet evenly.




hi there, maybe i am a bit late but i do follow and started to study this ning but do sometimes still get confused:

as my son and i live on the island of mallorca on the mediterranean sea, i understand, that the mountains are save as long as they are 675 feet above sea level. do i understand rightly, that after the poleshift, due to the melting of the polar this occures? what about the tsunamis which will occur due to the new madrid plate? i would like to take this 'ride' with my son but need to be prepared where and when to go.

am i right, when the poleshift has passed, that only than the sealevel will rise as shown on the maps or does it happen during the pole shift?


sorry to be a pain :/

love and light to you all. you are all great people and an example of  'service to others'.



what confuses me is this video which is linked to this ning

it showes the island of mallorca dissapeared. just curious if all the energy put into survival matter is

anything worth... i mean if mallorca dissapears why do i need to dig a hole in the mountains...hmmm. please help :)

hi derreck,

well, after reading all the info, it doesn't look got to teach my son for the future or am i wrong?

my question is: as on the google map tool the mountains of tramuntana are still above sea leavel (after 2 years sea level rise post poleshift) how would the 'ride' be? i mean, i can only go 1.5 miles into the mountains and 650 feet up. does it mean, that the waves will cover the whole mountains and then sweep away again? hmmm. so the dome i need to make has to be waterresistent? pls help.

Derrick Johnson said:

Hi Carlos

The sea level rise happens after the pole shift but during the pole shift there will be waves up to 600 feet at the coast and up to thousands of feet where there is tidal bore. Read the Zeta Talk below for a detailed explanation.

Zeta Talk about Islands in the Mediterranean

The European Tsunami is not headed for the Mediterranean

Here is Zeta Talk about the flood tide during the pole shift

What is the speed of the flood tide or the tidal waves immediately after the plates have stopped? See For example, how long does it take for the water from the North Sea coast to reach Berlin, Germany? Northern Germany is flat and Berlin is about 200 miles from the North Sea. Can the Zetas give a number?

The flood tides associated with the hour of the pole shift will be different from all other types of flood tides because the factors inciting them are different. The normal tide is influenced by the position of the Moon, which has a gravity draw on the oceans. Storm surges are associated with low and high pressure over the oceans, drawing the water up, as well as water being pushed by high winds. During the hour of the pole shift, however, it is land that is moving under the water that is the predominant factor. The land will move a quarter turn of the globe, while the oceans are inclined to remain in place. During this hour, the oceans are tending to seek their level, continuously, so are dropping back from any shore they are being pushed upon.

Thus the tide does not have so much a speed, a rush upon the land, as a level where it has not been able to receded into its lowest in the ocean bowl. The whole time, it is attempting to drop to its level, but being forced up by the movement of land underneath. In the case of Germany, which can expect its flood tide to rise from the North Sea basin and from the Baltic Sea basin, the water will be on the land almost instantly. For the initial pole shift slosh, it is not that the water slowly sloshing upon land, on all coastlines where the land is biting into the water, pushing it up onto a shore, the water will be at its maximum height almost instantly. On the opposite shores, where the land is pulling away from the water at a rapid pace, there is the opposite effect, that being that the water level drops, but this is only temporary as the slosh to this opposite side will be occurring shortly.

Where the initial pole shift slosh happens quickly, it takes hours to drain back, though the water will move with greater urgency than during normal tides. The second slosh, on the opposite side, will occur more slowly, within 12 hours, but will rise to almost the same level as the initial slosh. Where Moon driven tides slosh every 6 hours or so, the pole shift tides are dealing with a greater volume of water, which must first settle into its basis before gaining the height to affect the opposite shore. All subsequent sloshing diminishes in height until the remnants of the pole shift slosh have disappeared.

Our rule is 100 miles inland and 200 feet above sea level. We have also made the statement that tidal waves will be 500-600 feet high along the coastlines. There are river basins that will be overflowing with rainwater, and thus a backwash there will create higher tides upriver, [as in the Stratford upon Avon UFO warning]. There are places where tidal bore will happen in hills along the coastline, so extra height is required. We cannot address every spec of land. Go on the safe side, in any such advice you give to people.

 There are spots on the globe known for enormous waves, often a surfers delight. A tidal bore is not a wave, although such spots that feature large waves have compressed the area available to the incoming waves somewhat in order for the waves to increase in size. Tidal bore occurs where the rate of compression is sudden, so that no distribution of the incoming tide to the side can occur. Normally, the term is used for a high tide rolling inland along a river, so that a wave perhaps 20 feet high is rolling up the river. But when we refer to a tidal bore during the hour of the pole shift or during large tsunami, where the tide will be from 100 to 600 feet high, the bore rises dramatically. This is normally up along a ravine, with steep sides to retain the water, no escape. A 600 foot tide, so compressed, can rise several thousand feet. The water is stacked upon itself. It cannot go backward, so must go forward. It cannot spread to the side, so must rise. Would the result be an exploding wave at the top as appears in this photo? Yes, because the water in a bore is on the move and under great pressure. It does not rise into a gentle lapping pool. It e


After the pole shift the sea level will rise 675 feet with in 2 years due to the melting poles and the heating of the oceans. This Zeta Talk explains the process and how fast it will happen

There are two phenomena to measure. One is the melting of the obvious ice patches, the poles and Greenland, which will in the main be along the new Equator. This will occur relatively quickly, but be disbursed into the oceans as the area of melt is surrounded in most cases by open sea, and likely to take only months or at least a year. Then there is the heating of the deep oceans, caused by heat in the ocean floor. Just as it takes a few minutes to heat a pot of water on the stove, this does not happen instantaneously. Warmer water rises, cold drops and is warmed, and overall until a stasis is reached there is a steady rise in the volume of water heated. The sea level rise from warmer oceans will be steady. Thus the overall rise will be faster during the first year, due to overlap, and slower during the second. One could compute this by assuming the first year to include a 200 foot rise from melting poles and Greenland melt. Both the first and second year would distribute the remaining 475 feet evenly.




hi there, maybe i am a bit late but i do follow and started to study this ning but do sometimes still get confused:

as my son and i live on the island of mallorca on the mediterranean sea, i understand, that the mountains are save as long as they are 675 feet above sea level. do i understand rightly, that after the poleshift, due to the melting of the polar this occures? what about the tsunamis which will occur due to the new madrid plate? i would like to take this 'ride' with my son but need to be prepared where and when to go.

am i right, when the poleshift has passed, that only than the sealevel will rise as shown on the maps or does it happen during the pole shift?


sorry to be a pain :/

love and light to you all. you are all great people and an example of  'service to others'.



what confuses me is this video which is linked to this ning

it showes the island of mallorca dissapeared. just curious if all the energy put into survival matter is

anything worth... i mean if mallorca dissapears why do i need to dig a hole in the mountains...hmmm. please help :)

Carlos Erhardt Fernandez  :  you might wish to consider the mainland for the PS itself..... Since the European Tsunami isn´t expected to cause much other than turmoil in The Mediterranean, you will have a tiny bit of time to mull your situation over, after that has happened to the west coasts of Northern Europe...  By then we´ll enter the 8-of-10 which will bring constant plate movement and higher tides and waves.. you may not think so now, but my guess is that sooner than later, you´ll realize that you´re caught in a trap, there...  

The mountains of Northern Spain will be "safe" (as in : NOTHING is safe, ever) so if you can sneak off to Barcelona and north from there, inland ... I think you should consider that..

I´m writing this, because my eldest daughter is presently working in Alcudia with a contract expiring in September, and I wished to determine her situation... (ultimately creating this blog :

Vaya con Dios and teach your son through the whole thing.... 

you're asking about your chances of surviving the poleshift on a small island in the Mediterranean.  You're already rolling some dice that most people with prior knowledge would not be prepared to roll. 

The obvious answer is that you should move to the mainland to a much better safe location than your small island will present you with when the time comes.

Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:

hi derreck,

well, after reading all the info, it doesn't look got to teach my son for the future or am i wrong?

my question is: as on the google map tool the mountains of tramuntana are still above sea leavel (after 2 years sea level rise post poleshift) how would the 'ride' be? i mean, i can only go 1.5 miles into the mountains and 650 feet up. does it mean, that the waves will cover the whole mountains and then sweep away again? hmmm. so the dome i need to make has to be waterresistent? pls help.

Mark is right, you must get to the mainland if you wish to have any chance of survival. This small island will essentially drown with the great tides. Not only that, but any mountain on this island that may escape the waves will be crowded by the residents, who will have no other option than to flee to the mountains. This will raise a great number of problems in time, as resources will run out and people will become hostile.

Mark said:

you're asking about your chances of surviving the poleshift on a small island in the Mediterranean.  You're already rolling some dice that most people with prior knowledge would not be prepared to roll. 

The obvious answer is that you should move to the mainland to a much better safe location than your small island will present you with when the time comes.

Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:

hi derreck,

well, after reading all the info, it doesn't look got to teach my son for the future or am i wrong?

my question is: as on the google map tool the mountains of tramuntana are still above sea leavel (after 2 years sea level rise post poleshift) how would the 'ride' be? i mean, i can only go 1.5 miles into the mountains and 650 feet up. does it mean, that the waves will cover the whole mountains and then sweep away again? hmmm. so the dome i need to make has to be waterresistent? pls help.


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