GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 65396

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Replies to This Discussion

Hi Malou,

many thanks for your quick reply. Need to read through troubled times i guess. ...still think, that questions will appear ;)

luv and light


Hello Recall 15,

many many thanks from the buttom of my heart for yours and Malous Information. One more question, can you guys send me the google map link, where i can see (by putting in the feet measurements) how the areas will look like after the sealevel rise? i can not find it anymore (to much information) :)

luv and light


Recall 15 said:

Hello Carlos:
Is better to get a easy route to go to a nearest  red areas on  this map, but only valid for  7 of 10 event :

















And for your friends in the Continental Area, show them this link:
European tsunami:





Hi Carlos

The Google Maps link in step 3 of this blog has the map you are looking for Also it’s a good idea to follow the rest of the steps using the links in each step to determine how safe you chosen location will be.

Carlos Erhardt Fernandez said:

Hello Recall 15,

many many thanks from the buttom of my heart for yours and Malous Information. One more question, can you guys send me the google map link, where i can see (by putting in the feet measurements) how the areas will look like after the sealevel rise? i can not find it anymore (to much information) :)

luv and light


Recall 15 said:

Hello Carlos:
Is better to get a easy route to go to a nearest  red areas on  this map, but only valid for  7 of 10 event :

















And for your friends in the Continental Area, show them this link:
European tsunami:





I'm not sure if this is a good question or not for the Zetas but I would like to get some comments about NBC "The Event" show, I don't watch TV but I just saw this:

(The season finale of NBC's "The Event" finally revealed what "The Event")


Edit: This is the last of this series it was cancelled...

Hi Solon


This Zeta Talk news letter covers it

Solon Hinson said:

I'm not sure if this is a good question or not for the Zetas but I would like to get some comments about NBC "The Event" show, I don't watch TV but I just saw this:

(The season finale of NBC's "The Event" finally revealed what "The Event")


Edit: This is the late of this series it was cancelled...

She only talked about the Aliens Attack, never talking about the truth they are showing on the last part.


Just not sure if she saw it or not.

What truth? The home planet belonging to the aliens that are attacking the earth gets transported next to the earth and from what I can tell from the clip the aliens moved it there.

So the people producing this want everyone to believe when planet X shows up and causes great destruction that aliens are responsible and the pole shift and planet X is part of some alien takeover plan. How is that truth? The pole shift is a natural reoccurring event so why not just makes a show about that if you want to tell the truth? Because their agenda is to make aliens look bad and it appears they even want to blame the pole shift on them.

Solon Hinson said:

She only talked about the Aliens Attack, never talking about the truth they are showing on the last part.


Just not sure if she saw it or not.

Hi Lalee

Here is some Zeta Talk that may help with your question

Zetas Talk about new geography and determining what the new polar stars will be and the direction of the new sun rise

For those still struggling with the new geography, trying to get their head around what their new latitude will be, where north will be located, and perhaps trying to determine what their new polar star(s) will be, there is not much more that we can do beyond giving you the exact position of the new poles and the new geography map which Nancy has provided since the start of the ZetaTalk saga. There are those who have drawn the new geography on the existing globe and done animations. What is left is for you to be able to conceptualize this matter, and not be rigid in your mindset. We have stated that the Pacific shortens, primarily by folding near the Philippine Plate. The Atlantic will rips apart, the Caribbean Plate and the tongue holding Indonesia will be pushed down or ground up. Great rifts will develop so that an inland bay is produced from Karachi up into Russia, and the N American Seaway will widen greatly. If it is beyond you to comprehend these changes, then simply look at the new geography depicted and say "well, there it is".


There will be a lot of gloom after the shift so you won’t be able to see the stars for a while

In the United States, after the pole shift, which areas will be the first to have clear skies and in how many years? When would people actually see the stars again, or the sunrise/sunset?

Calculate this yourself by looking at the new geography map, and aligning volcanic regions with the new prevailing westerlies. The old north will be the new west. We have stated that sunlight will be present for some areas, on occasion, even right after the pole shift, and this is very dependent upon which way the winds are blowing and being downwind or at a distance from a volcano. Sunlight does not need to be direct to promote growth in plants. Sunburn can occur even on cloudy days.


This blog has lots of good Zeta Talk and information about survival groups

Lalee said:

ty all for your support dedication and knowledge!

I have a few questions and will apologize in advance if not appropriate or info is here already...

A person in passing mentioned to me the direction of constellation sagittarus's arrow points towards the direction of where the sun will rise after the pole shift? another in brief passing mentioned the star lycra (sp? its to the west of current north star) would become the new north star? any truth to either of these statements?


how might the buffalo heard in the midwest u.s. fair through this event? (i dont know why i am asking this question but it keeps coming up for me)


i am currently in fl (and we know what will be happening to fl shortly) and have been getting the message to return to the land for about 10 yrs and recently messages to pack winter gear/prep. i've just about gotten this task accomplished and am leary of where to head now, especially on limited budget. my neighbor of 5+yrs owns property in ne ky, old family homestead on limestone rockbed, and has offered me the place to try and (prepare for event) organize intentional community of some sorts. i would need to figure out how to survive aside from living off the land as it is a very destitute area, near govt bunker & midgrade security prision. she is on same page as a disaster looms near, it would take 3 months mini if we had to walk to ky, and is taking measures to prepare bug out bags etc in fl.  my concern and question is, I know she is point blank selfish and needy as she openly admitts it, but does this mean she is sto or sts? as her offer is very generious but she helps others to feed her own ego... any comments on anything?


how might one be able to tell if this isnt the first ps they have experienced? my mom has always said 'i am waiting for something'. like the hopi, waiting


any thoughts or comments would be great, thank you all

Claim down, like I said I do not watch TV and I don't know the story line. From what I saw there was another planet or star being shown and from what I read here there is a 12th planet we will see that is some what similar to that clip.....


That clip never showed any aliens to me, so I stand on what I said. I was only talking about that clip not that story line of the show.

Derrick Johnson said:

What truth? The home planet belonging to the aliens that are attacking the earth gets transported next to the earth and from what I can tell from the clip the aliens moved it there.

So the people producing this want everyone to believe when planet X shows up and causes great destruction that aliens are responsible and the pole shift and planet X is part of some alien takeover plan. How is that truth? The pole shift is a natural reoccurring event so why not just makes a show about that if you want to tell the truth? Because their agenda is to make aliens look bad and it appears they even want to blame the pole shift on them.

Solon Hinson said:

She only talked about the Aliens Attack, never talking about the truth they are showing on the last part.


Just not sure if she saw it or not.

Ryan, let me share 2 things with you I've learned over the years posting on GLP and immersed in the 'ufer' movement, or 'end times' discussions.  The first is (and this really applies to any field of human endeavor, but most importantly in this 0ne - where there is a distinct and serious attempt on the part of the PTB to bamboozle us) the concept of the "Destiny of the Message".   Is the message, even if it includes truthful statements, a truthful scenario (the pending poleshift, to be caused by a "rogue planet"), destined to have you - in this case - prepare?  Is it to - make you feel fear?  Is it cloaked in - comedy?  Made a laughing matter, even as it 'tells the truth'?  This is the important information one should derive from anything they are viewing or discussing.   Too often people seize upon a kernel of truth they find and recognize, and trumpet it proudly in their justification of spreading what turns out to be disinfo.  Knowledge isn't merely the factual data, but how it's to be absorbed and acted upon, and disseminated further.  I use what I call my "spiritual abacus" when sifting through new articles, new whistleblowers recently arrived on the scene, new TV series and movies, etc. to determine the REAL "Destiny of a message".


Another concept is the "toss the baby out with the bathwater".  The best examples that come to mind are the Doug n' Dave-made-all-crop-circles school of belief.  By showing how they did one, or two, and then having the world's media give them round-the-clock coverage for a few days, they made it much harder for the average citizen to take ANY of them that seriously; fortunately, there's an easy test to determine if any given circle is legitimate:  are the stalks broken and killed, or merely re-oriented to grow in a horizontal direction.  By taking a hoax apart, proving it was indeed a hoax, the media encouraged the public to "throw the baby out with the bathwater".  Another example of this is the MJ-12 papers.  Many of them were 'faked', but we do know that MJ-12 is a very real element in the intelligence community that's tasked with hiding the alien presence.  By taking a real thing, as a pre-emptive move, and making a 'fake' version of it, then disproving the 'fake' version, they've come close to eliminating any serious inquiry into their existence.


The last thing I'd like to share for the moment is to suggest you consider the nature of this operation "Patchwork", in which 'Disclosure' is taking place not from behind a gov't. or mainstream media podium, but via a 'patchwork quilt' of many many many spooks, whistleblowers, videos, etc, that all too often mirror the actual myriad of "black-ops bean boxes", whereby gov't./Majestic/corporate/military projects were sealed off from each other and protected by a "need to know" basis for existence.  For instance:  Project Preserve Destiny, as described by Sgt. Dan Sherman in "Above Black", had him using his trained telepathic abilities to receive detailed information about alien abductions.  The aliens - who he never saw, he only heard in his mind - would provide the coordinates of the human abductees and certain topical information that was known about the human (age, gender, etc); he had no idea how this information was being processed once he passed it on to his superiors, but he could very easily imagine that the purpose was nefarious, and that the abduction was involuntary and malevolent but perhaps necessary in order to abide by certain "treaties" his superiors had been "forced" to enter into.  (Never mind that the US Senate never ratified the human/alien treaties, a subject for another day.)  How was he to know if these aliens were STO or STS?  How was he to know if the humans had volunteered (on a soul-ular level) to be a parent to the new race of hybrids that will replace the current form of humanity?  He didn't, and neither did other personnel in OTHER bean-boxes.  By the time the whole sordid mess is sorted out and made transparent, the poleshift will be upon us and you might as well have just read Zetatalk to get a sufficient understanding.  (Although it's always important to investigate claims, even by the zetas.)  In the meantime, sit back and watch the parade of often-sincere retired spooks get up and give often contradictory "admissions" and "disclosures".  "You will know them by their fruits", and always examine the "destiny of a message", especially when the result is "throwing the baby out with the bathwater".


Jest my too sense.

Your "too sense" add up to big bucks, Don Deppeller.  Thank you!

Hi Ryan

Here is some Zeta Talk about why different people relaying messages from the same or different aliens will have different details. And the Zetas have always said prophecies and channeled work should be read with an open mind looking for similarities instead of dwelling on the differences. Unfortunately Its just impossible to get everyone to do that.


Zeta Talk about how Zeta Talk is not channeled


Zeta Talk about Channeled messages

“Channeling is not using the channel as a typing machine, it is using the channel's education, understanding of science, ability to entertain concepts, command of the language, and ability to formulate analogies or create scenario descriptions with depth and detail. If the channel has no word to describe something the spirit wishes to relay, the channel will wrap words about the concept as best it can. Thus, the possibility of distortion exists.

Bearing this in mind, these are valid prophecies, and should be carefully read with an open mind that looks for similarities with other valid prophecies, rather than dwelling on the differences.”


Zeta Talk about contradictions in prophecy also this Zeta Talk quote taken from the Sylvia Browne write up in this link explains  how it’s not only the human relaying the message but the aliens also which influence the message.

“We have mentioned that many aliens channeling, to valid channels, are reluctant to announce the coming cataclysms. We have explained that this is due to:

1. not wanting to be the bearer of bad tidings,

2. not having a human willing to be the bearer of bad tidings.


Those alien groups pulling back from a full truthful account of what mankind will experience have several reasons for doing this. First, as with any relaying of discomfiting news, the news bearer is also discomfited. So, the news bearer would prefer not to experience this discomfit, call it cowardice or pandering to the self or a weakness. Second, there are those who feel that the news would be delivered to many who could not do anything with the news, could not move, prepare, and the agony would only be thus prolonged. This is akin to a doctor not telling a patient that they are dying until the dying day. In this case also, the doctor, the news bearer, is excusing themselves from discomfiting demands by the patient or family. Can the patient not be cured in some way, has the doctor done all he can, etc. In like manner, aliens presenting a pole shift scenario are asked, via their channels, endlessly, if all of mankind cannot be saved, lifted, the shift avoided, etc. Those aliens groups presenting a rosy, or glossed over view, will explain the facts to those who they deem will be able to take it well, or deem could benefit from such facts. Both factors, the channel and the human, are at play, so that one must have:

1. an alien information source willing to tell the horrid truth,

2. a human willing to be the bearer of this.”

Ryan Walsh said:

Why is there such a great separation of online communities in regards to aliens? It seems to me the following of aliens is no different than religious people nowadays. Yes there are differences in beliefs, but ultimately every religion has the same concepts. This seems apparent with alien communities, but there is a reckless sense of "we are right, they are wrong".Why isn't there a joint effort amongst these communities? Without that, how can we expect for those who don't know about aliens to listen to those who do? The second they try to find more information on the messages we send, they find a field filled with different viewpoints and no standards. Are they supposed to randomly pick one and go with it?





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