GOT A QUESTION but don't know where to ask it? Post it here!

  For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
  Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.

  This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.

   So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here!  All questions welcome.

  Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!

 (and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)

ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:

This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.

To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.

Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.

Views: 65399

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Hi Nancy,

First of all I’d like to thank you a lot for the valorous news and advices you and our Zeta friends provide all of us with. I have no question but news for everybody. No reply requested:
The French authorities just announced that a search team now have localized the 2 engines and some other debris of the Air France Airbus lost in the mid Atlantic on first of June 2009. As the debris are not to much scattered but rather found within a smaller radius, there is some hope to also find the black boxes and thus try to find out the causes of the crash. But I personally doubt that they will admit the real cause given by the Zetas, namely electromagnetic interference due to the presence of planet Nibiru.
Greetings to all,


Hi Roy

Here is ZetaTalk that explains what will happen in Colorado. (The high mountains will not rumple but the lower elevations for 50miles to the east will)


We have stated that mountain building will not occur in Colorado, as it has in the past, but rather that the mountains will push over the plains to the east. Mountain building occurs when a rock layer pushes under another, tumbling and shattering the top layer. The current Continental Divide in Colorado has so many layers of rock beneath it that what is pushing under can no longer jumble the top layer. Instead, the whole mass pushes east over the plains. Colorado rapidly drops in elevation to the east of the high mountains, and it is the land in lower elevations for a 50 mile swath that will find itself rumpled and tossed before what appears to be mountains on the move. As surprising as it may seem, this process does not kill all life before it, but is rather a rough ride where roads rumple, cars are tossed to their sides, and housing collapses. This is expected in any case during great quakes. Afterwards, the rumpled area will find itself looking down upon lands that were formerly on the same level, and survivors will realize what has happened. This process has likewise occurred during prior pole shifts. Thus, safety in Colorado might entail being to the west of the Continental Divide, rather than to the east.

ZetaTalk ™ September 18, 2010

Here is ZetaTalk that explains what will happen in Montana along the continental divide

Montana is stable ground but the Continental Divide will push to the east for some 50-60 miles during the pole shift. For northern Montana, this is flat land which will rumple so that the surface is pushed, as though by a bull-dozer in front of the moving mountain mass to the west, which will be relatively stable though go for a bumpy ride. Southern Montana will find land to the east of the Continental Divide rumpling, compressing, to that mountain ranges grow higher and valleys narrow. Certainly, the Berkeley Pit, being in this vicinity, will be subjected to pressure. This is likely to squirt into the air, but not do more than affect the immediate area. However, any surface water source draining from this area, or underground water from this area, should be considered contaminated for decades. Go ABOVE this elevation for drinking water, and post signs.


ZetaTalk about the continental Divide

The Continental Divide represents change in the past, when land was pushed against land, pushing UP and over, and then stopped being pushed, at rest, at least temporarily. For the Continental Divide running up through the western half of the N American continent, this push takes place during every pole shift, and the landscape reflects this. Rock to the west of the divide is broken, tumbled, as what was pushed over does not slide easily but catches at many points, and thus moves in jolts and fits, breaking as it goes. Therefore, to some extent, a continental divide represents broken rock, at least the part that was most recently pushed up and over might be considered broken rubble. The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) waterways run down between ridges that were formed in the long distant past when the Appalachian Mountains were formed. During the formation of a continental divide, the rock that is sliding up and over does not simply stop where it lands, as when the pressure releases there is some adjustment backwards - thus the many ridges and valleys between mountain ranges in mountain building regions. The rock pushed up and over at the top of a continental divide is thin, the edge of the push, and thus can separate readily.

Will the foothills on the inside of the North American continent near the rockies would be better for survival than the high mountains? The foothills are incredibly above sea level, but not so extreme and likely will not move as much as the high ones on the outside?

Bear in mind that the Continental Divide will be pushed to the east, during the subduction of the Pacific under the N American plate. This affects all the rock layers above the subduction zone, which can result in rock shattering, more mountain building. As we have stated, those areas where the rock has not recently broken are your best bet, as they have withstood this type of pressure in the past. For the foothills to the east of the Rockies, plan to be as far from the current Continental Divide as your desire to be above flooding will allow.


Roy & Betty Retherford said:

From Roy:

In some of the previous posts, it was stated that the mountain area of Colorado would  move /slide over the plains to the east. Question: Will this be accomplished by mountains crumbling, tumbling, or by what means? I have read much of the posts regarding this, but have not found total information regarding such movement. What will that do for the cities just on the eastern edge of the mountain front range? Is this just a effect in Colorado, or the entire front range from Canada to and including Mexico?  It seems that if it will be a front range effect, it would seem foolish that the gov has seemingly prepared to move much of the gov and military (already moved much) to the Denver/ Colorado Springs, Colorado and/ Cheyenne Wyoming areas, would it not?

Thanks, Roy


Hi Valery

This is not the ZetaTalk Chat so if your research and these links do not answer you questions you will have to ask the Zetas in the Zeta Talk Chat

Here is ZetaTalk about the Russian government moving to the Urals

Here is ZetaTalk about how governments will collapse (this uses the US as an example but all governments will have the same problems)

Valery Lozhkin said:

sorry my English:  The Udmurt language (Permian group of Fenno-Ugric family) is spoken by people living between rivers Kama and Vyatka near West Ural mauntins. We want to have a Roman script which is not allowed  by Russian parlament. Will we have a freedom ourself after Pool Shift from Russians? I mean all Permians and our nieghbors Tatarrs. What special information could Zetas recommend for Permians (Komi and Udmurts) to know?


Hi Lynn

Here is new zeta talk from last week about this subject (a good thing to do is follow the instructions on how to make the new geography on a globe)

Despite numerous responses by ourselves on how to determine the new geography, confusion still exists. Apparently, nothing short of a new globe, drawn by ourselves, will suffice. This, despite Nancy providing the new Equator on the New Geography map she provided at the start of ZetaTalk. This, despite the fact that one can cut out Nancy's map and tape it together and get a new globe. This, despite Mike drawing the new geography on a globe so that there is no question on the location of the continents, post pole shift. This, despite ourselves giving the exact Lat/Long of the current land that will become the new N and S Poles. All you have to do is buy a cheap globe, trace the continents on a piece of paper and cut them out ready to paste, paint the globe so it is a blank, and paste the continents in their appropriate places aka Nancy's map and Mike's globe photos. Simple.

Why is there this continuing confusion? This is at base a gasp of disbelief. One does not want to contemplate such radical changes, so one simply does not grasp the outcome. The outcome is what should be focused on, for understanding. To avoid being bogged down in contemplating the wild ride, just focus on the outcome. Don't focus on what exactly will happen when the S America roll moves the top part of S America 250 miles further to the west. Don't focus on the excruciating bow the N American continent will be placed under before it finally adjusts, the New Madrid sliding diagonally. Don't focus on how these two giant plates will be juxtapositioned vs a vs each other during these gyrations. Just look at the outcome. The interim steps are something we will detail as the 7 of 10 changes progress.



Lynn Russell Kalloch said:

We are preparing. What will the climate be like where Round Pond, Maine,USA ends up. I'd  like to start saving seeds and plants indiginous  to and for our future climate.

We are interested in saving seeds and indiginous plants for where the pole shift will leave us. We can't quite figure out where we will end up. Can yo help us with this? Thank You, Lovingly Lynn Russell Kalloch (PS we are not very computer savy, Thank You)

 i am sorry.. I am new to the ning.  i have tried to research but I dont know the difference between the Dark Twin and Planet X.

I have searched but only get confused.

Thank you for your help..

Bradley -

Earth's Dark Twin.

Planet X (aka 12th Planet)

Any estimated quessing about timescales is probably not going to get you too far.  A lot of people have been trying since 2003 with no luck.

Better to watch the sequence of events described unfold and be prepared in the meantime; it's possible, depending on your location, that you might be propelled into a post PS type survival situation before the shift if you're hit by a large 7/10 or 8/10 event.

To my mind, August 2012 is too soon - it's little over a year away and given that the first of the 7/10 events is still to complete after several months and what is still left to occur before the last weeks is a lot compared to that, 2013 or later seems more likely.

Julia said:

I just finished reading the

Having passed by the Sun, the 12th Planet now slows. The rate of slowing is dependent on two factors, essentially - its speed and the fact that both its gravitational masters are now behind it. As fast as the 12th Planet picked up speed approaching your Sun, it slows even faster, the nearness of your Sun behind it no small factor in this. Nevertheless, for a traveling planet the size of the 12th Planet, putting on the brakes and turning about is no small matter. It must first come to a stop, which it does in approximately 2 years 3 months after passing your Sun. The 12th Planet's orbit takes it well away from the Sun after passage, so that it moves out a distance equal to 1/4 of the distance between the Sun and its other foci before it slows to a stop. After passing through the Solar System, the 12th Planet moves out on the opposite side some 3.560 times the distance from your Sun to its farthest planet, Pluto, then stops. It then hovers, not moving, essentially, for 3 years 6 months, and then slowly begins a return trip which telescopes or mirrors the voyage out.

If Nibiru entered our solar system in 2003 (May) , spend 2y3m taking over the sun, hovered 3y6m above it and will spend 2y3m back - meaning that the pole shift will be  in 2012 August?

Am I correct?

Julia - The 2 years, 3 months is the amount of time it takes Planet X to come to a stop AFTER the first pass which causes the Pole Shift.  The 3 years, 6 months is the time it remains stopped ("3.560 times the distance from your Sun to its farthest planet, Pluto") before its departure from our solar system on its second pass on the opposite side of the Sun.

Julia said:

I just finished reading the

Having passed by the Sun, the 12th Planet now slows. The rate of slowing is dependent on two factors, essentially - its speed and the fact that both its gravitational masters are now behind it. As fast as the 12th Planet picked up speed approaching your Sun, it slows even faster, the nearness of your Sun behind it no small factor in this. Nevertheless, for a traveling planet the size of the 12th Planet, putting on the brakes and turning about is no small matter. It must first come to a stop, which it does in approximately 2 years 3 months after passing your Sun. The 12th Planet's orbit takes it well away from the Sun after passage, so that it moves out a distance equal to 1/4 of the distance between the Sun and its other foci before it slows to a stop. After passing through the Solar System, the 12th Planet moves out on the opposite side some 3.560 times the distance from your Sun to its farthest planet, Pluto, then stops. It then hovers, not moving, essentially, for 3 years 6 months, and then slowly begins a return trip which telescopes or mirrors the voyage out.

If Nibiru entered our solar system in 2003 (May) , spend 2y3m taking over the sun, hovered 3y6m above it and will spend 2y3m back - meaning that the pole shift will be  in 2012 August?

Am I correct?

Hi, I'm new here but I have been reviewing the maps for future geological changes and being 400km to the east of Moscow  (Melenki, Vladimirskaya Region, Russia) It really doesn't give a good detailed map of the area or Russia period does anyone have a link I can access to see a more detailed view of Russia where there will be dry land and flooded areas. I know a good point to follow is be above 675-750 feet right? I still need to see something with good detail for Russia please, Thank You.

2nd I know we are not supposed to remember past time lines or things like that but maybe someone can direct me to the right place...My dreams are vivid and I awoke startled from this one:  I remember being somewhere like on a ship or base awaiting my next mission with others and getting called for my next mission and looking at the body I would have for my next mission and kind of wagering with a friend which of us would be able to help more people in our next mission umm my friend was like me but when I was looking at the body I was with an (for lack of a better word(s) Alien, Extraterrestrial) Can someone help explain this to me please.

Hi Valery, Ya Lakota Sioux living in Russia.

I would hope to be free of all world governments and the Russian Govt too.

I am interested in hearing what you have to say, and the reply to your question to the Zetas, if you ask them.


Derrick Johnson said:


Hi Valery

This is not the ZetaTalk Chat so if your research and these links do not answer you questions you will have to ask the Zetas in the Zeta Talk Chat

Here is ZetaTalk about the Russian government moving to the Urals

Here is ZetaTalk about how governments will collapse (this uses the US as an example but all governments will have the same problems)

Valery Lozhkin said:

sorry my English:  The Udmurt language (Permian group of Fenno-Ugric family) is spoken by people living between rivers Kama and Vyatka near West Ural mauntins. We want to have a Roman script which is not allowed  by Russian parlament. Will we have a freedom ourself after Pool Shift from Russians? I mean all Permians and our nieghbors Tatarrs. What special information could Zetas recommend for Permians (Komi and Udmurts) to know?

Hi thegreatwolf

Follow the steps in this blog “Determine Your Safe Location” and if you use the Google maps link in step 3 you can make your own maps showing what will be flooded.



thegreatwolf said:

Hi, I'm new here but I have been reviewing the maps for future geological changes and being 400km to the east of Moscow  (Melenki, Vladimirskaya Region, Russia) It really doesn't give a good detailed map of the area or Russia period does anyone have a link I can access to see a more detailed view of Russia where there will be dry land and flooded areas. I know a good point to follow is be above 675-750 feet right? I still need to see something with good detail for Russia please, Thank You.

2nd I know we are not supposed to remember past time lines or things like that but maybe someone can direct me to the right place...My dreams are vivid and I awoke startled from this one:  I remember being somewhere like on a ship or base awaiting my next mission with others and getting called for my next mission and looking at the body I would have for my next mission and kind of wagering with a friend which of us would be able to help more people in our next mission umm my friend was like me but when I was looking at the body I was with an (for lack of a better word(s) Alien, Extraterrestrial) Can someone help explain this to me please.

when did they ever say that?

artem jestakov said:
Why Zet do not love the Pleiades, Arktur, Sirius and Vega?


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