For those who are not aware, Nancy has indicated that she is not going to be available anymore to answer all of your questions that you email her as her health and resources are being stretched and has deleted all of those in her friends list except those on her mirror sites team.
Additionally, the Zetatalk Chat sessions are ONLY for people asking the Zetas a question and all non-question related posts will be deleted by the mods.
This is also being done as in the near future, due to the anticipated increase in interest in the Ning when the 7/10 events really kick in, even MORE policing of the site will be required of the mods and when that happens, any content to be deleted or members to be suspended will occur without warning or explanation.
So, where you would have messaged Nancy before or posted on the ZetaTalk chat and now can't as it's not a direct question for the Zetas, post your questions here! All questions welcome.
Since the start of this Ning, you have a wealth of individuals who know the ZetaTalk message almost as well as Nancy does - there's no need to ask her, just ask here. Nancy is one person, but the Ning is a big group who can answer your questions (and want to answer your questions) in the same way!
(and please don't PM me with your questions - post them here instead)
ADDENDUM by Nancy. This was a Zeta response on December 4, 2010 during the chats, and I think it applies. I have warned the chats that the time would come when I would only say 'accepted' for those accepted, and not respond at all to other questions. That time has come, as of this week. Here's the prior ZetaTalk:
This is an opportunity to discuss the public's expectations of Nancy, who is a single person, 70 years old, with health concerns, who works every day for as many hours as her health allows on getting the message out to the world. She was asked, in the early days of ZetaTalk, to be as educated on astronomy as astronomers, and did so to a degree that allowed her to support the imaging of the inbound Planet X. She supported our debates on sci.astro on the absurdity of human math when faced with reality, on the matter of why the Moon is in the skies and not crashing to Earth, even though she does not speak math any more than she speaks Greek.
To properly translate our concepts, Nancy, as she has so often mentioned, must be on the same page as ourselves, versed sufficiently in the subject to understand our response. Thus she has been asked to be educated to the level of a biologist or geneticist on the matter of the hybrids, to be a geologist on plate movements, to be a vulcanologist, to be a hydrologist on water movement, to be an archeologist re ancient civilizations, to be an electrician when discussing survival equipment, and to be a sociologist and political scientist on the matter of human behavior. Where images do not exist on the web, she draws them sufficiently to explain our words. We do not, on every answer, require Nancy to spend hours positioning herself such that she goes beyond what is needed to relay our message.
Bear in mind, during these chats, what you are asking of ourselves and Nancy. You have a resource here which you are regularly wasting and exhausting with idiotic questions! Nancy has warned that the time is quickly coming when you will get no response from her at all, just a statement as to which questions will be accepted. You have complained when she told you, in no uncertain terms, what was wrong with your demands or your questions. But those who do not learn are destined to be ignored, which is what is coming next.
Replies are closed for this discussion.
Hi Vicki
The Zetas never gave a time frame in days or weeks for the South American roll they just said “S America will be right behind Indonesia in this regard, starting its roll.”
The 7 of 10 will unfold but not as expected by many. It will not be a dramatic announcement on the news, as the establishment is ready for this, due to the extensive discussions. This is why Mary the psychic stated that after the first of the year Nancy would be held in greater regard and given credit. As we stated, there would be large quakes when Indonesia sinks but not the major quakes one would expect, not magnitude 8-9. Already there are many periods when quakes line the plate borders, and hammer there. During one such episode, the elevation will start to drop. We have never stated, in our predictions, how fast this would go, just said "suddenly". The start will be sudden, almost without warning, but the progress not swift as in the pole shift hour. It will be a steady sinking, in short bursts, over a 2-3 week period. S America will be right behind Indonesia in this regard, starting its roll. This will start slowly at first, the trend already noted, but the quakes starting to pick up as Indonesia sinks. Thus it will not be before the early part of 2011 before the full impact of the prediction accuracy is noted by the world. Meanwhile, the establishment will try to cover with lots of talk about storm surge, Global Warming, and high tides.
ZetaTalk ™ December 18, 2010
Vicki Hanna said:
I have a question about the South America plate roll and it's relationship to the Indonesian phase of the 7-of-10. The Zetas have said that the Indonesian plate tongue drop would start precipitously, then take 2-3 weeks to finish. I believe they said that the South America plate roll would happen BEFORE those 2-3 weeks were done (I have in my mind that it was about halfway through, ie 7-10 days after the tongue drops), but now I can't find the links to support this memory.
When I search for SA plate roll in relation to Indonesian sinking, nothing specific comes up. Have the Zetas said anything like "Once the Indonesian plate tongue drops, the SA plate roll will happen within X amount of days"? I thought this information had been given (?). Thanks to whoever can point me in the right direction.
According to the maps I've seen, they show N. America and S. America in the Northern Hemisphere. How does S.A. move past Africa without hitting it, if S.A. is rolling to the East?
I've theorized that if looking at the map with N.America on the left, that Africa, Europe, Russia, Asia and Australia will move counter-clockwise (towards the right on a globe. Freeing up space for S.A. to shift to the right and upwards.
Another question I had with the maps is, that if the N. Pole is now the bulge of Brazil as shown on the ZT maps and is to the right side of the globe; and the S. Pole is where what's left of India will be. Since the N and S on this map are not in line vertically doesn't that mean the equator should move so that the left part is crossing over canada (in it's new position) with the right half crossing over Australia?
Does anyone know, have there been other advanced civilations (such as ours) that have survived prior pole shifts? I keep looking for the information about how primitive lives where lived, but it seems our superficially obsessed world has burried this information.
For example: does anyone know where to find out what types of housing the Native American's lived in? Based upon where they lived in N. America?
I searched last night and could only find basic information and very little real info, most of what I found was advertisements!
I'm concerned that this lack of information will cause a much larger than expected decimation of the human population. What do you think?
Many thanks to all that make the ning what it is. A plethora and wealth of knowledge can be gleaned from here. Also, huge thanks to Nancy for devoting her life to this cause and to the Zetas for caring about us humans. Thank you!
Hi Tim, this is interesting to find your question because I recently found some great drawings and stories about Native American dwellings in the children's book section of the local library. In fact, through the years I have gone to the children's books to see very easy to read books on new subjects (to me) and they are always illustrated really well. You could try also, and there are some books out there on native dwellings like 'Shelter'
and you can find those by searching for natural or indigenous houses, etc. Good luck...
Tim Thompson said:
According to the maps I've seen, they show N. America and S. America in the Northern Hemisphere. How does S.A. move past Africa without hitting it, if S.A. is rolling to the East?
I've theorized that if looking at the map with N.America on the left, that Africa, Europe, Russia, Asia and Australia will move counter-clockwise (towards the right on a globe. Freeing up space for S.A. to shift to the right and upwards.
Another question I had with the maps is, that if the N. Pole is now the bulge of Brazil as shown on the ZT maps and is to the right side of the globe; and the S. Pole is where what's left of India will be. Since the N and S on this map are not in line vertically doesn't that mean the equator should move so that the left part is crossing over canada (in it's new position) with the right half crossing over Australia?
Does anyone know, have there been other advanced civilations (such as ours) that have survived prior pole shifts? I keep looking for the information about how primitive lives where lived, but it seems our superficially obsessed world has burried this information.
For example: does anyone know where to find out what types of housing the Native American's lived in? Based upon where they lived in N. America?
I searched last night and could only find basic information and very little real info, most of what I found was advertisements!
I'm concerned that this lack of information will cause a much larger than expected decimation of the human population. What do you think?
Many thanks to all that make the ning what it is. A plethora and wealth of knowledge can be gleaned from here. Also, huge thanks to Nancy for devoting her life to this cause and to the Zetas for caring about us humans. Thank you!
Hamitha - Your country will be affected by severe Earth Changes long before the Pole Shift. There are already indications that Malaysia is sinking and this trend will only increase as we approach the Pole Shift. There will also be increasing earthquake and volcanic activity in the region making survival tenuous at best.
"Those living on high ground away from volcanoes will be washed over by the large floodtides that will move from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, and back again, during the shortening of the Pacific and subducting of the Indio-Australian plate under the Himalayas. Survival will occur for a small percentage, but only because the islands are many and cover a vast area. Survival will be by accident, in these cases, not by design."
hamitha kader said:
Hi I am from Malaysia(Negeri Sembilan-60km distance frm kuala lumpur). May i know if our country will be affected by elevation loss while pole shift?
Thank you for the reply, Howard. i really thought nothing will happen to us but now it seems we too have to take action on safety purpose.
Howard said:
Hamitha - Your country will be affected by severe Earth Changes long before the Pole Shift. There are already indications that Malaysia is sinking and this trend will only increase as we approach the Pole Shift. There will also be increasing earthquake and volcanic activity in the region making survival tenuous at best.
"Those living on high ground away from volcanoes will be washed over by the large floodtides that will move from the Pacific to the Indian Ocean, and back again, during the shortening of the Pacific and subducting of the Indio-Australian plate under the Himalayas. Survival will occur for a small percentage, but only because the islands are many and cover a vast area. Survival will be by accident, in these cases, not by design."
hamitha kader said:
Hi I am from Malaysia(Negeri Sembilan-60km distance frm kuala lumpur). May i know if our country will be affected by elevation loss while pole shift?
Qtrblooded:Have the Zs spoken of whether females are becoming the dominant sex? I hate to generalize, but urbanized U.S. men seem weak and aloof compared to urban women. Of course there are exceptions, especially in older generations. With laws in place that punish physical altercations, and the household budget being controlled by the woman in most instances, it seems the alpha role is being assumed by the female. Just a guess, but i imagine females are the majority of members on this ning. I found no ZT on the subject and the only reason i ask is to better understand these changing times. Thanks for the help.
Hi Qtrblooded
Here is some ZetaTalk related to your question .
This is a quote from the following ZetaTalk ” The male is stronger, fiercer, more adventurous, and as he is not the one to be pregnant or nursing, not only is best suited to be the hunter or wage earner but in most societies is expected to be thus. Need this be so? Of course not. If the couple prefers to switch roles, whose business is it but theirs, but these situations, which would be worked out by the couple in a blink of an eye, become an endless battle when friends, family, church, co-workers, and the rule of law poke their nose into the marriage.”
Do you have opinion or guidance on the inevitable future condition of an all-female society on this planet? Females have long recognized the vast destructive problems caused by testerone but have tolerated this and the accompanying subjugation in sacrifice to procreation. Now that we will soon be able to procreate without males will we become all-female and a more productive, effective, compassionate and benevolent society?
No. Mankind will soon have to set aside their technology due to the pole shift, all effort going into being able to sustain survival groups who will be close to starving. The sexes have evolved to be complimentary, in all species, and all male or all female groups are not happy, regardless of claims. In future Service-to-Other cultures, all aspects of the life form being used for incarnations are appreciated for the lessons and the challenges they provide. In Service-to-Self cultures, where there is a strong pecking order established, passivity is enforced, and strength for work is appreciated. Men, therefore, make good underlings.
ZetaTalk about sexual variations in the universe
ZetaTalk about Zeta roles
Qtrblooded said:
Have the Zs spoken of whether females are becoming the dominant sex? I hate to generalize, but urbanized U.S. men seem weak and aloof compared to urban women. Of course there are exceptions, especially in older generations. With laws in place that punish physical altercations, and the household budget being controlled by the woman in most instances, it seems the alpha role is being assumed by the female. Just a guess, but i imagine females are the majority of members on this ning. I found no ZT on the subject and the only reason i ask is to better understand these changing times. Thanks for the help.
yea - she might say that, but there's no way in hell she'd ever be able to actually make that happen - as if her children would just allow themselves to die just to satisfy her own personal plans - but I don't realy think she'd do that when the time came anyway - I expect she'll want to survive just like everyone else.
Ryan Giorgis said:hey mark,
I've gotten that response before as well. I'm not sure how to respond to that either. caught me a bit unawares as one might say. your choice is your choice, but to force that on someone else, well? I'm still pretty much tounge-tied from it. ANY HELP?
much love
Hello friends,
My question is concerning the "Council of Worlds" and their decision to not quarantine the giant hominids at an earlier period. In fact why allow them to cause such harm to early humans at all? Spiritual growth seems to be the most likely answer to me, however I am unsure about this, for what would be the difference now? I ask this qeustion only becuase I was discussing some of these things with a friend who asked me about this after I had explained what I had read on . I had no good answer to give him. Thank you for your time, I hope this can be answered.(if anyone knows) ( I know this is not a question directed at the pole shift sorry :(
Hi Brandon
Here is some ZetaTalk that may help with your question
Why did the Council of Worlds allow the humanoids from Planet X to come to earth? Sure they are 3rd density as well but surely the council knew the horrors the giants would inflict on the little humans. Making them their slaves and controlling them by fear, making an example out of anyone who rebelled. Acting as gods. Does the council regret this decision or were the giants allowed to come to Earth because they are 3rd density and have the free will to act as Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other? Perhaps the council did not expect them to be as brutal and cause as much havoc as they did?? How are they currently feeling as their planet will soon kill 90% of the Earth's population, business as usual?
The Council intervened to quarantine the Annunaki from Earth, but make no specific steps to allow them access to Earth in the first place. The Annunaki are considered peers of mankind, not unlike another race of man on Earth. When it was clear that they, as a larger hominoid, were creating a negative environment for the spiritual development of man, (one that was too heavily influenced toward the Service-to-Self for mankind because of their hopeless slavery state), the Annunaki were driven from Earth to continue their mining operations elsewhere, on Mars and a moon of Mars.
Ancient writing and ancient historical sites show that humans interacted with other "alien" races on earth many thousands of years ago. When and why did the Council of Worlds decide we would become isolated from other "alien" races? Has this isolation negatively influenced our races progress from 3rd density to 4th density beings? "Living the lie" has caused so many problems in our lives, speaking from the heart.
In mankind's early history, as on most 3rd density worlds, encounters with aliens was open and recorded in the conscious of man. This would have progressed to the present, through to the Transformation of the Earth, were it not for the interference of the Annunaki. We have explained that the Annunaki are peers of mankind, not space traveling aliens from higher dimensions but just another hominoid race. Their space travel is akin to man's journeys to the Moon and plans for visits to Mars. But because Planet X, aka Nibiru, is so much heavier than Earth the Annunaki have adjusted to a gravity field 1.5 time greater than Earth, and thus their bones are heavier, their build heavier, and they appeared as giants to early man.
The balance between the forces of Service-to-Other and Service-to-Self was skewed because of the terror and sense of hopelessness that the Annunaki instilled in their slaves on Earth, whom they had set to mining for gold underground. The practices of the Mayan, whereby they tore living hearts out of the chests of sacrificial victims, was started by the Annunaki. This shows their tactics in instilling fear and maintaining control over their slaves.
Thus the Council decided to quarantine the Annunaki from Earth, so that emerging man could have a balanced environment. But more than that was required. Smelling blood, ambassadors from the Service-to-Self descended on Earth to take advantage of the terror that had been instilled in early man. Ambassadors from the Service-to-Other arrived to counter this influx, and these two groups would often engage each other in physical battle! All this was witnessed by mankind, and was deemed in and of itself to be disruptive to the balanced field that young souls should be given in their schoolhouse. So it was deemed that the rule about visitations or contact with aliens being recorded only in the subconscious be imposed. Where this is a slight burden on those who are contactees, the alternative would have been worse.
Brandon Daniel Rhoades said:
Hello friends,
My question is concerning the "Council of Worlds" and their decision to not quarantine the giant hominids at an earlier period. In fact why allow them to cause such harm to early humans at all? Spiritual growth seems to be the most likely answer to me, however I am unsure about this, for what would be the difference now? I ask this qeustion only becuase I was discussing some of these things with a friend who asked me about this after I had explained what I had read on . I had no good answer to give him. Thank you for your time, I hope this can be answered.(if anyone knows) ( I know this is not a question directed at the pole shift sorry :(
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