My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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Comment by Kojima on October 7, 2024 at 2:06am


* 2024/10/7 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 6, 2024 at 2:13am

* Recent some major earthquakes worldwide [2024/09/22 - 2024/10/05]

Comment by Kojima on October 6, 2024 at 2:09am


* 2024/10/6 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 5, 2024 at 2:08am


* 2024/10/5 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 4, 2024 at 2:14am


* 2024/10/4 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 3, 2024 at 2:06am


* 2024/10/3 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 2, 2024 at 2:09am


* 2024/10/2 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on October 1, 2024 at 2:08am


* 2024/10/1 T00:03

Comment by Kojima on September 30, 2024 at 2:06am


* 2024/9/30 T00:03

Comment by Scott on September 29, 2024 at 10:13am

East Coast Tsunami.
These are all of the ZetaTalk quotes that I can find warning about tsunami waves washing against the East Coast of the United States when the New Madrid Rupture occurs, including a recent explanation of US government surveillance providing tsunami early warning.

"We have predicted that the East Coast could sustain a 50 foot tsunami as a result of the New Madrid Rupture, and DC is positioned to get tidal bore right into the Capitol. The Junta and FEMA are preparing for what might be a dual slam during Hurricane Season – a New Madrid tsunami plus hurricane Storm Surges. Flight restrictions over DC allow surveillance to give an early warning in this event."
September 30, 2024 Q&A

"Countries that can be affected by our predicted European tsunami and the predicted East Coast of US tsunami are set up to alert the public when and if this occurs. They are well aware of the clapping Seaway and clapping in the N Atlantic above the Azores, and their geologists have confirmed our predicted scenario of the final separation of the New Madrid Fault Line such that the Seaway and fault line do not clap in unison, but separate."
February 28, 2024 Q&A

"The US Junta is clearly aware of where the void in the Azores will open during the New Madrid Finale, causing a tsunami splash toward Europe and a rebound of the Gulf Stream toward the East Coast of the US."
February 28, 2024 Q&A

"Given the ZetaTalk accuracy on predictions, the Junta is also taking our warnings about a 50 foot tsunami rushing against the US East Coast with a tidal bore up against Washington DC."
"Our prediction, when doing a UFO display interpretation, was that the Seaway would open wide when the SE Portion slides to the East, but then the Azores would rip open allowing the Seaway to return to its previous state. That would be the moment when the tsunamis occur."
January 31, 2024 Q&A

"As of this writing Nancy is focused on the Montreal scenario where the Seaway pulls apart while the New Madrid Fault Line completes its separation. And when it snaps back it opens the Azores for the tsunami threat."
December 31, 2023 Q&A

"The purpose of the visit was to reassure the world that there will be no military conflicts emerging when the New Madrid Rupture occurs. Both China and the US will be vulnerable at that time, with the headquarters of China hurriedly moved from Beijing and Martial Law being officially announced in the US while DC deals with flooding."
November 30, 2023 Q&A

"Of course these reservists are not being activated for a European theatre. They will be deployed within the US which is expected to have a New Madrid Rupture at any moment, accompanied by a 50 foot tsunami along the East Coast."
July 31, 2023 Q&A

"Do you suppose the US Defense Department reads ZetaTalk? They have ZetaTalk at their disposal, and know what the outcome of a China lunge into the Pacific would mean. The Pacific is wide but some tsunami action would occur, but the major concern is that within days the China lunge would allow a waggling S America to shift so the SE Portion of N America could slide Eastward, bringing about the New Madrid Rupture. This is predicted by ourselves to bring a 50 foot tsunami to the East Coast of the US."
June 30, 2023 Q&A

"When the SE Portion takes a leap to the East, this will tear open a void off-shore of Guyana, and this will include tsunami. If the East Coast of the US is anticipating a 50 foot tsunami, the Guyana tsunami will be worse due to tidal bore caused by its geology."
February 28, 2023 Q&A

"Of course a nuclear attack is not anticipated, but a New Madrid Fault Line rupture is anticipated. The populace within the US and Europe and the Middle East are not being warned, so are in harms way. There are plans to deny the existence of Nibiru even after this major plate movement makes it obvious that Nibiru is a near and present danger. Instead there are NATO plans to blame any tsunami on a Russian sub. This must stop!"
November 30, 2022 Q&A

"At all costs, the elite are continuing the Nibiru cover-up, and using excuses for any evidence of Nibiru nearby. When Russia moved its Belgorod to safety, the elite in the West saw an opportunity. Tidal waves against Europe and the East Coast of the US are expected when the New Madrid Rupture occurs, and this will now be blamed on Russia."
October 31, 2022 Q&A

"If the mid-Atlantic pulls apart, causing a temporary void in the mid-Atlantic, water can rush into this void and rebound in many directions. This is the process we have described for the New Madrid tsunami."
July 31, 2022 Q&A

"We reported last month that Shanghai was testing fear as a motivator when it came time to force the populace from coastal cities and head into the highlands. The East Coast of the US has similar worries but also anticipates a more immediate worry - a tsunami and panic caused by the New Madrid Adjustment. Without admitting that Nibiru exists, how to prepare the populace? The kerfuffle that NATO has provided over the Russia sanctions is the current excuse for such warnings."
July 31, 2022 Q&A

"Starting with the New Madrid disasters, the US will have many refugees from the Fault Line ruptures along the Mississippi River and cities under the Seaway. The East Coast will experience a tsunami. Martial Law will be officially called. Where to put all those refugees who will need shelter and food? Productive Gates farmland awaits and refugees will be put to work growing food."
July 31, 2022 Q&A

"The 50-foot tsunami expected to wash against the East Coast will affect coastal cities from Miami to New York and Boston."
January 31, 2022 Q&A

"Imagine a world where the New Madrid has torn all the bridges crossing the Mississippi and collapsed buildings from Memphis to Cleveland to Miami. Imagine a 50 foot wave inundating DC so it must be evacuated without delay."
November 30, 2021 Q&A

"The tsunamis predicted by ourselves to follow the unzipping of the New Madrid Fault Line will impact Miami greatly. Miami not only stands at sea level, barely above the wash of the waves, but is positioned to receive the early onslaught of the waves that will be generated when a void in the mid-Atlantic is formed. The message this UFO display is portraying is one of swirling water, not just a tide but a whirlwind. Water will seem to come from all directions."
May 31, 2021 Q&A

"Just as the New York City underground was flooded by a mere 12 foot storm surge when Hurricane Sandy struck, Washington DC can expect far worse when the New Madrid adjustment strikes. DC can expect a 50 foot tsunami along the East Coast, but because tidal bore can be anticipated up the rivers on either side of DC, this will at least triple in places to a 150 foot tide. This will do more than wash the roadways and lower floors of the federal buildings, it will permanently flood the tunnel systems, taking with it all the evidence of Satanic practices – a literal draining of the swamp will occur."
February 28, 2021 Q&A

"It is no secret that the N American continent is on the verge of splitting open along the New Madrid Fault Line, and when it does the East Coast will be assaulted with tsunami waves."
November 30, 2020 Q&A

"It is likely that at the first sign of significant separation along the New Madrid that the populace will be alerted of a tsunami potential. How much time does it take for water to pour into a mid-Atlantic void and rebound to shorelines? Evacuation should be started when the New Madrid adjustment is in process."
November 30, 2020 Q&A

"ZetaTalk is on record warning the public that when the New Madrid adjustment occurs, massive tsunami waves up to 200-300 foot high will roar toward Europe and a backwash up to 50 foot high will wash against the East Coast of the US."
July 31, 2020 Q&A

"In the case of the European tsunami, the change in shape of the N American Continent causes a void to open in the Atlantic, so water pours into this void and thus rebounds toward Europe and to some extent toward the US.
The Great Flood, which required Noah to build his Ark, was a true displacement wave, as we have described. A large piece of polar ice suspended over the water dropped suddenly into the ocean, and due to tidal bore as it struck Persia the resulting wave climbed high. Tidal bore allows water to rise potentially thousands of feet. That said, what can be expected for the East Coast during the European tsunami? Because the Gulf Stream sweeps the waters of the Atlantic toward Europe, only 10% of our predicted rebound can be expected to strike the East Coast.
The issue of flooding in Washington DC, or any other vulnerable East Coast city, is the water remaining after a flood tide has washed inland. Hurricane Sandy poured water down the subway systems in New York City, surrounding the electrical systems with corrosive salt water. This was unexpected. Hurricane storm surges are normal for the US, afflicting beachfront homes and farms. It is the cities that do not anticipate such high tides that will be crippled, and it is these that the Canary Island scare tactics are trying to awaken."
September 30, 2019 Q&A

"More than a tsunami roaring toward Europe will occur, of course, as the water rebounding out of the Atlantic void will likewise roll toward the East Coast of the US. Washington DC is lowland, originally built on a drained swamp. The US has steadily moved federal headquarters to their western White House in Denver. But in the event of a sudden tsunami flooding DC, classified federal records will be relocated to higher ground and stranded workers rescued. DC will be abandoned."
August 31, 2019 Q&A

"The European tsunami will not just assault Europe with huge waves. There will be high tides along the East Coast too, and those areas that are virtually at sea level will get their first taste of what is to come."
October 30, 2010 Q&A

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