Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday April 30, 2023. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
China Burning
China has been bright red on the SO2 charts for over a year now from ripping rock releasing Methane and the CO maps show it is also burning this Methane. Was this predicted by the Zetas? Yes, in 2010. The 7 of 10 Plate Movements detailed in 2010 stressed that Plate Movements are intertwined, so movements occur in a domino fashion, rolling from West to East.
As noted on the graphic, point (7) occurred when the Venice Canals and the beaches of Tel Aviv went dry on the same day last February 19. As depicted on the graphic, the Zeta sequence in the 2010 Plate Movements is as follows:
(1) a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with (2) Indonesia sinking,
(3) a folding Pacific allowing (4) S America to roll,
(5) a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing (6) Africa to roll and (7) the floor of the Mediterranean to drop,
(8) great quakes in Japan followed by (9) the New Madrid adjustment,
(10) which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
ZetaTalk Prediction10/16/2010: The sequence of events is, thus: a tipping Indo-Australia Plate with Indonesia sinking, a folding Pacific allowing S America to roll, a tearing of the south Atlantic Rift allowing Africa to roll and the floor of the Mediterranean to drop, great quakes in Japan followed by the New Madrid adjustment, which is followed almost instantly by the tearing of the north Atlantic Rift with consequent European tsunami.
Thus the Zetas laid out the timeline showing that massive quakes in Japan would be the next step prior to the New Madrid Adjustment. The Zetas confirmed last October (when Japan, Taiwan, and Beijing had simultaneous UFO sightings) that Japan would rock when China exploded with a massive stretch incident. This equates to point (8) on the original Plate Movement graphic based on ZetaTalk from 2010. The next step was to be the New Madrid Rupture.
ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2022: During any shattering of plates in this region Japan could anticipate being slung from one side to the other, as depicted in the UFO display there. Nearby on the Eurasian Plate, China also has a platelet on the coastline and bordering the Okhotsk Platelet the Amurian Platelet. The UFO display in Beijing is showing an explosion, which any shattering of the Eurasian Plate there would include. These would be major earthquakes. Further south along the China coastline and just across the water from Taiwan lies the Yangtze Plate. The UFO display for Taiwan shows a bulge surrounded by swirling UFO's, indicating that Taiwan could expect a counterclockwise motion during these changes.
China has been in an intense stretch for over a year, with melting roads showing the stress. China's unrelenting stress can only be relieved, per the Zetas, by the tongue of the Sunda Plate breaking off from the Great Eurasian Plate. The quake maps are showing that this in process for the past month or more. None of this is on the Jolt Timeline graphic which has a local focus on the last steps to the New Madrid Rupture whereas the 2010 Plate Movements was the big picture, the overview, and it is still in effect.
ZetaTalk Clarification 4/10/2023: The problem with ZetaTalk readership expectations on the New Madrid process is the exact definition of what 'it' is. In the early days we described the New Madrid Fault Line rupture as breaking bridges up along the Mississippi River and collapsing structures along the Fault Line, with a void in the Atlantic at the Azores causing a massive tsunami rolling up against European shores. This is a process, with innumerable steps in the timeline. When the Hard Rock Hotel collapsed in New Orleans on October 27, 2019 we stated that was the start of the process, and explained why there had been delays.
In trying to give Obama time to announce the presence of Nibiru, the Council of Worlds had installed humming boxes and monoliths to delay Plate Movements. These delays impacted schedules and timelines elsewhere in the Universe and consequently the Council of Worlds is now under great pressure to catch up and has instituted a Severe Wobble to do so. The New Madrid process is of intense interest to those in America and Europe, and because it includes the Africa Roll, to those in the Middle East too.
We are under restrictions not to give dates, but rather a sequence of events. But this does not stop mankind from seeing a date in our every statement. After the Hard Rock Hotel collapsed, all eyes were on the Mississippi Bridges and indeed on May 12, 2021 the Memphis bridge had a snap. To focus on the bigger picture we switched to pointing to the Rock Hook under Turkey, as until that snapped the Africa Roll would not proceed and the roll was intrinsic to the process.
When the Rock Hook snapped on December 13, 2022 turmoil in the Middle East did indeed ensue, with Suez Canal traffic having to be closed on a daily basis and the long-predicted Turkey quakes creating devastation. Once again mankind, anxious for a date, needed a focus. While the Fault Line in the US was steadily separating, there was no specific focus. But the pending China quake began a dramatic appearance, and by prior UFO displays in November, 2022 were confirmed by ourselves. This pending quake will allow room for the SE Portion hook at the isthmus to release, thus speeding the process to a Finale.
As we have noted, the Council of Worlds slowed the New Madrid Rupture down so as to give Obama a chance to make the announcement about Nibiru. Obama failed, lacking courage, in 2015. Meanwhile slowing had occurred due to the Humming Boxes installed along plate borders and fault lines in N America. This was also done as a result of the Monoliths installed in N America.
But there are celestial timelines beyond the Earth and by slowing down the New Madrid process, the Council of Worlds was scolded. They had to catch up, and are in the process of doing so by effecting a Severe Wobble since November 2021 to encourage Plate Movement. Like a softball pitcher winding up before releasing the ball, one gets momentum and direction established first. This is happening now. The Severe Wobble being caused now by the Council of Worlds is similar to the Severe Wobble of the Last Weeks, but is only temporary and is less severe.
ZetaTalk Clarification 4/12/2023: As we mentioned the Severe Wobble will be a trigger to incite the Plate Movements necessary for the New Madrid event to occur. The New Madrid event is dependent upon prior Plate Movements, and as we have detailed this includes the Sunda Platelet snapping off to become an independent plate, which allows China to lurch into the Pacific, which thus compresses the Pacific top to bottom so that the toe of S America has room to pull into the Pacific, which tilts the S American Continent so the bulbous top part along with the Caribbean lob into the Atlantic, which releases the toe of the SE Portion so it can lurch East.
This entire sequence of events does not happen in a day and may involve iterative action at all stages. The Sunda Plate is outlined in quakes and SO2 hot with rock stress but China has not yet had any quakes as a result. China has been so SO2 hot that its roads have been melting. We have described the China quake as an implosion, a large quake with extensive damage to China's interior. This step in the timeline will not be missed, but the resulting compression of the S Pacific involves action on the 4 Pacific Plates, so is unlikely to complete all at once.
The tilting of S America will also allow the foot of Africa to slide into the S Atlantic expediting the Africa Roll. This combined with the SE Portion finding its toe at the Isthmus to be freed will speed the process. Many days may pass while the point of maximum pressure on the Bridge holding the N American Portions together is reached. This will be the last block needing to give, and when it does, as we have repeatedly stated, the Azores will instantly rip open to cause a tsunami racing toward Europe.
Making Clothing
In the modern world when one needs clothing or blankets it is a simple matter of a shopping trip. But during the Pole Shift disaster predicted in a few short years, shopping and distribution of goods will not be possible for most. Eventually, even flea markets or barter exchange in neighborhoods will run out of goods. What then? It is just a matter of stepping back in time for a couple hundred years, as during the time prior to the Industrial Revolution, or living like the Amish do today.
Using a Spinning Wheel and Loom to make cloth is a hobby these days, but with hand tools these can be replicated anywhere. With wool or cotton, card it into long fibers. Spinning a thread, a rope, or a strand of yarn involves three steps - straightening the material to be spun, putting a twist in a thin strand of the material, and winding the twisted strand onto a bobbin. Material to be spun can be any fibrous material such as wool from animals, flax and cotton from plants, or silk from silk worms.
Preparing the material involves washing it, and in the case of flax, soaking and working it in water to remove rotting soft matter from the fibers. The clean fibers are then combed straight or carded, an action where the fibers are caught between two flat wire brushes, called cards, pulled in opposite directions. In the most primitive form spinning is done with a distaff and spindle, where the hand-held spindle is moved in a circle by wrist movements and after a twist is put into the thread, is wound by hand onto the spindle. This process is used in one form or another in primitive cultures around the world.
The spinning wheel improves this process, allowing a foot pedal to create the spin while the hands are free to work with the material. The foot pedal is attached by a strap to a special spoke sticking out from the center and to the side of the wheel. When this special spoke is on the downward side of the circle, the foot gives a gentle nudge to the foot pedal, encouraging the motion. When on the upward side of the circle, the foot releases, allowing the pedal to raise up so as not to slow the motion of the wheel.
There is a groove in the wheel that holds a cord, and a similar groove in a tiny wheel on the other end of the Spinning Wheel. The relatively slow motion of the large wheel thus makes for many turns of the tiny wheel, which is attached to the bobbin. This bobbin replaces the more primitive spindle. Enough tension is placed on the cord wrapped around the wheel and thence to the bobbin so that the cord does not readily slip on either the wheel or the bobbin. The knot in the cord should be as smooth as possible.
A portion of the clean and straightened fibers are hooked onto the pointed end of the bobbin, and the turning motion begun. The material is first drawn out gradually to a thin thread while attached to the end of the bobbin. The spinning wheel now is giving a twist to the thread. The drawing out of the material should occur simultaneously to the twisting, so that the twist climbs back toward the receding hand. When the material is twisted to an arm's length, the thread is allowed to wind up along the length of the bobbin, coming back to the tip for the next thinning and twisting action. During twisting, a slight tension holds the thread back from winding on the bobbin.
Cotton or wool fibers can also be used as yarn for knitting or crocheting. Since wool tightens and shrinks when heated, a type of cloth called felt can be made from small scraps. The felting process is to lay wool fibers in different directions, then pour boiling water over the lot. Felt is durable and wet felt can be formed into slippers. Transforming natural materials into clothing in this way has been done by idle hands in the evenings around the fire for centuries.
Once you have thread and yarn, you can weave cloth on a loom. Looms can be large or small, producing heavy cloth or something lightweight like linen. Once again, this is an item a carpenter could construct with hand tools. Weaving requires two different threads - the warp and the weft. The warp is long and strung from the front to the back of the loom; the weft is laid from side to side during the weaving process. Looms can be large, several feet wide, or small enough to be placed on a table. Cloth woven on a small loom can be sewn together to make a larger piece.
The warp is long, runs from the front of the loom to the back, and is wound around horizontal wooden bars at the front and back. These bars turn, to wind the warp at the front end or unwind the warp at the back, by using a simple notched grip attached to the ends of the bars. The warp is strung by winding a continuous thread around pegs on a warp frame. Wind the thread back and forth several times, creating several warp threads at one time, and then grip the bunch on both ends and transfer the warp lengths to the loom frame. This is done repeatedly until the warp is as wide as the loom or as wide as desired.
Make the warp as long as possible, as the very front and back of the warp can never be woven and become waste or fringe. The warp threads on the loom are threaded through heddles, which are also made of string or thread. A heddle is in essence a small string loop inside a larger string loop, with the small loop in the middle to hold a warp thread so it can be raised or lowered during the weaving process. The heddles are made on a heddle frame composed of three nails on a board, the top loop tied above the middle nail, then below the middle nail, then below the bottom nail.
The warp threads are strung through the heddles in the two heddle racks so that the odd warp threads go through the heddles on one rack, and the even warp threads go through the heddles on the second rack. Then, by pressing one tread or the other, the warp threads are raised and lowered by a pulley action, creating a crisscross that secures the weft threads passed back and forth across the warp. The weft threads are wound onto a bobbin, a metal rod, that is passed back and forth across the warp threads inside a shuttle, as though they were sailing across the warp threads inside a tiny boat. The shuttle is a size that can be held in the hand, longer than wide, and the wood is smoothed to avoid snagging during the weaving process. The shuttle has a rectangle cut from the center where the filled bobbin is placed. The metal rod of the bobbin is held in place by notches at the ends of this hole. A slit is cut at the side where the weft threads unwind.
After the shuttle is passed and the weft thread pulled so there is no slack, the beater bar is pulled forward to tap the weft snug against the crisscross of the warp threads. Then the beater bar is dropped back, away from the weaver, and the warp threads reversed by the heddle pulley action controlled by the foot treads. The beater bar has a thin wire or reed to go between each warp thread, and is not used with force but a gentle tapping action. Different patterns can be woven into the material by alternating colors in the warp thread and using a number of shuttles.
Curing leather to be used in coats or shoes or chaps is messy at first, because the leather must be scraped clean. There are many chemicals used for curing leather, but one survivors are almost certain to be able to obtain is the time honored tannin from the bark of many different trees. Some rivers even owe their dark brown color not to mud but tannin from trees upstream. Soaking the leather in a mash from the brains of the animal is another tanning technique.
There is helpful information on the Troubled Times pages to soften and cure hides, such as Rawhide, Scraping, Dry Scraping, Wet Scraping, How Much, Brain Tanning, Braining Steps, Soap Tanning, Smoking, Softening, Inuit Women, and Bird Skins.
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