Super Typhoon Bohpa claims 600 lives and leaves tens of thousands homeless (NEW ZetaTalk)

Typhoon Bohpa from the ISS

The Death toll from Typhoon Bopha rose to more than 200 today and is sure to climb higher, as it continues to tear through the Philippines.  Bohpa strengthened to a Category 5 'Super' Typhoon before hitting land at Davao Oriental at dawn on Tuesday and continued across Mindanao with wind speeds two and a half times the top winds of Tropical Storm Washi, whose heavy rains swept away entire villages in the same region in December 2011.

Typhoon Bohpa as it approached the Phillipines on Tuesday 2nd December

Mindanao rarely experiences typhoons due to its proximity to the equator, with Bohpa likely to become the worst ever recorded on the island.



Yet another example of the effects of the Earth wobble as atypical weather patterns continue to present, long since and repeatedly predicted by the Zetas.

NEW ZetaTalk

Could the Zeta's explain if the earth wobble could have been the reason why Bohpa formed so close to the equator? If so, this will be another undeniable proof of the wobble?

"Due to the Earth wobble caused by the near presence of Planet X, when the Sun is over the Pacific the waters formerly over the Equator suddenly find themselves no longer centered over the Philippines but centered over Australia, then given a spin as the Figure 8 of the Earth wobble tilts the N Pole first to the right during the India face and then to the left during the Italy face. In essence, this is a wobble induced Coriolis Effect.  This action can be seen along the West Coast of the Americas also, where seemingly endless rains are hitting the West Coast of the US, where such storms usually hit Central America.  The northern latitudes have been brought south to where the moisture laden tropical air masses are landing.

This pumping action, producing a vertical jet stream over the US, was instrumental in turning the path of Hurricane Sandy into New Jersey recently, instead of allowing it to turn out to sea, the usual path of hurricanes along the East Coast of the US. Highly atypical hurricanes have likewise struck S America, rising up out of the S Atlantic, and ravaged the North Sea with a record number of storms.  All this within the past few years, and all due to the Earth wobble. Where is this leading? We have stated that as the 8 of 10 scenarios unfold, that there will be coastlines that are essentially uninhabitable, where crops are grown and harvested but humans cannot safely take residence. We have stated that the seasons will seem to blend into one another, no longer even distinguishable. Such times are coming."

ZetaTalk Chat Q&A: December 8, 2012

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Comment by Howard on December 10, 2012 at 2:52am

Hundreds of Fishermen Missing at Sea in the Wake of Typhoon Bopha (Dec 9) -

The number of people missing after a typhoon devastated the Philippines jumped to nearly 900 after families and fishing companies reported losing contact with more than 300 fishermen at sea.

Bopha was dissipating finally in the South China Sea after briefly veering back toward the country’s northwest on Saturday, prompting worries of more devastation.

Nearly 400,000 people, mostly from Compostela Valley and nearby Davao Oriental province, have lost their homes and are crowded inside evacuation centers or staying with relatives.

The typhoon destroyed about 18 percent of the banana plantations in Mindanao, causing losses estimated at 12 billion pesos ($300 million), according to Stephen Antig, executive director of the Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association.

The Philippines is the world’s third-largest banana producer and exporter, supplying international brands such as Dole, Chiquita and Del Monte.


Comment by Howard on December 8, 2012 at 10:59pm

Typhoon Bopha Threatens Philippines Again (Dec 8) -

A typhoon that killed nearly 600 people and left hundreds more missing in the southern Philippines has made a U-turn and is now threatening the country's northwest, officials said Saturday.


Comment by J Ph on December 5, 2012 at 1:00pm

DAVAO CITY—For the first time, people in the coastal towns of Davao Oriental saw for themselves what a typhoon was like.

Mindanao’s location near the equator makes it less likely to be hit by typhoons, according to experts. That was when global warming had not ushered in stronger typhoons in the country over the past few years and somehow pushed down the paths of certain storms down to the Visayas and Mindanao.

“This is the first time we experienced anything like this,” said Flordeliz Bantolinao, a teacher at Baculin National High School in Baganga, Davao Oriental, where Typhoon “Pablo” made its landfall.

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