Stretch Zone: Cracks Appear in Ice on World's Largest Lake

A photographer has captured spectacular cracks hundreds of yards long in the ice of the world's largest freshwater lake.

The stunning pictures of Lake Baikal in Siberia were taken by Alexey Trofimov, who described what he saw as 'magical' and 'supernatural'.

The 44-year-old from Bratsk in Russia stayed in a cabin on Olkhon Island- the fourth-largest lake-bound island in the world - while on his trip.

Baikal is the largest freshwater lake in the world by volume and is also said to be the world's oldest and deepest.

Mr Trofimov said: 'Lake Baikal has magical properties. When I saw these cracks I absolutely fell in love with them and will never forget them.

'Cracks such as these don't seem real and seeing it was like seeing something supernatural.'

'Ice has the capability to rapidly change depending on what temperature it is. When it is heated it is compressed, when it is cold it is expanding - that's how the cracks form.'

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