Southern Pakistan Sinking: 14% of Max Flood are still inundated; as of 1st January 2012

* Max Flood Extent against 1st January 2012 - Southern Pakistan [ReliefWeb: 10 Jan 2012]


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See also the following blog in ECPS about Pakistan sinking;

January, 2012:

* Pakistan Sinking: 14 per cent of flood-affected areas are still und... [2012-01-10]

December, 2011:

* Pakistan: Moving Through Floodwaters in Sindh [2011-12-23]

November, 2011:

* Aerial video of flood in Australia! / Pakistan, Sindh - media repor... [2011-11-28]

* Pakistan Sinking: Slow response to Pakistan floods could cost more ... [2011-11-25]

* Pakistan Sinking: Floodwaters and hunger turn Badin's farmers into ... [2011-11-23]

* Pakistan Sinking: Sindh province's 22 districts still remain under ... [2011-11-10]

* Pakistan sea intrusion has already swallowed 2.2 million acres; Flo... [2011-11-06]

* Pakistan Sinking: 60% of Badin is completely submerged while about ... [2011-11-06]

October, 2011:

* Pakistan Sinking: I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw gallons of ... [2011-10-18]

* Pakistan, Sindh flood are neck-deep in water; Bangladesh, Khulna- S... [2011-10-16]

* Sunda Plate- Philippines/Viet Nam/Cambodia/Thailand/Pakistan [2011-10-09]

September, 2011:

* Cambodia floods affect 90000 families/Pakistan's floods leave milli... [2011-09-30]

* 7 of 10 Sinking 26 - 29 Sept. Standing water in Pakistan , sea floo... [2011-09-29]

* Indo-Australian Tilt: India floods situation worsens in Orissa and ... [2011-09-26]

* Gilani urges media to portray severity of floods to world: Pakistan  [2011-09-25]

* Pakistan Sinking: We heard that the water rose up to nine feet !! [2011-09-23]

* Sinking in Southern Pakistan [2011-09-22]

* Floods Chaos Worsens in Pakistan and India. [2011-09-20]

* 7 of 10 Floods as of 18 Aug, Pakistan Thousands of villagers are st... [2011-09-19]

* Pakistan: Korangi Nullah was also flooded by seawater as there was ... [2011-09-15]

* Pakistan Deluge [2011-09-10]

* Pakistan Sinking: The worst affected area is Sindh in the south of ... [2011-09-08]

* Pakistan Sinking: 8 million affected by floods in Pakistan [2011-09-05]

August, 2011:

* Spare a Moment for 1.2 Million Flood Affectees in Pakistan [2011-08-20]

* Pakistan: Pakistan floods leave 60000 homeless/Floods Hit Southern ... [2011-08-18]

* Pakistan: Badin Sinking. [2011-08-16]

* Serious flooding in Cambodia and Pakistan. [2011-08-14]

* Pakistan: flooding kills 21 in Sindh [2011-08-13]

July, 2011:

* Pakistan Sinking. [2011-07-27]

* Pakistan: nine people, dead in Rawalpindi due floods / "level of wa... [2011-07-26]

* Pakistan Sinking: Villages in Sindh, Punjab and Azad Kashmir alread... [2011-07-15]

* Pakistan: As the Tidal Link grows, so do Sindh's troubles [2011-07-02]

June, 2011:

* Pakistan Sinking: Leaving one-fifth of the country — an area the si... [2011-06-23]

May, 2011:

* 1000 feared killed in cyclone, East Pakistan on May 9 [2011-05-22]

April, 2011:

* Pakistan Sinking: Pakistani floods ignored by Western media-southea... [2011-04-11]

* Pakistan Sinking: Tough road to post-flood recovery in Pakistan [2011-04-09]

March, 2011:

* Pakistan: Village sinks as landslide blocks stream in Chitral [2011-03-30]

February, 2011:

* Pakistan flood - Rann of Kutch [2011-02-03]

* Proof of Flood Waters Not Draining in Pakistan [2011-02-02]

January, 2011:

* Pakistan Sinking: In Sindh province, where some villages are still ... [2011-01-31]

December, 2010:

* Southern Pakistan is sinking [2010-12-17]

November, 2010:

* Large expanses of Pakistan's southern province of Sindh remained in... [2010-11-16]

* Pakistan-Still underwater [2010-11-11]

October, 2010:

* Flooding in Pakistan(Pakistan is sinking) [2010-10-21]

September, 2010:

* Pakistan is sinking [2010-09-28]

* Pakistan flooding crisis: Not over yet [2010-09-20]

* Pakistan Floods [2010-09-05]

August, 2010:

* Disastrous Flood in Pakistan - dropping of the Indo-Australian plate? [2010-08-29]

* Fresh Pakistan floods displace 1 million more people [2010-08-27]

* UN Humanitarian Official on Global Effort to Aid Pakistan Flood Vic... [2010-08-12]

* PAKISTAN - a trial run for future disaster scenarios [2010-08-19]

* Floods affect 20m people - Pakistan PM Gilani [2010-08-14]

* Pakistan floods worse than 2004 tsunami [2010-08-10]

* Pakistan Floods, 12 million affected by floods [2010-08-07]

* Flooding in Pakistan kills at least 1500 and affecting four million... [2010-08-05]

* Floodwaters surge into Pakistan's heartland [2010-08-04]

* Pakistan Flood Of The Century [2010-08-03]

July, 2010:

* Update: More than 800 dead in Pakistan floods [2010-07-31]

* Catastrophic - 29/07/2010 Flash Flood FF-20100729-27195-PAK Pakista... [2010-07-31]

* Officials: Floods kill at least 267 in Pakistan [2010-07-30]

* Rains, Floods Kill 50 people, 70 missing in Pakistan [2010-07-23]

* Millions of SeaShells appearing on Pakistani Beaches [2010-07-18]


See also the following in; 

** India 7 of 10 Tilt **

Though the Indo-Australian Plate is sometimes referred to as two separate plates, this plate operates as one and will continue to do so. Where Indonesia at the southern edge will lose approximately 80 feet in elevation, the curve of the Indo-Australian Plate nestling this southern edge of the tongue will not gain that much in elevation. Bangladesh will find some of its recently submerged islands suddenly reappearing, and the tides will not roll inland as far as formerly. Overall, perhaps a 15 foot gain in elevation, though this is short term as the continent of India will continue to submerge as time marches on toward the pole shift. What occurs in the pushing down of the tongue holding Indonesia is a drama occurring under the water, in the main.

One can see from elevation or relief maps that the submerged land to the south of Sumatra and Java are not under deep, but under relatively shallow water. We have described Sumatra and Java as land formed by the scraping of the tongue holding Indonesia, and pushed back along the tongue holding Indonesia by the edge of the Indo-Australian Plate. This will again occur, but as the tongue overall is pushed down, the scrapings will not produce new mountain ranges above the waves but only jumble under the waves. The western edge of India, where the Indus River region in Pakistan is sinking, will likewise not experience that much loss of elevation, commensurate with the eastern edge of India, perhaps a 10 foot drop. What is occurring in India is not where the 7 of 10 action will be focused, at least not in the public eye.

We have predicted that the western edge of India will only lose 10 feet of elevation during the 7 of 10, and given the degree of flooding that Pakistan is already experiencing, Karachi has already experienced some of this elevation loss. The flooding in Pakistan, however, is afflicting the Indus River valley to the east of Karachi at this time, on that portion of Pakistan lying on the plate holding India. When the tongue holding Indonesia drops, Karachi will experience great quakes and crumbling, but overall this city will not sink.

(See also; Karachi)


** Troubled Times: Pakistan **


** Troubled Times: Pakistan Sinking **


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 275; 2012-01-08]

7 of 10 Year in Review

7 of 10 Scenario 1, the tilting of India to put the Indus Valley in Pakistan at a 10 foot elevation loss occurred the latter half of 2010, as was acknowledged by NASA by the end of 2010. 

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 268; 2011-11-20]

Pakistan Then and Now

The Zetas warned in September, 2010 that Pakistan, on the India side of the Indus River in particular, would experience a loss of 10 feet in elevation as a result of the 7 of 10 plate movements. Scenario #1 of the 7 of 10 movements is a tilting of the plate holding India, so that the Sunda Plate can slip under the curve below Sumatra and Java.

ZetaTalk Warning 9/4/2010

By October, 2010 horrific flooding in Pakistan had begun, getting international attention, but claimed, as usual, only due to rain. As noted in Issue 217 of this newsletter it was finally admitted that the water was not draining, had not for months. Earth Observatory, a NASA function, admitted that by comparing images from the year before, Pakistan's elevation has sunk. Period. The Zetas state this drop would be 10 feet, and this 10 foot drop was apparent. Where are we a year later? Comparing apples to apples, the chart from October 2010 and a new chart from October 2011 show that the lingering floods have gotten worse, not better.


* ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for November 5, 2011

As the continent of India is pushed steadily down and under the Himalayas, lands in Pakistan that lie on the Indo-Australian Plate will participate. The plate border as it transverses Pakistan reflects this, with the Indus Valley on the Indo-Australian Plate being lowland, and the highlands to the west on the Eurasian Plate. Lahore and eastern Pakistan can thus expect to steadily sink up until the time of the Pole Shift, when it will share the dive that India itself will experience.


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 262; 2011-10-09]

Asia Drowning

The sinking on the Sunda Plate has increased. A new UN report specifically focusing on southeast Asia stresses disasters in the countries the Zetas stated would be experiencing sinking as the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia is pushed down. Pakistan's sinking was the first stage of the 7 of 10 scenarios, where India tilted causing the Indus Valley to lose 10 feet in elevation, the Zeta prediction in 2009. Pakistan has not and will not recover this elevation, which is continuously called a "flood" in the media as the word "sinking" is not allowed. Bangladesh and parts of India are continuously losing elevation as India is being shoved under the Himalayas, the Indo-Australian Plate tipping up at the New Zealand edge. Due to the accordion folding sideways of the Sunda Plate, Part of Thailand and Cambodia have been driven down, so that horrific flooding has occurred in almost every province of Thailand.


* ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for September 17, 2011

Although we have sequenced the 7 of 10 scenarios, there is great interplay between the scenarios. What has occurred to date is that India tilted sideways so that its western border lost 10 feet in elevation along the Indus River valley. This occurred first, in the Fall of 2010, and was followed promptly on December 23, 2011 by the start of the sinking of the Sunda Plate holding Indonesia. The third scenario was the folding of the Philippine and Marian plates, which was evident by February 16, 2011 from heaping water recorded by buoys in the area. India meanwhile continued its dive under the Himalayas, so that Pakistan and Bangladesh are now being inundated with sea water, and the eastern coast of Australia and New Zealand has frequently shown evidence of lifting, with rivers backwashing inland. India's dive will continue apace, throughout, and is not a 7 of 10 scenarios, per se. 


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 254; 2011-08-14]

India to Puero Rico

Poor India is destined to be pushed down under the waves, under the towering Himalayas, during the hour of the pole shift. But this is also a steady occurrence as we approach the pole shift, an issue last addressed in Issue 234 of this newsletter on March 27, 2011. Evidence of this sinking is apparent on both sides of India, recently, from Bangladesh to the Indus Valley of Pakistan. The coastlines are being inundated by seawater on either side of India, where the plate boundary lies. This is not erosion. This is sinking.


* Zetatalk Newsletter [Issue 250; 2011-07-17]

7 of 10 Creep

Where the 7 of 10 scenarios appear to be unfolding slowly, per the Zetas there are reasons for the delay. But this does not mean the overall schedule will be delayed. Where the scenarios started on time, the [1] tilting of India for a 10 foot drop in elevation in Pakistan in the latter half of 2010 and the [2] sinking of the Sunda Plate by December 23, 2010, plate undulation set in to cause a delay. Heaping water throughout the Pacific was evidence that [3] the folding of the Philippine and Mariana plates had started, and certainly [4] the S American roll had begun. But recently there was evidence that Luzon Island in the Philippines had not sunk, though being on that part of the Philippine Plate that was to plunge during the fold, it should be going under. What is going on? The Zetas explain why the 7 of 10 scenarios have been delayed, temporarily. 

ZetaTalk Explanation 7/9/2011


* ZetaTalk Newsletter, Issue [Issue 217; 2010-12-26]

Pakistan Admitted

The flood waters that beset Pakistan in July, 2010 have not receded completely, and there is at last an admission that they are not going to recede. In other words, Pakistan, on the western border of the plate holding India, has sunk, just as the Zetas predicted. 

ZetaTalk Explanation 4/17/2010

ZetaTalk Prediction 10/16/2010

This issue was presented in this newsletter on Issue 201 on September 5, 2010 when the flood waters were slow to recede. And in Issue 212 on November 21, 2010 when they were shown to be lingering even months after the July floods. But now, there can be no denying the situation. Earth Observatory, a NASA function, admits that by comparing images from the year before, Pakistan's elevation has sunk. Period. The Zetas state this drop would be 10 feet, and this 10 foot drop is apparent.

We are aware that Pakistan has lost elevation, and Thailand at Bangkok likewise cannot get their flood waters to drain, and Jakarta has been sinking, with land and road along their drainage canals collapsing. But Vietnam has also been experiencing sinking, as evidenced by an epidemic of sinkholes.


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 212; 2010-11-21]

Pakistan Elevation

Since the floods in Pakistan in July, 2010 we have been closely following its recovery, as noted in Issue 201 of this newsletter. Per the Zetas, during the 7 of 10 steps, India will tilt so that the western part of the plate holding India drops up to 10-12 feet, and the eastern part rises a commensurate degree. Has Pakistan lost that elevation? 

It is clear that this part of Pakistan will not be draining, as it has permanently lost elevation!

ZetaTalk Comment 9/4/2010


* India; Written November 20, 2010

Will Karachi sink during 7 of 10? Or will Karachi sink when we reach 7?

We have predicted that the western edge of India will only lose 10 feet or so of elevation during the 7 of 10, and given the degree of flooding that Pakistan is already experiencing, Karachi has already experienced some of this elevation loss. The flooding in Pakistan, however, is afflicting the Indus River valley to the east of Karachi at this time, on that portion of Pakistan lying on the plate holding India. When the tongue holding Indonesia drops, Karachi will experience great quakes and crumbling, but overall this city will not yet sink.


* ZetaTalk: Detailed Information; Written September 9, 2010; Written November 20, 2010

Now Pakistan is sinking and not draining its floods as it should, while Jakarta on the tongue of Indonesia is also sinking rapidly, showing that the tilt that will allow Indonesia to sink has already started. …

Just as in July, when Pakistan sank approximately 10 feet in elevation, indicating the plate holding India was tilting, this does not mean the big 7 of 10 prediction is occurring in Indonesia. …


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 208; 2010-10-24]

7 of 10 Drum Roll

The Zetas have predicted that the 7 of 10 scenarios will start by the end of 2010, with at least one of them, and possibly more, playing out by that date. They have also given the sinking of the tongue holding Indonesia as the first scenario, accompanied by a slight tilting of the Indo-Australian Plate, which they describe as the brake point during global plate movements. When the Indo-Australian Plate moves, it allows other plates to likewise move, in a domino fashio. So what are the signs that this part of the globe is about to have plate movement? First, the already volcanically active Indonesia region has become more active.

Second, more signs that the ground under Java is shifting. Not just sinking, as noted earlier in Issue 204 of this newsletter, but shifting so that the tracks and controls along rail lines are affected. Within an hour of each other, two trains wrecks occurred in Java. As someone noted, this could not be merely a coincidence.

One of the train wrecks was in Jakarta, and the other in Solo, nearby. 

Meanwhile, the plate holding India and Australia continues to tilt. The flooding in Pakistan, along the Indus River (which is the western edge of the plate) is not draining, as noted in Issue 201 of this newsletter. Now two months after the flooding, this is still the case! As the Zetas state, the Indus River valley has lost elevation. 

Per Earth Observatory photos, an inland lake developed just west of the Indus River. The cover-up excuse for this appearance of a huge inland lake is that "apparently" the Indus River waters had become trapped behind levees at the Mancchar Lake. But on September 20, 2010 this lake at the end of the supposedly trapped waters was expected to be drained of floodwaters in 35 days, by October 25. Yet no draining has occurred, but instead the flooding in Manchhar Lake has increased! The land there has been dropping in elevation.

There are more signs that the plate housing India is on the move. Above the Indus River valley, up where the plate housing India abuts the Himalayas, the village of Jalandhar began shaking and did not stop shaking for two weeks.

The shaking was reported on October 6, and the October 7 IRIS chart indeed shows this area getting significant quakes. 

Moving east along the upper border of the plate housing India, we find the village of Mamit sinking 20 feet, requiring most the village to be evacuated. 

The entire Indo-Australia Plate seems to be loosened up and on the move. By October 18, 2010 the entire eastern half of the Indo-Australian Plate was outlined with quakes on IRIS. Clearly, the brake point is giving, and the plate is on the move!


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 204; 2010-09-26]

Meanwhile, Pakistan is likewise dropping, the flood waters not draining as expected. This edge of the Indo-Australian Plate is dropping as the eastern edge curving along Sumatra tips up, thereby allowing the plate tongue holding Indonesia to plunge. These two incidents, the lowering elevation along the Indus River in Pakistan and the sinking in Jakarta, go hand in hand. 


* ZetaTalk Newsletter [Issue 201; 2010-09-05]

Pakistan Floods

A series of events seem to indicate that the predicted tilting of the Indo-Australia Plate has started. This was one of the precursor events allowing the tongue of the Eurasian Plate holding Indonesia to sink, as presented in holographic vision  received last November, 2009.

Per the Zetas, during the sinking of the tongue holding Indonesia, the Indo-Australia Plate must tilt.

ZetaTalk Explanation 4/17/2010

That said, what evidence is there that the tongue is starting to drop, or that the Indo-Australian Plate is starting to tilt? First, a series of very deep quakes at the tip of the tongue.

In step with the deep quake activity, a Sumatra volcano that had not erupted in 400 years became active. Sumatra is on the edge of the tongue.

All this certainly indicates activity in deep rock at the end of the tongue, but what about the other side of the Indo-Australia Plate? Does all that flooding in Pakistan of late have something to do with a sinking edge? The Indus River is on the edge of the Indo-Australia Plate where it is being pushed under the Himalayas. Note the escalating concern as the magnitude of the flooding surpasses expectations.

There is no question that Pakistan had heavy rain, but is all the flooding due to rain, or is part of the problem a drop in sea level. Per the Zetas, the Indo-Australian Plate has started to tilt!

ZetaTalk Explanation 9/4/2010

Of course, the clams offshore from Karachi knew something was up when they started trying to leave their home and climbing up the beach last July! And on the other side of the Indo-Australian Plate, mollusks were reacting in a similar manner. 

ZetaTalk Answer 7/24/2010


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Comment by KM on January 12, 2012 at 4:06pm

Thank you Kojima, for the overview of the sinking in Pakistan!

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