ZetaTalk Newsletter as of July 14, 2024

Draft Newsletter for Sunday July 14, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)

Lawfare Loses

The Biden Administration has been attacking President Trump with trivial court cases which they know will ultimately be reversed or dismissed, in order to be able to make the claim that he is a “convicted felon” during the crucial months before the Republican Convention and the election in the Fall of 2024. This is called Lawfare, using the courts rather than using weapons in Warfare. SCOTUS addressed a slew of these issues before their Summer recess. SCOTUS found that the January 6 case was illegal because the wrong statute was claimed. And the January 6 and the Mar-a-Lago records cases both had Jack Smith as the prosecutor though he was not legally empowered to prosecute.

Supreme Court throws out Obstruction Charges Lodged against Hundreds of Jan. 6 Rioters
June 28, 2024

In a 6-3 decision, the court's conservative majority said the rioters may not be prosecuted under a financial recordkeeping law that criminalized destroying evidence and obstructing an official proceeding. Friday's ruling may also undercut the indictment of former President Trump for his role in the Jan. 6 mob attack. Two of the four charges lodged against him are based on the antiobstruction provision. Special counsel Jack Smith said these charges should remain valid because Trump and his allies conspired to send a false slate of electors to Congress.
Jack Smith's Future in Jeopardy
July 2, 2024

The judge in Donald Trump's classified documents case may declare that prosecutor Jack Smith's appointment is invalid, a legal journalist has said. It comes after Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas strongly suggested that Smith had no right to prosecute Trump. The Supreme Court found that Donald Trump is partially immune from prosecution for actions taken while he was in the White House. Trump's lawyers argued that the constitution has strict perimeters that would disallow the appointment of special counsel whose job was solely to prosecute Donald Trump. Trump is facing 40 federal charges in Cannon's court over his alleged handling of sensitive materials seized from his Mar-a-Lago estate in Palm Beach, Florida, after leaving the White House in January 2021. He is also accused of obstructing efforts by federal authorities to retrieve them. Separately, Smith is also prosecuting Trump in Washington, D.C., on four counts of allegedly working to overturn the results of the 2020 election in the run-up to the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

Then there is the Hush Money case, tried in New York. This was addressed by the SCOTUS ruling on Presidential Immunity. The business records recording payments to Stormy Daniels were created in 2017, when Trump was President. The checks were signed in 2017 when he was President. The payment was also made after the election. Having an affair is not a crime. Posting a payment to one’s lawyer as a “legal expense” is not a crime. Judge Merchan is now signaling that this case will be dismissed soon.

Judge Merchan Has Delayed Trump’s Sentencing in Manhattan ‘Hush Money’ Case
July 2, 2024

Judge Merchan has vacated the July 11, 2024 sentencing until September 18, 2024.
Trump's Sentencing in NY Hush-Money Case Delayed after SCOTUS Immunity Ruling
July 2, 2024

The Manhattan district attorney's office said it would not oppose former President Trump's request to file a motion arguing his conviction should be tossed after the Supreme Court ruling on presidential immunity. In a letter filed with the New York court, prosecutors with Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg's office said they would be open to a two-week delay in the July 11 sentencing in order to file a response to Trump's motions. The delay will push a sentencing decision past the Republican National Convention, which will kick off in Milwaukee on July 15.
Timeline: Manhattan DA's Stormy Daniels Hush Money Case against Donald Trump
July 2, 2024

Here is a timeline of the case, dating back to Trump's initial declaration as a candidate for president:
Oct. 26, 2016: Cohen (Lawyer A) then transfers $131,000 from his personal home equity line of credit into the account, according to court documents. Oct. 27, 2016: Cohen (Lawyer A) transfers $130,000 to a lawyer representing the second woman accusing Trump of having a sexual encounter with her while he was married to suppress her story, according to court documents. Nov. 8, 2016: Trump wins the presidential election. January 2017: Trump arranges to reimburse Cohen (Lawyer A) for the payoff he made on his behalf shortly after being elected president, according to the statement of facts.

The current 2024 Hush Money case should also fail under double indemnity, as these issues were addressed in 2018. In the 2018 case the jury determined that Stormy owed President Trump $300,000 in damages, a sum she has never paid.

Stormy Daniels must Pay $300k to Donald Trump after Losing Defamation Case Appeal
March 22, 2022

Adult film star Stormy Daniels has lost her appeal in her failed defamation suit against Donald Trump — leaving her owing almost $300,000 in legal fees to the former president.

Assange Freed

Julian Assange is a free man after striking a plea deal with the United States Justice Department. Assange pled guilty to one charge of violating the Espionage Act and was sentenced to 62 months of time already served in Belmarsh prison in Britain. He has since returned home to his native Australia. Why now? The Zetas suggest that Assange may play a role in the Nibiru announcement.

WikiLeaks' Assange Set to be Freed after US Espionage charge Plea Deal
June 26, 2024

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is due to plead guilty on Wednesday to violating U.S. espionage law, in a deal that will set him free after a 14-year British legal odyssey and allow his return home to Australia. Assange, 52, has agreed to plead guilty to a single criminal count of conspiring to obtain and disclose classified U.S. national defence documents, according to filings in the U.S. District Court for the Northern Mariana Islands. The deal marks the end of a legal saga that has seen Assange spend more than five years in a British high-security jail and seven holed up in the Ecuadorean embassy in London as he fought accusations of sex crimes in Sweden and battled extradition to the U.S., where he faced 18 criminal charges. The U.S. government viewed him as a reckless villain who had endangered the lives of agents through WikiLeaks' mass release of secret U.S. documents - the largest security breaches of their kind in U.S. military history.
WikiLeaks founder Assange Welcomed Home in Australia a Free Man after US Deal
June 27, 2024

Assange has not spoken publicly since being released and did not appear at a Wikileaks press conference at a hotel in Canberra, where Stella Assange said it was too soon to say what her husband would do next. She added she believed her husband would one day be pardoned.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/1/2024: As we stated in 2019 the Assange in prison and even the Assange in the Ecuador Embassy were Doubles, for his safety. The real Assange had been rescued by the Trump administration. Why has Assange suddenly been released on a plea deal? The public is to assume that the information Assange could release to the public is no longer pertinent, had aged, so the DNC would not be damaged. But the real reason is that Assange could trigger discussion about Nibiru and even the accuracy of ZetaTalk in this regard.  He is a truth bomb waiting to explode.

The Assange arrest in London in 2019 was only an arrest of a Double. The supposed Assange in Belmash prison was also this Double, not the real Assange who was rescued by Trump and taken into protective custody.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2019: This is the real Assange being hauled out of the Ecuadoran Embassy, but “arrest” is not the right term to use. This whole drama has been pre-arranged with all the parties, as during the prosecution of the Cabal and Deep State by Trump’s Junta in the US his testimony is key. He is being delivered to friendly hands in the US, and will be well protected until he gets there. Why did Ecuador suddenly become exasperated with Assange? We mentioned in 2016 that Assange had escaped the Embassy, but he returned.

Assange can rest assured he will be pardoned for any supposed espionage. Just as Russian collusion and interference with the 2016 election was thrown like dirt at Trump, it was thrown at Assange. He received his leaked emails from Seth Rich, who was murdered by Hillary and the DNC for this. The timing of the Assange “arrest” allows his testimony in a timely manner just when AG Barr and Huber are preparing to unleash the FISA abuses and other treasonous acts. This Assange “arrest” and AG Barr’s testimony this week are but the opening scenes of a long awaited drama.

Peru Mummy DNA

In 2017 the Zetas commented on the Nazca Mummies, stating they were real and partially reptilian.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 2017: This intact mummy, found in the dry caves of Peru, is genuine and almost 100% alien in its DNA. Affection developed in the past between the visitors and humans, so an occasional hybrid survived to pass along some human DNA. But the obvious characteristics of an alien body – 3 long fingers, long arms, long toes, lack of external ears, and large eyes – are definitive. Such discoveries, on the increase over the past few years, are the result of a guided search, where contactees are guided to the location. The Awakening to the alien presence is being expedited.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 2017: Were the Peru mummies partially reptilian? They were indeed, and as implied by anatomical analysis the reptile was a snake. The jaw reveals it could not chew, and snakes swallow their prey whole. The rib cage went down the trunk from top to bottom as occurs in snakes. These mummies likewise laid eggs, as reptiles do in the main. As we stated at the start of the ZetaTalk saga, the spiritual orientation of the entity is not determined by the species. Reptilian planets produce the same proportion of Service-to-Others to Service-to-Self souls as mammalian planets. The Nazca mummies were preserved by a silicon powder so that they would be discovered and make this point during the Awakening.

Now additional Peru Mummies have been discovered and new DNA analysis has been done. Why isn’t this in the media, worldwide? Is this due to a coverup imposed by the then President in the US after the Roswell crash? The Zetas explain.

Mummies of Nasca
The countless examinations carried out on the entities by a host of international specialists, the x-rays, HD scanners, DNA and Carbon 14 analyses, carried out in around ten countries around the world, show in fact that it is indeed a entities that lived on Earth at a remote time in human history. And despite criticism and attacks from skeptics, no indication of fraud has yet been established.
DNA Proves They are Real and Co-Existed with Humans, Claims Investigator
26 Apr 2024

The 'Nazca alien mummies' are real and DNA evidence proves they co-existed with humans, an investigator has claimed. Jois Mantilla, who worked closely with the mummies to identify their origins, believes he's made a breakthrough DNA discovery that could "change the course of history" and is more important than the moon landing. Jois, along with his colleague Jaime Maussan, has been leading an investigation into the "mummified aliens". He exclusively told The Sun details of his most "profound" and chilling find yet. He claims that one of the most recent mummies found "Montserrat" has a three-fingered "tridactyl" foetus inside her. He claims that this disproves the notion that the bodies are dolls as he says it would be impossible for sculptures to make them appear pregnant. He also says the mummies have a bizarre DNA makeup that could not be created by modern-day technology.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 6/27/2024: The Peru mummies are once again in the press, but hardly given the media attention they deserve after extensive DNA tests. Why is this not headline news? Man is not alone; DNA tests prove ET is real. The reluctance to disclose the truth about the Peru Mummies is due to an Executive Order written after the Roswell crash, stating it was a matter of National Security to maintain a coverup over the alien presence. The establishment fears panic in the people, especially since they could not duplicate the antigravity ability of UFOs nor their speed. This made mankind look impotent and incompetent. To date, that EO has not been reversed.

Atlantic Sloshing

New York City is reporting their sewage system cannot handle the rain, which is causing an overflow of their normal sewage system. They warn that Boston and Philadelphia are likewise in this fix. They use an old system whereby both rain and sewage use the same pipes, which then go into the treatment plant before being released. But this same system is used extensively in the eastern US. Why aren’t more cities complaining? The Zetas explain.

Major US Cities Including NYC, Boston and Philadelphia could be Inundated' by Floods of Raw Sewage
July 3, 2024

Scientists determined that the mid-1850s pipe networks, coupled with rising sea levels and increased rainfall are enough to overload the systems and send wastewater flowing through the streets. The pipes originally discharged into streams and rivers before being redirected toward wastewater treatment facilities that cut through cities. The team created climate models to simulate future flooding and Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs), which is when systems collect rainwater runoff, sewage and industrial waste into one pipe, by 2100. Sea levels will rise by nearly six feet by the end of the century, leading sewage flooding to increase by between 21 and 66 percent.

Combined Sewer Overflows (CSOs)
A combined sewer system collects rainwater runoff, domestic sewage, and industrial wastewater into one pipe. Normally, it can transport all of the wastewater to a treatment plant. Sometimes the amount of runoff exceeds the capacity of the system. When that happens, untreated stormwater and wastewater flows into nearby waterbodies.

ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/4/2024: Why would New York City and its sister cities along the Atlantic suddenly find their sewers cannot handle the rain? Why are the only cities suddenly in a crisis those that abut the Atlantic Ocean? This is not due to an increase in rainfall, but to sloshing in the Atlantic causing a backwash. Old style sewage systems allowed excessive rainfall to combine with raw sewage heading for the treatment plant. Thus the backwash from the Atlantic is pushing sewage into these cities. The Gulf Stream has been diverted during the New Madrid Adjustment, so that the stream is often pushing Atlantic water back onto the coastline.

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