Draft ZetaTalk Newsletter for Sunday July 21, 2024. Newsletters can be found in the Archives by Friday, also. (http://www.zetatalk.com/newsletr/index.htm)
Slowing Rotation
Early in the ZetaTalk saga the Zetas described how the Earth will gradually slow in its rotation as Nibiru approaches, and even halt for 5.9 days during the Last Weeks before the passage of Nibiru. The Last Weeks also includes 18 days of slowing rotation.
ZetaTalk Prediction 8/14/2020: Then the Earth begins her rotation slowdown. It is during this time that the Earth is drawn toward Planet X, so that Planet X quickly increases in size in the skies and is the writhing monster of legend. Slowing rotation is not a linear matter, but exponential as the Earth is pulled closer to Planet X. The Earth moans, groans, and complains as the core pulls at the crust but the crust is gripped, increasingly, and held by Planet X. The slowing is a lurching matter too, as when the Atlantic Rift is exposed, the grip slows the rotation, but when hidden, rotation tries to return. All this causes earthquakes and stretch zone accidents. Emergency management teams are beyond exhaustion, government services are in disarray, and travel has become almost impossible.
But slight slowing of rotation is palpable now with the insertion of leap seconds, and has been the subject of speculation in the media even though the Nibiru coverup remains firmly in place. Nibiru has a retrograde orbit around the Sun, and a retrograde rotation, all of which puts it in direct conflict with the Earth and the rest of the planets in the Solar System. Thus Nibiru is the missing piece in these discussions.
Does the Nibiru coverup plan to march all the way to the Last Weeks while struggling to explain why the Core is gradually slowing in its rotation? As of July 5, 2024, that was the case.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/4/2024: Under the influence of Nibiru, the Earth has been gradually slowing in rotation. These reports began appearing after 1983, when Nibiru was confirmed in its approach by JPL's Infrared probe. This slowing is caused by the bully magnet Nibiru pushing and pulling on the Earth's core, which is the magnetic driver for Earth's rotation. As we have regularly pointed out, mankind does not understand the dynamics involved.
The Nibiru coverup is in a panic about any signs of slowing that the public might actually notice, and has as recently as this past January, 2024 published a catastrophic description of a slowdown - a day or night lasting 6 months. Such fear tactics are inappropriate as every passage of Nibiru includes a temporary slowing. Now we have details on how mankind's scientists are tracking the gradual slowing, yet they admit they don't know what causes the slowing. Until Nibiru is openly admitted, such descriptions will continue to be fear inducing.
8 of 10 Arrives
In 2008 the Zetas were asked what to expect as the Earth approaches their predicted Pole Shift. They laid out 10 phases, stating that in 2008 the Earth was in the 2 of 10 stage. The 7 of 10 phase involved Plate Movements, and will complete when the New Madrid and Africa Roll complete. 8 of 10 was described as primarily sociological, but included a blending of the Seasons such as was recorded during the last passage during the reign of Emperor Jie of Xia c.1600 BC. The 9 of 10 stage encompasses the Last Weeks.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2011: We have stated that a blending of the seasons will be a factor, to the extent that the weather would jump from mid-summer to mid-winter within a day or so. We are not there as yet.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: The blending of the seasons will be a phenomena that will occur during the 8 of 10 scenarios, in the time prior to the last weeks.
The sociological turmoil during the 8 of 10 phase will be aggravated by continuous Plate Movements, driving migration and political turmoil. We can certainly see this emerging in Europe during the recent elections in the UK and France.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/9/2024: Politics in Europe is reflecting the many issues voters are concerned about. Their world is rapidly changing. Migrants have poured into Europe, and come with their own agendas. The economy is not doing well, so whatever promises politicians have made are being challenged. The US Dollar is no longer the world's currency, and thus Israel, the head of the WEF banking system, is in decline. Israel has reacted by becoming aggressive against the Palestinians. The Ukraine had been a hotbed of criminal activity since stolen by a 2014 coup, so the sudden loss of access to money laundering and Adrenochrome and transplant organs is a shock.
In 2010 we described the 8 of 10 phase as presenting a blending of the seasons caused by a more severe wobble, more visibility of the Nibiru complex, continuous Plate Movement in some places with a Continental Drift in both S America and Africa, political upheaval with broken treaties and survival camps spontaneously forming. Where we are still in the 7 of 10 Plate Movement phase, there is an overlap. The 8 of 10 is in process. This is Zetas RIGHT Again.
The 8 of 10 phase includes increased visibility of Nibiru, and this is certainly occurring at the present time from Thailand to Italy to the skies over Idaho. How to explain Nibiru when it becomes broadly obvious that it is looming in the skies overhead? The Zetas have said for years that when the time comes, the issue will be thrown in our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 5/31/2024: As noted by many the naked eye visibility of Nibiru has increased over the past few weeks, as has the evidence of Red Dust and Petrol in the skies. This visibility has overtaken the Chemtrail fogging that is intended to blind the common man. All of the frantic attempts by the Nibiru coverup to explain this massive planet in view fail. What now? Since NASA has no explanation that the public would accept, they will fall silent. Russia is prepared to explain and will thus retain the respect it deserves, as will the astronomers in the Prongs group.
It will be the Internet that will spread awareness of Nibiru, until a threshold is reached wherein the public is connecting the dots, seeing connections to the erratic and fierce weather and the increase in Earthquakes and disasters such as landslides and bridge failures. Meanwhile, due to the popularity of ZetaTalk worldwide, the need to protect Nancy's home from those seeking answers will become an imperative. The Junta is prepared to do this.
We have said for years that when this time comes - the public demanding an explanation - that this question will be thrown into our laps for Nancy and the Zetas to explain. Special broadcasts have been prepared explaining the periodic Nibiru passage and its effect on the Earth. Martial law will have by that time been invoked so that new rules will be in effect. Growing and distributing food will be a priority, as will medical care and essential workers going to and from their jobs.
Changing times calls for changing leadership. Natural Leaders will emerge. If people have to declare bankruptcy and leave their coastal homes, what will emerge? The Great Depression in the US held many lessons on how the poor and homeless can survive and by helping each other, overcome.
ZetaTalk Prediction 2010: Those who have survived the 7 of 10 or 8 of 10 cataclysms will sort out into camps, as we have described, of those determined to survive and taking action, and those preferring denial. Deals or agreements made before the major Earth changes, what we have described as the 7 of 10 or 8 of 10 stages, will certainly be broken. All treaties are, eventually.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/9/2024: In describing the 8 of 10 stage in 2010 we cited increased visibility of the Nibiru complex and political instability - both of which are present at the current time. What might an awareness of Nibiru nearby add to the political instability? We have stated that mankind will likely react with stunned shock, going through their daily lives as though nothing had changed. Nibiru is clearly visible to the naked eye, and more so in enhanced photos, yet the media is ignoring this interloper as though it were a mistake.
We have stated that a threshold will be reached wherein the public will connect the dots and demand an explanation from their establishment. We have described this moment as a time when doors will be slammed and those in the establishment who have been lying to the public will be absent and go into hiding. Scapegoats will be thrown to the angry public. Russia and China are prepared to give an honest explanation to their people, but in countries who have not taken steps to establish safe locations, the politicians and leaders may be under attack. It is when such attacks or riots occur that Martial Law will be invoked.
Increasingly the public will find their own solutions, forming spontaneous Survival Groups under natural leaders who will emerge. Concerned with the welfare of others, and able to speak to the heart of their anxious neighbors, they will quickly formulate plans as to how to proceed. These natural leaders have been there all along, but not given to aggrandizing or enriching themselves have been overlooked. Yet they have the respect of their family and friends and neighbors, and will be sought out for their wisdom.
Fault Line Storms
Hurricane Beryl is taking a path that runs up along the New Madrid Fault Line, all the way to Chicago and the Seaway. This was predicted by the Ventusky maps a week before Beryl landed in Texas, but not by the regular weatherman. How can this be? The Ventusky air pressure maps show where low air pressure areas are forming, rightly calling these areas a predictable Hurricane path. Why should the New Madrid Fault Line parallel the Beryl path? The Zetas explain.
ZetaTalk Confirmation 7/11/2024: Storm systems follow the New Madrid Fault Line due to the constant low air pressure the fault line presents. Land on either side of the fault line loses support, so droops, and this causes the air above the droop to drop as a void in that spot develops. The air at that spot thins out, thus has low pressure. Ventusky is analyzing a projected low air pressure path on July 3, and did so on June 20 for a path along the Seaway too. Traditional weather predictions do not take these low air pressure paths into consideration.
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