
An oil field exploded in Basra Iraq [Iraq Oil Report ; Published September 20, 2011]; Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


List of comment about gas explosion, in order of posted time; as of 2011-09-01


1) SOMERVILLE, Ohio, US; "Investigation continues in house collapse"

2) BAKERSFIELD, Calif. US; "Bakersfield resident hurt in natural gas explosion"

3) Pompton Lakes, NJ, US; "Update: Suspected gas explosion levels home in Pompton Lakes [raw video]"

4) Brantford, Ontario, Canada; "Natural gas explosion levelled Brantford house: fire marshal"

5) Warren, MI, US; "City of Warren Home Explosion Underscores Need for Natural Gas Safety"

6) Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK; "Dramatic footage shows huge gas explosion at Yorkshire home"

7) Warren Park, Harare, Zimbabwe; "2 seriously injured in Warren Park gas explosion"

8) Logan City, south of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia; "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house"

9) Herscher, IL, US; Douglasville, GA, US; "This Week In Natural Gas Leaks and Explosions – Aug. 22, 2011"

10) "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house" [See 8)]

11) Lakeview, MI, US; "Explosion inside Lakeview house causes fire, couple escapes with minor injuries"

12) Newborough, Victoria, Australia; "Gas blast destroys Newborough garage"

13) Cato, Montcalm, MI, US; "Couple escapes house explosion"

14) Glenrock, Converse, WY, US; "Oilfield explosion claims three"

15) St. Augustine, Fla, US; "Gas Station Explosion Site in St. Augustine now 'Stable'"



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

We'll be seeing an uptick in unusual home and business gas explosions and I'm trying to locate specific ZT on the matter.  Below is a refresher for the many gas related news articles.



Fault lines, when adjusting, do not just rip apart one day during a dramatic earthquake. They most often creep. Laying gas lines along or across a fault line is asking for an accident of this sort. Fault lines are also seldom so clearly delineated that one can go a mile in this or that direction and avoid their action. Where a slip-slide fault such as the San Andreas will often leave a clear line on the surface, this is only the surface action, not what occurs in the rock layers on either side which can fracture for a long way to either side during any movement. The gas company, or the age of the pipes, will be faulted but in truth the finger should be pointed in many directions. The public, who insist on living at such a scenic spot, is to blame. Officials, who zoned for housing are to blame. The public utility company, for allowing gas lines in the area, is to blame. But this will change nothing, while man continues to live on the San Andreas, even as it awakens. EOZT



The danger from radon gas will not be increased as a result of the pole shift. Radon gas is emitted by rock containing uranium, which is degrading. In normal circumstances, where air can circulate, it is disbursed rapidly as is any methane created by decay of organic material. The danger from these gasses comes from confinement - being trapped in a mine, a basement, or beneath the permafrost. The dangers are well known. For methane, it is explosions. An accumulation of methane gas can be identified by the smell of rotten eggs, or as some have described it, dirty socks or cabbage soup. For radon gas the danger is lung cancer, from the continual exposure to the radioactive air. Radon gas is odorless, and cannot be detected except by specialized equipment not in the hands of the average person.

In that the pole shift, or the Earth changes preceding the pole shift, can fracture rock and release pockets of either gas, survivors should be cautious about huddling in bunkers. You are safer out in the open air, or in a trench you have dug that will allow the pole shift winds to pass over you, but nothing to fall on and crush you. The fact that both methane gas and radon gas can accumulate in the bunkers of the elite is one of the reasons we have stated that they have dug their own graves. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


Anyone watching the news, for instance the news on the San Bruno explosion in a distribution line close to the San Andreas Fault line, knows that gas in any form is a danger. Oil and gas refineries explode when rigid piping cracks. Oil or gas wells explode when the ground around them moves. And the gas distribution lines running under cities are no exception. They likewise will explode. Gas lines, whether along the street or within a home, are rigid. In some cases automatic shutoff valves can limit the amount of gas available for an explosion by sensing a drop in pressure, but this is always after the fact. The explosion has already occurred. Utilizing gas on a planet prone to earthquakes was a mistake to begin with, but man never thinks of the consequences when striving for modern conveniences. We have advised turning off the gas at the street, though when the street explodes and your neighbor's homes are on fire you are not likely to escape the holocaust. A better alternative is to live in an area where gas is not available, as in your rural safe location where you will be doing a form of camping while gardening. A campfire at night, for cooking and washing and a bit of friendly light before bed. Nothing explosive. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

SOZT Answer: It is no accident that the New Madrid fault lies under the Mississippi River near Memphis, as rivers form in lowlands created when land pulls apart, separating the rock fingers and weakening support for the land. Thus, the Ohio River bed also is an indication of where rock fingers will pull apart. Two adjustments in Kentucky, a day apart, are not an accident, but an indication of the speed at which the stretch zone is starting to adjust. Rail lines are frequently an early harbinger of such adjustments, as they run long distances, whereas structures within cities, such as tall buildings, take up relatively little space and have a small footprint. Our warning that imploding cities will be experienced, before the hour of the shift, are in this regard. Be warmed, it will not just be your rail lines and gas and water mains that will shatter and be pulled apart during the stretch. The foundations of your tall buildings will likewise be vulnerable.EOZT



[Original post on January 20, 2011]

Original title: Gas explosion kills 1, injures 5 in Philadelphia




  • The explosion occurred in Philadelphia's Tacony neighborhood
  • The blast killed one utilities worker and injured five other people
  • Some of the injuries are serious

(CNN) -- A gas main explosion in Philadelphia Tuesday evening killed one utilities worker and injured five other people, a fire department official said.

Philadelphia Gas Works employees were responding to a gas main break in the city's Tacony neighborhood when the explosion occurred, fire department spokesman Jim Smith said.

"They were trying to control it and found a source of ignition," according to Smith, who said four PGW employees and a firefighter were among the injured. He said some of the gas workers' injuries were serious.



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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 24, 2011 at 12:13am

Crews still working on underground explosion in Ridgewood

Friday, September 23, 2011


RIDGEWOOD – An early morning underground explosion that partially blew a manhole cover at the corner of North Walnut Street and Franklin Avenue was still under repair on Friday with officials from Public Service Electric and Gas at the scene.

PSE&G workers remove the manhole cover where an explosion was reported at 905am at the intersection of Franklin Ave & N Walnut St in Ridgewood. Ridgewood police chief John Ward said there were sporadic reported outages around town.
PSE&G workers remove the manhole cover where an explosion was reported at 905am at the intersection of Franklin Ave & N Walnut St in Ridgewood. Ridgewood police chief John Ward said there were sporadic reported outages around town.

“Apparently there was enough force to rip up the manhole cover partially and leave it ajar,” said Ridgewood Police Chief John Ward from the scene of the 9:05 a.m. explosion. “Initial reports were some flames and smoke coming out of the manhole.”

Police and firefighters from the village responded to the area. There were also reports of sporadic power outages at the same time from Linwood and Van Dien avenues and the area of 1200 East Ridgewood Avenue.

Crews from PSE&G later arrived at the scene.

“We couldn’t definitely say if that was related, but it seems to be because (the call) came in at the same time,” Ward said.

The Valley Hospital had power, Ward said.

Utility crews were working Friday afternoon to check for any residual effects of the explosion and would work to drain water from the area, police said. There had been some unconfirmed reports of a light odor of natural gas and environmental officials were also at the scene — which is near a fuel station — early Friday afternoon.

“This looks like it was electrical related,” Ward said. “These manholes are basically sealed. If there is an explosion in there, there are large currents down there. It’s a confined space…any kind of electrical explosion ?  is going to push the manhole up.”


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 24, 2011 at 12:10am

Explosions prompt evacuations in Pompton Lakes

Friday, September 23, 2011


POMPTON LAKES - Three explosions and a fire in a garage at 55 Schuyler Ave. early on the morning of Friday, Sept. 23, resulted in evacuations on Schuyler and Jefferson avenues.

A passerby reported flames shooting as high as 10 feet as a result of the blaze that heavily damaged a garage detached from the Wagner residence at 55 Schuyler.

According to a police report, Patrolman Jonathan Williams observed the garage engulfed in flames as he responded to a neighbor's call for help shortly after midnight.

While approaching the residence, Williams further reports that he heard a loud explosion coming from the garage, which he observed was followed by two more explosions.

At that point, Williams said he began evacuating homes on Schuyler while another officer did the same on Jefferson Avenue. Officers escorted occupants away from the homes and confirmed that the residences were empty.

Homeowner Peter Wagner said he was unaware of the fire in the back of his home. Initially he thought it was a car accident. Then he also heard the explosions which he originally thought was gunfire.

"I heard the (the police officer) shout 'Get out' and I thought they were shooting each other," Wagner recalled. "The cop who I knew banged on the door and said, 'Get the kids out of the house.'"

Wagner advised police that the garage contained gas cans, motorcycles, and a natural gas line to a heater. Among his losses was 1984 Harley Davidson, a quad, a refrigerator, and some tools. The heat from the fire also melted the vinyl siding on the back of his house.

Also at the scene were the Pompton Lakes Fire Department, Riverdale police officers, and the Passaic County Sheriff's Department.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 23, 2011 at 2:50pm

Gas Leak Causes Arkwright Fire

September 23, 2011| 

ARKWRIGHT - A house fire in Arkwright on Wednesday was determined to have been caused by a gas leak.

According to the Chautauqua County Fire Investigation Team, the cause appears to be a propane gas leak inside the home that lead to an explosion and fire. No on was home at the time and no injuries were reported.

The fire occurred at 8733 Farrington Hollow Road at 9:36 a.m. A passerby noticed the fire and called it in. Upon arrival, officials from Forestville Fire Department said the fire was "fully involved."

In addition to facing a raging fire, water was also a problem for firefighters. Due to the rural area, there were no nearby fire hydrants. Water had to be taken from a nearby pond located one mile from the property and 1,500 feet from the road, said fire officials.

The house belongs to Frank Czechowski. No one was at home at the time of the fire and no injuries have been reported. The house appears to be a "total loss," according to officials.

Responding agencies included, Forestville Fire Department, East Town of Dunkirk, Fredonia Fire Department, Cassadaga Fire Department, Sunset Bay Fire Department, County Rescue 71, Sheridan Fire Department and Silver Creek Fire Department.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 23, 2011 at 2:32pm

Breaking News: Huge fire on Wujiang Road

A huge fire has broken out at a building (possibly JIA Hotel) on Wujiang Road, with six storeys of balconies up in flames. Eye witnesses in the neighbourhood report on Sina Weibo that a gas leak may have caused the explosion, and the entire area now reeks of gas.

UPDATE 1, 7.55pm: That was quick. Apparently the fire has already been put out.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 23, 2011 at 2:28pm

Explosion, 3-alarm blaze at Gas Station

Explosion, 3-alarm blaze at Gas StationUSA — An employee of Burnwell Gas was injured Tuesday after an explosion and a three-alarm blaze at the company’s facility, 1104 Main St.

The extent of the man’s injuries is unclear due to conflicting reports, but the man was lucid when he was discovered at the scene, State Police Lt. Doug Montijo said. The victim, whose name was not released, was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital.

Witnesses reported the smell of gas for about two hours prior to the explosion, Montijo said, adding that the building was destroyed.

The Monroe County Fire Bureau is investigating the cause of the blaze.

The fire at the plant started about 3 p.m. The facility is a storage and distribution site for home heating fuel. Burnwell, part of Griffith Energy, services the Monroe, Livingston and Ontario county areas.

Burnwell released a statement confirming that an employee had been injured. “We are and will of course continue to work with community authorities to identify and address the causes of this situation,” the statement read in part.

At the scene, Keith Wrisley, vice president of Superior Plus Energy Services Inc., parent company of Burnwell, said the employee’s injuries appear to be non-life-threatening.

The storage capacity for the Burnwell site is 58,000 gallons of fuel, Mike Burnside, chief of the Mumford Fire Department, said. It’s unclear how much fuel burned or exploded.

“The largest tanks — 30,000, 18,000 and 10,000 gallons — were not affected by the fire and explosion,” he said.

Nearby homes and businesses were evacuated and traffic was shut down in all directions. The state Department of Transportation closed Route 36 in both directions between George Street and Caledonia High School for hours.

Several explosions occurred, and at one point, firefighters were ordered to back up beyond 1,000 feet of the fire for fear of additional blasts. Firefighters doused several large intact propane tanks with water to keep them from igniting, Montijo said.

Flames could be seen for miles and explosions heard for more than a mile, witnesses said.

Mary and Jody Pitt live on Williams Street, about a quarter mile from the scene. Mary Pitt said she didn’t see the explosion but she felt it. “We felt our house shake,” she said, and left the house to see a sky filled with black smoke.

“I was in Scottsville and you could see the smoke from there,” said Wheatland Highway Superintendent Chuck Hazelton, estimating the distance to be about eight miles from the Burnwell plant.

The Caledonia-Mumford school district enacted its emergency procedures and kept some buses at

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 21, 2011 at 9:49pm

Two dead in Colombia coal mine explosion: official

BOGOTA (MarketWatch) -- Two miners died, three more were wounded and several more could be trapped underground in a coal mining explosion in Colombia, the latest tragedy in a series of deadly mining accidents.

Fabian Morales, the head of rescue operations at mining regulator Ingeominas, said the accident was apparently the result of an explosion of methane gas in a coal mine located in the department of Boyaca, near Bogota.

Morales added that the rescue team had yet been unable to determine how many other miners had been trapped by the explosion. So far this year, 106 workers have died in mining accidents in Colombia.

Colombia is the world's fifth-largest coal exporter and its production destined for abroad is controlled by foreign companies including Alabama-based Drummond Co., Glencore International AG (GLDLF, GLEN.LN), BHP Billiton Ltd. (BHP, BHP.AU) and Xstrata PLC (XTA.LN), which operate in open-pit coal mines.

But most of the deadly mining accidents in Colombia occur in small, underground coal mines operated by individuals or small local companies that have few safety procedures in place. The output from most of these mines is destined for the domestic market.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 21, 2011 at 4:17pm
Gas pipeline ruptures
The Tennessee Gas Pipeline ruptured in rural Clark County late Tuesday, waking up people counties away.
Posted: 12:59 AM Sep 21, 2011

 Gas pipeline ruptures

Some people thought they woke up to the sound of a plane crash.

The  Gas Pipeline ruptured in rural Clark County late Tuesday, waking up people counties away.

It was centered in Trapp, east of Winchester in Clark County.

Firefighters went out, looking for what could have possibly been an explosion and finally determined the gas line ruptured off Highway 89.

After about an hour, they turned off the pipeline.

No one was injured, and there is no damage.

There were no evacuations ordered.

However, we have heard from some people, who live nearby and decided to leave their homes.



Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 21, 2011 at 3:38pm

Gas explosion: city building evacuated

Raw footage: Inside a gas explosion

A building in the Perth CBD has been evacuated after a suspected gas explosion shook the high-rise tower this afternoon.

0:00 / 0:28



A BUILDING in the Perth CBD has been evacuated after a suspected gas explosion shook the high-rise tower this afternoon.

Workers inside the building, at 172 St Georges Terrace,  were lucky to escape injury when a gas hot water boiler exploded at about 3.45pm, blowing office equipment and furniture across the room.

FESA Perth District Manager John Truswell said workers in State One House at the corner of King Street  reported a strong smell of gas in the building about 2pm.

Thirty firefighters from four stations were called when the combined hot water boiler/cooler malfunctioned and exploded in the Level 2 kitchen almost two hours later.

``There were people working around it, but they were lucky there were no injuries at all just a lot of furniture blown around the room,'' Mr Truswell said.

``It's blown the cupboard to pieces and bl

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 21, 2011 at 3:34pm

Clark Co. Gas Line Rupture Heard Several Counties Away

Posted: Sep 21, 2011 5:25 AM 
Updated: Sep 21, 2011 7:26 AM

 Gas Line Ruptures In Clark County


People across several counties heard the rumbling sound early Wednesday morning. It shook the ground and rattled windows.

A gas line ruptured just after midnight in Clark County, near the Powell County line. People as far away as Lee County heard the noise, and the LEX 18 newsroom was flooded with calls.

Herman Cole lives nearby.

"All I heard was a big pop sound and a big roar sound. I thought it was a motorcycle outside my door. So it was pretty loud," he said. "It was really roaring and it got louder and louder. No major explosion or anything," he said.

The rupture occurred in a commercial transmission line near Irvine Road. It took crews several hours to find the break and shut off the flow of gas. But officials say there was never an actual explosion. There were no injuries or evacuations, and since the line does not serve the public, there was no interruption of service.

Crews from the Tennessee Gas Company continue working to inspect and repair the line. Officials with the company have not given a timetable for repairs.

Fire officials say this wasn't the first incident involving these particular gas lines. There was a rupture four years ago and a deadly incident 50 years back.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on September 21, 2011 at 3:30pm

Man injured in suspected gas blast in Newcastle

The house after the explosionThe roof of the house collapsed in the explosion

A man is in hospital with serious injuries after a suspected gas explosion at a house in Newcastle.

Police said the 38-year-old suffered "potentially life-threatening injuries" in the blast in the city's Sceptre Street early on Wednesday.

Six neighbouring properties were evacuated as firefighters tackled a blaze following the explosion. There were no other reported injuries.

A joint police and fire service investigation into the cause has begun.



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