
An oil field exploded in Basra Iraq [Iraq Oil Report ; Published September 20, 2011]; Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


List of comment about gas explosion, in order of posted time; as of 2011-09-01


1) SOMERVILLE, Ohio, US; "Investigation continues in house collapse"

2) BAKERSFIELD, Calif. US; "Bakersfield resident hurt in natural gas explosion"

3) Pompton Lakes, NJ, US; "Update: Suspected gas explosion levels home in Pompton Lakes [raw video]"

4) Brantford, Ontario, Canada; "Natural gas explosion levelled Brantford house: fire marshal"

5) Warren, MI, US; "City of Warren Home Explosion Underscores Need for Natural Gas Safety"

6) Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK; "Dramatic footage shows huge gas explosion at Yorkshire home"

7) Warren Park, Harare, Zimbabwe; "2 seriously injured in Warren Park gas explosion"

8) Logan City, south of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia; "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house"

9) Herscher, IL, US; Douglasville, GA, US; "This Week In Natural Gas Leaks and Explosions – Aug. 22, 2011"

10) "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house" [See 8)]

11) Lakeview, MI, US; "Explosion inside Lakeview house causes fire, couple escapes with minor injuries"

12) Newborough, Victoria, Australia; "Gas blast destroys Newborough garage"

13) Cato, Montcalm, MI, US; "Couple escapes house explosion"

14) Glenrock, Converse, WY, US; "Oilfield explosion claims three"

15) St. Augustine, Fla, US; "Gas Station Explosion Site in St. Augustine now 'Stable'"



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

We'll be seeing an uptick in unusual home and business gas explosions and I'm trying to locate specific ZT on the matter.  Below is a refresher for the many gas related news articles.



Fault lines, when adjusting, do not just rip apart one day during a dramatic earthquake. They most often creep. Laying gas lines along or across a fault line is asking for an accident of this sort. Fault lines are also seldom so clearly delineated that one can go a mile in this or that direction and avoid their action. Where a slip-slide fault such as the San Andreas will often leave a clear line on the surface, this is only the surface action, not what occurs in the rock layers on either side which can fracture for a long way to either side during any movement. The gas company, or the age of the pipes, will be faulted but in truth the finger should be pointed in many directions. The public, who insist on living at such a scenic spot, is to blame. Officials, who zoned for housing are to blame. The public utility company, for allowing gas lines in the area, is to blame. But this will change nothing, while man continues to live on the San Andreas, even as it awakens. EOZT



The danger from radon gas will not be increased as a result of the pole shift. Radon gas is emitted by rock containing uranium, which is degrading. In normal circumstances, where air can circulate, it is disbursed rapidly as is any methane created by decay of organic material. The danger from these gasses comes from confinement - being trapped in a mine, a basement, or beneath the permafrost. The dangers are well known. For methane, it is explosions. An accumulation of methane gas can be identified by the smell of rotten eggs, or as some have described it, dirty socks or cabbage soup. For radon gas the danger is lung cancer, from the continual exposure to the radioactive air. Radon gas is odorless, and cannot be detected except by specialized equipment not in the hands of the average person.

In that the pole shift, or the Earth changes preceding the pole shift, can fracture rock and release pockets of either gas, survivors should be cautious about huddling in bunkers. You are safer out in the open air, or in a trench you have dug that will allow the pole shift winds to pass over you, but nothing to fall on and crush you. The fact that both methane gas and radon gas can accumulate in the bunkers of the elite is one of the reasons we have stated that they have dug their own graves. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


Anyone watching the news, for instance the news on the San Bruno explosion in a distribution line close to the San Andreas Fault line, knows that gas in any form is a danger. Oil and gas refineries explode when rigid piping cracks. Oil or gas wells explode when the ground around them moves. And the gas distribution lines running under cities are no exception. They likewise will explode. Gas lines, whether along the street or within a home, are rigid. In some cases automatic shutoff valves can limit the amount of gas available for an explosion by sensing a drop in pressure, but this is always after the fact. The explosion has already occurred. Utilizing gas on a planet prone to earthquakes was a mistake to begin with, but man never thinks of the consequences when striving for modern conveniences. We have advised turning off the gas at the street, though when the street explodes and your neighbor's homes are on fire you are not likely to escape the holocaust. A better alternative is to live in an area where gas is not available, as in your rural safe location where you will be doing a form of camping while gardening. A campfire at night, for cooking and washing and a bit of friendly light before bed. Nothing explosive. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

SOZT Answer: It is no accident that the New Madrid fault lies under the Mississippi River near Memphis, as rivers form in lowlands created when land pulls apart, separating the rock fingers and weakening support for the land. Thus, the Ohio River bed also is an indication of where rock fingers will pull apart. Two adjustments in Kentucky, a day apart, are not an accident, but an indication of the speed at which the stretch zone is starting to adjust. Rail lines are frequently an early harbinger of such adjustments, as they run long distances, whereas structures within cities, such as tall buildings, take up relatively little space and have a small footprint. Our warning that imploding cities will be experienced, before the hour of the shift, are in this regard. Be warmed, it will not just be your rail lines and gas and water mains that will shatter and be pulled apart during the stretch. The foundations of your tall buildings will likewise be vulnerable.EOZT



[Original post on January 20, 2011]

Original title: Gas explosion kills 1, injures 5 in Philadelphia




  • The explosion occurred in Philadelphia's Tacony neighborhood
  • The blast killed one utilities worker and injured five other people
  • Some of the injuries are serious

(CNN) -- A gas main explosion in Philadelphia Tuesday evening killed one utilities worker and injured five other people, a fire department official said.

Philadelphia Gas Works employees were responding to a gas main break in the city's Tacony neighborhood when the explosion occurred, fire department spokesman Jim Smith said.

"They were trying to control it and found a source of ignition," according to Smith, who said four PGW employees and a firefighter were among the injured. He said some of the gas workers' injuries were serious.



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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 7, 2011 at 2:58pm

Massive Explosion Closes Pelham Parkway


PELHAM MANOR, NY --  A massive overnight explosion at a gas station on Secor Road has closed Pelham Parkway from Boston Post Road to Columbus Avenue. 

A tanker truck exploded at the Gulf gas station across from Fairway at about 2 a.m. this morning, damaging nearby buildings and completely melting the truck, CBS Radio reported. 

No one was hurt, and the cause of the explosion has not been determined. Pelham firefighters were assisted by the FDNY, Yonkers, Mount Vernon, New Rochelle and White Plains. 


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 7, 2011 at 2:48am

Regina refinery explosion injures 10

Black smoke billows from a refinery in north Regina owned by Consumer's Cooperative Refineries Ltd. on Thursday afternoon. The fire began after a large explosion at the diesel processing area of the facility at around 2 p.m. CST. Dani Mario/CBC

An explosion and fire have ripped through a refinery in north Regina, injuring 10 people and forcing 1,400 to evacuate the facility.

Eight people were sent to hospital with burns, while two others were treated at the facility owned by Consumer's Cooperative Refineries

The company did not say what condition they are in.

All 10 were contractors working on a $1.9-billion expansion of the refinery.

In total, there were 450 day staff and nearly 1,000 contractors on site, all of whom were evacuated from the facility.

Witnesses told the CBC that the fire began after a large explosion at the diesel processing area of the facility at around 2 p.m. CST.

One worker told CBC News that after the explosion, he saw a giant fireball that was so hot it melted steel.

Emergency crews battled the fire as flames and black smoke shot into the sky.

The Co-op refinery in Regina was evacuated because of the fire.The Co-op refinery in Regina was evacuated because of the fire. Jordan Jackle/CBC

There were concerns that the fire could spread and ignite gas and diesel tankers on the other side of the facility.

Shortly before 3 p.m., the fire was under control.

Refinery officials say there is no danger to the public.

They say they have found the ignition point of the fire, and suspect the cause was a pipe leaking a mixture of hydrogen gas and diesel fuel that found a spark.

It is the worst fire at the refinery in 20 years.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 6, 2011 at 4:15pm


Gulp! Why You Should Be Nervous About a PG&E Gas Pipeline with History of Big Trouble That Runs Through Bernal Heights

Did you happen to catch this anxiety-generating bit of news last week regarding the safety of PG&E’s gas pipelines?  From the San Jose Mercury News:

More than a year after the San Bruno natural gas explosion, PG&E still lacks “a large percentage” of the information it needs to accurately assess its pipeline risks and hasn’t taken needed steps to inform the public about its gas lines, according to the National Transportation Safety Commission’s final report on the 2010 disaster released Monday.

The 153-page report went further than earlier NTSB statements by including a strong warning about PG&E’s limited understanding of what other dangers may lurk underground.

Noting that PG&E uses data in a computerized system to gauge the risk posed by its pipelines, the agency said it fears the system contains “a large percentage of assumed, unknown or erroneous information for the Line 132″ — the one that erupted in San Bruno — “and likely its other transmission pipelines as well.”

In addition, the report — the board’s final statement on the San Bruno catastrophe and largely a repetition of previously released documents — scolded PG&E for its continued failure to sufficiently educate the public about its gas lines and the hazards they pose.

In other words, PG&E basically has no idea WTF is going on with its pipelines. Why is that an issue for Bernalwood? Because one of PG&E’s worrisome “other transmission pipelines” runs right through Bernal Heights:

Article continues:

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 5, 2011 at 7:38pm

Coal mine blast kills 17 in SW China
Wed Oct 5, 2011 2:37PM GMT

Rescuers carry the body of a miner out of the Anping coal mine in China's Guizhou Province on October 4, 2011.
A methane gas explosion at a coal mine has claimed the lives of 17 workers in China's southwestern province of Guizhou.

The accident occurred at 7:53 a.m. local time on Tuesday (2353 GMT on Monday) in a well at the Anping coal mine, which is located in the Lihua Township in the county of Libo, Xinhua news agency reported.

A total of 28 miners were working underground at the time of the blast. Eleven were rescued, and are currently receiving treatment in a local hospital.

Initial reports said 13 miners had died, but three rescued workers later died in hospital after treatment failed.

Another body was recovered on Wednesday morning, bringing the death toll to 17.

A thorough investigation into the cause of the accident is underway.

China's mining industry is the most dangerous in the world. According to official figures, more than 2,600 miners were killed in accidents in 2009.

But independent labor groups say the figure could be much higher, as accidents are covered up to prevent mine closures.

The Chinese government has shut down hundreds of mines this year as part of efforts to improve safety standards.

Mining safety rules have often been ignored in favor of profit, as the economy has boomed.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 4, 2011 at 1:57pm

Around 3000 people evacuated after storage yard fire last night near Belmont Circle

AROUND 3000 people were evacuated from their homes in Harrow last night following a huge fire at a storage yard.

The storage area round the back of Belmont Service Centre, in Kenton Lane, was completely destroyed with six cars and around 100 tyres being damaged.

A small part of the car workshop was also damaged after a gas cylinder exploded before firefighters were called around 6.30pm.

It is believed there were around 25 gas cylinders at the site, including a number of propane cylinders and around five acetylene cylinders, which can be hazardous when exposed to heat.

The fire was brought under control at around 11.30pm.

Station manager Turan Turan, from Northolt fire station, who was at the scene, said: “There was quite a large explosion but fortunately it was contained within the storage area."

The brigade worked with Harrow Council and police to evacuate between 500 to 600 homes in the area.

People were relocated to nearby community centres and St Anselm's Church, in Clifton Avenue, just off Kenton Lane.

Mr Turan added: “The explosion and fire caused extensive damage but fortunately no one was injured. Because of the danger posed by the gas cylinders, around 3000 people were evacuated from nearby homes as a precaution.

“It was a difficult job but crews worked incredibly hard to prevent the fire from spreading and managed to cool down the other gas cylinders and in doing so prevented further potential explosions.”

Firefighters stayed in the area for the rest of the night as fire investigators this morning work with police to establish the cause of the blaze.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 3, 2011 at 8:12pm

Eight workers injured after massive explosion at ink cartridge recycling factory

Eight workers were injured after a fire broke out following a massive explosion on an industrial estate this morning.

Three employees were airlifted to hospital with burns while five others were driven to hospital to be treated for burns and smoke inhalation after gas canisters exploded at the building near Lingfield in Surrey.

The blast - believed to have started in an ink cartridge recycling factory - shook nearby buildings and workers were evacuated from across the Newchapel business park.

A huge plume of black smoke was seen rising from the plant in Newchapel, Surrey

A huge plume of black smoke was seen rising from the plant in Newchapel, Surrey

Choking fumes: Fire crews wearing masks head into clouds of smoke at the industrial estate near Lingfield

Choking fumes: Fire crews wearing masks head into clouds of smoke at the industrial estate near Lingfield

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2044705/Surrey-industrial-e...

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 3, 2011 at 8:11pm
Rescuers: Emergency services raced to save people trapped in the estate as debris rained from the sky

Rescuers: Emergency services raced to save people trapped in the estate as debris rained from the sky


One worker said he saw cartridges flying from the sky as employees gathered at the nearby Peacock Lodge pub and police guarded a cordon at the entrance of the industrial estate.

The worker, who did not want to be named, said: 'I heard a great big explosion and thought, what on earth was that?

'Then I looked out the window and there was all this debris coming down in the sky. It turned out to be stuff that looked like cartridges and bits were flying off the roof.'

He said he had seen one person with burns to his hands, and another with a cut ear.

Christine Brooks, 59, a waitress at the pub, said she had felt a 'huge vibration' and added: 'Everything just shook.'

Burning building: At least eight people were injured in the fire which followed a 'massive explosion'

Burning building: At least eight people were injured in the fire which followed a 'massive explosion'

Firefighters have been battling to put out the flames since 11.30 this morning

Firefighters have been battling to put out the flames since 11.30 this morning


Where the fire took place


An engineer working on a roof near the blast site said: 'There was a massive, massive bang, a large bang, with a little after-bang, but that was it.

'Just a few minutes after, that's when smoke started to appear.

'I'm actually working on a roof on part of our boundary and I could see the smoke starting to billow up.

He added: 'The amount of ambulances would indicate something quite serious.'

Three seriously injured workers were airlifted to major trauma centres in the region by helicopters from the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Ambulance Service.

One was taken to King's College Hospital in London and two to Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton, where they are stable in A&E and waiting to be transferred to a nearby burns unit.

Five people have been admitted to East Surrey Hospital in Redhill with minor burns and smoke inhalation.

There are reports that there may be six more people missing.

Peter Burns, who works for Trichem, just two doors away from the suspected source of the explosion, described

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 3, 2011 at 8:08pm

Lingfield fire: Eight injured in factory explosion

Fire crews have been tackling the blaze at the Hobbs industrial estate since about 11:30 BST

Eight people have been injured, four seriously, in an explosion and fire at a Surrey factory.

Fire crews were called to the Hobbs industrial estate in Newchapel, near Lingfield, shortly before 11:30 BST.

The patients are being treated for burns, respiratory problems and head injuries.

Surrey Fire and Rescue Service said there were gas cylinders at the site and progress was "difficult" but the fire had been brought under control.

Officials said the cause of the fire was not yet known and firefighters would remain at the scene overnight.

There was a massive, massive bang, a large bang, with a little after-bang but that was it


One casualty was airlifted to a London hospital, five were admitted to the East Surrey Hospital at Redhill and two were taken to the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

'Bits flying off'

Ian Thomson, of Surrey Fire and Rescue Service, said all those in the building at the time of the blaze had been accounted for.

Surrey Police has asked people to stay away from the area for the rest of the day.

One employee at the industrial estate, who did not want to be named, said: "I heard a great big explosion and thought, what on earth was that?

"Then I looked out the window and there was all this debris coming down in the sky.

"It turned out to be stuff that looked like cartridges and bits were flying off the roof."


The explosion was heard by people at the nearby London England Temple, a Mormon place of worship.

One engineer, who did not want to be named, said he was working on a roof near the boundary of the temple's 32-acre grounds, when he heard a loud bang.

"There was a massive, massive bang, a large bang, with a little after-bang but that was it," he said.

He said a lot of smoke could be seen near the industrial estate, which is located about 10 miles (16km) east of Gatwick Airport.

The fire began in a unit at the industrial estate being used by a company that recycles electrical equipment.

About 75 people were evacuated from surrounding businesses.

The Environment Agency is supporting the fire service after it emerged there was a run-off of water used to dampen the flames.

Christine Brooks, 59, a waitress at the Peacock Lodge pub in Newchapel, said workers from the industrial estate had been evacuated from the site to the pub.

She said there had been a "huge vibration" and "everything just shook".


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 2, 2011 at 3:24am


A mandatory evacuation was issued in Wellsburg Saturday morning when a high-pressure transmission gas line was ruptured at the corner of Fourth and Yankee streets.The Brooke County Sheriff’s Office called for everyone in homes and businesses from Eighth to Third streets to leave their buildings for shelter around 8:45 a.m."As soon as I got out of the house, I could smell it though because it was the next street over,” said Stephanie Kins, a resident in Wellsburg. “It's kinda of scar. It was like a big geizser."Gas fumes leaked through about a four-block radius, and the fumes were at least 40 feet in the air. The Brooke County Emergency Management Agency responded to the scene along with Wellsburg Fire Department and other area crews. Responders said a worker was digging with a backhoe to find a sewer line, then struck a high-pressure gas line for the entire area."We basically need everyone to get out of the area in case the gas finds an ignition source, and there's an explosion. That's our greatest fear right now," said Bob Fowler, the Brooke County EMA Director.Responders set up a shelter at the Wellsburg Banquet Center while they waited for Mountaineer Gas Company to shut off the gas line."They're actually going to have to make a couple of digs to be able to crimp the line off to stop the gas flow," said Fowler. With the evacuation order lifted around 11:40 a.m., people were free to go home."We've advised everyone that if they go into their homes, and they smell any type of natural gas, to call into 9-1-1, so we can get in the fire department to come and evacuate any fumes that may be in their home,” said Fowler.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 1, 2011 at 6:16pm

Here we go again.....another Middle Eastern Gas Explosion.  Zetas Right Again.  With constant plate movement occurring worldwide, gas rich countries are bound to blow.  So much for liquid gold.

4 killed in Kuwait refinery blast
Kuwait: 43 minutes ago


An explosion killed four Asian workers at Kuwait's Ahmadi refinery on Saturday but it was not immediately clear whether production was affected, a spokesman for Kuwait National Petroleum Company said.

Several workers were injured at refinery, the KNPC spokesman added, without giving further details.

Media reports quoting officials said the explosion was caused by a leak in a gas pipe.

Mina al-Ahmadi is the largest of three refineries in Opec member Kuwait, with a refining capacity of over 460,000 barrels per day. It was not immediately clear if the explosion would hit the country's crude exports.-Reuters


Blast kills four at Kuwait’s largest refinery

1 October 2011, 7:39 PM

Four workers were killed and three firemen injured in a gas pipe explosion on Saturday at Kuwait’s largest refinery of Mina Al Ahmadi, an industry source told AFP.


‘Based on initial information, the four workers are Asian,’ said the source who asked not to be named. ‘The explosion was caused by a leak in a gas pipe.’

Mina Al Ahmadi is the largest of three refineries in OPEC member Kuwait, with a refining capacity of over 460,000 barrels per day. The other two at Shuaiba and Mina Abdullah have a combined capacity of around 450,000 bpd.

It was not immediately clear if the explosion would affect Kuwait’s crude exports. 


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