
An oil field exploded in Basra Iraq [Iraq Oil Report ; Published September 20, 2011]; Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


List of comment about gas explosion, in order of posted time; as of 2011-09-01


1) SOMERVILLE, Ohio, US; "Investigation continues in house collapse"

2) BAKERSFIELD, Calif. US; "Bakersfield resident hurt in natural gas explosion"

3) Pompton Lakes, NJ, US; "Update: Suspected gas explosion levels home in Pompton Lakes [raw video]"

4) Brantford, Ontario, Canada; "Natural gas explosion levelled Brantford house: fire marshal"

5) Warren, MI, US; "City of Warren Home Explosion Underscores Need for Natural Gas Safety"

6) Castleford, West Yorkshire, UK; "Dramatic footage shows huge gas explosion at Yorkshire home"

7) Warren Park, Harare, Zimbabwe; "2 seriously injured in Warren Park gas explosion"

8) Logan City, south of Brisbane in Queensland, Australia; "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house"

9) Herscher, IL, US; Douglasville, GA, US; "This Week In Natural Gas Leaks and Explosions – Aug. 22, 2011"

10) "Seven children killed in gas explosion at house" [See 8)]

11) Lakeview, MI, US; "Explosion inside Lakeview house causes fire, couple escapes with minor injuries"

12) Newborough, Victoria, Australia; "Gas blast destroys Newborough garage"

13) Cato, Montcalm, MI, US; "Couple escapes house explosion"

14) Glenrock, Converse, WY, US; "Oilfield explosion claims three"

15) St. Augustine, Fla, US; "Gas Station Explosion Site in St. Augustine now 'Stable'"



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

We'll be seeing an uptick in unusual home and business gas explosions and I'm trying to locate specific ZT on the matter.  Below is a refresher for the many gas related news articles.



Fault lines, when adjusting, do not just rip apart one day during a dramatic earthquake. They most often creep. Laying gas lines along or across a fault line is asking for an accident of this sort. Fault lines are also seldom so clearly delineated that one can go a mile in this or that direction and avoid their action. Where a slip-slide fault such as the San Andreas will often leave a clear line on the surface, this is only the surface action, not what occurs in the rock layers on either side which can fracture for a long way to either side during any movement. The gas company, or the age of the pipes, will be faulted but in truth the finger should be pointed in many directions. The public, who insist on living at such a scenic spot, is to blame. Officials, who zoned for housing are to blame. The public utility company, for allowing gas lines in the area, is to blame. But this will change nothing, while man continues to live on the San Andreas, even as it awakens. EOZT



The danger from radon gas will not be increased as a result of the pole shift. Radon gas is emitted by rock containing uranium, which is degrading. In normal circumstances, where air can circulate, it is disbursed rapidly as is any methane created by decay of organic material. The danger from these gasses comes from confinement - being trapped in a mine, a basement, or beneath the permafrost. The dangers are well known. For methane, it is explosions. An accumulation of methane gas can be identified by the smell of rotten eggs, or as some have described it, dirty socks or cabbage soup. For radon gas the danger is lung cancer, from the continual exposure to the radioactive air. Radon gas is odorless, and cannot be detected except by specialized equipment not in the hands of the average person.

In that the pole shift, or the Earth changes preceding the pole shift, can fracture rock and release pockets of either gas, survivors should be cautious about huddling in bunkers. You are safer out in the open air, or in a trench you have dug that will allow the pole shift winds to pass over you, but nothing to fall on and crush you. The fact that both methane gas and radon gas can accumulate in the bunkers of the elite is one of the reasons we have stated that they have dug their own graves. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo


Anyone watching the news, for instance the news on the San Bruno explosion in a distribution line close to the San Andreas Fault line, knows that gas in any form is a danger. Oil and gas refineries explode when rigid piping cracks. Oil or gas wells explode when the ground around them moves. And the gas distribution lines running under cities are no exception. They likewise will explode. Gas lines, whether along the street or within a home, are rigid. In some cases automatic shutoff valves can limit the amount of gas available for an explosion by sensing a drop in pressure, but this is always after the fact. The explosion has already occurred. Utilizing gas on a planet prone to earthquakes was a mistake to begin with, but man never thinks of the consequences when striving for modern conveniences. We have advised turning off the gas at the street, though when the street explodes and your neighbor's homes are on fire you are not likely to escape the holocaust. A better alternative is to live in an area where gas is not available, as in your rural safe location where you will be doing a form of camping while gardening. A campfire at night, for cooking and washing and a bit of friendly light before bed. Nothing explosive. EOZT



* Comment by Starr DiGiacomo

SOZT Answer: It is no accident that the New Madrid fault lies under the Mississippi River near Memphis, as rivers form in lowlands created when land pulls apart, separating the rock fingers and weakening support for the land. Thus, the Ohio River bed also is an indication of where rock fingers will pull apart. Two adjustments in Kentucky, a day apart, are not an accident, but an indication of the speed at which the stretch zone is starting to adjust. Rail lines are frequently an early harbinger of such adjustments, as they run long distances, whereas structures within cities, such as tall buildings, take up relatively little space and have a small footprint. Our warning that imploding cities will be experienced, before the hour of the shift, are in this regard. Be warmed, it will not just be your rail lines and gas and water mains that will shatter and be pulled apart during the stretch. The foundations of your tall buildings will likewise be vulnerable.EOZT



[Original post on January 20, 2011]

Original title: Gas explosion kills 1, injures 5 in Philadelphia




  • The explosion occurred in Philadelphia's Tacony neighborhood
  • The blast killed one utilities worker and injured five other people
  • Some of the injuries are serious

(CNN) -- A gas main explosion in Philadelphia Tuesday evening killed one utilities worker and injured five other people, a fire department official said.

Philadelphia Gas Works employees were responding to a gas main break in the city's Tacony neighborhood when the explosion occurred, fire department spokesman Jim Smith said.

"They were trying to control it and found a source of ignition," according to Smith, who said four PGW employees and a firefighter were among the injured. He said some of the gas workers' injuries were serious.



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Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on November 16, 2012 at 8:17pm

Underground gas leaks baffle firefighters.


12:34pm, Fri 16 Nov 2012

Firefighters baffled by gas explosion

Last updated Fri 16 Nov 2012
  • UK

Gas explosion in Teignmouth Credit: ITV Westcountry

Firefighters and investigators from the gas company are baffled by a fire which broke out this morning near industrial units in Teignmouth.

Roadworkers noticed flames licking out from under the Tarmac on the A381 while they were digging. Nearby businesses were evacuated and emergency services were called.

So far they haven't been able to work out what happened. There is a low pressure gas main under the road, as well as low voltage electric cables but it's possible there was simply an old pocket of gas trapped under the road surface which has now escaped.

Investigators are now digging bore holes in the road surface to try to find if there is any more gas trapped or leaking. The road will be closed for some time.

Comment by jorge namour on November 13, 2012 at 11:24am

Gas Leaks Discovered Beneath Israel’s Seafloor

cientists have discovered beneath the seafloor in northern Israel's Haifa Bay, a vast system of vents is leaking gassy emissions into the eastern Mediterranean Sea. If disturbed, this undersea reserve could disrupt the surrounding marine environment and might even unleash greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. At the outset of their study, researchers from the University of Haifa found more than 700 pockmarks (some at least 200 feet, or 60 meters, across) in the seabed that they suspected were active gas springs. Further geophysical investigation indicated these indentations were actually connected to a 27-square-mile (72-square-kilometer) reserve on the continental shelf, which is letting some gas escape from relatively shallow depths between 121 and 367 feet (37 and 112 meters) below sea-level. the new findings suggest that gas deposits in continental shelves might be releasing more methane into the sea than previously thought, at least in the Mediterranean and possibly in other mid-latitude areas. The scientists are planning further expeditions to the springs to better understand of the type of gas seeping from this deposit and its influence on marine life near the seafloor.


Comment by KM on November 11, 2012 at 2:36pm

Mysterious explosion destroys home and fire spreads to other homes (Nov. 11)


Indianapolis explosion destroys home

Explosion site in Indianapolis, 11 Nov The Indianapolis mayor said the damage went on "for blocks on end"

A huge explosion in the US city of Indianapolis has destroyed one home and set fire to a number of others.

One person was reported dead and a number of others injured. The cause of the explosion remains unclear.

Dozens of firefighters are attending the scene, with a natural gas explosion one of the lines of inquiry.

The Indianapolis fire department said the scene resembled a war zone. Residents have been evacuated to a nearby school.

The blast took place on Field Fair Way and Towhees Drive late on Saturday.

Explosion site in Indianapolis, 11 Nov Dozens of firefighters are attending the scene

Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard attended the scene and ruled out the possibility of a plane crash.

He said the damage went on "for blocks on end."

"We're going to need some comforting in the next few days," Mr Ballard said.

Local resident Pam Brainerd told Associated Press: "I was sleeping on the sofa and all of a sudden, my upstairs windows were blowing out and my front door was falling in. My front door came off the frame. It was the largest bang I've ever heard.

"When I walked outside I saw the fire. There was a house engulfed in flames and I could see it spreading to other houses."

Capt Rita Burris of the Indianapolis fire department told AP the scene was like a war zone. "It's really messy," she said.

Television pictures showed flames shooting into the sky and thick smoke covering the area.

Comment by Howard on November 9, 2012 at 4:50am

Devastating Explosion in Quebec Industrial Plant Remains Unexplained (Nov 8) -


 Two people have died after an explosion and fire at a plant in Sherbrooke, Que. Another 19 people were injured, some with severe burns.

The explosion, which occurred at a Neptune Technologies & Bioressources facility, caused the fire.

The two dead were found in the rubble after the blast.

The cause of the explosion is unknown, but several smaller explosions followed the initial one, which was so violent it set a local record for 911 calls, according to Gaetan Drouin, a local fire chief.

Martin Carrier, a Sherbrooke police spokesman, said more than 100 people in Sherbrooke and surrounding suburbs phoned within a minute.

"Just looking at the damage to the building you can see it was probably very violent," Drouin said.
"I was working in my garage and I heard a loud, 'Boom.' Then we were evacuated," a local resident said.

Another resident said the flames could be seen from blocks away. Neither resident wished to be identified.

The fire left the facility ruins, with the remaining walls scorched black.

The fire struck the plant's 15,000 litres of acetone reserves, causing concern about toxicity because the substance is flammable and can cause irritation if ingested.

Thick black smoke was seen coming from the plant and could be seen for miles.

"A lot of black smoke. You could see it everywhere in the city,” Carrier said.

Neptune Technologies & Bioressources produces and exports health products derived from marine life like Omega-3.

"We're in terrible shock over what's happened," Michel Chartrand, chief of operations for the company, told reporters at a press conference Thursday evening.

He added that plant officials will work with authorities to determine what caused the incident.

“We want to understand what happened,” he said.

Comment by KM on November 4, 2012 at 12:23am

Gas explosion in Moscow, Russia.


A massive fire caused by a gas pipeline leak struck a Moscow suburb during the night, obliterating 17 buildings. Firemen only managed to bring the raging inferno under control three hours after it broke out.

Both gas and electricity were temporarily cut off from the Northeastern Moscow suburb of Sholkovskaya near the village of Almazovo after a gas pipe caught fire, reports RIA Novosti.

The flames of the ensuing inferno reached 10 meters in height and covered an area of approximately 600 square meters.

The fire caused significant damage to the surrounding area, destroying 17 country houses. Authorities said that no one was injured in the blaze.

The fire started at 4.50am Moscow time (00.50 GMT) and was triggered when a short-circuiting wire ignited a gas leak, according to preliminary reports.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 26, 2012 at 9:03pm


Last update Oct 26, 2012 @ 12:57 PM

Electrical fire, possible explosion trigger downtown power outages


National Grid employees examine a manhole at the corner of Genesee and Elizabeth streets after a reported explosion on Friday, Oct. 26, 2012.

An electrical fire and a possible underground gas explosion may have triggered a series of brief power outages throughout the downtown area late this morning.

Some electrical and phone outages occurred at about 11:50 a.m., and dispatchers received a report of a minor explosion at the corner of Elizabeth and Genesee streets almost immediately thereafter.

Utica Fire Deputy Chief John Kelley said responding emergency crews found a small fire in the electrical vault under a manhole cover on the west side of Genesee Street. A National Grid crew was in the area at the time and was called to assist.

"There's no extention to any of the buildings, no power loss....," Kelly said of the extent of the fire. "It might have caused a momentary loss of power, but it's all restored."

National Grid workers could be seen kneeling or laying near the manhole shortly after noon, and occassionally leaning into the hole with flashlights. It was not immediately clear what they were looking at or for, however.

Kelly said the crew would be cutting power to the electrical vault but that it wouldn't affect any other National Grid customers.

"We can't do anything until they kill the power ... and then it usually will extinguish itself," he said of the fire.

A portion of Genesee Street was closed in both directions while crews were on the scene.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 24, 2012 at 9:34pm



Gas pipeline explodes in Iran

Gas pipeline explodes in Iran

Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct. 24

Gas pipeline sector in Iran's Shush city exploded yesterday evening, Fars news agency reported today.

The explosion occured in country's Khuzestan province.

The governor of Mohammad Rza Amalazadeh said that there are a lot of pipelines in the area, and the reason for explosion is yet unknown. (read ZetaTalk)

He also said that experts and firefighters were dispatched to the area. According to Mehr news agency, the fire has been already extinguished.

The exploded pipeline was delivering gas to several industrial facilities in the area, such as Pars paper manufacturing plant, Kharir Khuzestan textile factory, and others.

Mehr also said that the explosion is just an incident, not a terrorist attack, citing National Iranian Gas company's mission in Khuzestan province.

Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 20, 2012 at 10:09pm


Explosion Halts Iranian Gas Flow To Turkey, Again

Turkish media reports say the flow of Iranian natural gas has been halted due to an explosion in eastern Turkey.

Turkish energy officials have been quoted as saying that 28 Turkish solders were injured.

The incident took place late on October 18 near the town of Eleskirt, in Turkey's eastern province of Agri.

It is the latest explosion to hit gas pipelines in Turkey this month.

On October 8, Turkish authorities blamed the separatist Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) for a blast on a pipeline in Turkey's southeast that halted the Iranian gas flow to the region.

That happened four days after an unexplained explosion on another pipeline halted the flow of Azerbaijani natural gas to Turkey via the Baku-Tbilisi-Erzurum pipeline.
Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 15, 2012 at 8:14pm

5 injured in Yekaterinburg gas blast

Oct 15, 2012 15:32 Moscow Time

Five people have been wounded in a natural gas explosion in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.

The blast occurred on the first floor of a nine-story apartment block at 1:49 a.m. Moscow time. “According to preliminary data, five people have been injured,” he said, adding residents were being evacuated from the building. The blast shattered windows in a number of flats.

Rescuers, firefighters and other first responders have arrived at the scene. Investigators are establishing the circumstances behind the incident, the source said.


Comment by Starr DiGiacomo on October 12, 2012 at 9:32pm

Microwave oven ?  stirs a gas explosion destroying a home in a Castle Rock neighborhood.


CASTLE ROCK, Colo. — Fire crews were responding to a natural gas explosion in the Castle Rock area that leveled a house on Friday morning.

Castle Rock Fire confirmed that a house at 6942 Sulfur Lane in the Sapphire Pointe neighborhood had been completely leveled at approximately 7:15 a.m. One woman and four children sustained non-life-threatening injuries in the blast, which also damaged two other homes.

According to the Denver Police Department, the home belonged to Lt. Jimmy Martinez. The five individuals at the house at the time of the explosion were his wife Lisa, and the couple’s four adopted children, Chuna, 6, Elen, 4, Oz, 11, and Ahbie, 7.

All of the adopted children are natives of Ethiopia, with the girls having been in the U.S. for six months and the boys about a year and a half. The family has four other children who no longer live at home and another son, 16-year-old Ryan Martinez, who was spending the night at a friends house when the explosion occurred. 

Witnesses told us the entire family at 6942 Sulfur Lane was able to escape before the house collapsed, with several of the children actually riding the rubble to safety from the second story down to the ground level.

All of Sulfure Lane — approximately 20 people, according to Castle Rock Fire — has been evacuated.

Homeowners across the city reported feeling the shock waves from the blast, with one woman claiming her home shook despite being five miles away. Residents in Parker, which is approximately 16 miles away, reported being able to hear the explosion.

“I’m from southern California, and I really thought it was an earthquake,” said Wendy Emmel, who lives two streets away.

Neighbors like Emmel in the immediate area reported smelling natural gas before the explosion, with one of those neighbors calling 911. After the explosion, neighbors reported seeing insulation raining down throughout the Sapphire Pointe neighborhood as fire crews began to arrive.

There was no confirmation about what caused the explosion, though police scanner traffic indicated it could have been caused by a microwave.

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