
There are increasing meteor reports recently all over the world. More debris from the Px tail...

ZetaTalk: Live Chat, written November 21, 2009

"When the debris from the tail of Planet X first started arriving in ernest, in 2004, the establishment chose to call this space junk. When the public became alarmed at the amount of space junk falling to Earth they tried to enhance the story by claiming that two satellites had crashed into each other, but this just made a bad story worse. Since fireballs have not gone away, but continued apace and if anything gotten worse, a new term has been used - asteroids. This is debris in the tail of Planet X, which is increasingly turning toward the Earth, hosed out from the N Pole of Planet X. This is why the wobble has gotten more violent, why electromagnetic disruption of dams and airplanes has occurred, and why blackouts will become more frequent. There will also be displays in the sky, some of which has already been noticed, from the electromagnetic tides assaulting the Earth's atmosphere. Stay tuned, more to come!"

March 3, 2012

Reports of a "bright light" and an "orange glow" were received by police across Scotland and the north of England around 9.40pm.

The Met Office tweeted: "Hi All, for anyone seeing something in the night sky, we believe it was a meteorite."

A spokesman for Strathclyde Police said the force had been "inundated" with calls about a bright object in the sky across the west of Scotland. A Durham Police spokeswoman said a number of calls came in around 9.45pm from concerned members of public who had seen a "bright light or a fire in the sky" and believed it may have been incidents involving an aircraft. "

It has been confirmed with air traffic control that there are no incidents of aircraftin difficult and nothing registered on radar," she said. "

The sightings are believed to be either an asteroid burning out or similar which has been restricted to the upper atmosphere only." Grampian Police said reports of people seeing a "flare or a bright object with a tail" were received from across the region. And Dumfries and Galloway Constabulary said numerous calls were made about a "large ball of fire in the sky" across Annandale and Eskdale.

One user wrote on the force's Facebook page: "It was awesome to see! Really big and bright!" Hundreds of people took to Twitter to report similar sightings across Scotland and the north of England. People described seeing a bright fireball moving across the sky with a large tail.

The Kielder Observatory also reported the sighting of a "huge fireball" travelling from north to south over Northumberland at 9.41pm. The Observatory posted on Twitter: "Of 30 years observing the sky #fireball best thing I have ever seen period."



What a Meteor Looks Like


What a Large Daytime Fireball Looks Like

Chelyabinsk Fireball (2013)

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Comment by Howard on March 10, 2014 at 8:07pm

Irish Skies Lit Up By ‘Extremely Bright’ Fireball (Mar 8)

An ‘extremely bright fireball’ was seen streaking across Irish skies on Saturday night before breaking up, Astronomy Ireland has said.

The organisation received “lots of reports” of sightings of the meteor which lit up the sky shortly after 9.30pm.

“Fireballs are seen quite rarely, but when they appear on a clear evening when people are travelling from work we often get inundated with reports,” said astronomy Ireland chairman David Moore.


Comment by Howard on March 7, 2014 at 11:01pm

Mysterious Blasts Light Up Sky Over Siberia (Mar 6)

An explosion of unclear origin illuminated the sky over eastern Siberia on Thursday morning, leaving frightened locals to speculate about an asteroid or malfunctioning rocketry, media reports said.

The blast, for which no official explanation has been offered, was witnessed by the population of the Kyrgydai village in Russia’s Yakutia region, the news website said.

The above video from a surveillance camera documented the bright flash in the sky.

Reports said some debris apparently plummeted into the taiga after the explosion, but nothing had been recovered by the time of this article’s publication.

No man-made rocketry was publicly scheduled to fly over Yakutia on the date of the explosion. But the area has been hit by debris from Russian carrier rockets at least four times in the past.

Russia is building a new spaceport in the far-eastern Amur Region, but it is not to become operational until 2015.

A blast in the sky was also reported on March 4 in the western Siberian city of Nizhnevartovsk.

Authorities offered no explanation.


Comment by Howard on March 7, 2014 at 4:32am

Separate Fireballs Explode Over New Mexico and Canada (Mar 6)

Fireball over Yellowknife, Canada on March 6, 2014


Two different fireballs exploded over New Mexico and Yellowknife, Canada within hours of each other.

The fireball over north central New Mexico occurred just after midnight.

"It was brighter than the full Moon and shook houses from its sonic boom," according to Thomas Ashcraft.

People in Albuquerque’s north valley tell KRQE News 13 it was so loud their houses shook.


Approximately two hours later, a similar fireball streaked over Yellowknife, Canada, exploding so brightly that the flash turned the night sky blue (top photos).


There were also three recently discovered asteroids that zipped closely past Earth within the past 48 hours.



Comment by Howard on February 28, 2014 at 3:28am

Fireball Blazes Across Mid-Atlantic Skies (Feb 27)
A fiery meteor was spotted over many area of Washington, DC; Virginia; North Carolina; and Maryland Thursday evening, including Fairfax, Kensington, and Pentagon City.

“A white center with red tail, sinking and moving quickly,” said a Twitter user who spotted it over Kensington. 

“I was getting on 495 from 95 – it was huge! I was waiting for an explosion. Really cool,” said Julie Matthews via Facebook.

“Looked like a giant fireball,” said Brad Lowry, who saw it from Greensboro, NC.

“Saw one shoot over the National Mall; looked bright and green,” added Joe McMonigle.

“It was a beautiful greenish white with a long tail,” an observer in Vienna reported.

“The fireball moved very fast and was brighter by far than any meteor I've ever witnessed. It almost looked like a fast moving green flare,” wrote a Springfield resident.

The fireball was spotted about 7 p.m., in many cases by people driving. An Alexandria resident noted that the meteor’s path appeared to run parallel to Interstate 395.

The fireball prompted dozens of reports to the American Meteor Society.


Comment by sourabh kale on February 27, 2014 at 10:20pm

Bright fireball captured on Madison police video

feb 27 2014


Look, up in the sky! A bird? A plane? Superman? No, just a bright white fireball captured on video in a Madison police officer's squad car.

On a cold Wednesday night on the city's West Side, a veteran police officer saw something not normally seen when on patrol, Madison police said in a news release.

"The officer was parked near the Hy-Vee store at Westgate Mall when just before midnight, a large, bright white fireball pierced the cold night sky," said police spokesman Joel DeSpain.

"The object was moving extremely fast and would have without question struck the ground," the officer said in his report.

A fellow officer driving on Old Sauk Road also saw the same "long fire trail," the release said.

The first officer was able to catch the fireball on video.

Fearing the worst, such as the fireball possibly being an airplane, he drove to where he thought the object might have crashed, near a local television tower.

"He could find nothing out of the ordinary, and he also checked with the FAA," DeSpain said. "No large planes were in the area."

After taking a few moments to figure things out, the officer decided whatever fell from the sky could have been a long distance away.

"I didn't see any impact flash or hear an impact," the officer said.

"His conclusion was it most likely was a meteor or maybe some space junk that momentarily heated up an otherwise cold night on routine patrol," DeSpain said.

Comment by Howard on February 25, 2014 at 8:19pm

Another Bright Fireball Blazes Over Eastern U.S. Skies (Feb 24)
A large and bright fireball was seen and reported by over 100 witnesses across Northern US East Coast (February 24th 2014, 9:11pm EST – February 25th 2014, 2:11pm UT).

The fireball was seen from primarily New Jersey but witnesses from Connecticut, Maryland, New Hampshire, Delaware, Pennsylvania and Virgina also reported seeing the fireball.

This was the second bright meteor seen over the U.S. East in as many days.


Comment by Corey Young on February 25, 2014 at 3:30pm

Asteroid strike on moon creates largest impact ever recorded

This is interesting, not only because the fireballs are on the increase around the World, but because the Moon already acts as a magnet for incoming debris and (in its own way) helps to shield us from it. No doubt that during this increase in Planet X Tail Lashings that will bring more Space junk, rocks, and debris the Moon is also vulnerable.

So this may be an indication of things to come on the Moon as well. Brilliant light shows resulting from Planet X Debris....another slap in the face of the Cover Up!

Comment by sourabh kale on February 24, 2014 at 7:58pm

La Mon, 24 Feb 2014 05:06 CST

bola de fuego
© TV3 Meteorologist Eloi Cordomí explains during TV newscast Telenotícies that the fireball was seen from Catalonia and that it was caused by a meteor  
Translated by

A meteor weighing between one and two kilograms (approx. 2-4 pounds) caught fire as it entered the atmosphere and was seen in several regions near the coast.

Last Saturday evening, February 22, a fireball crossed the sky over Catalonia, according to several eyewitness testimonies gathered by the meteorological services at TV3.

Meteorologist Eloi Cordomí explained during Sunday's TV newscast  Telenotícies Migdia that it had probably been a bolide or a meteor weighing approximately 1 or 2 kilos. It had caught fire as it entered the atmosphere.

The phenomenon described by Mr. Cordomí and later reported by Nació Digital was visible from different areas in Girona, el Maresme, el Penedés and Tarragona.

Numerous Twitter users replied to the meteorologist's appeal for eyewitness accounts, and confirmed having seen the fireball from Tordera and Vilassar de Dalt as well.
Comment by Howard on February 24, 2014 at 7:58pm

Fireball Seen Over Northeast U.S. (Feb 23)

Ethan Rogati said he captured this photo near Sand Bar State Park, Vermont around 8:45 p.m. Sunday.

A bright blue-green fireball streaked across the sky around 8:45 p.m. Sunday.

AMS has received 49 reports about this fireball so far from reporters in MA, NH, NY, ON, QC and VT.

It was observed on February 24th 2014 around 01:44 (UTC).


Comment by lonne rey on February 18, 2014 at 11:53pm

Meteorite causes a strong quake in Argentina

A meteorite has caused a strong quake in Santa Fe, Argentina

A strong tremor caused by a huge explosion was felt on tuesday in at least seven locations in the center and west Santa Fe, we heard a loud explosion and glass moved

Jorge Coghlan the Astronomical Observatory confirmed that the perceivednoise that many people in the southern province of Santa Fe was a fireball, a meteor which disintegrated in the atmosphere, causing the vibration."


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