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At 5:11pm on December 16, 2013, sourabh kale said…
in a party system of politics you need a party ticket to be in the public eye to get elected so if you control the party heads of a country [2 people] you control the whole population of the country as you get to make the rules you get to decide which private corporation gets to have a news media channel who gets government contracts,what is taught in school and college, you get to decide at what rate farmers get to sell their produce , so if you want more workers in the city to work in industries you reduce the rate at which they can sell their produce
At 10:42am on December 9, 2013, sourabh kale said…
lets QUESTION fairy tales taught to us by the priests of the religion of modern era ie science 1}ICE AGE/WEATHER EXTREAMS AND 2}MAGNET POLE SHIFT and 3}Continental drift lets see why these tales were taught
{2} MAGNETIC POLE SHIFT n 3}Continental drift The main magnetic field, generated by turbulent currents within the deep mass of molten iron of the Earth's outer core, periodically flips its direction, such that a compass needle would point south rather than north IF YOU WATCH NOVA Magnetic Pole Flip 530,000 documentary on youtube from the 45 min mark you will find that as you dig into layers of cooled lava the compass needles of the lava are facing different place after certain amount of layer that you dig and these needels face different places not just that 1 layer is facing one side and the 2 is opposite but there is no such relations and they face bizzar directions as you pass each layer in relation to the previous layer what is their explanation for the cause of all these fairy tales SCIENTIST{PRIEST} are still trying to find the reason but whats common in all these theory is all this happened at a very slow gradual rate but if you have the ability to think you will think that the mamoths were found flash frozen,there were tropical trees growing on the poles.the only logical explanation is you are chilling on the equator and suddenly the whole earths crust is shifted and you start freezing on the pole,what causes this nibiru a planet 4 times the diameter of earth which returns evey 3600 years and causes a crustal shift of different degrees when it returns go to and
-if you don't accept that you have a problem how will you solve it the key is being true to yourself
-if god created religion there would be only one wakeup
-they always show in movies that police and politicians are bad so good people don't go for these jobs as they think other people will think they are bad and hence the vicious circle is never broken and things keep on getting worse
-necessity is the mother of all invention
-our relationship with god should be understanding and appreciating what he has already given us not asking for more shit
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NOVA Magnetic Pole Flip 530,000 Years Overdue & Happening Now?
watch this from the 45 min mark
-if you don't accept that you have a problem
how will you solve it
the key is being true to yourself
-if god created religion
there would be only one
-they always show in movies that police and politicians are bad
so good people don't go for these jobs as they think other people will think they are bad
and hence the vicious circle is never broken and things keep on getting worse
-necessity is the mother of all invention
-our relationship with god should be
understanding and appreciating what he has already given us
not asking for more shit
-Only atheist can bring revolution coz believers wil keep believing blindly
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