How will the damage from electro-magnetic pulse caused by Planet X differ from that caused by the solar flares or lightning man is familiar with? As we have often mentioned, man is only aware of a few sub-atomic particle flows, less than 1/1000 of those known to the Zetas. Thus our explanation cannot be given by citing only those particles known to man. It is more than electro-magnetic flows that are generated. It is more than the flow of electrons in space, what has been termed recently in your media as Dark Lightning. We explained at the start of the ZetaTalk saga that the path lightning takes is laid out and readied by other particles, similar to electrons, else how did the electrons find their way?
The Earth is currently in the grip of two magnetic fields – the Sun’s dominant field and the approaching field of Planet X. The Earth stands upright in side-by-side alignment with the Sun, but Planet X attempts to accommodate the Sun by laying along its magnetic field lines, which at present is causing it to point its magnetic N Pole outward toward the Earth. This can be seen in the dramatic Red Filter photos Alberto takes, where Planet X, to the right, blows its charged tail across the face of the Sun so the Moon Swirls cluster at the left of the Sun. The magnetic field of Earth has increasingly skewed during this blast so that the Earth’s magnetic N Pole has been pushed to Siberia, and the Earth into a more exaggerated wobble.
As man is aware, electrons and magnetons like to flow together. This is the reason an electrical field can be generated by rapid movement around a magnet. By blasting the Earth from the side, Planet X is creating hot spots where magnetons are crowded, and this attracts electrons to those hot spots. When rock is under pressure, there is also an electric screech that alarms animals in the area and creates static on nearby radios, as water within the rock can conduct electricity more readily when the rock is squeezed. What happens then, when a temporary magnetic hot spot forms over rock under pressure, which the bending Sunda Plate endures, which happens to be under water, a known electric current conductor? The crowded electro-magnetic field will ground, and the electronics in the hapless plane in its path silenced.

* Dark lightning:
* Lightning Bolts:
* What is an electromagnetic pulse?:
An electromagnetic pulse—EMP, is an intense burst of electromagnetic energy caused by an abrupt, rapid acceleration of charged particles, usually electrons. An EMP can contain elements of energy over a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum, from very-low-frequency radio, to ultraviolet, wavelengths.
A typical example is a lightning strike that produces a localized EMP. As the lightning makes contact, it can direct a large electrical current in nearby wires. A single current surge can damage sensitive electronic circuitry, such as wires and connection contained in computers and ancillary equipment.
By definition, an explosion results from the very rapid release of a large amount of energy within a limited space. This definition applies to a lightning strike, a conventional explosive like dynamite, as well as for a nuclear detonation. However, the energy produced by any one of these explosions results from different means. Understand that all explosions are relative. The effects of the shock wave are directly proportional to the amount of electromagnetic energy associated with the detonation. Its force and effect depend on the quantity of energy associated with the explosion.
[Source of images]
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