Taking Sick
On Jan 15, 1998 ZetaTalk stated that Illness will increase as Planet X approaches. Zetas right again !!!
And reiterated in 1999
On Feb 2, 2000 a Washington report confirmed this increase, and published concerns were subsequently reported.
And since this time, SARS and increased incidence of flesh eating disease,
and entire cruise ships regularly returning to port with the passengers ill with stomach flu have been reported.
Depressed immune systems?
Zetas RIGHT Again!
After the pole shift, there will be many opportunistic diseases that will afflict mankind. This does not require an imagination, as today they afflict mankind after disasters. The primary affliction will be from sewage laden water, which will pollute the drinking water man is forced to use. We have been adamant about mankind distilling their drinking water after the pole shift for this reason. Distillation removes heavy metals as well as killing microbes by the boiling process. Any disease that flourishes in malnourished bodies and in areas of poor hygiene will take advantage of the pole shift disasters. Scurvy due to lack of Vitamin C will occur, with bleeding gums and even death if not corrected. Many weeds are high in Vitamin C and survivors should arm themselves with knowledge about the vitamin content of weeds. Unprotected sex by survivors either taking advantage of the weak, as in rape, or by simple distraction and grief and a lack of contraceptive devices will spread AIDS and hepatitis. Morgellons, which is caused by a synergy of parasites and microbes when the immune system is low will likely increase. There will be outbreaks of diseases which were endemic in the past, such as small pox or measles, but in those survivor communities where the members have been immunized in the past these will be limited and quarantines can help in this regard.
Epidemic Hazard in India on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:16 (03:16 AM) UTC.
Description | |
The Department of Health and Family Welfare has informed that it had received a message through telephone on 12th September 2011 of an outbreak of fever of unknown cause leading to three deaths at Poilwa village, Peren District. Immediately the State Rapid Response Team (RRT) of Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP), Nagaland, comprising of Dr. John Kemp (State Surveillance Officer), Dr. Sao Tunyi (Epidemiologist), Dr. Kevisevolie Sekhose (Epidemiologist), and Venezo Vasa (Entomologist) conducted an outbreak investigation at Poilwa village. The team collected three samples from suspected cases out of which all the three were tested positive for Scrub Typhus. Till date, there are 9 cases with 3 deaths. This was stated in a official press note issued by Dr. Imtimeren Jamir, the Principal Director, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare, Kohima. Scrub Typhus is Rickettsial disease caused Orientia tsutsugamushi and transmitted by the bite of mite called Leptotrombidium deliense. In Nagaland, it was formerly detected by IDSP with Central Surveillance Team at Longsa village Mokokchung in 2006, and in Porba village of Phek District in 2007. The State RRT team carried out the outbreak investigation along with doing and entomological survey. The patients were treated with appropriate medicines and awareness and preventive measures were communicated with the villagers. The concerned local health authorities and programs are informed for further necessary action. The mop-up operation is being carried out by the National Vector Borne Disease Control Program. | |
Biohazard name: | Typhus (Scrub) |
Biohazard level: | 3/4 Hight |
Biohazard desc.: | Bacteria and viruses that can cause severe to fatal disease in humans, but for which vaccines or other treatments exist, such as anthrax, West Nile virus, Venezuelan equine encephalitis, SARS virus, variola virus (smallpox), tuberculosis, typhus, Rift Valley fever, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, yellow fever, and malaria. Among parasites Plasmodium falciparum, which causes Malaria, and Trypanosoma cruzi, which causes trypanosomiasis, also come under this level. |
Symptoms: | - After bite by infected mite larvae called chiggers, papule develops at the biting site which ulcerates and eventually heals with the development of a black eschar. - Patients develop sudden fever with headache, weakness, myalgia, generalized enlargement of lymph nodes, photophobia, and dry cough. - A week later, rash appears on the trunk, then on the extremities, and turns pale within a few days. - Symptoms generally disappear after two weeks even without treatment. - However, in severe cases with Pneumonia and Myocarditis, mortality may reach 30% Diagnosis - The most commonly used test for diagnosis is Wel-Felix Test, which is available at State IDSP laboratory, Kohima. - More specific serological tests like detection of IgM can also be done for diagnosis. |
Status: | confirmed
Turns out, the plague isn't just ancient history. New Mexico health officials recently confirmed the first human case of bubonic plague — previously known as the "Black Death" — to surface in the U.S. in 2011.
An unidentified 58-year-old man was hospitalized for a week after suffering from a high fever, pain in his abdomen and groin, and swollen lymph nodes, reports the New York Daily News. (Officials declined to say when the man was released from the hospital.) A blood sample from the man tested positive for the disease.
Epidemic Hazard in USA on Saturday, 17 September, 2011 at 03:33 (03:33 AM) UTC.
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Umatilla County health officials today confirmed a case of plague in an adult male county resident. He may have been infected while hunting in Lake County, noted Sharon Waldern, clinic supervisor for the county’s public health department. “Lake County had two cases of human plague last year.” The man has been hospitalized and is receiving treatment, Waldern noted. “People need to realize he was never considered contagious and he started treatment fairly quickly.” Plague is spread to humans through a bite from an infected flea. The disease is serious but treatable with antibiotics if caught early, officials said. Plague can be passed from fleas feeding on infected rodents and then transmitted to humans. Direct contact with infected tissues or fluids from handling sick or dead animals can pass the disease, as well as through respiratory droplets from cats and humans with pneumonic plague, officials said in a press release. Some types are spread from person to person, but that is not the case here, Waldern said. Symptoms typically develop within one to four days and up to seven days after exposure and include fever, chills, headache, weakness and a bloody or watery cough due to pneumonia, enlarged, tender lymph nodes, abdominal pain and bleeding into the skin or other organs. Plague is rare in Oregon. Only three human cases have been diagnosed since 1995 and they all recovered. Last year two human cases of plague were diagnosed in Lake County. As far as she knows, this is the first ever incident in Umatilla County. “In this recent case it is important to stay away from flea-infested areas and to recognize the symptoms. People can protect themselves, their family members and their pets,” said Genni Lehnert-Beers, administrator for Umatilla County Health Department. “Using flea treatment on your pets is very important, because your pets can bring fleas into your home.” People should contact their health care provider or veterinarian if plague is suspected. Early treatment for people and pets with appropriate antibiotics is essential to curing plague infections. Untreated plague can be fatal for animals and people. Antibiotics to prevent or treat plague should be used only under the direction of a health care provider. Additional steps to prevent flea bites include wearing insect repellent, tucking pant cuffs into socks when in areas heavily occupied by rodents, and avoiding contact with wildlife including rodents. |
Biohazard name: | Plague (Bubonic) |
Biohazard level: | 4/4 Hazardous |
Biohazard desc.: | Viruses and bacteria that cause severe to fatal disease in humans, and for which vaccines or other treatments are not available, such as Bolivian and Argentine hemorrhagic fevers, H5N1(bird flu), Dengue hemorrhagic fever, Marburg virus, Ebola virus, hantaviruses, Lassa fever, Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever, and other hemorrhagic or unidentified diseases. When dealing with biological hazards at this level the use of a Hazmat suit and a self-contained oxygen supply is mandatory. The entrance and exit of a Level Four biolab will contain multiple showers, a vacuum room, an ultraviolet light room, autonomous detection system, and other safety precautions designed to destroy all traces of the biohazard. Multiple airlocks are employed and are electronically secured to prevent both doors opening at the same time. All air and water service going to and coming from a Biosafety Level 4 (P4) lab will undergo similar decontamination procedures to eliminate the possibility of an accidental release. |
Symptoms: | |
StatuThe Black Death: Bubonic Plague
confirmed http://hisz.rsoe.hu/alertmap/site/?pageid=event_desc&edis_id=EH...
Published on 06 Feb 2014
Description of the disaster
The Ministry of Health (MoH) has declared an epidemic of Hepatitis E Virus (HEV) outbreak in Karamoja sub-region of North Eastern Uganda in Napak after ¾ samples sent to UVRI1 tested positive for HEV by PCR on 1 Dec 2014. The case loads continue to increase from the initial cluster of acute jaundice syndrome cases that was reported in Napak by October 2013 to the MoH, to the latest 656 cases reported as of 26th January 2014. Most deaths (68 % or 13/19) occurred amongst pregnant mothers.
Napak district was curbed out of Moroto in July of the year 2010. The district has a population of 209,100 people of which 110,500 are male and 108,700 are female. Napak District is made up of one county (Bokora), seven sub-counties and one town council. The district health system is made of 1 District Hospital, 12 health facilities (10 Government and two Private not for Profit (PNFP) Hospital): 1 PNFP hospital, 6 Health Centre level III’s and the rest are Health Center level II’s.
The population of the district constitutes majorly the Karamojong who are agro-pastoralists. Access to healthcare has remained relatively low with up to 41 % of the population living more than 5 km from health facilities. This situation is worse in sub-counties like Lokopo, Lotome, Lopeei and Lorengechora that are served by 1 health facility each. Napak is bordered by Moroto, Nakapiripirit, Abim, Katakwi, Kotido and Amudat Districts. The district is part of the Karamoja sub-region, home to an estimated 1.2 million Karamojong. HEV has caused more morbidity and mortality compared to any other epidemic in this sub region.
The predisposing factors causing the Hepatitis E epidemic in Karamoja sub-region are low latrine coverage, poor access to safe water and poor hygiene practices. Currently, the districts are implementing routine interventions (surveillance, case management, community mobilization/sensitization, and water and sanitation activities). These response activities are being implemented in a piecemeal manner due to lack of resources. The current interventions are not adequate to interrupt the increased transmission of HEV.
Currently, there is an upsurge of HEV cases in Napak District in Uganda. Over the four weeks, the number of cases of HEV reported on a weekly basis has increased from an average of 10 cases to an average of over 57 cases. This rapid increase in the trend of HEV cases demonstrates an exacerbation in the evolution of the epidemic. Of special note is the concern for the vulnerability of pregnant women who are most at risk from an HEV outbreak, evident from the statistics of deceased due to the disease (13 out of 19 deaths were pregnant women). continued.......
The strain of tuberculosis surfacing in Irkutsk is resistant to many of the usual medications.
CHARLOTTESVILLE — One of the world’s deadliest diseases until being nearly eliminated by antibiotics and better hygiene, tuberculosis is making a comeback in certain corners, especially in parts of Russia.
Two University of Virginia physicians are working with Russian researchers seeking to curb the outbreak of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, which has more than twice the mortality rate of the disease’s normal — or drug-susceptible — strain.
The physicians, Scott Heysell and Eric Houpt, said it’s crucial to get the disease under control before it spreads to other parts of the world.
“It threatens to really erase all the prior gains in TB treatment,” Heysell said. “If we were to see a small increase in drug resistance [in the United States], that would have a significant impact on public health resources.”
Heysell and Houpt have received a $340,000 grant from the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases for a two-year study looking for ways to more effectively diagnose and treat drug-resistant tuberculosis.
They will spend much of their time in the Siberian city of Irkutsk, which sees roughly 1,000 cases of drug-resistant TB a year.
Irkutsk and the surrounding area comprise an important trade hub with Mongolia and China, making it especially vulnerable, Heysell said. Nearby prisons also might have been a breeding ground for the disease, and cold weather forces everyone inside for much of the year, making it easier for the disease to spread.
“There was mixing of different strains and intense crowding,” Heysell said. “That certainly contributed to the rise of drug-resistant TB.”
Modern Americans have very little exposure to tuberculosis, but it has been with humanity for millennia. Also known as consumption, it is a bacterial infection that causes fever, chills, severe coughing and weight loss.
The discovery of antibiotics in the 1940s and the development of new drugs in the 1950s eliminated the threat throughout much of the developed world.
But the disease is still around. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported about 9,000 cases in 2012, a rate of 3.2 per 100,000 people. Many more people have the bacteria in their bodies, but their immune systems prevent spreading. The World Health Organization estimates one-third of the world’s population is infected.
With the Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, less than a week away, the CDC has named drug-resistant pathogens, including tuberculosis, a major health concern.
“Many countries have high rates of tuberculosis and we’ve seen lots of drug resistance, as well,” CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden said at a recent news conference. “It generally requires long, prolonged contact with someone who has not been effectively treated.”
Treatment of tuberculosis is complex and expensive, requiring precise dosages of the right medications. All of that depends on the strain the patient is diagnosed as having, and how patients respond to the drugs.
Heysell and Houpt said they want to help train health professionals in testing, diagnosis and devising treatment regimens.
“Identifying the right drugs for treating TB is complicated,” Houpt said. “It requires sophisticated lab methods. … A lot of our project is transferring state-of-the-art diagnostic methods to Russia.”
In the best-case scenario — which would be drug-susceptible tuberculosis — patients would have to stick to a strict drug regimen for six months. Treatment of drug-resistant strains can take up to two years.
If the dosages aren’t right, or not enough of the drugs are absorbed into a patient’s bloodstream, that could help make the bacteria more drug resistant. Treatment is usually overseen by a nurse, Houpt said.
Outside Siberian cities, the population might be spread out, making it difficult to oversee treatment.
“The scope is much more challenging there, and so are the scale and the logistics,” Houpt said.
An outbreak of an incurable disease that affects oysters has been discovered in Northern Ireland.
Oyster fishermen have been ordered to stop harvesting in one particular bed in Lough Foyle in Co Londonderry after an outbreak of bonamia ostreae, a condition that has wiped out native oysters in parts of Europe and in other parts of Ireland.
This means the Foyle is now the most significant habitat for oysters across Europe, making the protection of the shellfish that remain critical and of the highest importance.
Barry Fox, director of aquaculture and shellfish with the Loughs Agency, said saving the oysters was his main priority. He said the disease was a bit of a mystery.
"This is a blood parasite that can lie dormant in young oysters and attacks them when they get stressed, but there is very little known about it and no cure.
"It was first detected in Lough Foyle in 2005, but unfortunately the strict controls that now exist governing the harvesting of oysters only came into effect in 2008 and the numbers of oysters in the Foyle are not what they could have been.
"When oysters are harvested from the bed, the ones that are too small are thrown back, but this causes stress to the oyster, which is when bonamia can take hold, and it has been known to completely wipe out the supply of oysters.
In fact, this has happened in a number of places across Europe and in Westport in Co Mayo and Lough Swilly in Donegal.
"We conducted a significant survey before Christmas and found that in this sizeable bed in the middle of the Foyle, 80% of the oysters are undersize and 70% of the stock in the bed are infected with bonamia ostreae, which is why we stopped harvesting of this particular oyster bed.
"We know the oysters are stressed because they remain open when they are brought up from the bed. Normally the shell would remain closed."
The oyster fishing season runs from September to March, when licensed fishermen can harvest them from Monday through to Friday, from 6am to 6pm.
During any season, oyster harvesting is worth approximately £500,000 to the local economy.
Source- http://www.belfasttelegraph.co.uk/news/environment/blow-to-fisherme...
Spread of H1N1 flu across Canada calls for more people to be vaccinated
The Public Health Agency reports that H1N1 has been responsible for most flu-related hospitalizations across the country. At least 13 deaths so far this season have been connected to H1N1. Three deaths in Saskatchewan have been linked to the flu. Five deaths have been reported in a massive Alberta flu spike and the two recent Toronto deaths doubled the number for the province of Ontario.
There is an outbreak of scabies in Bosnia and Herzegovina. I can't get a translation from Google Translate, but I'm providing you a link so you can try to translate it:
Eitherway, it made me think and research a little bit. This kind of parasites and others (like lices) will be common in the aftertime, and curing cream now is very expensive or not available without doctors prescription. Instead we can buy permethrin solution for treating farm animals, mix it with body lotion and use it for treatment. For example:
It is sold in concentration of 10% and you have to get 5% solution so this one should be mixed 1 part of permethrin and 1 part of lotion. If it is 20%, then you mix it 1:4 etc.
Massage the cream into the skin from the head to the soles of the feet, paying special attention to creases in the skin, hands, feet, between fingers and toes, underarms, and groin. Scabies rarely infests the scalp of adults, although the hairline, neck, side of the head, and forehead may be infested in older people and in infants. Infants should be treated on the scalp, side of the head, and forehead.
It is of great importance to treat all the furniture, clothes and bedding that was in contact with infested person. All household members and close contacts should be treated even if they have no symptoms. This is because it can take up to six weeks to develop symptoms after you become infected. Close contacts may be infected, but have no symptoms, and may pass on the mite.
Re-apply the same treatment 7 days after first application.
For head lices it is used diluted to 1%.
Permethrin can also be used like a repelent on clothes or for desinsection of living quarters (diluted to 2-5 g/l or 0.2-0.5%). The other stuff which is not that toxic for humans and can be used for desinsetion is alpha-cypermethrin (diluted to 0.3-0.6 g/l or 0.03-0.06%). It can be bought as an insecticide for agriculture under various brand names.
Posted: Mon 2:05 PM, Dec 23, 2013
LAS VEGAS (AP) - Las Vegas public health officials say dozens of people linked to a tuberculosis outbreak at a neonatal unit have tested positive for the disease.
The Southern Nevada Health District reported on Monday that of the 977 people tested, 59 showed indications of the disease and two showed signs of being contagious.
Dr. Joe Iser, chief medical officer at the health district, says the report demonstrates the importance of catching tuberculosis early.
Health officials tested hundreds of babies, family members and staff who were at Summerlin Hospital Medical Center's neonatal intensive care unit this past summer, saying they wanted to take extra precautions after the death of a mother and her twin babies.
They contacted the parents of about 140 babies who were at the unit between mid-May and mid-August.
All students and staff members at a southern California high school will be screened for tuberculosis today after 45 students tested positive for possible exposure to the illness.
The decision to test the 1,800 students and staff from Indio High School in Riverside County comes after a student last month was diagnosed with active tuberculosis.
Earlier this week, 131 students were screened and 45 tested positive for possible exposure. Of those, five were identified as requiring further examination for signs of the illness.
Indio High School: All students and staff are required to have the free TB test and may not return to school after the Christmas break unless they have been screened
The numbers of those potentially infected were higher than expected, but the 'the likelihood of the illness being passed from one person to the next is remote,' said Cameron Kaiser, a Riverside County health official who ordered the expanded school-wide testing.
'Someone who is exposed does not necessarily have active tuberculosis, a condition that must be confirmed with more tests,' spokesman for Riverside County Public Health Jose Arballo told CNN.
According to MyDesert.com, active tuberculosis was brought to Indio High by a student who attended the school from September until mid-November. The student, who has not been identified by authorities, is expected to make a full recovery.
Officials say it is very unlikely that the disease has spread and that the tests are being performed on all staff and students out of 'an abundance of caution.'
The initial test is a skin test. A small needle is used to inject a material called tuberculin under the skin. After two to three days, a follow-up examination will determine whether the patient had a reaction to the test.
If the result is positive, the patient will have further tests, including a lung X-ray, to determine whether they have the disease.
Indio students will return to the school Monday for their follow-up examinations.
Tuberculosis is an infection caused by a bacterium that generally affects the lungs. It can also spread to other parts of the body and if left untreated, kills more than 50 per cent of people infected.
The symptoms includes fever, chills, night sweats, chest pain, coughing up of sputum and weight-loss.
Tuberculosis is spread through the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. It cannot be caught through kissing, sharing drinks or touching.
According to the Press-Enterprise, Riverside County has has other active cases of tuberculosis this year, including one student from Vista Murrieta High School. There were 250 people screened after that case but none were found to have active tuberculosis.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that one-third of the world's population is infected with tuberculosis.
In the early 1900s, the infection killed one in every seven people in the United States. Since the 1940s, cases of tuberculosis have decreased with the introduction of effective medicines.
Treatment involves an aggressive regimen of antibiotics for a total of six to nine months.
A letter to parents on Indio High School's website states that testing for the disease is mandatory and that until students have been tested, they may not return to school after the break on January 6.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2527042/California-high-sch...
Travelers to the Caribbean island of St. Martin are being warned that, for the first time, a mosquito-borne illness called chikungunya has been detected there. Chikungunya causes fever, headache and severe joint pains that last about a week, and sometimes longer. There is no vaccine, so the only prevention is to avoid mosquito bites, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Wednesday. So far, 10 cases have been confirmed in St. Martin, and health officials believe the virus is present in the island’s mosquito populations — the first time that it appears to have established itself anywhere in the Western Hemisphere. Previous outbreaks have occurred in Africa, Asia and parts of Europe.
Source- http://www.nytimes.com/2013/12/19/health/caribbean-travelers-warned...
Officials with the Montgomery County Health Department are on a mission to find out more about a mystery flu-like illness. So far, half of the people who have come down with it have died. According to the health department, all of the patients have had flu-like and/or pneumonia like symptoms. However, all of them have tested negative for the flu. There have been eight confirmed patients ranging in age from 41 to 68. Four of those patients have died. Sources told WFAA sister station KHOU that two of the surviving patients are being treated at Conroe Regional Medical Center and are "very sick." Those sources said doctors are being advised to use extra precaution to prevent this from spreading. It’s unclear if any of the patients had pre-existing conditions. The Montgomery County Health Department is waiting on more conclusive test results. Officials are hoping they will have more answers in the days to come. | |
Biohazard name: | Unidentified flu-like illness (fatal) |
Biohazard level: | 3/4 Hight |
source | |
50 head of cattle die from mysterious disease in one week
UP to eight families in BH3, Jambezi in Hwange, lost more than 50 head of cattle last week to a yet-to-be identified disease in the latest mass animal deaths in Matabeleland North.
Chief Shana of Jambezi confirmed the mass cattle deaths and said about eight households had been affected.
"At the moment we don't know what is killing the cattle; we are waiting for the veterinary people to come back to us. So far they have not identified the disease because they are still conducting tests. What I can tell you is that a lot of families, about eight of them, lost their cattle to the disease," said Chief Shana.
Villagers said veterinary officials, who came and took samples which they sent to veterinary laboratories in Hwange for tests, fear that the cattle were wiped out by an infectious disease whose exact cause remains unknown.
One of the owners of the cattle, Mr Sizwangendaba Ncube, made the grim discovery on Thursday and immediately alerted Chief Shana and the police who called the veterinary personnel.
In an interview, Mr Ncube's son, Alfa, said six cows died as a result of the unknown illness.
"We are now left with just two cows from eight. Six have died but we don't know what is killing them. Some of them just fell down and died but we had to slaughter the other cows which were very ill and had no chance of survival. We had to slaughter them because we feared that they were infected with a contagious disease which might spread to other cows.
"We are not the only family that has lost cows, a number of families also lost their cattle. I can't tell you the exact number but what I know is that a lot of people have lost their livestock. I know one woman who also lost six cows. I know her because we usually share grazing areas with her," Alfa said.
He revealed that the veterinary officials had advised them not to consume the dead animals as they might pose a danger to humans.
"They don't know what killed the cows so they told us not to take chances because the disease might also be fatal to humans," he said.
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