With the existence of the mainstream information funnels upheld by the 1% PTB, is it even possible for the common man to pick themselves up, dust themselves off and start their own promotional campaign about the PS and the ZT message? How long will the common man have to wait while they watch the common man suffer such as the Rohingya boat people in Bangladesh recently? To see their faces suffering is very revealing of the cover-up, given that they could easily have prepared themselves for what was in process and pending with ZT accuracy predictions. Is there not much difference the common man can make at this point in terms of promotion of the ZT message to the world? Is it even realistic for the common man to start an aggressive promotional campaign of the PS and ZT given the forces of the cover-up in place around the world? What are the chances of the 99% making even a small slight difference to help the worlds populations prepare? By the common man promoting the message to the world, could this be a way to sow peace among nations?
When asked to estimate the number of genuine contactees in 1998, we cited 12,000 (though the number is not fixed but constantly on the move). When asked recently in 2012, we gave the surprising answer of over a billion contactees. This number does not include Star Children, who likewise number about a billion, but covers almost all Earth born reincarnating souls and a number of human who have not yet sparked! If the cover-up is attempting to blind the populace to the presence of Planet X and withhold information on the pending passage until the last possible minute, how can they control this invisible information river?
The Internet is considered a thorn in the sides of the cover-up, as information goes viral on message boards, via email, with a key blog examined by millions before the establishment is even aware of its impact. The establishment suppresses the media and issues disinformation to counter the facts the common man is discussing on the Internet, and think they are winning this battle. After all, NASA is the expert on things in space, and NASA says so! The establishment in fact is complacent in the matter of the cover-up, as they have all visible means of communication under control, or so they think.
It is the invisible river of communication between contactee and visitor, among contactees during group meetings, and thence discussed soul-to-soul among family and friends that the establishment should fear. Those in the establishment are not invited to group contactee meetings, as their motives are to deny the common man the information which would empower them. There is a groundswell of knowledge passing among contactees, electrifying them in purpose and determination. This is not visible on the surface. It is an internal flame, lit and burning ever brighter, that will emerge as a blaze of light one day soon, shocking the complacent establishment.
ZetaTalk: Harvest
Note: written by Jul 15, 1995
The Transformation is sometimes referred to as the Harvest. On your Planet Earth, because of the geological changes that periodically happen, the Transformation to 4th Density has been planned to coincide with these geological changes. The reason is simple, though some may view it in horror. During the coming geological changes the vast majority of your Earth’s populace will perish, suddenly. Those who survive will find a world without food or shelter from the elements. Medical treatment will be scarce, and hygiene the least of anyone’s thoughts. Consequently, even after the cataclysms, the die-off will be huge.
Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion. Reincarnation on new worlds does not happen because of every intelligent life that harbors the possibility of this. We call these aborted souls. This is not any decision on the part of an administrative force, it just simply happens. Nothing sparked a soul. Nothing sparks a soul in a parakeet or a dog. If there is an indolent life, or one without challenge, frequently the soul dissipates upon death rather than remaining to reincarnate and grow and increase in mass.
Therefore the pole shift will result in quite a number of souls suddenly looking for reincarnation, but because this is a Transformation time they will be gathered, if they have not made their orientation decision to be Service-to-Self or Service-to-Other, and whisked off to a water world to be reincarnated into a type of octopus and carry on their lessons. Those who are Service-to-Other will reincarnate into more intelligent hominoids on Earth, and those who are Service-to-Self and have firmly decided this will be sent off to various worlds, at times in human form, for what we would term a very unpleasant life among others of their own kind.
Note: written Jun 15, 2002
Unsparked souls are fuzzy, aware of themselves as separate entities from other humans or animals, but basically dazed and wandering about, gap mouthed. They are taking it all in, as the first passage, the first tour, the first time visiting a place. Unless some matter occurs to spark a soul, such as empathy for another in distress and a choice to sacrifice comfort of the self to assist the other, no sparking occurs. A lazy life, lived in a local indolent with simple tasks, or taken out by early childhood illness, will not spark. There is a greater percentage of unsparked souls in those continents or locales where life is a simple struggle, not industrialized, not in high communication with other cultures. Thus, Third World countries have a higher percentage of unsparked souls. Thus, rural areas have a higher percentage of unsparked souls that urban areas. Thus, the corridors of power almost invariably have older souls, as this is deemed a high impact zone, given to high drama for choices.
As Earth is hominoid inhabited, the obvious choice of a Star Child background to assist developing souls on Earth would be hominoid. However, the entire gamut of past life forms are found. The reason is that it is the determination of the entity, the skill set, the past roles they have played well, the strong desire to make a difference, that determines the choices of which volunteers to allow first incarnation opportunities. Star Children are found in all walks, but most often where existing incarnations are undecided, or they can support the Transformation. Thus, they would be unlikely to go into a primitive village, inhabited mostly by unsparked souls. Sparking is not caused by others, and thus their entire incarnation as a Star Child would be wasted. But if in a combat zone, of sorts, combat of orientation decisions and opportunities, their presence would make a difference. Supporting humans, terran born souls, in significant of high impact activities is regarded as a primary mission for Star Children. Thus, there are many in the corridors of power and politics around the world, and in the fields were assisting starvation or suffering are the focus.
ZetaTalk: Categorization
Note: writen during the May 25, 2002 Live ZetaTalk IRC Session
The Earth, at close to 5 billion people, is approximately 25% Service-to-Other orientation, 7% Service-to-Self orientation, and 68% undecided.
ZetaTalk: Photon Belt
Reincarnation will not be affected by the pole shift any more than normal life cycles. Humans died young in the past. In the days of the cave man life was far shorter, so this is common to your species. There will be much death, and this has horrified many people, but at the present time the majority of humans on Earth, in fact four-fifths or more, do not have reincarnated souls but can spark new souls. This has happened because of the population explosion.
ZetaTalk: Harvest
Why did we state, in the Photon Belt writeup, that there were close to 5 billion people, when the figure is closer to 6 billion? The billion excluded is those human bodies incarnated by other than terran born souls, in other words, Star Children. And who were we addressing when we stated the percentages of Service-to-Other, Service-to-Self, and Undecided? Clearly not human bodies who were only a potential for a soul, not having sparked yet. Could these humans be Service-to-Other, a non-existent soul having made this decision? Could they be undecided, if they were not yet aware of themselves to the extent of realizing there was a choice? The percentages, reaching 100% in total, were addressing those approximate 1 billion humans incarnated with terran born souls, sparked in past lifetimes. Thus, the percentages, how the Earth's human population breaks down, is:
1 billion or so incarnated by terran born souls, which break down into 25% Service-to-Other, 7% Service-to-Self, and 68% undecided.
1 billion or so incarnated by souls born elsewhere, assisting in the Transformation, in other words, Star Children.
4 billion fogged potentials, dazed and gap-mouthed, trying to sort out the world on their first tour.
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