February 23, 2011. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/ahmadinejad-predicts-mideast-unrest-coming-to-america/ Iran's president said Wednesday he is certain the wave of unrest in the Middle East will spread to Europe and North America, bringing an end to governments he accused of oppressing and humiliating people. "The world is on the verge of big developments. Changes will be forthcoming and will engulf the whole world from Asia to Africa and from Europe to North America," Ahmadinejad told a news conference. Ahmadinejad said the world was in need of a just system of rule that "puts an end to oppression, occupation and humiliation of people." [and from another] This correlates with what the Zetas said about the 8 of 10, "These sociological and political dramas are part of the 8 of 10 scenarios, as well as geological and astronomical features. This is the next chapter." https://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/zetatalk-fame The Zetas did say that Ahmadinejad is STO . Did he got his information from reading ZT or is there more too it?


Ahmadinejad is speaking as a leader of a Muslim country, viewing the Arab Spring as an uprising against colonialism, imperialism, and western corporate influence. This stance is expected of him because of his political role in Iran. The article makes much of Ahmadinejad's criticism of Gaddafi and his brutal treatment of his people. This is to differentiate between an Arab leader who was considered a puppet, as was Mubarak, and Gaddafi who was considered a leader who resisted western influence and control and thus should be a brother to his people. Does Ahmadinejad read ZetaTalk and have an inside track on the Transformation, the pending 8 of 10 scenarios? Yes on both fronts, as despite disbelief that Ahmadinejad is a Service-to-Other individual, he is a sleeper like Obama, awaiting his opportunities to make a difference in the world. He gives a hint as to the sequence of revolt and discontent - from the Arab Spring to Asia, then Africa, then Europe and thence to N America.

Source: ZetaTalk for June 18, 2011


Note: This blog is about his prediction. Keep in mind that political debates are not allowed on the poleshift ning.

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Comment by KM on September 19, 2011 at 4:05am

There is no information to be found on mainstream media about the protests on Wall street - here is some information on the protests   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iWP9WF5dj-g&feature=player_embed...!


Comment by Sevan Makaracı on September 19, 2011 at 12:19am

Yemen , Government opens fire on protesters- 24 dead

Yemeni government forces opened fire with anti-aircraft guns and automatic weapons on tens of thousands of anti-government protesters in the capital demanding ouster of their longtime ruler, killing at least 26 and wounding dozens, medical officials and witnesses said. After nightfall, Sanaa sank into complete darkness after a sudden power outage, as protesters took control of a vital bridge, halting traffic and setting up tents. Thousands of other protesters attacked government buildings and set fires to buildings they said were used by snipers and pro-government thugs. The attack was the deadliest in months against protesters and comes as tensions have been escalating in the long, drawn-out stalemate between the regime and the opposition. The president, Ali Abdullah Saleh, left for Saudi Arabia for treatment after being severely wounded in a June 3 attack on his palace, raising hopes for his swift removal - but instead, he has dug in, refusing to step down. The protest movement has stepped up demonstrations the past week, angered after Saleh deputized Vice President Abed Rabbo Mansour Hadi to negotiate a power-transfer deal. Many believe the move is just the latest of many delaying tactics


Comment by Howard on September 14, 2011 at 3:32am

Record Number of Americans Living in Poverty

"Last year, 46.2 million Americans lived in poverty--the highest total since record keeping began more than half a century ago, the Census Bureau reported Tuesday..."

Comment by Sevan Makaracı on September 10, 2011 at 8:58am


Protest of Thousands in Cairo Turns Violent

Egyptian protesters dismantled a concrete wall which was in front of the Israeli embassy in Cairo.




Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 7, 2011 at 1:12pm
Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 6, 2011 at 10:22pm
Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 6, 2011 at 9:58pm
Comment by Gerard Zwaan on September 4, 2011 at 1:24pm
Comment by Love is the answer on September 3, 2011 at 11:32pm

'March of the Million': Over 400,000 protest across country  Demonstrators in Tel Aviv's Kikar Hamedina take part in huge rally demanding social justice under banner “gov't only understand numbers”; protest organizer Leif: "This is the summer of Israel's new hope."

March of the million in Jerusalem

Comment by astrogal50 on August 28, 2011 at 11:17pm

Please remember that both President Obama and President Ahmadinejad are service to other sleepers, and there are other such sleepers.  Also, just because it is not common knowledge that President Ahmadinejad is indeed STO does not mean the Zetas are wrong about his orientation.

... We have spoken of a contingent in the federal government that has been concerned since the start of the Bush takeover by voter fraud in 2000 about a loss of democracy in the US. This includes members of Congress, the Judiciary, the FBI, the US military, and members of all the federal agencies. Many quit in disgust, but most remained in place, doing whatever was required to retain their jobs, and biding their time. One might call them "patriot sleeper cells".... One of the sleeper cells within the intelligence community decided to act, to strongly counter the Bush claim that Iran was a danger.  (Emphasis added.)  http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta415.htm

Can you tell us if the Iranian election protest is provoked by the US intelligence, Israeli Zionist, etc? What will be the outcome of all this? What is Ahmadinejad's spritual orientation? I feel he makes a great Iranian president, He's no puppet!

We have already spoken to the issue of the president's orientation, that being Service-to-Other. For those who find this hard to believe, one must be mature enough to be able to envision what it takes to co-exist with religious leaders in a hard line country.  The same is true of Obama, who inherited a mess and cannot work miracles on his own....  http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta517.htm

If Ahmadinejad is so STO, why is Iran in the throes of such massive civil unrest, with the rallying cry on the streets "death to the dictator"? If he won the election fair and square, why did the clerics see fit to commit voter fraud, unless they were simply fearful STS hiding behind this puppet of theirs?

As with the case of Obama, who is supposed to accomplish miracles, pass laws bypassing Congress, and dictating to the Judicial system what judgements they make in the process if necessary, this is narrow and childish thinking. Obama can only execute what laws the congress enacts, and cannot dictate. Iran's president Ahmadinejad likewise is limited in what he can do. Both leaders attempt to work within the restrictions, to accomplish as much good as is possible, given the situation. http://www.zetatalk.com/index/zeta556.htm

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