7 of 10 SINKING and S American Roll; Jakarta: 7000 flood victims and 2430 were displaced! Hundreds evacuated as Tangerang floodwaters rise!

Fiji flood

7 of 10 SINKING

Indonesia SINKING:

Jakarta re flood -

/ 7000 flood victims and 2430 were displaced!

The number of refugees from the floods that hit some areas in Jakarta have been rising sharply. Until now, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta reported that there were 7,000 people who were victims of flooding the capital, while as many as 2430 people were displaced. /

/ Hundreds evacuated as Tangerang floodwaters rise. Tangerang Disaster Mitigation (Tagana) teams evacuated hundreds of residents from their homes in the Ciledug Indah housing complex in Ciledug district after floodwaters inundated the area on Wednesday. /

/ Heavy rain that fell on Monday (02/04/2012) yesterday, causing flooding and re-submerge hundreds of houses. However, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo, again said it would immediately resolve the issue. /

/ Men are usually called Foke said two to three days to predict the rainfall in Jakarta is still high. He said there are some areas which, although not rain but still flooded. /

/ Floods submerge hundreds of homes in the shipment Ciledug Indah Housing I, Tangerang City, Tuesday (3/3). Floods caused by overflow from the Kali Angke Bogor occurred due to the high intensity of rain throughout Tuesday (3/4) yesterday. Height of the flooding hundreds of homes were between 20 cm-1, 5 meters. /

/ Flooding in Kampung Pulo not turn away. Floods in Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, East Jakarta has not subsided since two days ago. Flood heights reach 1-1.5 meters. /

/ The rain which flushed Jakarta and surrounding areas for two consecutive days resulted in flooding in some locations. One of them in the District of Karang Tengah, Tangerang, Banten. Flooding resulted in a housing complex underwater.San Ciledug Indah since Tuesday (3/4) evening to this day. /

Aceh -

/ Heavy rains which flushed Pidie Pidie, Aceh on Tuesday (3/4) afternoon caused 100 houses in the village of Blang Layan and Bungong, District Tangse, Pidie flood. Flooding caused by overflow of river water around the mountains Tangse. /

7 of 10 S American Roll


/ At least eight dead, some 28 000 injured and three missing, has left the rainy season in Colombia began three weeks ago, according to the Risk Management Division (DGR). The agency said in a new report that flooding and landslides have affected 101 municipalities in 25 of the 32 departments where there are already affected 27 000 958. /

/ Nearly 6,500 people and 1,300 families were affected today by the overflowing of the river Amazon and some of its tributaries, according to the Office of Risk Management.  According to the report of the Office of Risk Management, between March 15 and Tuesday April 3, taking into account the recent emergence in the Amazon, the total affected by the rainy season in the country amounts to 27 958 thousand in 101 municipalities of 25 departments and Bogota. In this period have been killed 8 people and 3 more are missing as a result of the 77 floods, 19 landslides and 20 windstorm that leaves so far this season. /


/ The rains in Peru affect nearly 20,000 families. The overflowing of several rivers in the Amazon region of Loreto damaged 18,400 homes and crops surrounding areas. Civil Defense delivered 30 tons of aid in Iquitos to meet emergencies /


Although Jakarta Floods Again, Remain Confident Foke

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Heavy rain that fell on Monday (02/04/2012) yesterday, causing flooding and re-submerge hundreds of houses. However, Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo, again said it would immediately resolve the issue.

"The issue of flood prevention remains our commitment. In fact, every three hours, we always check the height of water in the door and there is a possibility Katulampa flood to Jakarta," said Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo when met at City Hall on Tuesday (04/03/2012).

The man who was familiarly called, said Foke inundation problem is a scourge for the city administration, and became a crucial issue to be addressed. However Foke said the puddle in the area of South Jakarta, West Jakarta and East Jakarta, is because the catchment area (catchment area) in three regions of the river is more narrow, with an average width of all time in Jakarta is only 5 meters, whereas catchment area ideal of 20 meters.

However, the man who will go back as a candidate for governor, convinced by the construction of the addition of plaster and water pump while the city government, the Capital may soon be free from flooding problems. Special flood that occurred in the Village of Pondok Labu, continued the man who is familiarly called Foke, more because of the new pump is not plugged region.

"The new pump in Pondok Labu will be installed and functioning next month. It has been disseminated to the public. So they already know," he said.

In addition, he asserted, the city government is also focusing handle Marunda rob dike construction, which until now has not been completed. "New section facing the sea dike is built, the rest of the other parts must be resolved so that the area is free of standing water," he said. [Bay]



Foke: Overcome Flood Posts Still Difficult

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Jakarta floods that occurred in the past two days is not separated from the flood donations from the Bogor. Jakarta Governor Fauzi Bowo also claim there is no patent recipe for preventing flood.

Men are usually called Foke said two to three days to predict the rainfall in Jakarta is still high. He said there are some areas which, although not rain but still flooded.

"The flood of submissions, there is no patent recipe, especially the western region. If the east, there is already the East Flood Canal. For the long term, we need to make such sodetan Cengkareng Dry to drain water directly into the sea," said Foke, Thursday (4/4 / 2012).

Foke explain it other efforts undertaken to prevent flooding in Jakarta seperli normalizing the river in Pesanggrahan and times Angke. According to the second river, the narrowing due to the use of flood plains and is unable to accommodate the volume of water.

"We are also working with the Great Hall of the Ministry of Public Works in order to normalize the river and land acquisition. Because banks do not comply destining used, the width of the river so narrow," he concluded.



Hundreds of homes in Tangerang Submerged Flood Posts

TANGERANG - Floods submerge hundreds of homes in the shipment Ciledug Indah Housing I, Tangerang City, Tuesday (3/3). Floods caused by overflow from the Kali Angke Bogor occurred due to the high intensity of rain throughout Tuesday (3/4) yesterday. Height of the flooding hundreds of homes were between 20 cm-1, 5 meters.
"There are 500 houses in 15 RT in Housing Ciledug Beautiful I flooded," said Dedi Syafei, one of the residents of Housing Ciledug Beautiful I, Block A RT 13/6. Former Deputy Mayor admitted to Tangerang, flooding in housing that occurred since 1986 and most severe flooding in 2007.
Tangerang Deputy Mayor Arief R Wirmansyah jump into the field to conduct the review. He said not only that I Indah Housing Ciledug water. Flooding also surround some existing housing in the city.
Flooding has also hit DDN Housing (Department of the Interior), Jewel Castle Housing, Housing Commerce, Housing Griya Kencana I Ciledug and Housing Pondok Bahar. "Temporary data, which flooded homes reached 700 units," met at the location of flood Ariefsaat.
According to him, Tangerang City Government is to anticipate flooding to prepare well catchment and time normalization Angke. Angke river passing through the city of Tangerang to be widened to be 22 meters. Moreover, it also budgeted Rp 300 billion for the normalization of Kali Angke.
River dredging was done because the shipment of water coming from Bogor to the city of Tangerang will make the flooding some areas in Jakarta. "Water from the city of Tangerang is a supplier for Jakarta flood," said Arief again. (gin / JPNN)



Flooding in Kampung Pulo not turn away
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, Jatinegara - Floods in Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, East Jakarta has not subsided since two days ago. Flood heights reach 1-1.5 meters.

According to one resident, Wardi Asman, the water levels could rise if rains continue to fall in the capital. "If the rain kept the water levels could rise to 2 or 3 feet," he told Reuters on Wednesday (4/4).

Meanwhile, other residents, Ubay, confessed to never worry about the flood that came to his home territory. "Here mah flooding is common, so people are so ga panic," he said.

According to residents, a notice about the coming flood has been announced by the local RW. "Usually the announcement posted in the post RW, so people already know that the flood would come," said Wardi.

Major flood occurred in Kampung Pulo in 2007. At that time the water reaches a height of 7 meters. "If this year's big flood again, must get ready to evacuate," said Wardi.



Soak Complex Ciledug flood Still Beautiful

JAKARTA - AFP: The rain which flushed Jakarta and surrounding areas for two consecutive days resulted in flooding in some locations. One of them in the District of Karang Tengah, Tangerang, Banten.

Flooding resulted in a housing complex underwater.San Ciledug Indah since Tuesday (3/4) evening to this day.

"The rain during the afternoon resulted in knee-deep water to rise since at 19.00 adults," said Dita Febrika, one citizen housing complex when dihubungimediaindonesia.com Ciledug Beautiful, Wednesday (4/3).

Flooding resulting from the overflow of Angke time since the night before also cause Jalan KH Hashim Ashari that the connecting road to the Tangerang City of Ciledug or otherwise disconnected.

"Not only are complex Ciledug Beautiful 1 and 2 are submerged, but the way KH Hashim Ashari also was not able to function until now," said Dita.

Although the shelter has provided flood control, some residents opted to stay on the floor of the complex of two houses each.

"Some people still survive on the second floor but there are some who have come to shelters to escape flooding," he concluded. (* / OL-12)



7000 Residents Posts DKI So Flood Victims

Because his house is flooded, residents evacuated 2430.

VIVAnews - The number of refugees from the floods that hit some areas in Jakarta have been rising sharply. Until now, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta reported that there were 7,000 people who were victims of flooding the capital, while as many as 2430 people were displaced.

"The rest have already returned home. There is also a refuge at a neighbor or a brother who is not flooding," said Head of Jakarta BPBD, Arfan Arkili, in Jakarta City Hall, Thursday, April 4, 2012.

In the area of South Jakarta or in the Ulujami, there are 850 residents who sought refuge in Masjid Al Mukaromah, Sasana Krida, 267 junior high school building, building 04 primary schools and 05 elementary school building.

Then the area of East Jakarta, most have receded so that only the remaining 50 residents at the time the Sari are still displaced in the post-flood shelters. While in the Cijantung, Kampung Melayu, Cililitan, Cawang and China lote no refugees at all.

While the area of West Jakarta, such as in the South Kedoya, there were 150 refugees in the Village Hall. Later in the Duri Kosambi, a total of 460 residents who sought refuge in the mosque Baitul Khoir. Later in the Rawabuaya, as many as 770 refugees living in Lima and the Central Mosque Baiturrakhman Foot.

"Cengkareng east there are about 150 refugees at the Village Office and Masjid Al-believer," he explained.

By Arfan, BPBD Capital also provides post-health posts and soup kitchens to help residents. So far, he continues to monitor the condition of the field so that people can immediately anticipate a flood in their respective settlements. (adi)



Hundreds evacuated as Tangerang floodwaters rise
Tangerang Disaster Mitigation (Tagana) teams evacuated hundreds of residents from their homes in the Ciledug Indah housing complex in Ciledug district after floodwaters inundated the area on Wednesday.

Temporary shelters inside government offices and mosques were set up to house the evacuees.

But some residents refused to leave their homes, citing security concerns. They also said that it would be tiresome to walk between their homes and the shelters to check on their houses.

“I prefer to stay at home because it is unsafe to leave home,” local man Dedi Safe’i told The Jakarta Post on Wednesday.

While waiting for the water to subside, Dedi said he and his family would stay on the second floor of their house.

Another resident, Fahmi, also refused to be evacuated by the rescue team.

“I am not going to leave my home. I am worried about thieves who may take advantage of the situation,” he said.

Many vehicles belonging to residents were also trapped in the flood because the owners did not have a chance to move them to a higher place.

Water of up to 50-centimeters-deep began to inundate the housing complex on Tuesday. By Wednesday morning, the water reached up to two meters in some parts of the complex. (swd)




100 Houses in Aceh Flood Submerged

Heavy rains which flushed Pidie Pidie, Aceh on Tuesday (3/4) afternoon caused 100 houses in the village of Blang Layan and Bungong, District Tangse, Pidie flood. Flooding caused by overflow of river water around the mountains Tangse.

One resident Tangse, Ismuhar (35), tells the floods have occurred since at 16.30 pm. But the water peak occurred around 19:00 pm due to rain that never stops.

In addition to soaking the house about 50 cm, up Ismuhar, inter-county roadway was also flooded. Luckily this track can still be traversed by vehicles.

"The flood has receded, but the house is still submerged in mud," said Ismuhar when contacted by AFP on Tuesday (4/3/2012) night.

Ismuhar added that today was not as severe flooding last month. This time it happened only due to overflow of river water due to blockage of the culvert on the streets of Pulo-Peunalom Baro.

"There were no casualties in the accident, for us in Tangse like it was already common," said Ismuhar.




Rains left eight dead and 28 thousand victims in Colombia

Bogota. - At least eight dead, some 28 000 injured and three missing, has left the rainy season in Colombia began three weeks ago, according to the Risk Management Division (DGR).

The agency said in a new report that flooding and landslides have affected 101 municipalities in 25 of the 32 departments where there are already affected 27 000 958.

The new rainy season, which runs until next June, has also left nine wounded, five thousand 277 homes damaged, destroyed and another 50 at least 62 roads affected.

The DGR reported that the rainfall that caused flooding and 19 landslides 77, were accompanied in recent weeks three and 20 thunderstorm winds.

Colombia faced in 2011 heavy rains, leaving about 400 dead, 2.5 million people affected and hundreds of homes, flooded roads and crops in 29 of the 32 provinces of the Andean country.



Overflow of the Amazon River 6,500 left homeless

Nearly 6,500 people and 1,300 families were affected today by the overflowing of the river Amazon and some of its tributaries, according to the Office of Risk Management.

The emergence affected the inhabitants of the department of Amazonas thus have been evacuated as a preventive to 250 families.

For the latter, the National Unit for Disaster Risk Management-Ungrd-have been reported to forms of temporary accommodation and emergency humanitarian aid.

The national director for Risk Management, Carlos Iván Márquez Pérez, said that "after the occurrence of an emergency anywhere in the country, aid unit placed at the site of involvement within 48 hours, although in the last It has sometimes been done in less than 24 hours. "

The office recalled that Ideam had predicted that the first winter of this year, which he has lived since March 15, begin in the south and northbound traffic would, so it is expected that the next day and emergency arrecien rains in central and reach the Caribbean Coast.

Almost 28 000 affected in the country

According to the report of the Office of Risk Management, between March 15 and Tuesday April 3, taking into account the recent emergence in the Amazon, the total affected by the rainy season in the country amounts to 27 958 thousand in 101 municipalities of 25 departments and Bogota.

In this period have been killed 8 people and 3 more are missing as a result of the 77 floods, 19 landslides and 20 windstorm that leaves so far this season.
Three national roads are closed

As for national roads in the department of Huila, the route Candelaria - La Plata remains closed, while the roads Alcatraces - Mamatoco (backbone of the Caribbean), in the Magdalena and Santa Cecilia route - Pueblo Rico in Risaralda, maintain scheduled closures.

The backbone of the Caribbean will continue disabled between 5 am and 9 pm in the so called 'Ye Gaira' for commercial vehicles over two axles and interdepartmental buses, the Santa Cecilia - Pueblo Rico remains closed in the area crags Santa Marta from 8 am to 12 m., between 2 pm and 6 pm and a closing night that starts at 10 pm and ends at 5 am

According to the National Highway Police, a total of 9 tracks present departmental total closure indefinitely while both municipal and departmental roads there is a record total of 155 steps to one lane.




The rains in Peru affect nearly 20,000 families

The overflowing of several rivers in the Amazon region of Loreto damaged 18,400 homes and crops surrounding areas. Civil Defense delivered 30 tons of aid in Iquitos to meet emergencies

As reported by the National Civil Defense Institute (INDECI), "flooding in various locations in the Loreto region (northern forest) is due to the heavy rains that have been uploaded to the Ucayali, Amazonas and Maranhao, which overflowed affecting the coastal population and its crops. "

The Civil Defense delivered goods consist of tents, mattresses, blankets, water jerry cans, kitchen utensils, tools and other, that will provide an immediate response to an emergency.

The previous week. the Government declared an emergency for 60 days several towns of Loreto and implement immediate actions designed to respond to emergencies and rehabilitation of areas affected by the rains, said Murgueytio.

Meanwhile, the municipalities in the affected areas to carry out public collections to raise money, blankets, food and water to care for those affected.



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Comment by bill on April 5, 2012 at 11:14am

2,430 Displaced in Jakarta Flooding

Men push their motorbikes down a flooded street after heavy overnight rain in Tangerang, on the outskirts of Jakarta, on Wednesday. The flooded Angke River cut off access to the city. (JG Photo/Afriadi Hikmal)

Men push their motorbikes down a flooded street after heavy overnight rain in Tangerang, on the outskirts of Jakarta, on Wednesday. The flooded Angke River cut off access to the city. (JG Photo/Afriadi Hikmal)

More than 2,400 people are displaced and living in tents and makeshift refuge shelters across the city after several floods inundated parts of Jakarta this week, officials said on Wednesday. 

The chief of the Jakarta Disaster Mitigation Agency, Arfan Arkili, said rain in the upstream areas south of Jakarta on Tuesday evening caused fresh flooding on Wednesday, prompting the number of evacuees to grow from 850 on Tuesday to nearly three times that on Wednesday. 

While the flooding that began on Monday evening and lasted through Wednesday morning displaced 2,430 people, Arfan added, it has actually affected more than 7,000. 

“For the rest, there are many who choose to stay at their houses or evacuate to their neighbors’ or family members’ homes that are unaffected,” he said. 

Hundreds of homes were flooded along major Jakarta waterways including the Ciliwung, Pesanggrahan, Angke and Krukut rivers, with some submerged under 1.5 meters of water. 

There have not been any reported casualties from the floods, which have affected the capital for three days, but access to some areas were cut off, causing major traffic jams. 

Arfan also reported that water flowing from upstream areas, along with heavy sedimentation near the Cengkareng drainage system and the West Flood Canal in West Jakarta, had caused a breach in part of a nearby dike. 

The breach, he said, caused the busy Jalan Daan Mogot to be cut off by surging water. 

“Traffic in the area crawled to a standstill,” he said. “It is completely inaccessible.” 

Cars and motorcycles on roads leading to the area, including from the airport and the Tomang toll road, were stuck in traffic for hours before the water finally receded on Wednesday afternoon. 

West Jakarta resident Afan Anugroho said he sat in traffic for more than three and a half hours to cover a distance that would normally have taken less than an hour. 

In East Jakarta’s flood-prone Kampung Melayu, a total of six community units (RW) where some 1,000 people live were sitting in between 20 and 100 centimeters of water. 

In South Jakarta’s Pesanggrahan and Kebayoran Baru subdistricts, at least 850 people were evacuated after their homes were inundated by 30 to 150 centimeters of water. 

The city has not yet released an estimate of the financial losses incurred by the surging waters. 

According to the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), areas around Jakarta would see more medium- to high-intensity rain. The agency issued a warning for residents in flood-prone areas in Jakarta to remain vigilant and make contingency plans. 

The Ministry of Health also warned residents about a possible outbreak of diseases associated with flooding. 

“Diseases that normally occur during floods are diarrhea, dengue fever, canicola fever, acute breathing infections, warts and indigestion,” said the ministry’s director general on disease control and environmental health, Tjandra Yoga Aditama. 

Tjandra said the chances of infectious diseases spreading during floods would increase drastically as sources of water became contaminated. 

Surging water, he said, forces pests such as rats and cockroaches to come out of hiding and contaminate areas with germs and bacteria, while standing water in flooded areas can become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. 

“Avoid playing in water, particularly if you have an open wound,” he said. “Use protective gear like shoes if you have to go to flooded areas. 

Tjandra said that if waters do not recede soon, the number of infections could rise. 

“[The ministry] has prepared [medical] supplies and personnel as well as a rapid response team at every level,” he said

Comment by Lynne Warbrooke on April 5, 2012 at 2:52am

Speaking of the answers being provided just when you need them, I just received a completely unrelated email with this quote on it

We cannot teach people anything; we can only help them discover it within themselves." 
Galileo Galilei

How's that for timing!!

Comment by Lynne Warbrooke on April 5, 2012 at 2:48am

Thank you Jo. I have read these before but its so hard watching others who seem to be completely unaware, and not just loved ones. It does leave you feeling bereft at times.. This second post makes things much more clear. We need to be there when people need our help and to help if asked .. but we cannot influence anyones personal decision and should not as this might mean the lessons are not complete for that soul. Again, thank youfor posting the links


Comment by bill on April 4, 2012 at 11:45pm

Congestion on flooded airport road

The traffic from the airport heading to Jakarta in the 24 kilometer mark is bogged down since there are deluge as deep as 30 centimeters. Kompas.comThe traffic from the airport heading to Jakarta in the 24 kilometer mark is bogged down since there are deluge as deep as 30 centimeters.Kompas.com

A Jakarta Traffic Police officer reported on Wednesday that some sections of the access road from Soekarno-Hatta International Airport to Jakarta was flooded, forcing one of three lanes of traffic to be closed.

“The traffic from the airport heading to Jakarta in the 24-kilometer mark is bogged down since there is a deluge as deep as 30 centimeters,” Brig. Dede Priyatna said.

Dede said officers were at the scene to direct traffic.

He added that toll road operator Jasa Marga had been operating a portable pump to siphon the water off the road.

Comment by Lynne Warbrooke on April 4, 2012 at 10:13pm

I am getting so frustrated at people not waking up to what is happening .. I stood outside this morning and screamed "Show yourself" at the sky.. surely something must happen to wake up the populace at large.. Its not fair for humanity to be blindsided by what is coming and yet as you say here, and as can be seen from the above picture, people are just carrying on as "normal" despite the increasing changes laid before them.. driving through flood waters to continue their 9-5. Surely they have got to know and want to know why its all happening the world over.. Zetas .. what can we do to show people .. to get them to wake up and see.. sorry .. I am ranting now.. don't mean to but I want to do more and don't know how or what I can do beyond keeping telling people.. Anyone have any other ideas?


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