- Jakarta
Indonesia SINKING:
Jakarta flood -
/ Prediction Jakarta floods that occurred in February was shifted to April. Floods submerge parts of South Jakarta, West Jakarta and East Jakarta area due to narrowing of the river catchment. /
/ (BPBD) DKI Jakarta reported that there were 900 flood victims displaced by the floods that besieged Jakarta today, Tuesday, April 3, 2012. The evening, most of the refugees have returned home since the flood has receded. Added Arfan, floods that hit the capital this time is not specific. Because of the submerged area is a flooded area and is in the basin area. As in East Jakarta, on the Kampung Melayu, Bidaracina, and Cawang. In South Jakarta, which is in Ulujami, Bintaro, Petogogan, and Bukit Duri. And in West Jakarta, on the Duri Kosambi and Cengkareng. While in the area of Kampung Melayu, which was originally flood reaches 1 meter, now just 40 centimeters. Later in the Village Cipedak, the height was reached 25 centimeters, Ulujami between 20-80 centimeters, between 30-50 centimeters Petogogan, Cipete between 30-50 centimeters. Although still flooded, but the flood waters continue to fall. /
/ Hundreds of homes in Ciledug Beautiful Complex I, Tangerang, Banten, flooded with a height of about 60 centimeters. As a result, residents blocked the activity of the morning. Causes of heavy rain yesterday also hundreds of homes in the Village Susukan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, two feet under water. /
/ Housing flood in Tangerang is not turned away. Heavy rain which flushed Tangerang City since Tuesday (3/4) morning caused flooding in a number of houses with a height of 30-50 cm of water. /
/ Heavy rains that hit the capital city of Bogor last night and resulted in some areas flooded under water. The most severe flooding hit the area of Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, East Jakarta. A total of 16 RT in Kampung Pulo flooded with water reaching a height of five feet. /
/ More than 500 stalls in the Market traders Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, submerged in water due to flood water Pesanggrahan time. Flood elevation that reaches 1 meter makes traders their merchandise must evacuate to a safe place. /
English article -
/ Flash flood inundated thousands of houses at RW 05, Kedoyaselatan Urban Village, Kebonjeruk Sub-District, West Jakarta due to heavy rain poured Jakarta yesterday. The water’s height is reached 80 centimeters. Due to this incident, 1,750 families (KK) or 8,000 people are evacuated at RW post, mosque and local urban village office. /
/b At least 700 houses at Kampungpulo, Kampungmelayu Urban Village and Bidaracina Urban Village, Jatinegara Sub-District, East Jakarta, which located on Ciliwung riverbank, are inundated with water flood from Bogor, Tuesday (4/3). The flood started to inundate houses at midnight and reached height 20-150 centimeters at 2 AM. As a result, residents are stucked in their houses and cannot do any activity. At Kampungpulo, flood inundates about 500 houses in six RWs, namely RW 01-05 and 07, with worst condition happens in RW 01, 02, and 03 where puddle reaches up to 150 centimeters. Nevertheless, no resident is evacuating because this flood is a common thing for residents. “There are about 500 houses inundated, but no resident is evacuating,” stated Kampungmelayu Urban Village Chief Bambang Pangestu. /
/ Flood, Two Pondoklabu Residents Injured. The flood which inundates Pondoklabu since Monday (4/2) night is causing two residents injured. Suryani and Lasmi, residents of RT 009/03, suffer torn wounds on their feet and had to be referred to Cilandak community health center (Puskesmas). /
/ 5 dead, thousands displaced in Fiji floods. Severe flooding in the Pacific island nation of Fiji has killed five people and left about 8,000 others seeking shelter in evacuation centers, a government official said Tuesday. /
900 Residents flee Jakarta Flood VictimsVIVAnews - Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta reported that there were 900 flood victims displaced by the floods that besieged Jakarta today, Tuesday, April 3, 2012. The evening, most of the refugees have returned home since the flood has receded.
According to the Head of Capital BPBD, Arfan Arkili, Kalisari region, East Jakarta, which is submerged in flood water because Cipinang time, and the Cijantung, there is now no longer flood.
"Floodwaters are receding at the points of location," said Arfan.
About 850 displaced residents in the Village Ulujami and 50 people displaced in the Village of Pasar Rebo, East Jakarta, has now begun to return to their homes.
"This morning they were displaced, but now it's back to the house," said Arfan.
While in the area of Kampung Melayu, which was originally flood reaches 1 meter, now just 40 centimeters. Later in the Village Cipedak, the height was reached 25 centimeters, Ulujami between 20-80 centimeters, between 30-50 centimeters Petogogan, Cipete between 30-50 centimeters. Although still flooded, but the flood waters continue to fall.
Described Arfan, Jakarta BPBD previously have obtained a letter from the Meteorology and Geophysics (BMKG), that the rainfall in Jakarta will be high until the end of May.
"There are changes in China that caused a storm of rain yesterday. Actually we have started phase safe," he explained.
Added Arfan, floods that hit the capital this time is not specific. Because of the submerged area is a flooded area and is in the basin area. As in East Jakarta, on the Kampung Melayu, Bidaracina, and Cawang. In South Jakarta, which is in Ulujami, Bintaro, Petogogan, and Bukit Duri. And in West Jakarta, on the Duri Kosambi and Cengkareng. (Hp).
Jakarta Flood Some Areas Due to time Refinements
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Prediction Jakarta floods that occurred in February was shifted to April. Floods submerge parts of South Jakarta, West Jakarta and East Jakarta area due to narrowing of the river catchment.
Head of the Jakarta Public Works, Ery Basworo, revealed that the floods that occurred in some areas of Jakarta is due to the river catchment area in the three areas has been increasingly narrow.
"The average width of all time in Jakarta only five meters. Supposedly, this catchment area ideally 20 meters," Ery said when contacted on Tuesday (04/03/2012).
He gave examples of current conditions Krukut time that the existing width of 10 meters in fact. But in reality on the ground, the width of this time only about five meters. "Yes it is because there are buildings on the left and right edge of time. Then the rubbish that is also reducing its carrying capacity," said Ery.
While for the flooding in Pondok Labu, he explains that this occurs because the wall of a house beside the Kali Krukut broken. As a result of water to quickly enter the village's residential area.
Some areas of Jakarta that had flooded due to high rainfall intensity and the shipment of the Village Katulampa Pondok Labu, Ciledug Kingdom, Kampung Pulo, Kampung Melayu, Jatinegara and Kebon Jeruk.
Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Ciledug
Liputan6.com, Tangerang: Hundreds of homes in Ciledug Beautiful Complex I, Tangerang, Banten, flooded with a height of about 60 centimeters. As a result, residents blocked the activity of the morning. Thus the monitoring team SCTV, Tuesday (3/4) morning.
Flooding caused by overflow discharge due to Kali Angke rain since Monday evening. Flooding exacerbated by water transfers from Bogor, West Java. Residents hope that the attention of the government because of frequent flooding during the rainy season comes.
Causes of heavy rain yesterday also hundreds of homes in the Village Susukan, Ciracas, East Jakarta, two feet under water.
Housing flood in Tangerang is not turned away
JAKARTA - AFP: Heavy rain which flushed Tangerang City since Tuesday (3/4) morning caused flooding in a number of houses with a height of 30-50 cm of water.
In addition to rainfall, flooding occurs because of the overflow of Kali Angke across multiple residential, such as the Housing Ciledug Beautiful 1, Pinang Griya, Pondok Bahar, Puri Kartika, and Griya Kencana.
However, many people still opted to stay at home. "Hopefully, the rain quickly subsided. When it comes to late night heavy rain was still falling like this, we must be ready to-day mengusngsi," said Juana, a resident of Housing Ciledug Indah 1.
Responding to the Deputy Mayor of Tangerang Wismansyah R Arief said it had been done to anticipate the addition of pumps and plaster and making wells, so water on the surface into the soil.
"We also encourage housing developers to create an artificial lake. We also have plans with Public Works to make Angke sodetan of time so that water can be discharged into Cipondoh Situ," Arief said. (SM/OL-3)
Settlements in flood Jatinegara 1.5 Meter
VIVAnews - Heavy rains that hit the capital city of Bogor last night and resulted in some areas flooded under water. The most severe flooding hit the area of Kampung Pulo, Jatinegara, East Jakarta. A total of 16 RT in Kampung Pulo flooded with water reaching a height of five feet.
One resident RT 03, Endang, said the water started to get into his house at midnight last. "At 24.00 pm the water began to come," said Endang in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
But Endang claimed to have been familiar with this condition. "It does always, we are not worried anymore," he said.
Although it has been suggested by the Chairman of the RT and local authorities to evacuate if conditions had high water, Endang insists will not leave the house he had occupied since birth. "If only the limit of 1.5 meters of the house we still do not want to evacuate, if it is completely submerged in the new," he said.
Until now, this looks Ciliwung River is still flowing very rapidly, so that residents remain wary of subsequent floods. Some people look only to save the goods and some other property to the second floor of the house. (adi)
Flooding in Market Cipulir This time the Most Severe
VIVAnews - More than 500 stalls in the Market traders Cipulir, Kebayoran Lama, South Jakarta, submerged in water due to flood water Pesanggrahan time. Flood elevation that reaches 1 meter makes traders their merchandise must evacuate to a safe place.
According to an outfit named Edi Suhardi traders, Kali Pesanggrahan floodwater is often causing flooding the market area. But the floods that have occurred since the middle of the night was the worst.
"Usually the flood only to ankle. But now high, and many traders are surprised," said Edi, Tuesday, April 3, 2012.
This flood losses claimed Edi up to tens of millions, because most of the water muffled wares. Forced to close his store clothes.
"Due to the flood of business to be paralyzed," he said.
While the cloth merchant named Nardy, admitted that he had since the morning to move the merchandise stall owned by his friend across the market is not flooded. As a result of this incident, he also suffered a loss is not small.
"Most of my merchandise flooded. Non-woven fabric that can still be salvaged my first move," he said.
From observation, many goods in the market's traders gather at the edge Cipulir on Jalan Raya Ciledug. These conditions also create traffic in the area that used to have stalled, since the morning getting worse. (adi)
1,750 KKs in Kedoyaselatan Flooded
Flash flood inundated thousands of houses at RW 05, Kedoyaselatan Urban Village, Kebonjeruk Sub-District, West Jakarta due to heavy rain poured Jakarta yesterday. The water’s height is reached 80 centimeters. Due to this incident, 1,750 families (KK) or 8,000 people are evacuated at RW post, mosque and local urban village office.
Muslimin, (45), local citizens said that the water had hit his house at around 6 AM. Previously, water’s height was 20 centimeters, yet water from Pesanggrahan River overflowed and swept away citizens’ house with adult’s waist height. Seeing that, citizens were rushing out to find safe place.
“We and other citizens focused with our family. Unfortunately, all items in the house have been swept away by flood,” he told, Tuesday (4/3).
Urban Village Chief of Kedoyaselatan Nuraini Silviana Herman stated that based on monitoring from 16 RTs at RW 05, 10 RTs are inundated, such as RT 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 08, 10,11, and 13 with lowest height about 70 centimeters and highest reached adult’s waist.
“This flood is the first time after five years ago. There are only six RTs saved in this disaster. Besides heavy rain, the cause of flood is also water flood from Bogor which flows to Pesanggrahan River. All citizens have been evacuated in three refugee camps, such as urban village office hall, RW post and mosque,” she explained.
Sub-District Chief of Kebonjeruk Hendra Hidayat expressed that similar condition is also occurred in Kebonjeruk Urban Village, precisely at RT 04/05 and RT 02, 04 and 07, RW 07, Kelapadua Urban Village and 08, Kedoyautara Urban Village. The average water height reached 70 up to 80 centimeters.
“We’ll coordinate with Indonesia Red Cross (PMI), Tagana, Social Sub-Department, Health Sub-Department, etc in order to provide public kitchen and healthcare camp to the location. Yet, worst flood is occurred at RW 05 and water can recede four days ahead,” he said.
In addition, the flood with 30 centimeters height also inundated on Jl Pos Pengumben, precisely near Superindo, Srengseng Urban Village, Kembangan Sub-District. As a result, long congestion occurred from Cipulir towards Kelapadua and vice versa. In the same area, water with one meter height is also seen on Jl Pos Pengumben Lama, RT 09/03.
Even, a Lexus car B 1074 G is stuck in middle of puddle and left by the owner. Then, 10 houses at RT 07/06 Joglo Urban Village also inundated with 20 centimeters height from floodwater in Cantika River, and also near Yadika 5 School with 40 centimeters height or more. This condition makes the vehicles cannot pass road from Joglo Raya towards Cileduk, Tangerang.
Sub-District Vice Chief of Kembangan Edi Mulyanto stressed that based on monitoring, water volume in Kembangan has started to recede. “Therefore, we’ll not do evacuation and not provide refugee camp,” he stated.
700 Houses on Ciliwung Riverbank flooded
At least 700 houses at Kampungpulo, Kampungmelayu Bidaracina Urban Village and Urban Village, Jatinegara Sub-District, East Jakarta, located on the which Ciliwung riverbank, are inundated with flood water from Bogor, Tuesday (4/3). The flood started to inundate houses at midnight and reached 20-150 centimeters height at 2 AM. As a result, residents are stucked in their houses and can not do any activity.
At Kampungpulo, flood inundates about 500 houses in six RWS, namely RW 01-05 and 07, with worst condition Happens In RW 01, 02, and 03 where puddle Reaches up to 150 centimeters. Nevertheless, no resident is Evacuating Because this flood is a common thing for residents. "There are about 500 houses inundated, but no resident is Evacuating," Stated Kampungmelayu Urban Village Chief Bambang Pangestu.
Pick (47), resident of RT 04/03 Kampungpulo, said flood like this is a routine for residents. If heavy rain Occurs in Bogor, Ciliwung River water discharge is confirmed Increasing and the settlements on the riverbank are inundated. He Hopes Jakarta Provincial Government can take action Immediately to Overcome this condition. "At least there is an effort to make-connecting channel from Ciliwung River to KBT (East Flood Canal). So, when Ciliwung River water discharge is high, the water can be flowed to KBT. If so, I'm sure will flood Decrease on the riverbank, "he expressed.
Kampungpulo RT 03/03 chief Budi explained the flood started at midnight and reached the top height at 2 AM. Besides the which located higher RT 02, all 16 RTS in RW 03 are inundated. "No. Because residents are Evacuating They have experienced this years. For WHO residents want to go to work or school, the which They use rubber boats provided by the urban village officials. But, there are also many residents WHO only stay at Their house, "he of toll.
Meanwhile, Bidaracina Urban Village Chief Nasrudin said there are about 200 houses are inundated in RW 07 and 11. The worst condition Happens In RW 07 the which located lower. Here, flood inundates resident's houses in nine RTS. As for RW 11, there are only two RTS there the which inundated, namely RT 04 and 06. Compared to last night's puddle where height reached 150 centimeters, its height is now only 40-100 centimeters. "Here, there is no resident is Evacuating Because this flood is only temporary. But if residents need Evacuation place, we have prepared it at the urban village office, "he Stated.
Flood, Two Pondoklabu Residents Injured
The flood which inundates Pondoklabu since Monday (4/2) night is causing two residents injured. Suryani and Lasmi, residents of RT 009/03, suffer torn wounds on their feet and had to be referred to Cilandak community health center (Puskesmas).
Both of them were injured because of wood chips when cleaning their furniture from flood leftovers. “That’s why they were rushed to Puskesmas because their wounds need to be stitched. The wounds were quite long on right foot,” explained Head of Cilandak Puskesmas, Yossida, who guards at Healthcare Post in RT 11/03 Pondoklabu, South Jakarta, Tuesday (4/3).
There are three healthcare posts built in RW 03. They are located each in RT 09, 11, and 12. All of these healthcare posts have doctor, nurse, and medicines. “There are many residents complained itcy, cough, and cold. We check and give them medicines, all free,” stressed Yossida.
Neni (30), resident of RT 11/03, admitted suffers itchy on her leg after her house inundated with flood as high as 100 centimeters.
Until 11 AM this afternoon, there is a total of 45 residents from four RTs have been treated. Their number is predicted would increase because puddle’s height is still about 20-90 centimeters left.
5 dead, thousands displaced in Fiji floods
(CNN) -- Severe flooding in the Pacific island nation of Fiji has killed five people and left about 8,000 others seeking shelter in evacuation centers, a government official said Tuesday.
Tropical Cyclone Daphne has lashed Fiji's largest and most populous island, Viti Levu, with strong winds and heavy rain.
The storm was expected to pass to the south of Fiji over the course of Tuesday. The Fiji Meteorological Service said it was maintaining its severe flood warning for "all major rivers, streams and low-lying areas" on the island.
Are you experiencing the flooding in Fiji? Share your images, story
Government officials, including Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimarama, toured the affected areas on Monday.
Sharon Smith Johns, the government's information secretary, said Tuesday that improving weather in some areas was allowing some Fijians to move back to their homes.
The extreme weather has disrupted both internal and external travel. Authorities on Sunday suspended inbound flights to Nadi International Airport because nearby roads were flooded. The suspension was lifted Monday but remained subject to review.
The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade has advised its country's citizens planning to fly into the airport "to reconsider their need to travel."
When there is flooding in west, east, and south Jakarta, it has sunk.
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