7 of 10 SINKING and S American Roll; Ecuador: Aerial photography floods! Jakarta: No rain, but some regions are still submerged in flood water! West Jakarta still flood!

Map Sources: UNCS, Europa Technologies.
The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply ocial
endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Map created 3 Apr 2012.

7 of 10 SINKING

Indonesia SINKING:

Jakarta flood -

/ Entering the second day or Wednesday (4/4), flooding due to heavy rain and flood closed the segment Kali Angke Street right in front of Hashim Ashari Ciledug Indah Housing Complex, Tangerang, Banten. As a result, streets filled with residents who evacuated their homes and their belongings. Stagnant water was knee-deep in the adult. Floods submerge thousands of homes are also in the six-point spread in Tangerang. Among others in the Village of Lightning, Cottage Housing Bahar, Kartika Puri Housing, Housing Duren Village, and the District of Middle Reef./

/ Still no rain Jakarta, throughout Wednesday (4/4), but some regions are still submerged in flood water. As a result, thousands of people remained in refugee camps and the number continues to increase. Meanwhile, due to flooding of the Road Daan Mogot, West Jakarta, and some streets in South Jakarta causing severe congestion. In fact, many riders are stuck for hours. Impatient motorists who dare even break into the highway. /

/ Still Flood the West Jakarta floods. Floods still inundate a number of points in West Jakarta, Thursday (5/4). As a result, police were forced to divert the flow of traffic to break the bottleneck. Based on the monitoring of Metro, Thursday afternoon, the location is still badly flooded, among others, at Jalan Puri Indah, Kembangan, and Jalan Daan Mogot, West Jakarta. /

/ Flood still soak some point in the North Kembangan, West Jakarta. Floods that have occurred since Tuesday (3/4) and still paralyze the activities of local people. Puddle of water as high as 70 centimeters still soaking RW 01 and RW 02, Kembangan village, district of North Kembangan. "Although the house has subsided but I was still flooded up to waist" said Arifin (36), a resident of RT 07, North Kembangan. /

Sulawesi -

/ Due to flood from neighboring Enrekang, Tana Toraja (South Sulawesi) and Mamasa (West Sulawesi), Saddang River levees, broken. Levee damage occurred in the hamlet Bakkoko, Sikkuale Village, District Cempa, Pinrang. As a result, hundreds of hectares of rice fields and gardens of residents in this affluent flood. Although it does not result in fatalities and injuries, but damage is estimated at billions of dollars. /

Java -

/ Heavy rains flushed the city of Bandung, West Java city of Bandung yesterday paralyzed. Because the majority of roads flooded to a height of 50 cm. /

/ 37 homes in the Village Kelun, Kartoharjo District, City of Madison, East Java, were flooded due to heavy rain that fell since Wednesday (4/4) afternoon through Thursday (5/4) morning. Executive Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Madiun Subianto Agus said, the water levels both inside the home or on the road varies between 20 to 50 centimeters. /

7 of 10 S American Roll


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/ Almost 20 000 families homeless in Peru. The overflow of several rivers in the Amazon region of Loreto, due to heavy rains were recorded in recent weeks, left 19,209 families homeless, driven from their homes, and 18,400 affected, said Tuesday the National Institute for Defense civil (INDECI). Alfredo Murgueytio, Indeci chief, told reporters that "the floods in various locations in the Loreto region (northern forest) is due to the heavy rains that have been loaded into the rivers Ucayali and Marañon Amazon that overflowed affecting coastal population and its crops. " /


Jakarta -

Widespread flooding in Tangerang to the Six Point
Liputan6.com, Tangerang: Entering the second day or Wednesday (4/4), flooding due to heavy rain and flood closed the segment Kali Angke Street right in front of Hashim Ashari Ciledug Indah Housing Complex, Tangerang, Banten. As a result, streets filled with residents who evacuated their homes and their belongings.

Stagnant water was knee-deep in the adult. As a result, for the move, some residents use the services of a cart. Only large vehicles are determined through the flood.

In the area behind the complex, even reaching a height of one to two feet and forced residents to evacuate. Firefighters evacuate residents from their homes to safer locations. Some of them are crowded into the mosque compound.

Floods submerge thousands of homes are also in the six-point spread in Tangerang. Among others in the Village of Lightning, Cottage Housing Bahar, Kartika Puri Housing, Housing Duren Village, and the District of Middle Reef. (BJK / ANS)



Number of Refugees Continue to Increase

JAKARTA (AFP): Still no rain Jakarta, throughout Wednesday (4/4), but some regions are still submerged in flood water. As a result, thousands of people remained in refugee camps and the number continues to increase.

Meanwhile, due to flooding of the Road Daan Mogot, West Jakarta, and some streets in South Jakarta causing severe congestion. In fact, many riders are stuck for hours.
Impatient motorists who dare even break into the highway.

Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) DKI Jakarta note, until Wednesday (4/4) there are as many as 2430 people were displaced. The number of refugees has increased compared to Tuesday (3/4) are just as many as 900 people.

"They took refuge in a nearby location that is safe, as mushala or village office," said Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Arfan Arkilie Jakarta in Jakarta, yesterday.

In the Village Kalisari as many as 50 people sought refuge in Al-Barkah Mushala. Later in the Village Ulujami menungsi were 850 residents at the Masjid Al-Mukaroma, building Sasana Krida Youth, and 267 junior high school building. In the Village of South Kedoya, 150 residents in the Mosque of Al-Mukmin, South Kedoya Village office, and post RT.

In addition, in the village as much as 460 residents evacuated Durikosambi at Masjid Baitul Khoir, also in the Village as much as 770 residents evacuated Rawabuaya in the center of the pavement and Masjid Baitul Rakhman. In the Village of Cengkareng as much as 150 residents who were displaced in the post RW 01 Rawabuaya and Masjid Al-Mukmin.

Arfan said the city administration has essentially earlier preparedness planning, for example by making the anticipation of disaster risk map. Even the worst was already done in anticipation.

However, according to him, not easy to bring people to evacuate to a safer place. Because, sometimes people think of high flood with water up to 1 meter is not dangerous, so many people who survive on the second floor of each house.

"However, the precedence that people at risk, such as infants, the sick and the elderly. It should be our priority," he said.

In the flood has been established health posts and public kitchens, notified refugees in desperate need of an adequate food supply. However, until recently the help of the provincial level is still needed. "All aid can still be overcome by the city, not yet to the province," he said.

Previously, there were 21 villages are submerged in Jakarta, but currently only four villages which still have to watch out for, namely Rawabuaya Village, Village Ulujami, Kedoyaselatan Village, and Village Durikosambi.

Busway services stopped

Meanwhile, the flood as high as approximately 60 cm in Jalan Daan Mogot, West Jakarta, could disrupt service busway corridor III (Harmoni-Kalideres). In fact, on that path, since Tuesday (3/4) afternoon until Wednesday afternoon, the busway is not operating, while the busway corridor VIII (Lebak Bulus-Harmony) which was also suspended in the morning and had to operate again through alternative pathways, but not transit at some stops.

Towards the back office hour on Wednesday afternoon, the service had 11 busway corridors are constrained in some corridors is back to normal. All corridors have served the people. "All the normal corridor. We are ready to serve passengers in all the corridors," said Public Relations Manager Public Service Board (BLU) Transjakarta Sri Ulina Pinem. (Yon Parjiyono)



Still Flood the West Jakarta floods

Metrotvnews.com, Jakarta: Floods still inundate a number of points in West Jakarta, Thursday (5/4). As a result, police were forced to divert the flow of traffic to break the bottleneck.

Based on the monitoring of Metro, Thursday afternoon, the location is still badly flooded, among others, at Jalan Puri Indah, Kembangan, and Jalan Daan Mogot, West Jakarta.

In Puri Indah, a number of vehicles were seen breaking down. Motorist was forced to ask for help residents to promote the car.

While the pool at Jalan Daan Mogot, has begun to recede. traffic at the site was already more smoothly than yesterday. (Wtr2)



North Kembangan Still Submerged Flood
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, development - Flood still soak some point in the North Kembangan, West Jakarta. Floods that have occurred since Tuesday (3/4) and still paralyze the activities of local people.

Puddle of water as high as 70 centimeters still soaking RW 01 and RW 02, Kembangan village, district of North Kembangan.

"Although the house has subsided but I was still flooded up to waist" said Arifin (36), a resident of RT 07, North Kembangan.

According to the vice chairman of RW 01, Durachim Noer, puddles started to happen since Tuesday (3/4) afternoon. Water levels reach 1.6 meters. But since Thursday (5/4) morning shrunk live 70 centimeters.

Durachim said the floods submerge houses 69 families. According to residents who evacuated 380 people registered. Residents were evacuated to two shelters located in the secretariat of the RW 01 and SD 01/02 North Kembangan. Indonesian Red Cross has set up public kitchens in evacuation.

Activities of residents still blocked. Elementary school children 01/02 Kembangan temporarily closed. Some units are owned by the store looks flooded. "Take a break while waiting for low tide. Mau still flooded home work" says Nurwati (33) who participated refuge.

Lurah North Kembangan, M Ramli told Reuters by telephone it is ready to assist residents to flood over. "Public Kitchen, health, and safety is provided for flood victims" he said.



Java -

Disable flood Bandung

BANDUNG - Heavy rains flushed the city of Bandung, West Java city of Bandung yesterday paralyzed. Because the majority of roads flooded to a height of 50 cm.

In fact, some of the vehicles both two and four wheels through the floods last desperate strike. Based on the observation SINDO, a pool of water up to 50 cm occurred in the segment Jalan Jalan Riau-Ceram, Jalan Riau-Banda, Cihampelas Road, Jalan-Bengawan Pacific Islands, and the road ahead Unpad Aceh, Lombok. Not only are the icons of Bandung, Jalan Dago flood mengenani precisely around the former SMAK Dago. On the social networking Facebook, too busy talking about the flood.

"Flood is quite severe. I just had a car right behind while in Jalan Riau, "said Lukman, four-wheel vehicle drivers. Flooding that occurred in the city of Bandung because drains are not functioning. Diaz, 38, a resident, was disappointed with the Bandung municipal government for not properly taking care of the water channel. "When the water is properly taken care of, I'm sure it will not appear flooding like this," he explained. Heavy rain which flushed the city of Bandung also create an office area at Jalan Ahmad Yani severe flooding.

Flooding caused by the meeting between the three ditches and small streams in the cross-Ahmad Yani Utaradan Cikudapateuh In Warehouse, unable to accommodate the growing flow of water. Water levels reached the adult knee. In fact, at the North Warehouse mencapaipinggulorangdewasa water level. According Cikudapateuh residents, the flood current is higher and more rapidly than usual. Cikudapateuh area could be flooded twice a year. Yesterday was the first flood in 2012. However, this is the biggest flood after a few years. RW reported even in the height of adults 01 to reach a chest.

"Flooding is now the worst of the incident several years lalu.Saya forget the exact year," said Memet, 60, a resident who lived in the area Cikudapateuh. Jaja, 62, another resident, have lost a truckload of sand is put by the wayside because arus.Saat flood carried away, Jaja happened to be building a house into a boarding-boarding. "A truckload of sand carried by the I ambilinlagi arus.Nanti," he said.   Rudini / Yugi prasetyo



Some Landa flood Madison Areas
MADIUN - AFP: 37 homes in the Village Kelun, Kartoharjo District, City of Madison, East Java, were flooded due to heavy rain that fell since Wednesday (4/4) afternoon through Thursday (5/4) morning.

Executive Head of the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) Madiun Subianto Agus said, the water levels both inside the home or on the road varies between 20 to 50 centimeters.

"According to local reports, the water begins to inundate homes and streets from at 3:30 am Thursday morning. But now have started to recede at some point," said Agus.

According to him, this flooding is due to high rainfall. Heavy rains had flushed the Madison and surrounding areas since Wednesday (4/4) afternoon until Thursday morning.

"As a result of water storage embankments are not able to accommodate the existing flow of water until it spills into streets and neighborhoods," he said.

BPBD City of Madison will provide instant noodles, rice packets, and some other basic necessities to dozens of families whose homes were flooded.

He appealed to the citizens and the City of Madison Village Kelun to be vigilant because the estimated rainfall was high during the next few days, so the potential flooding.

Flooding also occurred in several villages in the district Kwadungan, Ngawi district. A number of villages were flooded in the village include Simo, Purwosari, and Dinden.

"Water started spilling into the streets since early morning at 02.00 am. Water comes from Madison Bengawan that overflowed due to heavy rain that fell all night," said one villager Simo, Kwadungan, Sugianto. (Ant/OL-04)



Sulawesi -

Hundreds of hectares of flooded rice field
PINRANG, DAWN - Due to flood from neighboring Enrekang, Tana Toraja (South Sulawesi) and Mamasa (West Sulawesi), Saddang River levees, broken. Levee damage occurred in the hamlet Bakkoko, Sikkuale Village, District Cempa, Pinrang.

As a result, hundreds of hectares of rice fields and gardens of residents in this affluent flood.
Although it does not result in fatalities and injuries, but damage is estimated at billions of dollars.

Sikkuale Village Chief, District Cempa, Mansur, Wednesday, April 4, said farmers' losses caused by this flood reached Rp 4, 5 billion. In addition, 90 isolated residents. "After seeing the condition of the water rises, the possibility of some residents would be evacuated again," he said.

Also reported other than Sikkuale, floods also damaged rice and other farm in the hamlet Bakkoko that had been isolated. The water level in the region reached one meter.

School students also reported that while the school exams, should be moved to the home of parents about a hundred meters from the school site. In addition to SD 43 Bakkoko, which submerged also a place of worship (mosque).

He also added that the flooding in the village, occurred at 09.00 pm from Monday. Until, Wednesday, April 4, the water continues to rise flooded rice fields, plantations, and perumawahan residents.

River embankment Saddang breakdown, according to Lacodding, on-site flooding, due to flood from several counties. "This is the third time in recent years and is the worst," he said, adding, in three days when kept under water so farmers can no longer harvest the rice.

While Head of the River Management Area Saddang UPTD PSDA PSDA Office Sulawesi Province, Safruddin, found after reviewing the breached dike says, to increasingly mengantisifasi widening pool of water, then in Salipolo 13 carried the barrier.

"The swift water through a broken levee at this time, approximately 100 cubic meters per second," he explained. (Ars)




Almost 20 000 families homeless in Peru
LIMA - The overflow of several rivers in the Amazon region of Loreto, due to heavy rains were recorded in recent weeks, left 19,209 families homeless, driven from their homes, and 18,400 affected, said Tuesday the National Institute for Defense civil (INDECI).

Alfredo Murgueytio, Indeci chief, told reporters that "the floods in various locations in the Loreto region (northern forest) is due to the heavy rains that have been loaded into the rivers Ucayali and Marañon Amazon that overflowed affecting coastal population and its crops. "

Civil Defense delivered 30 tons of humanitarian aid to the city of Iquitos, capital of Loreto, to meet emergencies, resulting from the floods, the official said.

The assets consist of tents, mattresses, blankets, water containers, kitchen utensils, tools and other, that will provide an immediate response to an emergency.

The government declared an emergency Friday for 60 days in various locations in Loreto to implement immediate actions designed to respond to emergencies and rehabilitation of areas affected by the rains, said Murgueytio.

Meanwhile, the municipalities in the affected areas to carry out public collections to raise money, blankets, food and water to care for those affected.



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