7 of 10 S American Rolls & SINKING; Indonesia: 6 died, 6 missing in Bogor landslide; Buenos Aires streching: Aerial imagery Pehuajó, 80% under water!

/ Aerial imagery Pehuajó , 80% under water.

The manager of the Rural Society of Pehuajó details that the party has 450 000 hectares and employs more than a thousand producers. "80% is under water, most are not finished harvesting corn and soybeans and that did it can not moveSource /

7 of 10 SINKING Sunda plate


/ One Dead, 9 Injured in S China Building Collapse /

Subsidence -

Indonesia SINKING:

Balikpapan -

/ Four Die As Floods, Landslides Paralyze Balikpapan. Balikpapan. At least four people died and three others were injured on Thursday in a landslide triggered by massive floods that paralyzed the East Kalimantan city of Balikpapan. /

Bogor -

/ Six Gold Miners Die, Six Others Missing in Bogor Landslide
Bogor. At least six men died in a landslide while traditionally mining for gold in a village in the West Java town of Bogor on Thursday evening. /

Sulawesi -

/ Hundreds of homes in four districts in Luwu, South Sulawesi hit by flooding. Flooding also resulted in paralysis transSulawesi pathway. As a result, approximately 100 heads of households (families) in the district of Suli, Suli West, South Larompong Larompong and, forced to flee to higher locations. /



One Dead, 9 Injured in S China Building Collapse

An Internet bar collapsed in the city of Guigang in south China's Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region on Thursday, killing one person and injuring nine others, local police said Friday.

The accident occurred at about 10 p.m. Thursday. The building's roof and wooden support structures suddenly collapsed and buried 10 people, police said.

Rescuers pulled all 10 people out of the debris and sent them to a local hospital. One person died at 9:40 a.m. Friday following an unsuccessful emergency operation. One of the nine injured is in serious condition, while the rest suffered slight injuries, police and doctors said.

Police have detained the bar's owner and a further investigation is under way.




Six Gold Miners Die, Six Others Missing in Bogor Landslide

Bogor. At least six men died in a landslide while traditionally mining for gold in a village in the West Java town of Bogor on Thursday evening.

The head of the Bogor administration’s management disaster division, Budi Aksomo, said on Friday the number of dead victims might rise because six people were still missing.

A total of 20 people were at the mining site in Pangradin village in the subdistrict of Jasinga when the landslide occurred.

Juber, Alex, Umang, Subar, Sanip and an unidentified man were found dead, while eight people came out safe.

“A search and rescue team is still trying to evacuate the [other] victims at the moment,” Budi said.

He added most of the unregistered miners were residents of Sukamulih village in the neighboring district of Sukajaya.

Budi said the landslide might have been triggered by heavy rains that had fallen around the area over the past few days.



Four Die As Floods, Landslides Paralyze Balikpapan

Balikpapan. At least four people died and three others were injured on Thursday in a landslide triggered by massive floods that paralyzed the East Kalimantan city of Balikpapan.

The four who died were Anjar, 30, and her kids Zaki, 6, and Bela, 4, as well as her nephew Fikri, 8.  They died after a landslide brought down Anjar’s house, which sits on a hilly area, on Jalan Martadinata in Balikpapan.

Remains of the four have been admitted to Balikpapan’s Kanudjoso Djatiwibowo Hospital. The three injured have been hospitalized as well.

Sukma Palopo, 45, who also lives in the neighborhood, said that Anjar had actually managed to escape the ruins of her house and that she had gone around asking for help from neighbors.

“But then Anjar went back to the house, trying to get inside to save her two kids and her nephew. Just one minute after that another landslide fell, and all four died,” Sukma said. The incident took place at around 10:30 a.m., he added.

Thousands of houses in Balikpapan have been inundated with floods after a heavy rain started to fall at 3:40 a.m. The downpour triggered other landslides too.

“The rainfall reached about 148 millimeters, with wind blowing at 20 knots. Only after 11 a.m. did the rainfall started dropping to 40 millimeters,” an official with the Balikpapan Meteorology Station, Juli Budi Kisworo, said on Thursday.

Balikpapan administration spokesman Sudirman said the administration had prepared a number of shelters equipped with food for those displaced by floods.

“We ask people living in mountainous, hilly and other high-altitude areas to remain alert on the danger of landslides triggered by heavy rains. The disaster mitigation and fire agency is monitoring disaster-prone areas to help the public,” Sudirman said.

Airplane flights from Balikpapan’s Sepinggan Airport have reportedly been disrupted



Four Luwu Submerged in Flood District

LUWU, KOMPAS.com - Hundreds of homes in four districts in Luwu, South Sulawesi hit by flooding. Flooding also resulted in paralysis transSulawesi pathway. As a result, approximately 100 heads of households (families) in the district of Suli, Suli West, South Larompong Larompong and, forced to flee to higher locations.

Soaking water level reaches one meter homes. In addition to flooded homes, water mixed with mud, soaking also public facilities. "We had mengunggsi to house families whose houses escaped the flood, because our house flooded and no longer inhabited for a while", said Rusdin, residents Larompung

"Already deployed a team of Tagana, which is equipped with evacuation equipment, such as inflatable boats as well as medical teams, to help the flood victims, and to this day, about a hundred more families have been evacuated to safer locations," said Rivai, Head of Social , Manpower and Transmigration Luwu. Thursday (05/24/2012) yesterday.

Flooding caused by high intensity rainfall that began to fall since Thursday morning, which resulted in overflow of the river Keppe and several other creeks in the four districts.



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Comment by Kojima on May 26, 2012 at 1:37pm

Thanks Stanislav.


Rains Flood 700,000 Hectares in Buenos Aires Province

by Allendria Brunjes, 22 May 2012.

After months of drought, heavy rains hitting Argentina have flooded about 700,000 hectares in the province of Buenos Aires.

According to Venezuela’s El Universal, the Argentine towns most affected are in the department of Bolívar and lie between 300-500km southwest of Buenos Aires. Losses were recorded in corn and soybean crops as well as in pastures to fatten cattle. The floods also altered milk production, as farmers had to move animals to higher ground without water.

Agence France-Presse also reported today that 500,000 heads of cattle are at risk.

“The [flooding] phenomenon began two weeks ago,” said Rural Society of Bolívar manager Pedro Bignau, who spoke to Agence France-Presse by telephone. “On the first night, it rained in some areas up to 200mm, and in my area in just five months it has rained the annual average of 850mm … The situation is desperate. It is frustrating to see fields full of water and hundreds of thousands of cattle in danger.”

The flooded area includes the rich farming districts Pehuajó, Carlos Casares, Carlos Tejedor and Henderson, which suffered from a few months of an intense dry period before the rains.

“We went from a drought that lasted until 15th January to a flood,” said Fernando Alzueta, who is the president of the Rural Society of Bolívar, according to El Universal. “So far in 2012 it has rained a whole year’s worth of rain and we have fields with 80 to 90% involvement … If the rains do not stop in the next few hours, the scenario could be the worst in decades.”

The drought hit South America in a big way at the end of 2011, and Argentine government officials arranged for $2.3bn in loans to aid drought-stricken farmers at the....

See also;

Roll of South Americahttp://poleshift.ning.com/profiles/blogs/roll-of-south-america

… As we have mentioned, the east coast of S America just goes along for the ride. There will be sympathetic jolts from the great quakes elsewhere on the plate, but these will be relatively minor, at most a magnitude 7. When the seaway at Buenos Aires rips open, this is a silent adjustment, as most stretch zone adjustments are. The residents will recover from any earthquakes to see the far shore of the seaway at a greater distance, and the mouth of the Rio Parana widened.  (ttp://www.zetatalk.com/7of10/7of10-41.htm)

Comment by Nancy Lieder on May 26, 2012 at 11:08am

Wow, Buenos Aires is really opening up! Zetas predicted a WIDE seaway there, and it is happening!

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