Aerial image of flood in South America:
Peru, Puno satellite flood in 27 or 24 Feb (click for zoom) :
/ Acre River Flooding affects 117,000 people in northeastern Brazil. Floods in the northwestern state of Acre, which borders Peru and Bolivia, following the rise of water level in the Acre River, already affected 117,000 people, said today the Civil Defense. Moreover, the border towns of Peru and Bolivia also have been affected by the strong rise of the river Acre. /
/ The number of evacuees in the Brazilian state of Acre (north) due to increased water level of a river arrived today at 16,798 people, according to the regional government. This is the second-worst flood of the river in history, surpassed only by 1997. /
/ More than 66,000 evacuated due to flooding in the northern Brazilian state. A total of 66,489 people had to leave their homes because of the rains that raised the level of the river Acre in the Brazilian state of the same name, on the border with Bolivia, reported Thursday the Ministry of National Integration. According to Agencia Brasil, this is "the biggest disaster faced by the state in terms of affected population." Rainfall in the útlimos days generated a rise in the Acre river flow of three feet above normal, local media reported. /
/ The capital of Acre, Rio Branco, facing "the worst flooding in its history" and more than 66,000 people fled their homes and properties affected, said Thursday the Brazilian government. /
/ Floods in Bolivia more than 12,000 families left homeless
Bolivia declared a national emergency by the overflowing of the Acre River, which flooded the city of Cobija and obliterated the town of Bolpebra on the border between Bolivia and Peru and Brazil. /
/ At least 2,030 families affected by floods in Oruro. At least 2,030 rural families were affected by heavy rains that fall in the department of Oruro and have grown the Desaguadero River, according to preliminary report released Thursday by the Office of Civil Defense. The municipalities affected by flooding in the department of Oruro are El Choro Caracollo, Chipaya, Toledo, Pazña, Antequera and Machacamarca. /
/ Pando through the worst disaster after 20 years, with the overflow of the Acre River, which flooded 581 homes across the city of Cobija and virtually wiped out the town of Bolpebra. Throughout the department there are already 1,000 families affected. /
More than 66,000 evacuated due to flooding in the northern Brazilian state
BRASILIA - A total of 66,489 people had to leave their homes because of the rains that raised the level of the river Acre in the Brazilian state of the same name, on the border with Bolivia, reported Thursday the Ministry of National Integration.
Of all the victims, more than 9,300 were taken to public shelters. The largest number of people affected is concentrated in the state capital, Rio Branco.
The federal government authorized a fund of 1 million reals ($ 580,000) to support families affected by the "purchase of food, drinking water, tents, clothing, first aid and hygiene products," the ministry said in the note.
According to Agencia Brasil, this is "the biggest disaster faced by the state in terms of affected population." Rainfall in the útlimos days generated a rise in the Acre river flow of three feet above normal, local media reported.
Some 14,000 homes were damaged in Rio Branco - whose streets are covered by the brown water of the river - as well as in the towns of Manuel Urbano, Sena Madureira, Santa Rosa, Assis Brasil, Porto Acre, Epitaciolândia and Xapuri.
This Thursday, authorities announced more rain.
The Acre River runs along the border between Brazil and Bolivia, where some 35,000 people were evacuated following the overflow of water, according to reports from the Bolivian authorities.
Acre River Flooding affects 117,000 people in northeastern Brazil
RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 25 (Xinhua) - Floods in the northwestern state of Acre, which borders Peru and Bolivia, following the rise of water level in the Acre River, already affected 117,000 people, said today the Civil Defense .
The Amazon river level as it passes through the state capital, Rio Branco, reached on the afternoon of Saturday the 17.61 meters, just 5 inches from the record high in 1997.
A total of nine cities in the region are affected by the floods, which left 96,000 people homeless in Assis Brasil, Brasileia, Xapuri, Porto Acre, Rio Branco, Santa Rosa, Sena Madureira and Manoel Urbano, as expected that the water level causes flooding in Cruzeiro do Sul soon
Moreover, the border towns of Peru and Bolivia also have been affected by the strong rise of the river Acre.
The worst situation is that we live in Rio Branco, where 96,000 people have had to leave their homes due to flooding of the river level, and there are dozens of neighborhoods completely flooded by water.
The floods last Friday claimed a fatality, when a young volunteer died in the state capital electrocuted while on his boat, hitting an underground electric cable.
Most evacuees are housed temporarily in shelters and public facilities that the regional government and municipal authorities have offered to those affected to sleep there.
Minister of National Integration, Fernando Bezerra, flew over the affected area yesterday and said the government will allocate 5 million Brazilian reais (2.9 billion) to Acre to address flooding and to address the thousands of victims.
Flooding in Brazil caused the evacuation of nearly 17,000 people
RIO DE JANEIRO, Feb. 23 (Xinhua) - The number of evacuees in the Brazilian state of Acre (north) due to increased water level of a river arrived today at 16,798 people, according to the regional government.
According to local authorities, the Acre river level had reached at local noon today the 17.50 meter high, three meters of the line marking the level of flooding in Rio Branco, the capital of the state border with Peru and Bolivia.
In total it is estimated that over 65,000 people affected by floods in the region, which have also affected the border cities of the two neighboring countries.
This is the second-worst flood of the river in history, surpassed only by 1997.
According to the government in Rio Branco only 5,551 of the evicted is because water has affected more than 14,300 homes.
The federal government has sent members of the armed forces and helicopters to the area to assist in food distribution to those affected.
For now, evacuees are installed in shelters provided by the regional government and local councils. A total of 2,800 food baskets were distributed by the authorities.
Brazil expresses regret for rain in Bolivia, which also affects Acre state
The Brazilian government said Friday its regret at the deaths and damage caused by heavy rains in Bolivia, which also strongly affect the Brazilian state of Acre.
"The Brazilian Government expresses its condolences and sent to the government and people of Bolivia's solidarity with the human and material losses caused by heavy rains that have affected the country in recent days," the Foreign Ministry said in a note.
"Brazil has cooperated with Bolivia to provide humanitarian assistance to victims, welcoming displaced in temporary camps in border cities and supporting emergency actions," he added.
Bolivia's government on Wednesday declared a national emergency by the torrential downpours that occur from December, which left nine people dead and 9,000 homeless families.
Brazil is also suffering the ravages of these rains, affecting primarily the Amazon state of Acre by the rising river flow Acre.
The capital of Acre, Rio Branco, facing "the worst flooding in its history" and more than 66,000 people fled their homes and properties affected, said Thursday the Brazilian government.
The leading environmentalist and former Green Party presidential candidate Marina Silva, who was born and raised in the jungle in Acre, traveled Friday to the area, warning of the rising river. "I tried to help family and countrymen in a dramatic situation," he told a newspaper publisher.
Floods in Bolivia more than 12,000 families left homeless
Bolivia declared a national emergency by the overflowing of the Acre River, which flooded the city of Cobija and obliterated the town of Bolpebra on the border between Bolivia and Peru and Brazil.
La Paz. - Some 12,278 families were affected by heavy rains and floods in 107 municipalities of Bolivia's nine departments, said the Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, Oscar Cabrera.
Also Deputy Agricultural and Rural Development, Victor Hugo Vasquez reported that the La Niña affected 8,771 hectares of an area of 2.9 million culture, DPA said.
The Morales government has spent around 51 million bolivianos (nine million dollars) to repair damaged roads, and provide relief to flood victims.
The deputy minister reported on the flooding Cabrera Parapetí River in the department of Santa Cruz, which affected homes in four communities in Izozog, and damaged crops of corn, beans and cassava.
"We're concerned about the rising river which could cause flooding Beni in Rurrenabaque (northern Bolivia) if the rains continue in the upper basin," he added.
Bolivia declared a national emergency by the overflowing of the Acre River, which flooded the city of Cobija and obliterated the town of Bolpebra on the border between Bolivia and Peru and Brazil.
At least 2,030 families affected by floods in Oruro
(ABI) At least 2,030 rural families were affected by heavy rains that fall in the department of Oruro and have grown the Desaguadero River, according to preliminary report released Thursday by the Office of Civil Defense.
The municipalities affected by flooding in the department of Oruro are El Choro Caracollo, Chipaya, Toledo, Pazña, Antequera and Machacamarca.
The latter two have no municipal resolution of declaration of emergency, said the director of Civil Defense in Oruro, Ruben Camacho.
The rains also affected hundreds of hectares of crops and a portion of the population of sheep.
"In the town of El Choro nearly 500 hectares of quinoa, potatoes, alfalfa and barley are flooded. Regarding sheep damage reaches 8,173 cattle heads and 412 ", according to the report of Civil Defense.
In the municipality of Toledo 400 hectares of crops from quinoa, potatoes, barley and alfalfa have been affected, as well as 9,928 heads of cattle, always according to the report.
Damage in the town of arable areas Caracollo reach nearly 100 hectares of crops.
In the municipality of Chipaya the crops affected by flooding bordering the thousand acres, including potato, quinoa and fodder, as well as 315 sheep and 65 cattle camel.
Bolivia, in emergency activates the solidarity
These regulations for dealing with natural disasters allows states and municipalities have financial resources to meet the needs of 9,273 families affected by the various emergency situations caused by the phenomenon of La Niña, announced yesterday the defense minister, Ruben Saavedra.
"With the declaration of 'emergency', the Ministry of Economy may transfer resources to the Defense Ministry, to be executed through the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence, governorates and municipalities in humanitarian aid," he said.
According to latest reports of the Vice Ministry of Civil Defence, with recent events in Pando, totaling 9,273 affected families. In addition, municipalities with problems are 103 and nine deaths were reported, according to Deputy Reason for this portfolio, Oscar Cabrera.
Situation. The decision was taken following approval of the departmental emergency declarations in La Paz, Pando, Oruro and Chuquisaca.
Pando through the worst disaster after 20 years, with the overflow of the Acre River, which flooded 581 homes across the city of Cobija and virtually wiped out the town of Bolpebra. Throughout the department there are already 1,000 families affected.
A 15 km Quillacollo, Cochabamba, another landslide occurred on the way Yujmayo that left incommunicado and Cocapata Morochata. One of the homeless of this place, Alicia Peralta, 45, died of a heart attack in his camp.
In Independence and Vinto, the same department, was overflowing rivers caused floods that affected more than six hectares of crops.
In La Paz is frost, tornadoes, hailstorms and landslides that killed five people, including a family of three, plus 65 years Martin Mamani, who was buried by debris and earth slipped.
The Beni River in the east grew and led to rising waters that flooded rural and urban areas of the municipality of Riberalta in Beni. In the department fell road sections, so have the routes impassable, like Pando.
Cabrera said that humanitarian aid is transferred to all areas of the country and prioritized Hercules flights to Pando by the situation facing the floods and victims.
So far away 115 tents, 500 mattresses, 106 quintals of flour, 40 pounds of sugar and rice, 87 bags of noodles, 500 units of water and 34 cases of oil to distribute to the shelters installed.
"Everyone should make forecasts and recommendations made to obey the early warning units. Are asked to vacate to be evacuated to safer places, it is important to take care of human life, "he said Cabrera.
Regular emergency duct
Emergencies are declared in accordance with the gravity of the situation that is recorded. The municipal emergency is when the mayor can afford the expenses to cope with disasters. To overcome gravity, involving the resources of the Interior (emergency department) and finally, if gravity increases, national emergency is declared.
Emergencies will be faced with their own resources and external
For determination of the national government will face natural disasters with resources from the three levels: municipal, state governments and national government, said State Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera.
"Before, the first day of emergency governments and presidents are not met, but summoned to attend the International Cooperation for the help, but we do not, because it will own resources of municipalities, governments and national government that will tackle this stage," said.
He noted that even the country could have the ability to collaborate to a neighboring country such as Brazil, where there are several problems.
"Let's see how humble and perhaps very small helping Brasilea, which borders Blanket, because the place was flooded by 80%," said the Vice President.
The governmental authority explained that the Decree will help boost the budget of municipalities and governorates with the resources of the national government. Nevertheless, he said that amounts have not yet established because there is no evaluation.
"For the experience I had in visiting Pando, I think the Mayor and the Governor can attend this first phase of the emergency, which is to ensure roofs, tents, drinking water and food," said Garcia Linera.
He said that after the rainy season will be an evaluation of the financial resources to determine how the national government could help to families and affected regions.
Finally, he recalled that from the decisions of the Departmental Assembly and municipal councils, by the Law of Autonomy can now use extra resources from one item to another to meet emergencies.
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