Indonesia SINKING:
Jakarta SINKING -
Kampung Melayu flood. A number of residents across the flood which inundated several homes in the Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta, Thursday (23/02/2012). Torrential rains hit the city of Bogor on Wednesday (22/2) yesterday, causing rivers to overflow and inundate a number of Ciliwung house in Kampung Melayu. Source
/ The rain which flushed Bogor, West Java, causing thousands of homes in four villages submerged in Jakarta Source /
/ Flooding of up to about 1 meter, also soaking hundreds of homes Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta. Cause of flooding due to overflowing rivers again again Ciliwung, which can not accommodate the shipment of water from upstream areas in Bogor and Depok, West Java. /
/ Flood Comes, Kampung Pulo residents to evacuate Goods Level 2
Heavy rains in Bogor Jakarta floods sign in flooded areas in the capital. Included in Kampung Pulo, Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Residents along the Ciliwung This raises the things they have to the second floor of his house so as not to flood submerged. /
/ A thousand houses on the banks of the flooded Ciliwung time shipment of Bogor, West Java, Thursday (02/23/2012). Region hit by floods spread across two villages namely Kampung Melayu and Bidaracina, Jatinegara district. Source /
/ Not too dry mud floods that inundate the rest of the residential area, has approximately 995 homes in Kampung pulo, Village and Village Kampung melayu Bidaracina, District Jatinegara flooded again on Monday /
/ Dozens of homes were flooded sea water in two kedusunan the Cimaja Girang and Cimaja Downstream, Cimaja Village, District Cikakak, Sukabumi regency, West Java, with the water about 15 cm-50 cm. "Floods caused by heavy rains that occurred during the day so that the water of the sea overflowed and flooded dozens of homes in two kedusunan, but we can not know exactly how many houses were destroyed and submerged and there has been no reported casualties," /
/ Heavy rains that have occurred since Sunday (26/2) afternoon into the evening in Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi regency, West Java, causing 71 homes in the village and Cimaja Cikakak, District Cikakak flood. The information gathered from the search and rescue team (SAR), the most severe conditions occur in the Village Cimaja, where the two are the Kedusunan Cimaja kedusunan Girang and Downstream, about 70 homes were flooded from the river water that overflowed Cimaja with water levels reaching as high as adult /
/ Flooding in Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah not turn away.
Until Sunday (26/2) afternoon, flooding is still soaking Citarum River flood of homes in District Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah, Bandung, West Java. One meter deep flooding also disrupted the activities of people make. They were forced to use a boat if you want to go. /
/ 2959 Hectares of rice in Tuban Puso by Flood
The area of rice plants that have failed harvests due to floods in Tuban, East Java, in the last four months reached 2959 hectares (ha). In fact, until today there are at least tens of hectares of agricultural area in the district are still flooded Rengel. /
/ Flash Flood West Pasaman be Investigated
Local legislators say Pasaman Kohiruddin Simajuntak flash floods that hit three villages (desa adat) in the District of Simpati and Tigo Nagari, Pasaman, West Sumatra, must be taken seriously. "It is now the first step we have to do is help the flood victims, but there is a big question, whether the cause of flash floods is solely due to heavy rains or not," he said, Saturday (25/2)./
/ Heavy floods that hit the field Mandailing Natal regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) causing damage to the bridge connecting North Sumatra and West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Traffic flow would be forced to be routed through a cross-east. /
Aceh -
THERE THIS PLACE Approximately 2.5 meters of mainland Haloban, District Lots Island West, Singkil, and then decreased during the year 2011, due to ground abrasion. Conditions that occur, because the waves crashing directly mainland's largest cluster of Many Islands, which has other names such Tuangku Island. Houses near Pier Haloban example, earlier is about four feet from the sea, is now almost half submerged in sea water. The same experienced home residents who were on shore, since the last six months, the surf has been directly hit the wall of his house. In addition to abrasion eroded, some areas of the mainland capital city of the Western District of the island is estimated Many soil structure decline. "It is proved every morning and evening is always flooded by high tide. Whereas before tidal inundation occurs only once a day, with a depth of no more than ankle, "said Taufik, a member of Singkil DPRK, Thursday (02/23/2012). Taufik said, abrasion around Pier Haloban, estimated to have about 2.5 meters of soil to erode. Proven existing homes in the area, almost half gone. "The house is near the docks up hit by abrasion. Was quite far out to sea, now the water had entered the house, /
/ Flash Flood Hit Pidie
At least 30 units of residential houses in the district of Pidie, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, due to hit by flash floods swept away on Saturday (25/2) at around 18:30 pm. /
/ Flood Pidie, 958 Houses Submerged
Flash floods in the district Tangse, Pidie, Aceh province on Saturday (25/2), at 18.30 pm, adjacent to the location of the flood that occurred on March 10, 2011. Flood affected areas include the Village Garden Patchouli, Blang Maloe, Blang Seuke, Ulee Gunong, Pulo Mosque I, II Mosque Pulo, Pulo Crater, Neubok Badeuk, Alue Calong, Simpek, and the Cape Bungong /
/ Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Rokan Hulu
High rainfall resulted in a number of children Rokan River overflowed causing flooding up to a height of about 50 to 80 centimeters (cm) in Rokan Hulu regency, Riau. Floods submerge at least about 100 houses on the banks of Sungai Batang Lubuh, forcing most of the residents in the area were evacuated /
Dozens of homes in flood Submerged Sukabumi
SUKABUMI - AFP: Dozens of homes were flooded sea water in two kedusunan the Cimaja Girang and Cimaja Downstream, Cimaja Village, District Cikakak, Sukabumi regency, West Java, with the water about 15 cm-50 cm, Sunday (26/2) nights .
"Floods caused by heavy rains that occurred during the day so that the water of the sea overflowed and flooded dozens of homes in two kedusunan, but we can not know exactly how many houses were destroyed and submerged and there has been no reported casualties," said Chairman of the Board Search and Rescue Region (Basarda) Sukabumi District, Okih Fajri Assidiqie. (Ant/OL-2)
Abrasion eroded island narrows Haloban
TRIBUNNEWS.COM, Singkil - Approximately 2.5 meters of mainland Haloban, District Lots Island West, Singkil, and then decreased during the year 2011, due to ground abrasion. Conditions that occur, because the waves crashing directly mainland's largest cluster of Many Islands, which has other names such Tuangku Island.
Houses near Pier Haloban example, earlier is about four feet from the sea, is now almost half submerged in sea water. The same experienced home residents who were on shore, since the last six months, the surf has been directly hit the wall of his house.
In addition to abrasion eroded, some areas of the mainland capital city of the Western District of the island is estimated Many soil structure decline. "It is proved every morning and evening is always flooded by high tide. Whereas before tidal inundation occurs only once a day, with a depth of no more than ankle, "said Taufik, a member of Singkil DPRK, Thursday (02/23/2012).
Taufik said, abrasion around Pier Haloban, estimated to have about 2.5 meters of soil to erode. Proven existing homes in the area, almost half gone. "The house is near the docks up hit by abrasion. Was quite far out to sea, now the water had entered the house, "said the resident Haloban.
According to Taufik, in order to avoid a more severe abrasion around the island shore breakwater Haloban should be installed. Other steps, performed in the coastal greening, given the devastating tsunami last couple of years many plants die.
Flooding in Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah not turn away, London: Until Sunday (26/2) afternoon, flooding is still soaking Citarum River flood of homes in District Dayeuhkolot and Baleendah, Bandung, West Java. One meter deep flooding also disrupted the activities of people make. They were forced to use a boat if you want to go
Since the afternoon, the area is also covered with black clouds. Worried about increased flooding is high when it rains, some residents chose to flee. So far, no fewer than 39 heads of families have lived in refugee camps. This amount could still grow.
The refugees say, the bedding is sufficient. However, they complained about the lack of food aid. The refugees can not make food because they came without bringing food and having to be evacuated so banjri come. (BOG)
2959 Hectares of rice in Tuban Puso by Flood
TUBAN - AFP: The area of rice plants that have failed harvests due to floods in Tuban, East Java, in the last four months reached 2959 hectares (ha). In fact, until today there are at least tens of hectares of agricultural area in the district are still flooded Rengel.
Into four districts that flooded plants Solo flood and heavy rainfall that include the District of Soko, Rengel, Plumpang, and Widang.
Observed, to date there are at least tens of hectares of rice crops in the district Rengel was flooded due to overflowing
Solo at the end of January.
Head of Production of Food Crops and Horticulture Department of Agriculture Sudarmudji Tuban regency declared flood that occurred in the past four months since October 2011 and has made the rice crop in four districts have puso. Crop areas that experienced crop failures in between, District Plumpang, Rengel, Soko, and Widang the area reached 2024 ha.
"This is a result of flooding in October to January," he said, the Media Indonesia, Sunday (26/2).
According to him, the deluge had soaked agricultural areas 16 villages in two districts. The details, 13 villages in the district Rengel and sisannya Widang.
To the 16 villages that were flooded rice acreage among the village Maibit, Pekuwon, Bulurejo, Karangtinoto, Kanorejo, Tambakrejo, Ngadirejo, Rengel, Punggulrejo, Sumberrejo, Campurejo, Banjararum, and the Village Prambon Wetan. Being, to the district flood Widang also soak the rice in the village of Bunut, Ngadirejo, and Patihan.
"That the plants were between 75-90 days after planting (DAP)," he added.
As for the flooding that occurred in January-February, he said, due to flood avour (drain) with an area of 935 ha kuwu.
At this flood, had been soaking the rice crop in 13 villages in the district Plumpang with an estimated life of 40-60 HST. To 13 villages submerged plants that include, Village Plumpang, Bandungrejo, Plandirejo, Sembungrejo, Kedungrojo, Cangkring, klotok, Kedungsoko, tenant, Penidon, Jatimulyo, and Kepohagung.
"So to this day who have puso crop area as much as 2959 ha," he said.
It also has been reported that crop to crop failure to the Department of Agriculture's East Java provincial government to further forwarded to the Centre in order to get bantuan.Dia hope, that the filing was approved aid to help farmers as the cost of planting the next season. Because, in the last four months of the rice crop in the region has experienced a crop failure twice. (YK/OL-3)
Flash Flood West Pasaman be Investigated
Depths SIKAPING - AFP: Local legislators say Pasaman Kohiruddin Simajuntak flash floods that hit three villages (desa adat) in the District of sympathy and Tigo Nagari, Pasaman, West Sumatra, must be taken seriously.
Member of Parliament Commission C Pasaman said although people should be helped to reduce pain, but the accident which happened to be traced clearly.
In addition to responding to a serious accident, he said, that should be questioned whether the true catastrophic flood that destroyed 174 homes was caused by heavy rain or illegal logging.
"It is now the first step we have to do is help the flood victims, but there is a big question, whether the cause of flash floods is solely due to heavy rains or not," he said, Saturday (25/2).
Moreover, he said, the flash floods carrying large pieces of wood material in the form. "This needs to be a common concern from the community to local government. If there was illegal, should be quickly followed up so as not to pose an even greater catastrophe," he said.
Flash floods hit Pasaman District Sympathy and Tigo Nagari on Wednesday (22/2) at around 18:15 pm. As a result of the floods, at least 174 homes damaged, six houses of worship destroyed and 13 bridges are cut.
In addition, 221 hectares of rice fields and destroyed, four were severely damaged Simpang market stalls, a servants damaged health centers, district roads and roads damaged 500 meters of the 1,200 meters. (Ant/OL-04)
Flood Comes, Kampung Pulo residents to evacuate Goods Level 2
Heavy rains in Bogor Jakarta floods sign in flooded areas in the capital. Included in Kampung Pulo, Kampung Melayu, East Jakarta. Residents along the Ciliwung This raises the things they have to the second floor of his house so as not to flood submerged.
Pantuan AFP on RT 11 / RW 03 Kampung Pulo in East Jakarta, seen people raise their goods to the upper floor of the house. The houses in this area has many levels. For those whose homes do not usually leave stuff rise to the neighbor's terraced house.
Residents to let the bottom of an empty house. So that if they could direct the flood tide to clean her house with ease.
Monday morning the water level was rising in the region. Stagnant water 50 cm to 120 cm.
"This flood is 4 times a month. Flood was sent from Bogor and Depok," said Chairman of RT 11 Asep Suhendar told AFP in Kampung Pulo, Monday (02/27/2012).
Asep said no residents who fled the region's dense population. But the camp had been prepared at the former theater area of the archipelago.
"By the village has been created in that location," he said.
In addition there are people who save the furniture, there are also dozens of people who clean up the remains of mud floods that came this morning. They are 'armed' broom stick and water Ciliwung times.
Flooding, Vehicle from Sumatra to West Sumatra trail should be through the East
Heavy floods that hit the field Mandailing Natal regency, North Sumatra (North Sumatra) causing damage to the bridge connecting North Sumatra and West Sumatra (West Sumatra). Traffic flow would be forced to be routed through a cross-east.
Head of Public Relations District Mandailing Natal Muhammad Haposan Nasution said the bridge is located on Old Mountain Village, District Panyabungan the city, can no longer pass the vehicle. His condition was so severe as floods hit Ranto Puran River flowing beneath.
"Vehicles have to play for a while, because the condition of the bridge are impassable," said Nasution told reporters by telephone on Monday (2/27/2012) from Panyabungan which is about 510 kilometers from Medan, the capital of North Sumatra.
For small vehicles, like motorcycles, private cars and taxis, can still play through the west, which is not so far from the broken bridge at this time. Unfortunately the bridge was relatively small, and may not pass the six-wheeled vehicles or more.
"So the trucks or heavy vehicles, should be turned towards the east through the traffic," Nasution said.
Related to the broken bridge, continued Nasution, it also has to communicate information to the police station Bukit Tinggi, West Sumatra in order to inform the driver who plans to pass Panyabungan, to immediately reverse direction.
"Regarding the repair of this bridge, we're certainly trying to do as soon as possible. Been presented this issue to the Department of Roads and Bridges, North Sumatra and other technical institutions, heavy equipment is being deployed to come here," Nasution said.
Aek bridge (river) Puran Ranto were damaged after being hit by flooding that occurred on Sunday (26/02/2012) at around 20.00 pm. There were no casualties in the incident. By the floods, a number of villages in the district of the City Panyabungan also flooded.
Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Rokan Hulu
PEKANBARU - AFP: High rainfall resulted in a number of children Rokan River overflowed causing flooding up to a height of about 50 to 80 centimeters (cm) in Rokan Hulu regency, Riau.
Floods submerge at least about 100 houses on the banks of Sungai Batang Lubuh, forcing most of the residents in the area were evacuated.
Based on the information collected, floods have occurred since Monday (27/2) morning. Houses are submerged overflow Batang Lubuh spread over four villages in the district Browse, namely Hamlet Babussalam, Nagori, Pawan, and the Cape of Good Hope.
"The flood inundated not only homes, but also the roads around the village. Flood height varies about half a meter," said Ujeng, a resident district Browse.
He was worried if the rain continues rising water flushed the area. "But usually temporary. If the day is hot, the flood will recede again," he said.
Residents whose homes were flooded house fled to the nearest relatives. They also moved electronic items to a safe place to anticipate the flood kept rising.
Meanwhile, Social Services Rokan Hulu does not have a related report flooding that hit several villages in the district Browse. According to the Head of Social Rokan Hulu Tengku Joey, had not yet received the report and official data from the local village chief. "We've been heading up the monitoring of floods in the river. To anticipate, we also prepared a raft," he said. (RK/OL-01)
Flash Flood Hit Pidie, Banda Aceh: At least 30 units of residential houses in the district of Pidie, Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam, due to hit by flash floods swept away on Saturday (25/2) at around 18:30 pm. "A number of villages in the district Tangse was locked, unable to break through the logistical support Beureunuen-Tangse roads, due to the pile of wood materials and bridges damaged in the district Tangse," said Head of Aceh Disaster Management Agency (BPBA) Asmadi Sham in Banda Aceh on Sunday (26 / 2).
Asmadi added, eight villages in the District Tangse severely affected by flash floods, the village of Garden Patchouli, Blang Seunong, Island I and II Mosque, Blang Malo, Ulee Gunong, Tanjong Bungong and Kawa Island. Data are reported as flash floods that resulted in a mosque Island Village residents were injured and was evacuated to a nearby hospital.
Asmadi explained carriers aid BPBA teams that move from the city of Banda Aceh can not menumbus location of the access road from flooding since Beureunuen (Pidie) to the material covered Tangse wood and broken bridges. "Since last night (Saturday, 25/2) team that brought us the aid panic and soup kitchens can not penetrate Tangse, then moves back from Banda Aceh through the Aceh Jaya and Aceh Barat, and is expected to arrive to Tangse on Sunday, 10:00 am am, "he said.
The help of five heavy equipment has arrived in Aceh Government location or area flooding Blang Malo, about 170 kilometers from the city of Banda Aceh. Streets filled with material of wood, stone and mud. Blang village of Malo, said Asmadi close to the river basin (DAS) in the district Tangse, whose territory mostly surrounded by mountains and rivers.
District of Tangse been hit by flash floods that resulted in approximately 11 deaths and hundreds of homes were badly damaged and the light on March 10, 2011. (Ant / SHA)
Flood Landa Two Villages in Sukabumi
SUKABUMI - AFP: Heavy rains that have occurred since Sunday (26/2) afternoon into the evening in Palabuhanratu, Sukabumi regency, West Java, causing 71 homes in the village and Cimaja Cikakak, District Cikakak flood.
The information gathered from the search and rescue team (SAR), the most severe conditions occur in the Village Cimaja, where the two are the Kedusunan Cimaja kedusunan Girang and Downstream, about 70 homes were flooded from the river water that overflowed Cimaja with water levels reaching as high as adult .
While in the village of one house lost Cikakak eroded flood of the River Sukawayana. There were no casualties in the floods that hit the two villages.
"The most severe flooding occurred in the village of Cimaja. Here dozens of houses were flooded up to waist height adults. In the village of homes lost Cikakak a flash flood swept away from the River Sukawayana but no casualties," said Chairman of the Regional SAR (Basarda) District Sukabumi , Okih Fajri Assidiqie, Sunday (26/2).
He said the flooding was caused by overflow of water in two rivers is caused Continuous heavy rains and the surrounding area Palabuhanratu from noon till night. But now the water levels have started to recede, although at some point there is still a puddle of water but not too high.
"We also appealed to citizens to keep alert as rains continue to fall, although not sederas this afternoon, worry no subsequent flooding," he added.
It is said, Okih it for a while not to evacuate residents in the village of Cimaja the house flooded by water that flooded homes has subsided. Meanwhile, for families whose homes were damaged in the village of Cikakak temporary refuge in the nearest neighbor.
Head of Logistics Agency for Disaster Management (BPBD) Sukabumi district, Usman Susilo added, it still did the survey of homes flooded or damaged by the flood.
"There has been no report of casualties in this incident, but we remain vigilant and alert fearing aftershocks floods," added Usman. (Ant/OL-2)
Back Flood Flood KampungpuloNot too dry mud floods that inundate the rest of the residential area, has approximately 995 homes in Kampungpulo, Village and Village Kampungmelayu Bidaracina, District Jatinegara flooded again on Monday (27/2). In the past week, at least two villages had been flooded three times due to flood inundated. Today, the flood inundated homes Kampungpulo starting from 05:00 o'clock. Until this afternoon, still leaves a high pool of about 50-180 centimeters. As a result, about 90 people now live in refugee shelters in the Masjid At-Tawabin and former cinema archipelago.
Floods in Kampungpulo, at least about 500 homes flooded contained in the seven RW, RW 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 07 and RW 08. Predicted, the new pool will recede at 20:00 tonight. This flood, as many as 631 heads of households (families) or as many as 2702 people had to give up his house flooded.
Currently, a new flood victims get help in the form of fast food such as pureed green beans and bread from East Jakarta PMI. As much as 5,000 liters of clean water is also prepared PMI to help flood victims, especially for refugees in the former cinema archipelago.
Soleh (41), a resident of RT 10/2 Kampungpulo said floods have occurred since this morning. Until now, the high pool of still reaching 80-100 cm and no signs of receding. Consequently, the activities of some residents to be disturbed.
"Some do not want to evacuate because the water is still low. If only one meter was used, but when it's four feet of our new refuge busy. However, we remain vigilant, fearing floods come even more powerful. Usually three hours also was receding, but now seems a long time. Moreover, if in Bogor is still raining, "he said.
Meanwhile, Head Jatinegara, Muchtar said, in the Village Bidaracina, floods inundated 495 houses inhabited by 1420 souls and spread over 6 RW and RT 20. Each of the RW 03 of 70 homes, 43 homes in RW 05, 18 houses in RW 06, 256 houses in RW 07, RW 59 homes in 11, and 49 houses in RW 14. "The water level up at 12.00 last between 40-60 centimeters. So far there are no residents who reportedly fled. But if necessary we are prepared Bidaracina Village office for refuge," he said.
Post-Flood Road Access Still Disconnected, London-Manila-Aceh - (Monday: 27.02.2012) Floods hit back hundreds of homes in the Kampung Pulo in East Jakarta. Flooding began to enter the residential area since dawn. Residents continue their activities as usual and stay at home each, although floods submerge.
Most of them opted to stay on the 2nd floor of the house. To help the flood victims, the board took the initiative to divide the RT out a number of foods such as bread and porridge to get around using a rubber boat because there are some areas that muffled up to 2 meters.
Flooding of up to about 1 meter, also soaking hundreds of homes Bukit Duri, Tebet, South Jakarta. Cause of flooding due to overflowing rivers again again Ciliwung, which can not accommodate the shipment of water from upstream areas in Bogor and Depok, West Java.
Due to flooding, the activities of people in the area to be disturbed. Rainfall is also high enough to flood London in 3 sub-districts, again rising. Homes submerged up to the roof of the building.
Flooding also hinder educational activities. A number of primary school students in Dayeuh conservative, Bandung regency, which is trying to use the boat, upset because the school teremdam 1 meter further flooding.
Learning activities of students transferred to move in with people who are not affected by flooding, with a minimal level of student attendance. Of the 300 students, only 30 students in school.
About 300 people currently displaced, to a multi-purpose building, Bale Endah villages, with crowded conditions. Residents hope, Bandung district, distributing aid soon, especially baby food, blankets and clean water.In Magelang, Central Java, cold lava flood Mount Merapi, making safety responsibilities seriously damaged and collapsed. Damage to newly constructed levee safety last year, making 45 heads of household in the hamlet Ngabin, feel threatened.
Two days after the flood, in the District Tangse, Pidie, NAD, main road access can still pass a vehicle, due to damaged roads and bridges. The process of sending aid to flood victims is hampered, because it should be brought along on foot, 7 kilometers.
Of the 12 affected villages, the village worst hit by flash floods are Gumilam village. A total of 41 head of family has not been able to reach the camp sites because of the access roads cut off. According to data from a national disaster, no deaths from the flood disaster, although 37 houses were swept away and lost.
Local governments are now beginning to lower the machine to open the access road from the landfill waste in the form of flood wood logs and trees. Earlier on March 10, 2011 and then, districts within 80 miles, from the capital of Pidie district is also experiencing the same disaster. And then, 11 disasters were reported dead. (Tim coverage / Her)
Flood Pidie, 958 Houses SubmergedREPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Flash floods in the district Tangse, Pidie, Aceh province on Saturday (25/2), at 18.30 pm, adjacent to the location of the flood that occurred on March 10, 2011. Flood affected areas include the Village Garden Patchouli, Blang Maloe, Blang Seuke, Ulee Gunong, Pulo Mosque I, II Mosque Pulo, Pulo Crater, Neubok Badeuk, Alue Calong, Simpek, and the Cape Bungong.
Socialization of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) and Disaster Management Agency Aceh (BPBA) Pidie to society caused people to understand the signs of the coming flood. Conditions that muddy river water and the water rose rapidly, and previous experience of making local people are able to anticipate the presence of flooding.
"It is anticipated the public to evacuate to a safer place," said Head of Data Information and Public Relations of the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) Sutopo Purwo Nugroho, Monday (27/2).
Even so, according to Sutopo, reported 37 houses were swept away and lost, and submerged hundreds of homes and minor damage but no casualties. He said that the missing person has been found in good condition and lightly wounded, and six people were injured and are still undergoing medical treatment.
He explained, there were 958 houses belonging to the family head was submerged by flash floods, comprising 350 houses inhabited by the soul in Blang Maloe 1400, 215 houses occupied by 953 people in Blang Seuke, and 193 homes, left 803 people in Alue Calong. "Especially in the village of Blang Maloe, a total of 45 households or 149 people to evacuate because the house can no longer be occupied," said Sutopo.
The impact of the flood, Sutopo added, resulting in loss of material which consists of nine units of study hall is damaged, one severely damaged suspension bridge, the two units were severely damaged concrete bridge, and along 4.6 miles of road were severely damaged. Then, there are 37 units of houses were swept away and lost, and 287 houses were slightly damaged.
Sutopo continued, BPBA Pidie has deployed five units of heavy equipment to perform the cleaning process of the wood material and mud. Access road Maloe Blang, Tangse end total transportation hampered results. The logistical support was provided to the victims and refugees.
Due to insufficient staff numbers BPBD Pidie, then BPBD in the surrounding area came to help the handling of victims. "One of West Aceh BPBA 60 personnel arrived with equipment and assistance."
Thanks for your extensive reporting! It surely looks like the final stages of this 7 of 10 scenario are happening. I'm glad this all happened more slowly that was anticipated at first, because TSUNAMI issues were avoided, thus! The people affected by the flooding could adjust, less drowning overall. Fewer nightmares for the children.
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