Indonesia SINKING:
/ Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Garut
Hundreds of homes and Sukakarya Cimacan Village, Village Haurpanggung, District of South Tarogong, Garut regency, West Java, on Tuesday night flooded due to flood waters Cimanuk. Residents whose homes were hit by floods with a height of about 50 cm, the direct attempt to secure the furniture and valuables to a safer place out of reach of floods. /
/ Thousands of hectares of rice plant owned by farmers in four villages in the district of Sampang city flooded. Due to flood in recent weeks, thousands of hectares of rice plant owned by farmers in four villages, among others, Pangung Village, the Village of Mount Madeh, Pasean village and village in the district of the City Sampang Ruek be sure to crop failure because of a flooded rice the current flooding conditions are rotting /
/ 0.5-meter-high floods inundate the way around the traffic light (TL) Cemengkalang Sukodono direction, Sidoarjo. This impact of heavy rain which flushed the area at 14:45 pm last. Harianto firm one of the residents who crossed the flooded area when contacted, Thursday (01/03/2012) said the flooding caused by overflowing rivers in the street that could no longer accommodate the volume of rain water. /
/ Pesanggrahan times overflowed, flooding Submerged Kebon Jeruk. Dozens of Post Pengumben, West Jakarta, floods inundated about 30-60 inches tall. The rain continues to fall to the water at times Pesanggrahan overflow and inundate residential areas continues.
The rain had just happened this afternoon even make the water never receded. Residents worry if it rains continue their settlement will continue to flood. /
/ Hundreds of Houses Submerged in Flood Pondokpinang. Hundreds of homes in New Kebon Jl RT 14-17, RW 05, Village Pondokpinang, Kebayoranlama District, South Jakarta were flooded due to overflowing Pesanggarahan time, Thursday (1/3). "Middle of the night before, the water began to rise up to 100 centimeters, but currently we are only flooded settlements as high as 50 centimeters. There are hundreds of homes flooded this time," /
Cirebon -
/ Two boys were killed by the River swept away in the village Cimanis Karangmangu, Susukan Lebak District, Cirebon regency, West Java. /
/ Widespread flooding Cirebon
Three days of heavy rain, widespread flooding in the area of Cirebon, West Java, on Saturday, February 4, 2012. In addition to Cirebon, flooding has also hit in the District of Cirebon. Five villages in the district which inundated the village of Kalisapu, Wanakaya village, the village of Gunung Jati Astana, Jatimerta Village, and Village Handir. /
/ The floods that hit five villages in the district Telen and Batu Ampar in East Kutai regency, East Kalimantan, resulting in tens of hectares of rice damaged. While Batu Ampar Darmansyah Head said the floods also soak the three villages, or about 150 families. "Four days of heavy flooding that soaked thousand more houses three villages, namely Desa Indah Mawai, Timbau and Stone Lake. /
/ Running rain, floods Baubau.
Flooding and standing water at some point in the city of Baubau back in the flush occurs after heavy rains on Tuesday (28/2). Although the rain did not last long but knee-deep floods inundated roads adult Husni Tamrin Village Bataraguru Baubau City. /
/ After several hours of rain made Palopo City Salutellue River overflowed. Hundreds of homes and residents in seven villages of four districts in the area is submerged. In addition to soaking the house, some streets were flooded protocol also with a height of 70 centimeters. Worst flooding experienced by residents and the Village Sarutanga Amssangan Village, East Wara District, with water levels reaching a man's thigh. /
/ Disaster casualties flood back. Malang (42), Hamlet Bengkudu, Posi Village, District Bua, Luwu found dead, Thursday, March 1. Alleged victims swept /
/ Soak the area in the flood three Padangpariaman. Heavy rains on Wednesday (29/2) at around 15:00 pm, causing the three regions in Padangpariaman District, West Sumatra, were flooded. "While in the Batang Anai, flooding hundreds of homes that are soaking in the Earth's complex Permai Kasai," he said. He added that the water level is estimated at approximately one meter over the soaking houses in three areas in the district. /
/ 900 Houses Submerged Flood
PADANG, - Due to heavy rain which flushed the city of Padang, Wednesday (29/02/2012), about 900 homes in the hands of Koto district, the city of Padang, West Sumatra, flood. Camat Tangah Amasrul Koto, Thursday (03/01/2012), said the flood happened because in addition to high rainfall also caused by the tidal waters of the sea so that the petroleum and Batang Kandis overflow. "After two years of the new flood this time did not flood again," he said. /
/ Floods soak the two areas in West Sumatra
Floods inundated the city of Padang and Padangpariaman District, West Sumatra, after heavy rain the area since Wednesday (29/2) afternoon until Thursday morning.
While in the city of Padang floods inundated about 70 percent of the region. /
/ Hundreds of Houses Submerged in Flood Padangpariaman, residents were evacuated. At least 200 houses flooded in Kasai Permai Housing Earth, District of Batang Anai, Pariaman regency, West Sumatra, Wednesday (29/02/2012) afternoon resulted in hundreds of head of the family have to evacuate. /
/ Residents are still flooded homes. Most houses on Earth Housing Permai Kasai, Kasai Korong, Kanagarian Kasang, District of Batang Anai, Padangpariaman regency, West Sumatra, on Thursday (03/01/2012) still flooded. That followed a flood of water that hit hundreds of homes on the estate since the night before. /
/ Approximately 150 homes in Graha Pelalawan, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan, Riau, flood. Flooding caused by overflowing rivers Kerinci, after heavy rain the area two days. Due to flooding some homes uninhabitable. The water level varies, averaging over 80 centimeters. /
/ Floods submerge 800 houses in Rokan Hulu, Riau. Surface of the flood reached a height of one meter. Residents were difficult to perform their activities, Thursday (1/3). Rainfall make Batang River overflowed and submerged Lubuh homes in four villages in the district Browse. /
/ Severe flooding in Tangse Increase
The security forces to help residents through the flood in the village of Lubuk Nilam, District Tangse, Pidie, NAD Province, Thursday (1/3). Until the fourth day, a flash flood in Tangse getting worse, three-point line back lost ground, and residents in five villages include Lubuk Nilam, Blang Malo, Garden Patchouli, Ulee Gunong, Pulo Mosque, and Ulee Krueng Tangse again isolated. Source /
Running rain, floods Baubau
INILAH.COM, Baubau - Flooding and standing water at some point in the city of Baubau back in the flush occurs after heavy rains on Tuesday (28/2).
Although the rain did not last long but knee-deep floods inundated roads adult Husni Tamrin Village Bataraguru Baubau City.
"Usually only severe floods inundated it's not like this," he said.
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Two Killed Boy Dragged Cimanis River Flows
CIREBON - AFP: Two boys were killed by the River swept away in the village Cimanis Karangmangu, Susukan Lebak District, Cirebon regency, West Java.
One of them, namely Risma Fauziah, 10, recently discovered by a team of Search and Rescue (SAR) on Wednesday (29/2) approximately 25 kilometers from the scene. Precisely in the estuarine Kalibangka, Urip Rawa village, District Pangenan.
Risma's body was immediately taken to her family home in the village of Karangmangu, District Susukan Lebak. Meanwhile, another boy, Anin, 8, the first body was discovered on Tuesday (28/2) evening. Three friends they survived, that Dea, 8, Mary, 8, and Good, 5.
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Floods Destroy Dozens of East Kutai Hectares Agricultural Land
Sangatta - AFP: The floods that hit five villages in the district Telen and Batu Ampar in East Kutai regency, East Kalimantan, resulting in tens of hectares of rice damaged.
Camat Telen Bayau Sargius, Tuesday (28/2), describes the major flooding occurred last week during four days and hit two villages, the village of Long Noran and Marahaloq.
"The flood is over and the water is receding, but the losses of farmers due to the disaster was immense. Therefore, the mountain began to turn yellow rice flooded and damaged. Similarly, vegetable plants and crops submerged and buried in the sand and mud," he said.
He's a mountain of rice to ensure farmers in two villages of crop failure because everything is submerged and buried in the sand or soil carried by water currents. "We have not been able to calculate in detail how losses due to flood, because it is still diinventarisai by the head of each village," said Bayau.
While Batu Ampar Darmansyah Head said the floods also soak the three villages, or about 150 families. "Four days of heavy flooding that soaked thousand more houses three villages, namely Desa Indah Mawai, Timbau and Stone Lake. Even the traditional market in Batu Timbau evacuated and moved to a location which is about one kilometer from the market," he said. (Ant/OL-01)
Soak the area in the flood three Padangpariaman
Heavy rains on Wednesday (29/2) at around 15:00 pm, causing the three regions in Padangpariaman District, West Sumatra, were flooded.
"The three areas that were flooded, lascivious, River Lime, and Batang Anai," said Secretary of Regency Padangpariaman, Mawardi Samah, when contacted from Padang, Wednesday (29/02/2012).
According to him, to the lascivious there are some houses were flooded, as well as the Limau River flooded homes.
"While in the Batang Anai, flooding hundreds of homes that are soaking in the Earth's complex Permai Kasai," he said.
He added that the water level is estimated at approximately one meter over the soaking houses in three areas in the district.
"Search and Rescue team has visited three locations in the flood area," he said.
He said the team had to evacuate residents.
"Rescue workers carry rubber boats to evacuate residents flooded a safe place," he said.
According to him, a couple of tents have been set up by the SA Team.
"We provide both food for the people of his house flooded," he said.
He added that until now, only three areas in the District Padangpariman which flooded homes. There have been no reports of casualties from floods that hit the three areas in the District Padangpariaman.
"BPBD Padangpariaman District continues to review the possibility of the area to several homes were flooded. (Fat / An)
Widespread flooding Cirebon
VIVAnews - Three days of heavy rain, widespread flooding in the area of Cirebon, West Java, on Saturday, February 4, 2012. In addition to Cirebon, flooding has also hit in the District of Cirebon. Five villages in the district which inundated the village of Kalisapu, Wanakaya village, the village of Gunung Jati Astana, Jatimerta Village, and Village Handir.
This caused flash floods in the River Lean Gunung Jati subdistrict overflowed. The water level continues to increase until it reaches one meter since the morning at 01.00 am. Wanakaya the worst village washed away by floods. This is the worst calamity second similar flood on December 25, 2010.
As of Saturday afternoon, the water still inundated houses and there has been no action from the government's emergency response Cirebon. Though hundreds of homes in five villages are submerged.
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Hundreds of homes in flood Soak Garut
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, GARUT - Hundreds of homes and Sukakarya Cimacan Village, Village Haurpanggung, District of South Tarogong, Garut regency, West Java, on Tuesday night flooded due to flood waters Cimanuk
"The flood caused water to overflow Cimanuk River, because of previous heavy rains," said Head of South Tarogong, Aji Sukarmaji.
Flood that occurred around 20:00 pm, said Aji, has been soaking Cimacan settlements occupied the village of about 200 head of families (KK) and occupied about 80 Villages Sukarya KK.
Residents whose homes were hit by floods with a height of about 50 cm, the direct attempt to secure the furniture and valuables to a safer place out of reach of floods.
"Now people are still preoccupied with saving their goods to be evacuated to a safe place," said Aji.
Until late at 22.00 pm, the flood waters are still soaking homes, some local government officials are still reviewing the flood affected residential areas.
Even some police and military deployed to the location of the flood to help flood victims.
Meanwhile, a resident Cimacan, Memet, said the flood came suddenly and immediately immerse the residents of nearby settlements around the river.
Flood, said Memet, engulfing most of the rented house and boarding-lodging is located on the plains below.
"The house is flooded most of which are under, people are still secure items such as take her to the attic (second floor) house," said Memet.
900 Houses Submerged Flood
PADANG, - Due to heavy rain which flushed the city of Padang, Wednesday (29/02/2012), about 900 homes in the hands of Koto district, the city of Padang, West Sumatra, flood.
Camat Tangah Amasrul Koto, Thursday (03/01/2012), said the flood happened because in addition to high rainfall also caused by the tidal waters of the sea so that the petroleum and Batang Kandis overflow. "After two years of the new flood this time did not flood again," he said.
In the hands of Koto district there are four villages affected by flooding, namely Lubuk Crocodile, Batipuh Length, Air Pacah, and black stumps. Crocodile deep into the worst flooded areas.
On Wednesday, heavy rain began flushed Padang since noon. After 18.00, the water begins to inundate settlements with varying heights. The highest inundation, the adult chest height, occurred at the abattoir in the Village of Lubuk Crocodile. Thursday morning, the water had started receding.
Amasrul added that the government is already providing evacuation assembly point in their respective administrative offices and mosques. However, although the water soak the house, most people are reluctant to leave their homes.
Thousands of Hectares for Rice in Sampang RottingThousands of hectares of rice plant owned by farmers in four villages in the district of Sampang city flooded.
Sampang, - Due to flood in recent weeks, thousands of hectares of rice plant owned by farmers in four villages, among others, Pangung Village, the Village of Mount Madeh, Pasean village and village in the district of the City Sampang Ruek be sure to crop failure because of a flooded rice the current flooding conditions are rotting. Even the floods that occurred in urban areas, the farmers claimed losses of up to tens of millions of dollars.
"Actually I have to plant rice twice, but failed due to flooding. And this last, I lost about Rp.40 million," complained H.Subairi (49) one of the residents of Mount Madeh farmers.
Not only that, most of the farmers were also disappointed, because most of the rice harvest is ready, but due to frequent flooding, the rice they can not be harvested. "It was harvest time, but when submerged in water continuously, so foul mas," said Ahmadi (42) a farmer from the village of Pasean when the meet Wednesday, 29/2.
The farmers in the four villages in the district of the City Sampang, this time can only bite the finger could not enjoy because the harvest their rice crops. (Sar)
Seven Village in Palopo Flooded, Palopo: After several hours of rain made Palopo City Salutellue River overflowed. Hundreds of homes and residents in seven villages of four districts in the area is submerged.
In addition to soaking the house, some streets were flooded protocol also with a height of 70 centimeters. Worst flooding experienced by residents and the Village Sarutanga Amssangan Village, East Wara District, with water levels reaching a man's thigh. Most of the property because it was submerged residents were evacuated.
Flooding exacerbated by poor drainage system. The government knows it, directly lower the natural disaster management team, Tagana, Damkar, and medical teams to control the citizens in the event of something unexpected.
There were no casualties in this incident. However, losses estimated at hundreds of millions of dollars. (DNI)
150 Houses in Housing Graha Pelalawan Submerged Flood, Pelalawan: Approximately 150 homes in Graha Pelalawan, Pangkalan Kerinci, Pelalawan, Riau, flood. Flooding caused by overflowing rivers Kerinci, after heavy rain the area two days.
Due to flooding some homes uninhabitable. The water level varies, averaging over 80 centimeters.
Residents claimed to be fooled by the housing developer Graha Pelalawan because when buying a house, the developer claimed to flood-free area.
Flooding also resulted in some residential access roads in the region toward the base city of Kerinci, disconnected.
Citizens expect the government to dredge the river immediately Kerinci, so that rain water does not inundate their housing. (Riz)
Hundreds of Houses Submerged in Flood Padangpariaman, residents were evacuatedAt least 200 houses flooded in Kasai Permai Housing Earth, District of Batang Anai, Pariaman regency, West Sumatra, Wednesday (29/02/2012) afternoon resulted in hundreds of head of the family have to evacuate.
"As the rain continued to fall, senior citizens (elderly) and children to be evacuated while their homes are submerged into the outer housing, because the flow of water has not been seen to fall," said Head Batang Anai, Syofrion in Batang Anai, Pariaman, Wednesday ( 02/29/2012).
He said senior citizens and children are vulnerable to flooding conditions of the most high-achieving adult's chest.
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Half a meter high flood Cemengkalang TL, Residents Fear of Crosses | 0.5-meter-high floods inundate the way around the traffic light (TL) Cemengkalang Sukodono direction, Sidoarjo. This impact of heavy rain which flushed the area at 14:45 pm last.
Harianto firm one of the residents who crossed the flooded area when contacted, Thursday (01/03/2012) said the flooding caused by overflowing rivers in the street that could no longer accommodate the volume of rain water.
Roads tend to be concave is also expected to cause rain water flooded the road. Flooded roads along the 300 meters.
"The traffic of vehicles from both directions Krian the opposite direction to the Sidoarjo and becomes solid. 2 or 4 wheel vehicle strike fear in the middle of the road if determined through a puddle of water as high as 0.5 meters, "added True. (Bi / IPG)
Floods soak the two areas in West SumatraPadang (ANTARA News) - Floods inundated the city of Padang and Padangpariaman District, West Sumatra, after heavy rain the area since Wednesday (29/2) afternoon until Thursday morning.
Head of Disaster BPBD Sumatra, Ade Edwar, in Padang Thursday morning to explain, the flood inundated areas Padangpariaman lascivious, River Lime, and Batang Anai.
Soak water level homes located in three regions located in the District Padangpariaman was estimated at over one meter.
While in the city of Padang floods inundated about 70 percent of the region.
"The area in the city of Padang flooded homes including Crocodiles Lubuk, Simpang Kalumpang, By Pass Air Pacah, Begalung Lubuk area," he said.
SAR teams directly to the location of the floods hit two cities in West Sumatra where it houses soak.
"Some units rescue raft and lowered the car to help evacuate residents flooded his house," said Ade.
BPBD Sumatra continued monitoring is likely to occur where floods submerge houses and he stated there are no reports of casualties in the disaster.
Residents Killed Dragged Flood
BELOPA - Disaster casualties flood back. Malang (42), Hamlet Bengkudu, Posi Village, District Bua, Luwu found dead, Thursday, March 1. Alleged victims swept.
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As high as a meter flood, Residents Reluctant to Evacuate, Sand Pengaraian: Floods submerge 800 houses in Rokan Hulu, Riau. Surface of the flood reached a height of one meter. Residents were difficult to perform their activities, Thursday (1/3).
Rainfall make Batang River overflowed and submerged Lubuh homes in four villages in the district Browse. According to residents, the area was prone to flooding. At least six local residents experienced flooding in the past year.
Flooding also inhibit inter-village road access. Not only houses, flooding also hit 30 stores in the center of local trade. Residents are shopping so difficult economic activity disrupted.
However, residents have fled. They remained in the house on stilts so secure from flood water.
Indonesia Forum for Environment (Walhi) said the flooding caused damage to the local forest along the river. Illegal logging and the expansion of oil palm plantations lead to damage of the environment. (RRN)
Residents are still flooded homesPADANGPARIAMAN, - Most houses on Earth Housing Permai Kasai, Kasai Korong, Kanagarian Kasang, District of Batang Anai, Padangpariaman regency, West Sumatra, on Thursday (03/01/2012) still flooded.
That followed a flood of water that hit hundreds of homes on the estate since the night before.
On Thursday morning a number of people looking to clean house and furnishings that were previously soaked in the flood. But some residents fear mas ih subsequent flooding will occur again given the rain that still continued to fall.
Teaching and learning activities in one primary school in the settlement area that does not appear to be held. Because our primary schools also appears to be still flooded to the limit of the ankle.
Pesanggrahan times overflowed, flooding Submerged Kebon JerukREPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - Dozens of Post Pengumben, West Jakarta, floods inundated about 30-60 inches tall. The rain continues to fall to the water at times Pesanggrahan overflow and inundate residential areas continues.
The rain had just happened this afternoon even make the water never receded. Residents worry if it rains continue their settlement will continue to flood.
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Hundreds of Houses Submerged in Flood PondokpinangHundreds of homes in New Kebon Jl RT 14-17, RW 05, Village Pondokpinang, Kebayoranlama District, South Jakarta were flooded due to overflowing Pesanggarahan time, Thursday (1/3). In addition to the flood, residents will also haunted by the avalanche as high as five meters of land right in the riverbank times. The water kept rising in times of concern that it would erode the cliffs, causing soil erosion.
"Middle of the night before, the water began to rise up to 100 centimeters, but currently we are only flooded settlements as high as 50 centimeters. There are hundreds of homes flooded this time," said Purdjianto, a resident of RT 15/05 are also members of the Institute for Urban Village Council ( LMK) Pondokpinang, Thursday (1/3).
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The final sinking of the Sunda Plate, looks like. Wow.
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