My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

Views: 423225


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Comment by jorge namour on November 28, 2023 at 1:51am

M 6.5 - 45 km E of Wewak, Papua New Guinea
2023-11-27 21:46:41 (UTC)3.571°S 144.042°E8.0 km depth

Philippines Weather Watchers

Watch out for this huge amount of SO2 we are observing. We are still looking for it where it came from. The possible areas are Mariana Islands, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.
Some SO2 is being observe in Southern and Eastern Mindanao.

ERUPTION volcan Monte. Papúa nueva guinea

M 4.7 - western Xizang
2023-11-27 22:15:46 (UTC)28.741°N 87.766°E69.9 km depth

Galapagos Triple Junction region
2023-11-27 21:16:42 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km
South Sandwich Islands region
2023-11-27 19:55:23 (UTC-03:00)
47.8 km

central Peru
2023-11-27 19:11:20 (UTC-03:00)
84.8 km

Antofagasta, Chile
2023-11-27 18:02:54 (UTC-03:00)
120.7 k

Antofagasta, Chile
2023-11-27 07:08:25 (UTC-03:00)
61.1 km

South Sandwich Islands region
2023-11-27 02:13:11 (UTC-03:00)
81.5 km

65 km WNW of Vallenar, Chile
2023-11-26 20:06:13 (UTC-03:00)
25.6 km
Jujuy, Argentina
2023-11-26 18:32:46 (UTC-03:00)
251.2 km
78 km WNW of San Antonio de los Cobres, Argentina
2023-11-26 17:44:32 (UTC-03:00)
62 km WNW of Vallenar, Chile
2023-11-26 15:27:41 (UTC-03:00)
27.0 k
68 km WSW of Ollagüe, Chile
2023-11-26 10:33:30 (UTC-03:00)
97.5 km
103 km S of Yudomari, Japan
2023-11-27 12:23:45 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 k
110 km E of Port-Olry, Vanuatu
2023-11-27 08:47:34 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km
Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands
2023-11-27 08:33:46 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km
128 km SE of Kuril’sk, RaussiA
2023-11-27 07:44:09 (UTC-03:00)
49.1 km

Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands
2023-11-27 07:04:51 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km

23 km E of Inarajan Village, Guam
2023-11-27 04:41:16 (UTC-03:00)
53.4 km

Maug Islands region, Northern Mariana Islands
2023-11-27 03:34:53 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km

Vanuatu region
2023-11-27 01:17:39 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km
Vanuatu region
2023-11-27 00:56:02 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 km
Vanuatu region
2023-11-27 00:31:16 (UTC-03:00)
10.0 k

M 5.6 - Indian Ocean Triple Junction
2023-11-27 02:34:44 (UTC)26.120°S 70.748°E10.0 km depth

Comment by Kojima on November 27, 2023 at 9:57am

CO-China (Beijing/Thumb) 

CO-US (Unzipping Path) 


Comment by Kojima on November 27, 2023 at 7:11am




Comment by Kojima on November 27, 2023 at 3:47am


* 2023/11/27 T00:03

Comment by Nancy Lieder on November 26, 2023 at 7:09pm

More signs that the SE Portion is now free to move are the quakes at Haiti and Jamica, both of which are in the SE Portion, and the increased visibility of the Nibiru Complex which is expected at the hand of the Council of Worlds. The COW has clearly decided to slow down the reaction to the Bridge giving way, to allow mankind time to learn of the Plate Movements to come and the tsunami’s to come. But these events, such as the events the Montreal UFO display foretold, will still occur.

11/23 Thailand, Bangcoc

Comment by Nancy Lieder on November 26, 2023 at 5:55pm

Did the Bridge give? Why all the action above the Bridge? Lately the Bridge has been smoky with CO. What will be the first sign that the Bridge has released?

No jolt will occur. Where the separation of the Portions has occurred all the way up from NOLA to the Bridge, this will drift wider as the SE Portion starts to move, causing bridges to go down and areas without support drooping so that structures collapse. At the Bridge itself there will be no clues at all, beyond the Ohio River passage through the Bridge area widening.

Above the Bridge where the fault line climbs along the western side of Indiana, and on under the Seaway, there will be structures collapsing and roadways rupturing. These will at first be considered regional or local matters but when the Montreal location
is reached and the Seaway widens it will be obvious that the SE Portion is on the move. Martial Law will already have been called in anticipation of all these disasters accelerating. 

Prior ZT:
The St Lawrence Seaway rips open during the New Madrid adjustment. Booms are heard worldwide as rock strata snap during the 7 of 10 Plate Movements. The jolts can be felt and vibrating rock causes the sound. The UFO display seen overhead and recorded on video is depicting the wild ride that Montreal residents will take during the New Madrid adjustment soon to occur. The spread of the Seaway is clearly shown, with some closure at the end. During the New Madrid adjustment the tension before the major unzipping of the Fault Line will cause a large spread, which will prove to be temporary.

Comment by Kojima on November 26, 2023 at 1:08am


* 2023/11/26 T00:03

Comment by Nancy Lieder on November 25, 2023 at 2:32pm

On November 25 the Mainland Portion dropped heavily DOWN onto the Panama Platelet, after sliding to the WEST to fill the void opened by the Mariana Plate tilting that occurred yesterday. If the Mainland shifts to that extent, there are reactions above in the eastern part of Canada above the Seaway, which likewise shifts WEST and DOWN, putting Michigan into a torque. The explosion in the marshy area around White Lake it the result, There are oil fields there, and all it takes is a spark ...

Explosions rock White Lake Township Friday night
November 24, 2023
The source of the explosions, while not confirmed, appears to be from an oil drilling site on Bogie Lake Road. White Lake Police confirmed that something happened, but not what. 

Comment by Kojima on November 25, 2023 at 5:53am




Comment by Kojima on November 25, 2023 at 1:50am


* 2023/11/25 T00:03

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