My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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Comment by Rodney E. Langley on December 18, 2022 at 8:11pm

We had a 5.0 quake here in iskenderun, Turkey at about 1813 GMT and downgraded now to 4.7, quite a roller-coaster ride.

Comment by Nancy Lieder on December 18, 2022 at 2:32pm

Just a day later on December 18, the dropping NE corner of the Africa Plate is continuing to rip away from its former location and scraping down along the Red Sea. #3 in the Sequence is also showing in the foot of Africa where it is being forced to bend during the slip into the void in the S Atlantic. Quakes continue to emerge top to bottom on the Atlantic. The SE Portion is clinging to the Africa Plate, causing the tugging of #4 which now reaches all the way to the middle of the Atlantic. But all this stress has not yet started quakes within the rock Bridge #5 above the little town of New Madrid. All eyes are there, and watching the Azores where tearing has begun. 

Comment by Nancy Lieder on December 17, 2022 at 11:31am

Process on #3 and #4 is obvious, day to day. Note that #3 show the area to stay with the Eurasian Plate (Turkey Hook and Sinai) has turned red with SO2. Note that the Red Sea and the region under Egypt and on the Saudi Plate have likewise increased their red with SO2. 

Looking to the East Coast, the SE Portion region under the water between the East Coast and the Atlantic Rift has ballooned with red SO2 indicating distress in the rock being pulled apart. #4 in process. 

Comment by Nancy Lieder on December 16, 2022 at 2:12pm

Now that the rock hook under Turkey (#2) has fractured, the focus will be on Africa dropping and sliding into the S Atlantic (#3). This can be seen today on December 16 with Metane SO2 release where Central Africa is being bent where the foot of Africa is pulled toward the S Atlantic void and S Africa is complaining about the pressure too. There is a line through the Mediterranean at the border between the Africa Plate and the Eurasia Plate, and Egypt is being crushed against the Red Sea. 

As Africa rolls and drop in this manner, the SE Portion is tugged to the East (#4). This too has followed immediately after the rock hook fracuted (#2). Of note is the deep red SO2 signature under the water just off the East Coast. This fan has been seen before but not to this extent. The Seaway is also getting more quakes as the SE Portion is pulling away from the Mainland there. 

Comment by Kris H on December 14, 2022 at 10:26pm

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