My question to the Zetas is why there wasn't any jolt felt!?

In 2010 when we first detailed the New Madrid Adjustment as part of the 7 of 10 Plate Movement scenarios, we stated that this would involve one large JOLT with an immediate tearing of the Atlantic and the European tsunami. We referred to the location of the JOLT being in the “primary blockage” without clarification. Nor did we clarify the location in the Atlantic that would experience “tearing”. Now that the Finale is in process, the public seeks more specifics.

In March of 2022 we detailed a role the Rock Bridge above the little town of New Madrid - located at the juncture of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers - would play. We stated that a JOLT there would “expedite the final rupture” and clarified that this Rock Bridge break would release the SE Portion from its attachment to the Mainland Portion, allowing it to “jump to the East”, destabilizing the Azores triple juncture of plates in the Atlantic. In April of 2022 we reiterated that the JOLT in the Rock Bridge will “signal” the start of the Finale.  

In May of 2022 we introduced the Rock Hook under Turkey and defined its role. Africa must roll for the Azores to be torn open, and the Rock Hook under Turkey is preventing this roll. The African Roll pulls on the SE Portion which is attached along their shared border in the Atlantic. This transfers to a tug on the Rock Bridge which ultimately snaps and sets the Finale in motion. Intrinsic to this is the S Atlantic void allowing Africa to slide its foot into the void and drop its NE corner so the roll can happen.

Source: ZetaTalk Chat Q&A for December 31, 2022

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Comment by jorge namour on August 5, 2023 at 10:18pm

M 5.5 - 28 km S of Dezhou, China
2023-08-05 18:33:57 (UTC)37.193°N 116.381°E3.4 km depth


74 km ENE of Antofagasta, Chile
2023-08-05 15:09:14 (UTC-03:00)
68.3 km

45 km SE of Camiña, Chile
2023-08-05 14:38:39 (UTC-03:00)
97.9 km

M 5.8 - 47 km SSW of Jurm, Afghanistan
2023-08-05 16:01:49 (UTC)36.451°N 70.702°E207.1 km depth

M 5.3 - northern Mid-Atlantic Ridge
2023-08-05 14:10:22 (UTC)52.388°N 31.816°W10.0 km depth

M 4.8 - Andaman Islands, India region
2023-08-05 09:09:26 (UTC)11.841°N 92.057°E10.0 km depth

Comment by jorge namour on August 5, 2023 at 12:18pm

SOUTH American waggle

M 6.2 - Santiago Del Estero, Argentina

2023-08-05 07:20:07 (UTC)28.214°S 63.185°W597.7 km depth

Comment by Kojima on August 5, 2023 at 9:02am




CO-Africa/S America



Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 4, 2023 at 7:57pm

On August 4, (the day that would have ended the possible 5 Day Run that started on 7/31) we have arrived at the Bridge and do see it weakened, pale where earlier on 7/21 is was SO2 red. But where that narrow Bridge identified by the pink flower is now shattered and apparently gone, the Bridge must be wider, and thus stronger. 

Meanwhile another Run is starting up at China with a cluster of quakes in western China. and a blowout toward Taiwan. Taiwan it expected to turn CCW during the China blowouts, by a push to lower Taiwan, turning the country like a dial in the CCW direction. The S America waggle is waggling back to the normal lean into the Pacific. This last Run showed the expected sequence. Lets see what tomorrow brings!

Comment by Kojima on August 4, 2023 at 7:48am




CO-Africa/S America



Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 3, 2023 at 6:12pm

On August 3 (potentially Day 4 of a 5 Day Run) the S American waggle is obvious. Yet another Buoy shows that a sudden void in the ocean off coast of Chile caused a 6,000 foot drop in the ocean, suddenly. The expected location of a split in the Cocos Plate to accommodate the Mainland drop is likely to be that portion snugging up to Panama, which will likely break off to relieve the pressure on the Cocos Plate. 

Comment by Kojima on August 3, 2023 at 11:16am




CO-Africa/S America



Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 2, 2023 at 3:54pm

On August 2 it is apparent that a major Africa Roll is in process. A quake swarm at Ethiopia on the Red Sea shows the NE corner of the Africa Plate dropping and ripping away from the Saudi Plate. Quakes up along the Atlantic and at the Azores agree. The SE Portion it still holding the Africa Roll back, with the stress of this resistance seen in all the hot spots on the SE Portion shown by the FIRMS maps. If this is Day 3 of a 5 Day Run, then we should see action along the New Madrid Fault Line border up along the Mississippi River and at the Bridge. But this may or may not be the final run, or just another practice or dry run. 

Comment by Kojima on August 2, 2023 at 10:52am




CO-Africa/S America



Comment by Nancy Lieder on August 1, 2023 at 6:42pm

Are we on Day 2 of the 5 Day process predicted by the 5 Day Crop Circle? Still too soon to tell but the China blowout seems to be happening, and still ongoing as of today (8/1) with a new Taiwan CCW twist. But if S America was in a big waggle on July 31, lobbing over backwards to put its nobby head into the Atlantic and give the SE Portion some room to slide over the Caribbean Plate, have we seen evidence of this? Yucatan is expected to slide to the East somewhat during this process, as it is part of the SE Portion. Oh look! There are quakes moving in that direction on the Yucatan! On 7/30 just along the coast, on 7/31 some inland toward the Yucatan, and today on 8/1 closer to the Yucatan Peninsula. But this quake creep toward the Yucatan has been happening during this past month due to the waggle, so too soon to tell.  

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