In reading a lot of posts on this ning I understand that many of us have been having dreams (visions) of things that have something to do with the coming Pole Shift. 

For instance, last night I had a VIVID dream of being in a vehicle with 3 others and driving over a massive hill TOWARDS a city that was about to be engulfed in a MASSIVE ash cloud... Weirdest of all was that part of the ash cloud looked like a Round Jet stream in the air (falling debris from Planet X?). I could remember that I was in the back of the vehicle and we were heading towards the ash cloud (which seemed to be rolling) to 'pick up' people and bring them out of the city (which had already started to prepare for the black ash cloud)...It was a sunny day and then everything went black???

So what have you all been dreaming about lately? Maybe there are others out there who have similar dreams or are wondering if other people have seen similar things as well. 

We are all connected through our souls.... and when we dream I feel that our souls are communicating with each other!!

So feel free to share with all here on the Ning!

Take Care

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I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.

One of the interest dream I had:
I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
To have dreams that stop once you move may be because your soul is being told that it isn't safe where you are...Moving to texas was a good choice of course (since by the sounds of things those dreams have ceased).

However I really think that this is a definite example of getting messages based on your locale. My dreams have typically had a familiar landscape to them (Southern Alberta) depending on where you are you will receive a different message. Definitely an interesting thing to think about, and just another example of how amazing the human spirit and those that guide us are!!!

desertrosetx said:
I have had three memorable dreams over the course of 5 to 9 years. These were very vivid dreams frighteningly so.

1) I saw the skyline on Biscayne Bay in Miami. The ocean as it's backdrop as usual. I sensed what was coming and was trying to warn people to head to safety because danger was approaching. No one would listen. They either ignored me or insulted me. I tried for as long as I could to no avail and gave up taking my children to safety. I could not see what was outside any longer as we were in our safe place. But I could see with my minds eye as the monster wave headed towards the shore. I could see the blue water shimmering in the sunlight as it grew and undulated. It was taller than the skyscrapers along t he bay. The foamy crest swallowed the buildings and roared into the streets. It swept up the people running for safety. It was too late. I could hear their screams and feel their life's energy extinguished. The feeling and cries of death were everywhere around us. It was pretty horrible. The anguish welled up inside of me and I wept even after I woke up. It was overwhelming.

2) I dreamt I was standing on the shore facing the ocean. It seemed to be a lush tropical location. My mind said Hawaii. There were boats out on the water. I saw as spouts of black water began breaking the surface of the blue water alongside the boats. Many sputs in groups of 3. The warning that came to mind was "the water is dangerous to the touch". Not sure what it meant, I am assuming acidic but cannot be sure .

3) I saw myself in an office with many senior citizens. There were huge windows facing a body of water and in the center was the Statue of Liberty. In my minds eye I could see the shape of the land that surrounded the bldg. The waves lapping at it vigorously and off on the horizon darkness making it s way toward us. The darkness began to take shape there were 3. They were monster tornadoes, so big around they reminded me of the stack of the 3 mile Island nuclear plant in NYC. As they came closer I began to tell everyone they had to leave or they would die. Everyone just stood around a s if they could not hear me. The tornadoes were almost black now and so close, so huge. It ripped the side of the bldg away and everyone on that floor was gone.

I had these 3 dreams repeat over the 5 to 9 year period. I made a decision to move my family from South Florida to Texas. I sold my house at the beginning of the depressed real estate debacle in less than 1 month and when I arrived in Texas the dreams stopped.

Now I dream only sporadically and when I do it is of my family and strangers who have become part of our group moving through areas avoiding strangers. Seeing the groups as we maneuver around them carefully and feeling the threat they pose. I am assuming this is after the ps, not sure.
Hi Doanh,

I too have gone through periods where I have not envisioned anything in my dreams. I found that meditation before going to bed is a good way to ask for a 'call' for help? Think about the shift and how you can help or be of service to those of need in your area? You may never know what the dream means afterwards but you will know that it is important and will unravel at some point.

Doanh Nguyen said:
I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.

One of the interest dream I had:
I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
Hi Corey!

I have been told to make a call. I find it hard to do where I live because it's a noisy area. I will try to meditate when I can anyways.

Corey Young said:
Hi Doanh,

I too have gone through periods where I have not envisioned anything in my dreams. I found that meditation before going to bed is a good way to ask for a 'call' for help? Think about the shift and how you can help or be of service to those of need in your area? You may never know what the dream means afterwards but you will know that it is important and will unravel at some point.

Doanh Nguyen said:
I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.

One of the interest dream I had:
I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
I have had a recurrent dream over the years, time and again of what some North American Indians call "the dead man walking". It is the rare ocurrance of a multiple funnel tornado that on the one hand looks like a man walking and on the other hand, if you see one, then they say that you are the dead man walking because you will surely die!

The difference for me is that they are all around me but after trying to warn others, I am always protected and never touched.

It seems like out of the body experience. I had once a similar experience at age 18, but was not a dream. I had a bad boyfriend relationship, that broke my heart. I asked for a signal as to the meaning of life, as this was too much suffering. My sister and I shared a bed that night, she was sleeping, and I sighted deeply. At that moment, I felt as if I was going down a slide, and found myself as if in the air above the room, looking at my body and at my sister next to me. The unusual was the effect that I could hear, think, or reason all at once. Then, I have always wished to be able to see the earth from space. A missing piece of metal (we called those windows macuto type) allowed me to view the street, and I though about going to see the earth from above. At that very instant I was floating for the window, I was back into my body. I sat on the bed, no more crying or sadness, and I knew then our body is just a shell. I walked the next morning a new person. Told my family, my mother understood, but my brother said I had an allucination.

Doanh Nguyen said:
I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.
One of the interest dream I had: I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
That gives me the chill reading about it. It's so unreal.

Mariaelisa Torres said:
It seems like out of the body experience. I had once a similar experience at age 18, but was not a dream. I had a bad boyfriend relationship, that broke my heart. I asked for a signal as to the meaning of life, as this was too much suffering. My sister and I shared a bed that night, she was sleeping, and I sighted deeply. At that moment, I felt as if I was going down a slide, and found myself as if in the air above the room, looking at my body and at my sister next to me. The unusual was the effect that I could hear, think, or reason all at once. Then, I have always wished to be able to see the earth from space. A missing piece of metal (we called those windows macuto type) allowed me to view the street, and I though about going to see the earth from above. At that very instant I was floating for the window, I was back into my body. I sat on the bed, no more crying or sadness, and I knew then our body is just a shell. I walked the next morning a new person. Told my family, my mother understood, but my brother said I had an allucination.

Doanh Nguyen said:
I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.
One of the interest dream I had: I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
That is true Doanh, it gives me chills one point in my life I also felt the need to ask what my life was all was a depressing time for me and although I don't really know what happened I did a 180 and totally changed the direction of my life. I was on the wrong path and was a selfish person, now I have an overwhelming feeling that I am on the right path and that I am continuing to learn. I know I may not be as old as some souls but life is for learning and never stopping....

Mariaelisa Torres said:
It seems like out of the body experience. I had once a similar experience at age 18, but was not a dream. I had a bad boyfriend relationship, that broke my heart. I asked for a signal as to the meaning of life, as this was too much suffering. My sister and I shared a bed that night, she was sleeping, and I sighted deeply. At that moment, I felt as if I was going down a slide, and found myself as if in the air above the room, looking at my body and at my sister next to me. The unusual was the effect that I could hear, think, or reason all at once. Then, I have always wished to be able to see the earth from space. A missing piece of metal (we called those windows macuto type) allowed me to view the street, and I though about going to see the earth from above. At that very instant I was floating for the window, I was back into my body. I sat on the bed, no more crying or sadness, and I knew then our body is just a shell. I walked the next morning a new person. Told my family, my mother understood, but my brother said I had an allucination.

Doanh Nguyen said:
I haven't had any dreams about the PS or disasters or anything like that. I did when I first found out about PX back in 2007.
One of the interest dream I had: I was floating above the farm land. It felt like my soul levitated out of my body while having this dream. I was looking down on the flat land and there was a message. I was trying to focus and figure out what it was saying and then I woke up. I could not make it out.

I also had a dream where my soul went out of my body looking for my brother calling out for him to see if he can hear me. very interesting. I haven't had any weird dreams like that lately. I don't know why.
That is amazing desertrosetx, if only we were able to carry the same mindset as a child into the world as we grow older in life....I am positive this world would be a far different place.

Take Care

desertrosetx said:
Yes , Corey . I too believe they have stopped because I am where I need to be. The strange thing is that my daughter has told me that the days when I was deliberating as to where I was going to move my family , she could see a white and gold light pulsing around me, especially my crown chakra. She was born with the gift of 2nd sight. This was my sign that I was guided here. It has been difficult for us and very stressful for me as a single mom in a new place with no one but my children. However, I am grateful for the opportunity and feel very blessed.

Blessings of Love and Light to you and yours!
Wow! I had almost exactly the same dream as your 3rd one. I was in what appeared to be a very white and sterile office/medical building. There were glass windows that were 3/4 of the wall on some sides. There were many old people, but young ones as well. We could see black tornadoes ripping along toward us, and the sky around them looked almost as black. We were trying to move people deeper into the building, away from the glass. It was terrifying. Reading yours made me feel like this must be a real place. Sad.

desertrosetx said:
I have had three memorable dreams over the course of 5 to 9 years. These were very vivid dreams frighteningly so.

1) I saw the skyline on Biscayne Bay in Miami. The ocean as it's backdrop as usual. I sensed what was coming and was trying to warn people to head to safety because danger was approaching. No one would listen. They either ignored me or insulted me. I tried for as long as I could to no avail and gave up taking my children to safety. I could not see what was outside any longer as we were in our safe place. But I could see with my minds eye as the monster wave headed towards the shore. I could see the blue water shimmering in the sunlight as it grew and undulated. It was taller than the skyscrapers along t he bay. The foamy crest swallowed the buildings and roared into the streets. It swept up the people running for safety. It was too late. I could hear their screams and feel their life's energy extinguished. The feeling and cries of death were everywhere around us. It was pretty horrible. The anguish welled up inside of me and I wept even after I woke up. It was overwhelming.

2) I dreamt I was standing on the shore facing the ocean. It seemed to be a lush tropical location. My mind said Hawaii. There were boats out on the water. I saw as spouts of black water began breaking the surface of the blue water alongside the boats. Many sputs in groups of 3. The warning that came to mind was "the water is dangerous to the touch". Not sure what it meant, I am assuming acidic but cannot be sure .

3) I saw myself in an office with many senior citizens. There were huge windows facing a body of water and in the center was the Statue of Liberty. In my minds eye I could see the shape of the land that surrounded the bldg. The waves lapping at it vigorously and off on the horizon darkness making it s way toward us. The darkness began to take shape there were 3. They were monster tornadoes, so big around they reminded me of the stack of the 3 mile Island nuclear plant in NYC. As they came closer I began to tell everyone they had to leave or they would die. Everyone just stood around a s if they could not hear me. The tornadoes were almost black now and so close, so huge. It ripped the side of the bldg away and everyone on that floor was gone.

I had these 3 dreams repeat over the 5 to 9 year period. I made a decision to move my family from South Florida to Texas. I sold my house at the beginning of the depressed real estate debacle in less than 1 month and when I arrived in Texas the dreams stopped.

Now I dream only sporadically and when I do it is of my family and strangers who have become part of our group moving through areas avoiding strangers. Seeing the groups as we maneuver around them carefully and feeling the threat they pose. I am assuming this is after the ps, not sure.
I have been dreaming like crazy lately and remembering, ever since I read that you can say a little prayer before you sleep and tell yourself to remember. Per Lyssa Royal's books (which the Zetas recommend), I also try to remember visits, but that is not working lately.

I am always humanoid in my past life dreams, but sometimes it is on other planets or on ships, both male and female. In one dream I am on a ship and it comes under "psychic" attack, which caused me to wake up. The way the ship looked inside and the fact that there is such a thing as a psychic attack I did NOT know in advance, but both were later confirmed.

Last year I saw a white woman in a dream, better looking and shorter than I am, and knew this was me. She was wearing a long, dark velvet gown, and I knew she was a priestess. Suddenly I am in that body (which per one of Lyssa Royal's books means I may have met a future self in a visit). I looked over my shoulder, and my hair was so long it was only inches from the floor. The shock of seeing that hair woke me up. Long hair is supposed to be spiritual, it is like our roots, and I am growing mine out again.

These dreams are more like regular dreams, not like the hyper-real dreams I used to have about visitation.

I think I got a talking to about being a blabbermouth on the Internet, but I will tell you these:

I was told "You are going to meet some people." I walk into a round, gray room which I know is on a ship. I see Conan O'Brien (I swear to our Creator!) who is talking and seems to be entertaining the other celebs in the room. He was very tall and pale, and I did not know that when I had the "dream." To his left was Quentin Tarantino and to Quentin's left was Robert Rodriguez, the director. I think, hmm, this is interesting. (I was kind of surprised to later learn in ZT that Conan is Undecided, but he made the correct, STO type decisions recently. Way to go Conan!)

Then I look to my left and see a really beautiful actress sitting down, a known Star Child who may be on a team so I cannot say her name here. I was so surprised to see her that I woke up from the dream. It is always the surprise and shock of things that causes me to wake up from dreams and memories that form during sleep. I have no idea why I met these people. I like Quentin's movies a lot, although they are often too violent, but Robert Rodriguez really I have no clue except he is friends with Quentin.

My son is also a lifetime contactee and remembers meeting celebs on ships. The celebs are always waiting for us to arrive, not vice versa like I would expect. The very well-known model he met one-on-one acted excited and like she was meeting a VIP, him! She may be on a team, so I cannot reveal her name, but just like the young American actor on my team, she will be recognized world wide and seems like a very caring person.
Just last night, I dreamed that I was in Virginia. I was looking east and I saw two suns setting. The suns were huge and a bright orange. I just stood that in awe and looked at them set.

Kim. B
I had a dream one night standing beside my brother looking up into the starry sky looking at a reddish nebula type body in the sky.

One of the first dreams I remember about the Shift was one where I was in my old University town visiting friends and everyone was panicking outside for some reason, When we got out of the place we were (I assume a restaraunt that we frequent) I looked up and saw the Second Sun and it was starting to turn the sky orange and red....It was vivid and I remember it to this day.
Things like this where we all dream virtually the same us once again that we are all interconnected via our souls and telepathy.

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