The time and date of the pole shift, my feeling tells me next year

My feeling tells me that the pole shift will occur next year. A while ago i had the feeling that around August it would start more active. And that around the end of this year/start of next year the pole shift will occur. It might be a bit later, but my feeling tells me about the same thing.
That it will get more active, that we will see some massive changes soon. That the Netherlands
will get into serious problems. And that we have to prepare for the worst.

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I have read these crop circle explanations, but here is my reasoning regarding the 2012 date: The Zetas, and the aliens making the crop circles, are under a rule where they are not to divulge the date of passage. So how are they supposed to respond when asked about the 2012 date, especially if that date is correct? They obviously cannot confirm it. The Annunaki, who I assume created the calendar in ancient times, were not under such a rule. So I think their date is correct.

With that said, there is room for error in aligning the Mayan and Gregorian calendars. Perhaps there is something incorrect there.

I don't think it is all that relevant anyway, since very soon changes will be occurring which will be more obvious signs of the coming passage. More disaster, people leaving jobs, banks freezing assets, survival suppies being bought out and unavailable. So whether the PS is 6mo away or 3yrs away makes little difference, at least as far as preparations are concerned.


Mister x said:
Could the Zetas please comment on this new crop circle? Stanton St Bernard, Aug 12, 2007

This crop circle has been interpreted as implying the Mayan symbol for 6, and the swirls in the inner circle the 13 months of 20 days each in the 260 day Mayan ceremonial calendar. The pattern implies neither of these, but those clinging closely to the notion that the End Times will come on Dec 21, 2012 will see these patterns as confirmation that 2012 is the date. Why would aliens from around the Universe communicate with mankind in a dead language, dead symbolism, especially when mankind has calculated the wrong date when trying to line up the Mayan and Gregorian calendars? We have explained the mistakes made by those who assume 2012 to be the end date, what missteps they took, and how this was essentially a guess, albeit an educated guess.

We have stated that 2012 is not the date, that the pole shift will occur before that year. That said, what is the meaning of this crop circle? Due to the number of elaborate hoaxes this year, 2007, the alien designers decided to be ultra simplistic, while at the same time building in an intricacy that could not easily be hoaxed. The 12 swirls around a central swirl in the inner circle, against a backdrop of smoothly laid crop and while swirling in different directions, would be impossible to do with the machines man is using to effect hoaxes. Thus, this is a genuine circle. The swirls in the inner circle are going in different directions, the central swirl counterclockwise, the direction of the solar system from the rotation of the Sun and Earth to the direction of the orbits in the planets in the solar system. Planet X is of course retrograde, assuming a retrograde or clockwise orbit past the Sun as well as a retrograde rotation. Thus, it clashes with the Earth during the passage, and this clash is a factor in the Earth stopping its rotation for almost a week prior to the hour of the pole shift. The 12 outer swirls in the inner circle are swirling in a clockwise direction, the retrograde direction of Planet X. Where the overall influence of Planet X is less than the influence of the Sun, it nonetheless overwhelms the Earth due to its pervasive presence, represented by the surrounding nature of the swirls.

The Earth is trapped in the cup, the eddy flows of particles coming round the backside of Planet X from the Sun, and roiling in front of Planet X on their way out toward the outer reaches of the solar system. We have mentioned that the Earth at first leans to the right, in temporary alignment with Planet X during the strongest magnetic trimester (May-August), but will return to the Earth wobble and lurch when this trimester expires and then begin a lean to the left. At the extreme, going into the 3 days of darkness, the Earth will be attempting to get as far to the left as possible from Planet X, causing Planet X to appear dramatically to the right of the Sun in line of sight. This is the symbolism of the bar, a back and forth effort to escape or placate Planet X, all the while trapped within the larger circle which indicates the cup of eddy flow that Earth is caught within.

Hi Amoriko,
You are in a better position to help us than the other way around! What are things like in Indonesia? I'm referring to earthquakes, volcanoes etc.


Amoriko Savarias said:
Dear All.
Since the entering PX into inner Sun orbit, is anybody has the information about recent PX location ?
I live in Indonesia, which divides into thousands islands. I know we will suffer when final the pole shift occur and tsunami or volcano disaster come.
And I know my effort is very limited. Perhaps it doesn't enough to help us all. But I'd put my life in God
s hand.
As a believer of other race existence and coming catastrophe 2012, I need to learned to ascend or communicate to others higher density soul. Not only to save my small family but also to take part of saving humanity.
If there friends kindly teach me how to developed.

A good argument against the 2012 date is that the date is the "approved" date by TPTB because it is beyond the true date of the PS. That makes sense to me also. That way people will think they have more time than they do, and the elite can move without trouble to their enclaves. It is clear that TPTB have no issue with the 2012 date being out there.


Truth To Power said:
The Avebury Crop Circle shows all of the planets in their correct positions for Dec. 12, 2012... Except for Pluto. When viewed from the north, the Sun rotates in a counterclockwise direction. Likewise, the planets orbit the Sun in a counterclockwise direction. The Sun in the crop circle, however, was laid with a clockwise swirl. The Message: Push back the time. The Pole Shift will occur before The Establishment's manufactured and convenient End Times date.

Kris H said:
I have read these crop circle explanations, but here is my reasoning regarding the 2012 date: The Zetas, and the aliens making the crop circles, are under a rule where they are not to divulge the date of passage. So how are they supposed to respond when asked about the 2012 date, especially if that date is correct? They obviously cannot confirm it. The Annunaki, who I assume created the calendar in ancient times, were not under such a rule. So I think their date is correct.

With that said, there is room for error in aligning the Mayan and Gregorian calendars. Perhaps there is something incorrect there.

I don't think it is all that relevant anyway, since very soon changes will be occurring which will be more obvious signs of the coming passage. More disaster, people leaving jobs, banks freezing assets, survival suppies being bought out and unavailable. So whether the PS is 6mo away or 3yrs away makes little difference, at least as far as preparations are concerned.


In this $10 report, there is talk about something significant occurring on the 15th and 29th of this month. Also much that is in-line with the predicted events the Zeta's have spoken of. Very entertaining and thought provoking reading if nothing else:

Ocean sloshing, quakes, economic collapse, shortages, ect.
Hi Gerard, i am living in the south of the Netherlands and yeah i have the same strange feeling that many events will occur soon. every morning i take a long walk in the dark nature and sky even nature is telling me to prepare. Rain, temperature, even people are behaving strange. in the middle of the night birds are singing their song?? strange, leaves are growing, its all confusion for what is coming.. right feelings.. we keep in touch, namasté
Nancy replied to my email to her several years ago about August being important. She wrote that many contactees have reported knowing August is important, but which year and why they do not know.

I agree with you about next year. The Earth changes are really picking up, even the few that we, in the U.S., are allowed to learn about have increased greatly in frequency and severity.

In Texas this week a scaffolding collapsed in Houston, a chemical plant near Houston exploded (and disappeard from the local news quickly), and a water main broke at a major Dallas intersection. A resident of Las Colinas (near Irving) told me that the water mains break all the time, and the excuse given is the ground is sinking or shifting.
At one forum I saw the person who gave out itself for child Indigo, it have asked when it will be possible to see PX with open years. He has answered - in April 2011. Improbably, but the fact)
Hi Gerard, I believe it will occur next year. Time to step up the preparations.
I agree with Truth to Power. Furthermore, I might add that the original poster's view represents a very self-centered attitude. First off, there are billions of people on this planet already living in what amounts to a post-apocalyptic world; just check out the third world if you don't believe me. But these people aren't just killing themselves, because they have it rough. Second off, the current world is built on inequality so that we Americans can have our "civilized" lifestyle at the expense of other poor countries. But the pole shift is going to change that. This world is heading for STO orientation, a total shift where people will learn to work together and all the STS and other immature souls will go somewhere else.

Personally, rather than seeing the future as all gloom and doom, I am totally excited to see a world where people don't do all the things the OP whined about. But he doesn't see it that way because all he cares about is his own personal comfort.

Truth To Power said:
Geez, want some cheese to go with your whine?

Look, I agree with some of your points. Yes, life isn't easy and yes we do live in a crazy, unfair world. And yes, it sucks for us BIG TIME and post shift/aftertime living is going to be unimaginably hellish. But these are the challenges of life and the times that WE live in! I also disagree with your statement: "there is just no way to plan for this thing no matter how much one may want to help". BS! There's PLENTY to plan and prepare for!

My feelings... The way I see it we can die anytime (pre or post shift). So why not at least give it a shot and lend a hand to your brothers and sisters?

TefnutUaRaet said:
There will be 'plenty' of signs Before the shit hits the ceiling. But, my question is, why would anyone want to survive and live in un-human conditions??? Nothing is going to be the same. As a matter of fact, far from it! I live on the East Coast, New York City that is and I've heard lots of talk about those of us living on the coast lines will surely not survive. Well, I love my apartment here and I love my life here and I ain't running all over the world looking for a safe haven while at the same time being told that ALL HELL IS GOING TO BREAK LOOSE.

What in the world makes any of you think that you can save yourself?? All hell is going to break loose. Maaannn, its hard enough living in this world today as it is with killers of all kind running rampant, with governments all over the world that Hate their citizens, with humans purely hating other humans just for being a different race of humans........maaannn this planet is PURE CRAZY!

Personally, I don't want to live here past the pole shift. The conditions are going to be something so awful that it can not even be imagined. People will be so hungry that they will look at one another for Dinner! And the women, the women, the women, they will be preyed upon like white on rice! And our children, our dear little children, will not have a good life whatsoever.

I would like to live to help people, but I've been studying this thing for years (the shift) and there is just no way to plan for this thing no matter how much one may want to help. How ya gonna help with Death All Around?? How ya gonna help once you see your loved one Dead. How ya gonna help when you're starving?? How ya gonna help with killers lurking about day and night. Maaaann this thing is Sick!

I think "Nature" could come up with a better plan than having PlanetX travel along our ecliptic route every 3,600 years or so. Frankly, I got much to say to the Counsel Of Worlds with their bright ideas about helping the little humans......(Yeah, like they really care about us).....Give Me A Break..
Anyone else notices the seasons are definitely rolling into one?

In North Texas this week we had highs in the low 70s on Sunday and lows around 28 last night. We are talking about almost a 50-degree difference in one week! And the local weatherman cannot predict the weather with any accuracy at all. And the spin put on the weird weather in North Texas is almost laughable now. Too cold? Good, the bugs will die. Too warm? Good, enjoy the spring weather while it lasts. Too much rain? Good, we need the moisture. Snow in early December, when we usually get 1 or 2 snow or ice days at most? Good, enjoy the "winter" wonderland near the holidays.

I have also noticed that the local TV news consists almost entirely of "ads" for products disguised as news (spend your money is the message, buy something, anything), spin on the weird weather, unless they can avoid reporting it, absurd explanations for earth changes they cannot avoid reporting (like the many minor quakes near Cleburne, Texas, are caused by oil drilling, oil drilling that has been going on for many decades but is only NOW causing quakes?), anti-Obama messages (the immature Republicans anad their followers simply take the opposite position of Obama, no matter how ridiculous this makes them look), and anything they can say to make YOU think it is only a recession, and not the Second Great Depression (like, the "thousands" of jobs that Fox supposedly has on their site), plus all kinds of advice on how to cope with the "recession" (anything but prepare for the pole shift the power elite are STILL not telling them about).

I agree with a poster who wrote that the power elite read blogs and postings on sites like this. They still do not know when the pole shift is and are desperate to find out from any source so they can CONTINUE to prepare to save their own sorry skins. But the joke is on the power elite! The STO groups of the future WILL get maximum, high-tech assistance and the power elite will get NOTHING. The power elite THINK that they can put aside enough supplies until the sun comes out in 20-25 years after the shift, but they are wrong, wrong, wrong. It is simply not possible for even them to get it all together AND protect the stuff from the hungry, probably angry mobs. Only the Puppet Master has any chance of adequately preparing.

I only heard today that there was snow in Houston recently. Yep, that is totally normal (NOT).

Also, notice that the mainstream news is careful, usually, to NOT call the recent gigantic storm in the U.S. a "winter" storm. Why? Because it is not winter yet.
Amoriko: Hello saw your posting about help with how to ascend. I have found that the "Course in Miracles" can be very helpful. It always comes down to the same thing over and over again. Everything we do, think, act on, say, come from either Love or fear. There are many many other books which can help us clear the fear. It is the illusion. Love to all Ena

Amoriko Savarias said:
Dear All.
Since the entering PX into inner Sun orbit, is anybody has the information about recent PX location ?
I live in Indonesia, which divides into thousands islands. I know we will suffer when final the pole shift occur and tsunami or volcano disaster come.
And I know my effort is very limited. Perhaps it doesn't enough to help us all. But I'd put my life in God
s hand.
As a believer of other race existence and coming catastrophe 2012, I need to learned to ascend or communicate to others higher density soul. Not only to save my small family but also to take part of saving humanity.
If there friends kindly teach me how to developed.

The Shadow said:
BR>Personally, rather than seeing the future as all gloom and doom, I am totally excited to see a world where people don't do all the things the OP whined about. But he doesn't see it that way because all he cares about is his own personal comfort.

I agree Shadow. The Transformation is the end goal, and a splendid goal it is. The Pole Shift assists the transformation (in my opinion) in a much better way than if we were to have an all out war like the Zetas described during their transformation. They said they ruined their planet, having to live underground. They said those who embraced the visitors from elsewhere, were brutally murdered. That could very well have been our fate, but the Pole Shift will seem to save us from that.

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